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Its not as bad as...


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I am a newcomer to Star Wars: The Old Republic as I have been playing other MMO's for quite some time. I have been debating buying this game for a while now. However what I have played so far is impressive, the game is dynamic and has a great branching story which I would expect from the developers of Knights of the Old Republic.


A few positive things I can say about this game is that it has massive potential. I personally love it for the system of play that is very close to World of Warcraft, infact the Healing Spec Sith Sorcerer seems to be a direct rip of the Priest Class from WoW.


Static Shield = Power Word: Shield

Force Lightening = Mind Flay etc.


However that does not seem to bother me much in the slightest. I like that idea to the game because it allows me to get to grips with my style of play and my class more easily once I worked out what my class does.


The one main point I would like to make is...


This game will never ever ever be as bad as Star Trek: Online. I rest my case.

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This is a great game. It is so much fun. I wish more people moved on from thier other MMO's and stayed here but it didn't happen. I am just one person and I know atleast 20 people that went back to WoW. Not because this game was bad but because playing two MMO's isn't something a adult with a family, work, and a life can do.


So you go with the game you put the time in on. Sure it is hurting a lot of other new MMO's but that is just what happens.

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I would also like to add that the Space Combat in this is fantastic. As a die-hard lover of Starfox, again this game appeals to me. One suggestion would be in future, 50+ allowing players to gather resources and people to construct their own battleships, I for one would love to cruise around the Galaxy in a Star Destroyer, allowing the Republic to KNOW when I entered the system. Hehe.


Instead of providing a small ship to move about, you would have to jump in a Gun Turret with either Solo or with Guild Members/Friends in other turrets and shoot enemy ships and frigates, battleships etc.

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I really like the game myself, but the level of support and communication is killing my enthusiasm.

They can't seem to fix a bug without making another one, they are holding off on content till F2P it seems, while we are still paying right now.

The support has been so bad I'm feeling it's intentional. I've played a lot of MMOs, and for such a well established company I expect a lot more.

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I love this game, but the bugginess combined with the absolutely abysmal customer service is a real killjoy. Honestly the story is the only decent thing going for it.


If it wasn't half as buggy and the ops were a little harder then it would be a pretty good game.


I'm just so frustrated and disappointed that a game so hyped with so much money put into it managed to do literally everything it could to self-destruct.


I will agree that it's not as bad as STO though :)

Edited by Beslley
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Ya there's tanks, healers, and DPS characters in other MMOs too, shocking.


I think you missed his point. A LOT of the skills in SWTOR are borrowed wholesale from WoW. It's possible to make an MMO that does not directly copy loads of skills directly from WoW (see also: Rift) but that's not the case with SWTOR.


It's a valid criticism. I personally don't mind as I played WoW for years but SWTOR is hardly breaking new MMO ground, if we're honest.

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A few positive things I can say about this game is that it has massive potential. I personally love it for the system of play that is very close to World of Warcraft, infact the Healing Spec Sith Sorcerer seems to be a direct rip of the Priest Class from WoW.


Static Shield = Power Word: Shield

Force Lightening = Mind Flay etc.


However that does not seem to bother me much in the slightest. I like that idea to the game because it allows me to get to grips with my style of play and my class more easily once I worked out what my class does.


The one main point I would like to make is...


This game will never ever ever be as bad as Star Trek: Online. I rest my case.


Your example is like saying that soccer is a rip of baseball because they both use round balls and play on a field. Shields and channeled cast abilities far predate WoW.

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The one main point I would like to make is...

This game will never ever ever be as bad as Star Trek: Online. I rest my case.


Having never played ST:O I'll list the games I've played that make SWTOR look like heaven on earth.


1. FFXIV: can't focus enough to typ--- RAAAGH!!!! :mad::mad: the memories! they burn!:mad:

2. Age of Conan - BUGGY. How buggy? I'd say at launch that SWTOR had 1% of the bugs that AoC had. Maybe even less than 1%. It was that bad.

3. TERA: best graphics out of ANY mmo to date, a lagfest with a grind that makes me long for pre-BC WoW.


I've played other mmos, but these are the only ones that ever made me want a refund. I'm not saying SWTOR is the best mmo ever (in fact I don't think it's in the top 3) but it's by no means the worst.

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Your example is like saying that soccer is a rip of baseball because they both use round balls and play on a field. Shields and channeled cast abilities far predate WoW.

No, he may not have explained it well, but they totally ripped off a lot of the powers and talents from WoW.

Some of the descriptions are near identical. one frequent poster has link to Guardian vs Paladin in his sig XD

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No, he may not have explained it well, but they totally ripped off a lot of the powers and talents from WoW.

Some of the descriptions are near identical. one frequent poster has link to Guardian vs Paladin in his sig XD


Damn I can heal on my guardian? Haven't played in a few years but paladins can leap and push now too? Again my example is fine. I can say a sport where you can throw the ball. So baseball is a rip of football. It's about play styles. The people that go "OMG that melee DPS is copy of a melee DPS from game whatever."


How many ranged tanks are in WoW? It doesn't mean that because we also have melee tanks and they share a common play style across MANY games that it's a direct rip of the industry standard game.

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Oh I remember before launch where all those folks said "oh no, I can't picture this game at all, I need to see gameplay!"

And the rest said, me included: you've played <that other game>? You know how this plays.

But they couldn't be convinced.

Then beta weekends came, leaked beta footage surfaced, and everyone suddenly was like:

"It's exactly like <that other game>?! dubyateheff! They lied to us!!!!"

Some people.... *shakes head*


Anyway, I like the familiar gameplay very much, kept me playing <that other game> on and off for 6+ years, so... yeah.

But here I also get Bioware storytelling and Star Wars. So here is where I'll stay. (And I like Starfox as well ;))

But in the interest of full disclosure, panda martial artists are really fun to play,

and pandaland looks awesome.... *cough*

But it's the new and shiny at the moment. TOR needs to release content that I like to play (ops ain't it),

And then I'll gladly log in again I'm sure. :D

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This might surprise the people who have me branded as a hater, but I actually agree with the OP on some things. It is a fun game and does have alot of potential. With that said, there is alot that is worthy of criticism and there have been some major disappointments (yet I'm still here leveling alts with my wife who is still having fun). It would be much less hostile in these forums if we could somehow get rid of two groups:


1. The true haters who have been trolling since before the game was even released

2. The fanbois who think the game is 100% perfect and who brand anyone a hater who has the audacity to criticize the game in any way shape or form...or even worse...those who make suggestions.....


Yes, I know, dreamworld fantasy...


For me, it's like this. I NEVER complain about a game being too easy. And I mean NEVER (I can bring MANY witnesses in to a court of law who will testify to that lol). 1.4 has been out how long? My guild of very casual, yet better than average skilled raiders finally got together this past Saturday and we all made our first attempts at Ascalion (sp?).


We got a late start so we didn't have near as much time as we normally do before people start having to hit the sack. We downed the first two bosses on first try. We wiped once on 3rd boss since the explanation the raid leader gave from the video he watched wasn't real clear, but after seeing what actually happened it was all clear and we smoked it on next try. Similar thing on 4th boss (with one bad trash pull before that, so we're up to 3 wipes). Then the 5th and final boss. That was much more challenging but each try we learned a little more.


Unfortunately, due to our late start we only got 4 tries in and we only had him down to 62% on that last try. Our other guild group (the weekday clan) got to 20% on that boss on their first night. We're talking about people who have a very casual outlook on MMO's yet aren't scrubs who, for the most part, are accustomed to their MMO raids taking 2-3 months to clear. I don't mean this as a complaint, far from it, but...think about it...a casual guild clearing all but one boss from the new raid that fast...with a good chance of having that final boss figured out as soon as two to three weeks after release. I'm sorry, but that's a problem...(and since we're casuals, HM and Nightmare don't have much appeal)


That's why I find myself asking, what will we do once we've finished all 8 class stories?

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Its a real shame that people get these labels for wanting to make improvements to the Game. I was exciting to get involved because Bioware is leading the charge, the people that brought me "Mass Effect" which I absolutely loved. I am really actually shocked to discover just how divided the community is about the The Old Republic.


Bioware are a good company and so far they have delivered everything I expected from the game, I am sure that will change as I mature in the community and learn more of the careful perks to the game. I just wanted to bring something positive to the community to stop the War for a second, look at the game and go "We really care about this and what to be part of it." Thats what we all have in common regardless of opinion.


Now, my comments about this game being somewhat ripped from WoW. Although it is debate which elements of which classes are, this actually ENHANCES the game experience for me. I was a Priest on WoW for 5 years, leaving during Cataclysm because I could not stand the community. Not the game, but the actual player base was really immature and non constructive.


I chose Sith Inquisitor as my character because I had a feeling that they may be like the "Priest" class from WoW and I was presently surprised to discover that this was true. This meant that I was able to apply what I had learned from WoW to a totally new MMO World and Experience which is both refreshing and somewhat familiar. I enjoy this games differences from WoW as well, with the Space Combat, Multiple Group Mobs, Companions and Interactive Quest Chains that really give this game a considerable edge over WoW.


I paid £8.99 for this game, plus the £8.99 Subscription which I do not mind paying because it means that you are paying for developmental quality. I enjoy it for now but unfortunately nothing lasts forever. A day might come that I decide to go elsewhere or become too busy in RL to play. I certainly will not moan about how bad the game is on the forums in the hope of catching Bioware's attention.


It is what it is, so lets just be patient and see what happens. The only real way to speak to a company is through your wallet or your feet.

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Damn I can heal on my guardian? Haven't played in a few years but paladins can leap and push now too? Again my example is fine. I can say a sport where you can throw the ball. So baseball is a rip of football. It's about play styles. The people that go "OMG that melee DPS is copy of a melee DPS from game whatever."


How many ranged tanks are in WoW? It doesn't mean that because we also have melee tanks and they share a common play style across MANY games that it's a direct rip of the industry standard game.


Oh my . . . wait . . .. ahhhhh! ;) You almost got me with your troll there :p

No way you could seriously confuse "ripped off a lot of the powers and talents" with have the exact same fraking powers. Nice try.

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I am a newcomer to Star Wars: The Old Republic as I have been playing other MMO's for quite some time. I have been debating buying this game for a while now. However what I have played so far is impressive, the game is dynamic and has a great branching story which I would expect from the developers of Knights of the Old Republic.



This game is amazing on your first character up to L49, there is little doubt about that. :)


Where its gameplay problems really show is at L50 and then on multiple characters.


There are a few direct problems too, like no RvR and problem with the engine when more than 40 people are together and fighting.





It wouldn't take that much to alieviate most of these problems however.

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The game is awesome. People on forums just like to complain. :rolleyes:


Remember to do your flashpoints when you are getting close to their level........and seek out datacrons when your on the planets, the bonuses add up fast! :D


It really depends on the play style and what your advise is based on.


If your advise is to get gear from FP, or lvl quickly from FP, or just have fun with FP... it then really depends.


Since to get gear from FP might require more than one run, so the other reason to do FP is do the daily of the FP and also to try some new content for exp rather than gear. The exp is alright only when also handing the daily.


And if you advise in general is to lvl quickly, there is alot a person can do, and collecting datacrons is just as quick doing it lvl 50 with a lvl 3 speeder compared to hunting them down and taking longer per planet. However, if the person is an explorer and wants to enjoy the game, then its really different. Maybe they also want to take the time to collect the codex, and do all the heroics on the planets.


However, to lvl quickly and get good gear... Basically a person does thier dailes. Daily PVP, Daily FP, and Daily space combat.


ALso a person needs good gear and a good craft to lvl quickly. A craft as biochem helps to lvl quickly with med pacs or another craft provides items for gear or money to buy med pacs.


So buy med pacs, stims, and possibly adrenals. Use planet comms from missions or heroic rewards to get planet vendor item mods up grades, or wepaons/items.


Also very importantly is using the right companion for the job in combo with the class you are playing, and keeping the companion gear up to do date.


Also using the righ spec for lvling, and learning the class rotation.


Thats to lvl effeciently. But like I said if a person wants to do things differently then the advise is different.


Also another piece of advise is if a person plans on playing alts, then from the beginning they should consider making all thier characters at once and alternating them so they can use the rest exp. Thats a very fast way to lvl in this game.


However, the downside is having too much over lapping story from one character to the other, and maybe recording a persons experience per character to remember the story could help. However, if a person wants to be very effecient then it takes time to recap... and also you tube has some class stories uploaded which is useful since I watched part of the classes I already played just to remember what happened.


So getting datacrons is important but thats more of an end game goal rather than a throughout the game goal. ALso since getting some of the datacrons are extremely difficult. And getting a feel of jumping in this game is better accomplished towards the end of a character rather than through out. And some advice on jumping... jump frist then press the forward key. It makes things a lot more simple, and there are some other tricks like toggling walk, or taking of sprint etc

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STO and TERA are ,sadly, better than this, wait for the next numbers, they will show that


and those games didnt have 200 mio price tags on them either


this game is mediocre at best, and they will need to revamp the whole thing to compete


back, when people didnt know, they could charge full price for the box


now its on the SALE shelf, for 1/3 price,,that shows the amount of success

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STO and TERA are ,sadly, better than this, wait for the next numbers, they will show that


and those games didnt have 200 mio price tags on them either


this game is mediocre at best, and they will need to revamp the whole thing to compete


back, when people didnt know, they could charge full price for the box


now its on the SALE shelf, for 1/3 price,,that shows the amount of success


Have you actually played STO and TERA?

Care to explain why you think they're better? Cause I've never rage quit in SWTOR but those games...

I'm going to go with you never played them long term.

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STO and TERA are ,sadly, better than this, wait for the next numbers, they will show that


and those games didnt have 200 mio price tags on them either


this game is mediocre at best, and they will need to revamp the whole thing to compete


back, when people didnt know, they could charge full price for the box


now its on the SALE shelf, for 1/3 price,,that shows the amount of success


how is STO any better? The last new content dropped in July, which was the equivalent of 1.4. You got a couple of new TOR-FP-style maps (that require grinding for their own gearsets) and a set of extra P2W minigames (wooo fleet-owned spacestations). I think anyone who still attempted to remain part of the UGC/Foundry scene (which requires cash shop purchases) will still tell you they still haven't fixed half the major bugs with it even though they "improved" areas that "nobody really cared about" (sound familiar)? The only thing that's better is that there is no cost to start playing.

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STO and TERA are ,sadly, better than this, wait for the next numbers, they will show that


and those games didnt have 200 mio price tags on them either


this game is mediocre at best, and they will need to revamp the whole thing to compete


back, when people didnt know, they could charge full price for the box


now its on the SALE shelf, for 1/3 price,,that shows the amount of success


Didnt play STO, but TERA is not better than this.


TERA has a nice combat system and its actually more of a revolution for MMO's than GW2 ever was. BUT, the problem is that it has a korean developer. If you play at end game you will be absolutely enraged at all the RNG on that game designed to make you farm like a korean. It isnt a game for western people at its current stage.

I do like all the character progression they have with advanced glyphs and the enchanting system that is both a blessing to the economy and a curse upon players hopes.

Sorry but spending hours farming just to go try to enchant and fail making all my work absolutely a waste of time, is not the way i want to spend my time. Its pretty much comparable to hitting your head in a wall, just cause.


Also, the difficulty is very amped up, wich makes the community be rampant with idiots.

I did fin d agood guild, but i just got tired of the RNG. The problem on that game isnt the grind but the RNG. Grind at least you know that theres something that will make it worth at the end. RNG just makes you want to throw the game away.

The other 2 major problems are PvP = lag fest and Nexus = lagfest. Completely umplayable on both.


SWTOR is no doubt the best MMO in the market at the moment. It has the best overall package of features that are fun to play and not broken. May be buggy here and there, but not unplayable. Also, it isnt a grind that makes you want to kill the developers. Its KOTOR online, and it delivers that.

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