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VOTE for your top requested TOR feature on mmorpg.com


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Because for some people, like me, the story is the most important feature. Companions make up a significant part of the story, and the romances with them adds a lot of connection and depth to it. It sucks that right now with my female Trooper my only option is Jorgan, I'd much rather romance Elara.


elara or jorgen? thatll make some female character switch teams,,if not MOST females:p


that would also explain , why jorgan is so grumpy,,poor guy


elara is the most dateable girl in game,,i like her "HOLD STILL!!" when she patches me up


she is one of the few reasons, that i still bother with this game,,the best NPC i ever met in a game

Edited by simplius
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This is quite brilliant! :)


In most MMORPGs they have a big issue with old levelling type planet basically being unused (after someone levels through it), this allows those planet to be both better designed for max level stuff and re-used.


And with the way SWTOR used phasing natively (compared to prior generations MMORPGs) this shouldn't be an impossible task.


I honestly think you've found a way to both revolutionise and save SWTOR there. :cool:


The phasing of leveling planets really is a great idea.


If BioWare could make the planets remade for level 50 after each leveling phase is completed, then this would open up ways to use them for just fun exploring/grinding for rare items instead of daily missions, areas for new daily missions, areas for class-based endgame quests, and open world PvP with incentives on various planets, if the engine can handle it.


It would make the game so much better, and it baffles me that BioWare went through the trouble to design really great, distinctive environments, but make no use of them after a few hours of game play on a given character.


Yes, aside from Hoth, Tatooine, and Alderaan, they are rather small, but the design is solid on all, with the exception of Quesh. They shouldn't be abandoned for the fleet and flashpoint/ops hamster wheel when you reach 50.


Wake up BioWare! You have a great game in the making! If you make it better, subscribers will come back, and many more people will spend money in your F2P shop, both free and subbed players.


Add revamped space and do this as well. It would make SWTOR so much more appealing to many folks who left or will be starting for the first time this fall.

Edited by arunav
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How did dual-spec not make the list? I couldn't care less about things that people keep whining about to make SWTOR more like SWG. SWG is gone, get over it.


Dual spec probably doesn't make the list as we already have the re-spec droid and costs disappear for subscribers once F2P comes in.

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Well, surprise, mmorpg.com is a big open forum, and if you take a look at the current ratio between former and current subscribers.. well, they are a LOT more then we here, in our little secluded subscriber VIP club.


Not really true. Most people who quit a game never worry about it again nor post about it. The MMO forum community has turned into a trollish cesspool. That is why I would tell gaming companies not to worry about anything posted on the forums and focus more on their questionnaires they send out to players which will bring in a wider range of input.

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I will be Debbie Downer for the request for phasing.


Phasing is great if you are a solo player and never want to group with people. For those that enjoy grouping phasing is a nightmare. OOPS I am in a different phase than the rest of the group!!, OOPS the quest is bugged and I am stuck in a phase all by myself. Sorry I cannot help you with that hard quest I am already phased out of it.


I really don't think we have the population for it right now.

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I miss the "Make it look and play like Mass Effect 2" option to vote on


I would vote for that in a heartbeat. All I really wanted was KotOR 3. I'd like it to be more RPG than ME2, but beggars can't be choosers. It still sounds better than making it a sandbox MMO.


I will be Debbie Downer for the request for phasing.


Phasing is great if you are a solo player and never want to group with people. For those that enjoy grouping phasing is a nightmare. OOPS I am in a different phase than the rest of the group!!, OOPS the quest is bugged and I am stuck in a phase all by myself. Sorry I cannot help you with that hard quest I am already phased out of it.


I really don't think we have the population for it right now.


That's like one of the best things. I love switching to a new instance when it's just been created and there are 0 people on it, then it's just me and my friend in a empty world, like a proper Co-op game.

Edited by Revanchis
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2) Design a free flight space battleground, one that persists 24/7, Battlefront 2 style, with the ability to fight on foot, in fighters and in your personal starship. There would be PVE areas and full PVP battles between capital ships. Secondary would be to allow group play in the current system, adding turrets to current ships so people can group with you and fight on your ship, or allow other ships in the pipeline.




This right here...would be it's own damn game. I'd never leave this feature.


They'd have my sub for a long damn time if there was some kind of battlefront 2 style combat in a mmorpg pvp atmosphere.


Hear that BW? More money for you. Just do this thing here.

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Two biggest complaints since Beta that I have seen web wide in poll after poll after poll...


Linear planets and space combat. Both massive blunders on Bioware's end. The game needed to have open worlds to explore and free roam space combat (I always said something like BF2, in both PVE and PVP flavors).


What they could do now if they EVER show any interest in trying to concede to the lack of both features would be, as follows, IMO...


1) Add some paths on planets to open up the world a bit more. Tunnels, bridges, ways in which you can move around more freely...ESPECIALLY in places like Taris (a pathing nightmare IMO)...secondary would be to phase the planets for the first visit, change them for open access to everyone after. This way you can see the effect you had based on your quests.


2) Design a free flight space battleground, one that persists 24/7, Battlefront 2 style, with the ability to fight on foot, in fighters and in your personal starship. There would be PVE areas and full PVP battles between capital ships. Secondary would be to allow group play in the current system, adding turrets to current ships so people can group with you and fight on your ship, or allow other ships in the pipeline.


Both would go a LONG way toward making the game more appealing IMO.


One of the best posts I've seen on the forums. I can only see improvements like this in a major game expansion, but hopefully Bioware knows what we want.

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This right here...would be it's own damn game. I'd never leave this feature.


They'd have my sub for a long damn time if there was some kind of battlefront 2 style combat in a mmorpg pvp atmosphere.


Hear that BW? More money for you. Just do this thing here.


Thanks for the specific support of my post. I actually cant take credit for the original idea...it was first presented by Raven Night back in Beta.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Wheres the..."simple, playable game without the constant worry of weekly introduced patch bugs, piled on top of the already prevalent, and yet to be addressed bugs that have been around since month #1, even though the PTS should've clearly provided adequate forewarning of said bug danger/potential, yet it was ignored outright in an effort to keep quarterly reports looking nice, tidy, and pretty for the stockholders"... option?


I'd vote for that in an instant.




Or perhaps, a lag free gaming experience option would be adequate at this moment in time given the lagfest that this game has become for many of your users since 1.4 , or more recently, the last update patch.


Eh, why do I even bother anymore. :rolleyes:


Oh right...boredom.

Edited by Variden
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Interesting poll really.

303 votes so far.



massive free roam universe space combat/trading/PvP/PvE - 56.1%

visually revamped planets and added landmass - 4.3%

more interesting quests with variety in mission design - 4.0%

more warzones - 1.0%

more operations - 0.3%

more flashpoints - 0.3%

fully customizable housing and achievement display - 5.3%

Ilum revamp - 5.0%

minigames - 6.9%

other - 16.8%

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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