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no hk51 for solo players


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I understand disliking grouping with some of the people in this game: between the "no, it was your fault we wiped" people who can't take advice, and the "brb in 2 min" players who leave and don't come back, there's a lot of people I wouldn't want to group with (hence ignore lists).


That being said, if during peak hours you say "solo player looking for a friendly, polite person to do HM Maelstrom Prison/Foundry with" I'm sure you'll get a couple of nice people who are happy to do the flashpoint slowly and show patience.


As a matter of fact, I'll help out:


If anyone of you have level 50s in the Empire on Jung Ma, then simply see if anyone from Terror is on (go to the /who and type in Terror under search terms) and we'll be more than happy to help you. My guildies are fun loving people who have no issue with watching cutscenes or carrying undergeared players through a flashpoint to help them get a sweet companion.


P.S: My mains are Sha'al (Sorc) and Jagoss (Juggernaut), during the first week 1.5 is out, I'll help anyone who wants to get HK-51, get him:) All I ask is that you show me the same respect that you want shown to you.

And yes, all help is free of charge.:)


That is super nice of you and your guild. It doesnt help me personally mainly because I am not on that server but also because, after a lot of thought, I have CHOSEN to not attempt to get this companion. Please dont get me wrong, I am not complaining that I have CHOSEN not to group (it is disruptive to the people in my group when I have to go afk to tend to my husband, which I have to do OFTEN) to get this companion. I am simply stating the facts as I see them. Sadly I dont care enough anymore TO complain but if I did my complaint would be that something as integral to SOLO play as a companion should be attainable by SOLO players. /shrug

I accept my choice and will be fine without the new shiny.


Again, if more guilds like yours would step up and help their communities/servers out this would be a much more pleasant game. Thank you for being one of the good ones.



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The logic, or more lack of, that some of the people here display is simply staggering.


What some people are actually doing is the following :


They want a Hamburger but the hamburgers are out. So instead they decide to order spaghetti. Now this spaghetti is being advertised as spaghetti, it is obvious its spaghetti and absolutely no-one has ever stated the spaghetti would in fact be a hamburger.

So according to these people, what is the best thing to do? indeed! complain that the spaghetti doesn't come with a sesame bun.


You bought an MMO, you cannot solo all content.

If you wanted a single player game, you should have bought a single player game. If the Single player game you wanted is not available you should not have bought anything at all.


Want HK-51? Group up for it, as you should.


Ill try to explain it, at least from my point of view.

I dont want anything for free. I dont complain that I cant get the uber gear, or neat shinies that drop in the dungeons that I have CHOSEN not to do. What I do expect though is access to the things that make my SOLO play more enjoyable/fun/etc that are relevant to solo play. Companions are absolutely, without a doubt, no debate about it, SOLO play oriented. You cant even use them in a full group. You can and will use him questing/doing dailies/exploring/farming/and whatever other solo activities you partake in. It just seems like an oxymoronic thing to do to make an item that is so clearly geared toward solo play only attainable through group play.


Again, as I said in my previous post, I am not whining. I am just stating why I disagree with BWs decision. It isnt game breaking for me, the game breaking thing is something entirely different and already broke my game (I am still here because it isnt released yet). I absolutely accept that it is my choice not to go after the companion. My problem, I wont slash my wrists over it.



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Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


ive never used group finder, pve is boring and i refuse to do it accept when I have to ( class missions to unlock dailies so I can make credits) Flash Points & Operations I have no interest in doing, they are always the same no matter how many times you do them. So now you have seen a solo player who has never used group finder. Tho I would use Group finder if it worked to get a Rated PVP group together

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I have never used it either. Any grouping I did do in this game I did before there was a group finder and before the 20 or so people that came over here with me left. I have also never done an OP, never done a level 50 FP, and I have only completed about half of the "leveling" FPs. I CHOOSE to play solo, and I like it.

So there you go, another person who has never used the group finder.



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I understand disliking grouping with some of the people in this game: between the "no, it was your fault we wiped" people who can't take advice, and the "brb in 2 min" players who leave and don't come back, there's a lot of people I wouldn't want to group with (hence ignore lists).


That being said, if during peak hours you say "solo player looking for a friendly, polite person to do HM Maelstrom Prison/Foundry with" I'm sure you'll get a couple of nice people who are happy to do the flashpoint slowly and show patience.


As a matter of fact, I'll help out:


If anyone of you have level 50s in the Empire on Jung Ma, then simply see if anyone from Terror is on (go to the /who and type in Terror under search terms) and we'll be more than happy to help you. My guildies are fun loving people who have no issue with watching cutscenes or carrying undergeared players through a flashpoint to help them get a sweet companion.


P.S: My mains are Sha'al (Sorc) and Jagoss (Juggernaut), during the first week 1.5 is out, I'll help anyone who wants to get HK-51, get him:) All I ask is that you show me the same respect that you want shown to you.

And yes, all help is free of charge.:)


It was pretty stand up of you too offer.Kudos.I would be tempted to join that type of group.I only group in PVP or to help someone.I get tired of the whining and drama queens.I imagine PVE has the same problem.I don't want to hear someone post you suckz while their pathetic butt is off to the side doing nothing.People in GW complained hero's and henchman ruined pugs.Wrong answer it was afkers,bailouts and control freaks.

Myself HK isn't important.I hardly used him in K1 and K2.Still some folks want him maybe they will get your message.No matter which game a good group is the best thing since popcorn.The problem is it is hard to find.

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.Still some folks want him maybe they will get your message.No matter which game a good group is the best thing since popcorn.The problem is it is hard to find.


Whoa whoa whoa....whoa. Slow down there homie... Popcorn? Thats a little over the line there, man, you really went there?!


Seriously though, the operative word in that sentence was good. I commented in this thread earlier and read some other responses and had to go into game and group on FP and heroics just so I remembered most people in the actual game weren't the self depracating elitists ***hats I've read on these boards the last few days/ weeks.


Yo, soloers, I promise you most guilds/fp/ops players are really cool freaking people, give'em a chance and you will be rolling around with your politcally correct HK in no time.

Edited by Jaden
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I spent from the end of December 2011 to the end of August 2012 playing solo for 99% of the time. I have now been grouping for FPs, dailies, daily heroics, and HMs (for the last three weeks), and have been having a blast. I found a good guild while still being all lone wolf'ish and was the first 50 in the guild. We now have all the roles filled (geared, too) to start operations. Only thing in the way is that we all manage to log on at different times.


Regardless... I wanted KOTOR III.. I GOT KOTOR III. 8 character's worth of KOTOR III. Now, I get to have a sarcastic kill bot because I stopped limiting myself, in an MMO, to solo content. Also, the concept that you would need characters on both sides to enjoy the game fully has been known since Legacy was fleshed out. First it was hinted at. Then, they came right out and stated that you would need characters on both sides of the fence. They were only hazy on the level needed. It's like level 15 or something :S.


They merged servers, combined characters (for the most part) on single servers, expanded character slots to 12, have nerfed intro Op content, removed mobs from most flash points to streamline them, made it easier to tackle group content by giving first FREE transfers then merging, and handed out comms of all levels like candy.... and it's not enough?


The purpose behind an MMO is in the acronym: Massively Multiplayer Online....


I may want to experience a River Raid 4, but Battlefield isn't going to give me that experience. I wanted a Streets of Rage for Xbox.... doesn't mean I can play Sonic the Hedgehog and imagine I'm doing a team combo. People wanted a Star Wars Galaxies, knew this was a themepark. They knew what features it did and did not possess BEFORE they could buy the game... bought the game anyway... and have done nothing but complain that it's not Star Wars Galaxies.

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Ill try to explain it, at least from my point of view.

I dont want anything for free. I dont complain that I cant get the uber gear, or neat shinies that drop in the dungeons that I have CHOSEN not to do. What I do expect though is access to the things that make my SOLO play more enjoyable/fun/etc that are relevant to solo play. Companions are absolutely, without a doubt, no debate about it, SOLO play oriented. You cant even use them in a full group. You can and will use him questing/doing dailies/exploring/farming/and whatever other solo activities you partake in. It just seems like an oxymoronic thing to do to make an item that is so clearly geared toward solo play only attainable through group play.


Again, as I said in my previous post, I am not whining. I am just stating why I disagree with BWs decision. It isnt game breaking for me, the game breaking thing is something entirely different and already broke my game (I am still here because it isnt released yet). I absolutely accept that it is my choice not to go after the companion. My problem, I wont slash my wrists over it.



This has to be the best argument I have seen to justify why the HK-51 should be obtainable by a solo player. My earlier comment on content that requires interactions with others did not come close to saying it as good as this.

So I agree with you on this. ;)


My opinions:

Companions are a main part of game. A lot of the content revolves around them and they add to the stories. It definitely is a big part of the solo players game. So when it comes to the HK-51 quest, it is adding more story content to the game. Solo players should not miss out on such a thing just because they decide to not do missions with others often or even at all. To me that just seems wrong.



I personally think that we should be allowed to solo for the HK-51 companion. It is a Companion after all and everyone should be allowed to get it no matter what type of player they are. BioWare should leave all the other types of stuff that we currently get from group missions like a FP as they are. Basically better armor, weapons, mods, etc., etc.,. We should not be forced to group just to get a companion. That is Forcing us to play a certain way.


Speaking of forcing a player to play a certain way.

I see that we are required to go into a PVP area as well for this HK-51. Spacificly the Outlaw’s Den in Tatooine. That should be changed as well. I already hate the fact that other things like say a datacron for example is in an PVP zone. Now we have to go into a PVP zone for the HK-51 as well. That is just wrong for those that do not want to PVP. So for this HK-51 quest they should move the Collector Kezzit vendor to a neutral location out of a PVP zone.

We are going to be spending 175K of our credits for the parts from that vendor already.

So why do we have to be PVP while we do so?


That is just my opinion about it. I just do not like seeing people forced into PVP. I do not mind PVP as I have PVP'ed before and will venture into PVP from time to time. I just do not like it being forced onto someone.


Even if they leave the HK-51 quest where it requires a group they should at least remove the Forced PVP from it.


Like I said before these are just my opinions. :rolleyes:

Edited by WarbNull
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This has to be the best argument I have seen to justify why the HK-51 should be obtainable by a solo player. My earlier comment on content that requires interactions with others did not come close to saying it as good as this.

So I agree with you on this. ;)


My opinions:

Companions are a main part of game. A lot of the content revolves around them and they add to the stories. It definitely is a big part of the solo players game. So when it comes to the HK-51 quest, it is adding more story content to the game. Solo players should not miss out on such a thing just because they decide to not do missions with others often or even at all. To me that just seems wrong.



I personally think that we should be allowed to solo for the HK-51 companion. It is a Companion after all and everyone should be allowed to get it no matter what type of player they are. BioWare should leave all the other types of stuff that we currently get from group missions like a FP as they are. Basically better armor, weapons, mods, etc., etc.,. We should not be forced to group just to get a companion. That is Forcing us to play a certain way.


Speaking of forcing a player to play a certain way.

I see that we are required to go into a PVP area as well for this HK-51. Spacificly the Outlaw’s Den in Tatooine. That should be changed as well. I already hate the fact that other things like say a datacron for example is in an PVP zone. Now we have to go into a PVP zone for the HK-51 as well. That is just wrong for those that do not want to PVP. So for this HK-51 quest they should move the Collector Kezzit vendor to a neutral location out of a PVP zone.

We are going to be spending 175K of our credits for the parts from that vendor already.

So why do we have to be PVP while we do so?


That is just my opinion about it. I just do not like seeing people forced into PVP. I do not mind PVP as I have PVP'ed before and will venture into PVP from time to time. I just do not like it being forced onto someone.


Even if they leave the HK-51 quest where it requires a group they should at least remove the Forced PVP from it.


Like I said before these are just my opinions. :rolleyes:


See that's my problem. I don't pvp but yet in order to do this I have to go to a pvp zone? I don't understand their thinking on this. FP I can get gulld to help on that but why a pvp zone for players that don't pvp. True you can say they not forcing you but yet if you want the part they are forcing you into an area that you have never gone into before and honesty that will be easy for pvp players to stand there and gank you over and over just because you need a part for HK-51. I don't understand why they are doing this. And most of my guild are not pvp players.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Whoa whoa whoa....whoa. Slow down there homie... Popcorn? Thats a little over the line there, man, you really went there?!


Seriously though, the operative word in that sentence was good. I commented in this thread earlier and read some other responses and had to go into game and group on FP and heroics just so I remembered most people in the actual game weren't the self depracating elitists ***hats I've read on these boards the last few days/ weeks.


Yo, soloers, I promise you most guilds/fp/ops players are really cool freaking people, give'em a chance and you will be rolling around with your politcally correct HK in no time.


I may go over and try it again.I just hope it isn't with some of these forum posters.I won't do it for HK because he is no big deal to me.Still might be worth a shot to try grouping.Just for GP.Just a note:Your not one of those that I would avoid.There some real good folks on the forums but there are some I would tell to make like sheep and flock off.:eek:

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See that's my problem. I don't pvp but yet in order to do this I have to go to a pvp zone? I don't understand their thinking on this. FP I can get gulld to help on that but why a pvp zone for players that don't pvp. True you can say they not forcing you but yet if you want the part they are forcing you into an area that you have never gone into before and honesty that will be easy for pvp players to stand there and gank you over and over just because you need a part for HK-51. I don't understand why they are doing this. And most of my guild are not pvp players.


I PVP and I don't understand why they would.There is no good reason for it.

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See that's my problem. I don't pvp but yet in order to do this I have to go to a pvp zone? I don't understand their thinking on this. FP I can get gulld to help on that but why a pvp zone for players that don't pvp. True you can say they not forcing you but yet if you want the part they are forcing you into an area that you have never gone into before and honesty that will be easy for pvp players to stand there and gank you over and over just because you need a part for HK-51. I don't understand why they are doing this. And most of my guild are not pvp players.


I don't mind this part, but I too think it's nonsensical. It's like they are trying to force open world PvP by giving griefers an invitation. I can only suppose they think it will spur others to defend the merchant thereby creating a place for open world PvP. But the problem with that is that they are doing it at the expense of folks who will just want to buy the components they need and move on.


This is really a dumb move on their part and the complaining they get will be justified IMO.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I PVP and I don't understand why they would.There is no good reason for it.


BioWare is trying to draw attention to Outlaw's Den to get some open world PvP going. Without Ilum, Outlaw's Den is the only PvP area in the game outside of PvP servers. BioWare has attempted to do this before by adding Warzone Commendations to the boxes in Outlaw's Den and then adding Recruit pieces to the boxes before the Recruit set became free to all level 50s.


I'd say it's a pretty good reason, but the problem is that people cry about it for some reason. I don't understand all the people that have such a massive fear of PvP, but it's not really customer-aware of BioWare to force those players into a PvP area. Personally, I don't care because I enjoy PvP, especially open world PvP, and I welcome the challenge to help my fellow Republic (or Imperial) comrades get into Outlaw's Den and get the HK-51 piece and protect them from the respective Imperial scum/Republic filth.


I don't mind this part, but I too think it's nonsensical. It's like they are trying to force open world PvP by giving griefers an invitation. I can only suppose they think it will spur others to defend the merchant thereby creating a place for open world PvP. But the problem with that is that they are doing it at the expense of folks who will just want to buy the components they need and move on.


This is really a dumb move on their part and the complaining they get will be justified IMO.


I'd say that the complaining is justified because it's a good move. If BioWare wanted to spark up open world PvP, then it should've put the vendor in an open area on Tatooine. Players on PvP servers would have the open world PvP and PvE players wouldn't have to worry about it. If the players on PvE servers wanted open world PvP, then they should've made their character on a PvP server. I don't feel bad for players on PvE servers that miss out on PvP elements.

Edited by flyersfan
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Ill try to explain it, at least from my point of view.

I dont want anything for free. I dont complain that I cant get the uber gear, or neat shinies that drop in the dungeons that I have CHOSEN not to do. What I do expect though is access to the things that make my SOLO play more enjoyable/fun/etc that are relevant to solo play. Companions are absolutely, without a doubt, no debate about it, SOLO play oriented. You cant even use them in a full group. You can and will use him questing/doing dailies/exploring/farming/and whatever other solo activities you partake in. It just seems like an oxymoronic thing to do to make an item that is so clearly geared toward solo play only attainable through group play.


Again, as I said in my previous post, I am not whining. I am just stating why I disagree with BWs decision. It isnt game breaking for me, the game breaking thing is something entirely different and already broke my game (I am still here because it isnt released yet). I absolutely accept that it is my choice not to go after the companion. My problem, I wont slash my wrists over it.




I agree with this. The logic is fairly undeniable.


We have Ops for people that love to group, Flashpoints for people that love to group, Warzones for people that love to PvP. So when something like HK is added which is another companion for people that love to use companions as mentioned above not useable in ops or warzones, it shouldn't require group or PvP play. So there should be an option to get the parts without going to outlaw den or flashpoints. Maybe more expensive outside of the den or well hidden for the parts from flash points. But people shouldn't be forced to go place that are against their play style for a solo pve companion.


Now if we were talking about new PvP armour damn right it should start in outlaws den. If its new Op or flashpoint content by all means use the foundry or whatever as part of it. But don't offer additions to solo PvE content and then require people to play a style they aren't happy with. Its a game after all and there is little enough content as it is.

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Are solo players even going to be able to get past the step of going to outlaws den? This seems to me to be more of a roadblock than any HM fp. Your going to need an OPs group just to get to this vendor to get through the hordes of griefers that are gonna camp this place for weeks until they get bored. You know the same people that try to use your aoes and exploits to force flag you in black hole an illum. ( they are going to have free and open shots at you now ) Having this step in the quest on pve servers is going to make ALOT of pve players come here and RAGE big time.


Seems poorly thought out to me...


imagine all the customer service harassment tickets they are going to have to process the first week LOL

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BioWare is trying to draw attention to Outlaw's Den to get some open world PvP going. Without Ilum, Outlaw's Den is the only PvP area in the game outside of PvP servers. BioWare has attempted to do this before by adding Warzone Commendations to the boxes in Outlaw's Den and then adding Recruit pieces to the boxes before the Recruit set became free to all level 50s.


I'd say it's a pretty good reason, but the problem is that people cry about it for some reason. I don't understand all the people that have such a massive fear of PvP, but it's not really customer-aware of BioWare to force those players into a PvP area. Personally, I don't care because I enjoy PvP, especially open world PvP, and I welcome the challenge to help my fellow Republic (or Imperial) comrades get into Outlaw's Den and get the HK-51 piece and protect them from the respective Imperial scum/Republic filth.




I'd say that the complaining is justified because it's a good move. If BioWare wanted to spark up open world PvP, then it should've put the vendor in an open area on Tatooine. Players on PvP servers would have the open world PvP and PvE players wouldn't have to worry about it. If the players on PvE servers wanted open world PvP, then they should've made their character on a PvP server. I don't feel bad for players on PvE servers that miss out on PvP elements.


I PVP also.I enjoy it.Ok except when you first start in 50 level.I also remember Ilum and pve gear until you worked your way up.People shouldn't have to do it for a special item.People shouldn't be required to do to get HK.I do remember the comms..the recruit gear must of come later.By the way I never PVP till SWTOR.I enjoy it but it was my choice.

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In all honesty, I can understand why solo players feel grief about this. while I have no problems running social event's, the idea of having to deal with the "perfect griefing" environment...well...gives me no end to my grief! I quit playing PvP due to the attitudes that it created, and griefing IMO was one of the biggest and most perfect example of this predatory, sociopathicly justified behavior. non consensual PvP goes against the idea of having separate PvP and PvE worlds. even if they are trying to "get more attention" to the open PvP aspects of the game, this is the worst way to do it.


I don't understand why a company thinks its a good idea to take an element of one aspect of gaming, and shove it onto another aspect of gaming, forcing those who preferred the former to do that latter just to be able to accomplish the former. it's simply silly.


So....if anyone who normally does not wish to group wants HK-51, then I'm offering my services to assist you. if your on shadowlands, send a whisper or email to my characters, and we can arrange a time that perhaps a group can run the required heroics or FP's to get the required items. I can't guarantee that we will be able to get the one from the Pvp vendor, but it's worth a shot. the toons i regularly play are;



Yldriss (juggernaut)

Kulthoen (mercenary)



Arkannon (consular)

Akiema (sage)


from the sounds of it, i have toons well geared enough to handle the PvE portion of it, and im usually online wed through Saturday throughout the day. Im open to help anyone interested. Perhaps we can get a list going of those who are willing to help out our solo bretheren in this arduous undertaking. if people are interested in helping form group PvP setups so we can all safely grab our items from the vendor on tatooine, you can list that as well.


If Bio doesn't step up to the plate, we can. Good opportunity for server events here (player ran of course). of course, if Bio changes it, then disregard...

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I can see you asking players to do a FP but a HM FP .. that's a bit harsh. Some players aren't meant to play HM modes... they aren't that good, they don't have the gear, they don't have the knowledge or skill. They will get kicked out the moment the don't do something right and groups will NOT be kind to them just so they can get the companion. MMO players are NOT kind to other players and expecting them to be so someone can get their companion is asking a whole lot of a community that can barely speak nicely on general channels little lone in a group.
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I can see you asking players to do a FP but a HM FP .. that's a bit harsh. Some players aren't meant to play HM modes... they aren't that good, they don't have the gear, they don't have the knowledge or skill. They will get kicked out the moment the don't do something right and groups will NOT be kind to them just so they can get the companion. MMO players are NOT kind to other players and expecting them to be so someone can get their companion is asking a whole lot of a community that can barely speak nicely on general channels little lone in a group.
There is a thing called Ilum, or Columni/battlemaster for that.

If you already hit 50 and have been there for awhile, even soloing, it shouldn't be that hard to gear up.

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I can see you asking players to do a FP but a HM FP .. that's a bit harsh. Some players aren't meant to play HM modes... they aren't that good, they don't have the gear, they don't have the knowledge or skill. They will get kicked out the moment the don't do something right and groups will NOT be kind to them just so they can get the companion. MMO players are NOT kind to other players and expecting them to be so someone can get their companion is asking a whole lot of a community that can barely speak nicely on general channels little lone in a group.


And some have very nice guilds with very nice people in them that do not mind helping others.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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My 3 cents


1. Outlaws Den is a non-issue. Go at a slow time of day if you have to. Piece of cake.

2. If the HMs are solo-able at all, they are theoretically solo-able by a pure solo player (with a boatload of money). So that's theoretically doable but my suggestion is ...

3. If you want HK that bad, just bite the bullet and group for the HMs. I've been playing this game almost 15 months, and like 97% of the random groups I've been in have been reasonable. The vast majority of them are better than that.


While I agree with those who have said that companions are really a "solo" thing, I personally can't blame BW at all for setting it up the way they did. Only a small portion of the HK acquisition adventure can't (reasonably) be done solo. HK is basically a collectible. Just like datacrons, pets, lore etc. If you want the complete set you have to put in some extra effort, which may take you out of your comfort zone. Personally I would be disappointed if HK were too easy to get.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


This is laughable. You're playing an MMO. And while I don't want all the content available in this game to be like FFXI where you had to group for everything, SWTOR takes it almost to the other extreme where you rarely have to group for anythings outside of Ops, FPs and some Heroics.


Content like this should be a difficulty level beyond being able to achieve it on ones own.

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