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Stealing the thunder / players like to solo


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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.

Edited by JadenStar
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My rule is simple. If I run across a player who has 25% health or less while fighting an elite and the elite is in good health, I'll jump in. And although I don't look for it, it has happened several times resulting in some very relieved new friends. lol
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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


At first I thought you meant those people who jump in and take items after you kill/when you have almost killed the mobs around a chest. That can be annoying if it happens too often.


Now that I read this...are you really this uptight? Really? I could not care less if someone "stole my thunder", and I'd bet I'm not the only one who feels this way. I almost always prefer to play solo as well, but going on some ego trip where you think "Oh I'm so special because i can kill this boss all by myself!" is (no offense) just pathetic. Have people gotten to the point where, even in a game, helping others is not seen as a decent or kind thing to do, or even as contributing to a sense of community among the gamers, but is taken as a threat to one's ego?


Don't get me wrong, if you prefer to do this on your own for the 'heroic' feeling, that's fine, but of all the things players do in this game, helping you out against a boss should be a pretty low priority for complaints.

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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.



All the real bosses are in instanced settings anyways, so it's not an issue from a story perspective. Most people enjoy the random human interaction that comes with playing a MULTIPLAYER game. I can't believe someone would post a rant thread about online players helping each other out. Maybe you should stick to single player games.

Edited by Bluecapsule
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I agree with the OP, but would go further. If I choose to take on a tough opponent solo I want the result to be my own - win or lose. I would ask the same if I am in a group, that there be no interference from outside the group, let us sink or swim on our own.


EQ2 and other games have an optional 'combat lock' that enforces such a rule, preventing players outside the encounter from attacking the mob or healing the players unless the lock is broken. I just wish more games would implement this rule.

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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for..


This is something I am SO glad you don't face in Guild Wars 2.


Not only would both people get credit, you'd get XP for healing or rezzing the person if they died.

They don't even die right away, they have a slim chance to come back to life if they "fight" for it.


I recently died during an elite boss fight during an event and had like3 PEOPLE healing and bringing me back to life all at once. :eek:


This sort of thing avoids the "wait in line and try to beat the next man to the button click" quest item/kill.

Like with the droid race last event, people just don't work well together when the options are low and the risk of waiting forever for a re-spawn is undesirable.


.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


This tired MMO mechanic needs to change. Definitely removes the fun.

I hear even the Elder Scrolls Online MMO is going to go the same route as GW2 when it comes to players helping each other.


SWTOR take note. :D

It works extremely well.


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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I will help out if I see a player in trouble. On Bosses though I usually do not jump in, unless they are doing really bad or ask for help. Last week I watched a guy almost die. We were on the same mission in fact and practically doing it side by side. He went after the final Boss first so I just sat there and watched. He almost died but he made it. It was a good fight. I congratulated him after it and we talked a little then went our separate ways. I had to wait for the respawn and he had more missions to do.


I have seen some people come by and just kill things for the heck of it then keep going. Normally it is on low level things. I do not normally see people stealing any thunder for the most part.


One thing I like to do is to try and take agros off people that are running away from mobs. Sort of like "I got this for you keep on going." type of help. Heck if they are running away me and my Wookie friend is more than welcome to rip a few arms off. :)

Edited by WarbNull
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Last week I watched a guy almost die. We were on the same mission in fact and practically doing it side by side. He went after the final Boss fist so I just sat there and watched.


They should really remove this restriction on players.

All I can say is Guild Wars 2 has and future MMO's will be doing so.


Having experienced it, it makes things so much fun and a lot more socially interactive.


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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They should really remove this restriction on players.

All I can say is Guild Wars 2 and future MMO's will be doing so.


Having experienced it, it makes things so much fun and a lot more socially interactive.


- DH

What restriction are you talking about?

I could have helped him or even grouped with him early on, but we were just doing our own thing and so I just sat back and let him take on the Boss on his own and I would take the Boss on after he respawned.


Are you talking about both getting credit for finishing the mission if you are teamed up (grouped) and doing the mission together? Is there some sort of thing that makes it where only one player can finish a mission at a time? I mostly solo in this game and do not grouped much yet to know if this is the case or not. That is why I am sort of asking what you are talking about. If that is the case it would be messed up.


Now if it is where two players with the same mission take on the Boss together and are Not Grouped then it should Not be allowed as the solo player that engaged first should only one that gets credit for the kill and the only one to gets the loot and mission items. Only when grouped should you be able to share credit for the kills, loot, and mission items. At least that is my opinion.

Edited by WarbNull
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All the real bosses are in instanced settings anyways, so it's not an issue from a story perspective. Most people enjoy the random human interaction that comes with playing a MULTIPLAYER game. I can't believe someone would post a rant thread about online players helping each other out. Maybe you should stick to single player games.


I agree with Bluecapsule.

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I do this all the time, so I'll tell you how I feel from my side of the interaction:


1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


What thunder? I'm just trying to help you out, especially if it's the elite for the end of a bonus. In that situation, the faster you're done, the faster I can get done. If not, then I'm just trying to help you out.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


I'll help in any capacity that I can. If I'm tanking, then I'll taunt and help you finish it off. If I'm healing, then I'll heal you and let Forex jump in to help you out


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


I've never seen anyone standing there prepping themselves to fight an elite. I've seen queues pile up of people waiting to fight it and I'll ask them if they want to part up, but it's usually someone in the middle of a fight. I also feel no glory in killing an elite. I just keep pressing the same buttons over and over again until it dies. With companions, it's just a cake walk.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu


I can't tell your intentions, goals, or displeasures just by walking by just as much as you can't tell mine. From my point of view, I'm trying to help. From yours, I'm apparently being an a-hole. Being on your side, I always appreciate when people help out. I actually scowl at people who just speeder on by. I consider that really inconsiderate.


Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


It's somewhat impractical for me to sit there and try and talk to the person that cannot or won't talk back. I might as well just move along. In the time that he or she takes the time to respond, the enemy will be dead and I may as well just have kept going about my business. I also still don't understand this sense of glory. Elites in this game are very easy. As far as I can tell, they just have really high HP and it's a matter of hitting them over and over again until they finally die. I have a bigger problem with the silver-level enemies because they have a much higher damage output.

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They should really remove this restriction on players.

All I can say is Guild Wars 2 has and future MMO's will be doing so.


Having experienced it, it makes things so much fun and a lot more socially interactive.


- DH


Fun yes. Socially intereactive.... LOL...... NO.


It's still X random strangers all ganking the same thing, and none of them actually interacting socially with one another at all. Unless you conisder being in the same place whacking the same moles being social.

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If i see someone fighting i will help them, i doesn't matter what their health is, i like to fight with other players that's why i play an MMO.

This isn't ancient Greece, we aren't fighting for kleos, we are fighting to have fun.

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If i see someone fighting i will help them, i doesn't matter what their health is, i like to fight with other players that's why i play an MMO.

This isn't ancient Greece, we aren't fighting for kleos, we are fighting to have fun.


So it's perfectly okay to ruin someone else's fun just because it's fun for you? If you like fighting with other players, get into a group with them rather than forcing your "help" on an unwilling victim whenever it pleases you.

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So it's perfectly okay to ruin someone else's fun just because it's fun for you? If you like fighting with other players, get into a group with them rather than forcing your "help" on an unwilling victim whenever it pleases you.


You make it sound like ****, no if they didn't want to fight with others why play an MMO, also any important boss battles happen in instanced areas, besides i help people i see in battle asking them if they need help is rude and can get them killed.

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I hate it when, after allowing some other player or group that got there first to kill a boss and waiting for it to respawn, some *tard comes up out of nowhere 3 seconds into my fight and starts attacking MY target. What an arrogant, self-important, six-year-old child kind of thing to do, really. If someone is fighting something when you arrive, they probably don't need or want your help, if they didnt' think they could kill it they probably wouldn't have attacked it in the first place.


I don't care if you think you're trying to help or you're a kill-stealer out to ninja loot off of something someone else half-kills for you... if they started the fight leave them finish it unless they ask for your help. Again, you may think you're "helping" but what you really are is "annoying" (for lack of a less PC "a" word that would get me suspended).


My favorite thing to do when someone tries to steal my kill.... follow them around and "help" them with the next couple bosses and elite they attack, especially if they are quest mobs. Why? Because it's fun to do to other people what they try to do to me. Amazingly, there have been very few of these kill-stealers, out of the many that I have encountered, that could actually out-damage me, which makes "helping" them afterward just that much more satisfying.


Leave solo players play solo. If we wanted your help we'd have invited you to group. :mad:

Edited by bahdasz
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People that attack my mobs lead to me ranting in GC and adding to my ignore list. If they are that inconsiderate, then I have no desire to ever group with them.


another player destroy a trash mob more quickly and effeciently is ignore worthy... wow.

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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


You DO realize this is a Massively Multiplayer(note that word) Online Role Playing Game? Having said that, this game requires you to be social and interact with others. If you're going to take offense to people helping you out, you should really think twice next time your laying on the ground with a menu that offers you revive options.


Or you could try your hand at soloing a World Boss to see how that turns out....just saying.

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