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Legacy Names no longer unique


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It's the SW or MMO versions of the Smiths and the Jones that are getting all bent out of shape most likley. :)

I think the people who are bent out of shape are the ones who are a little disappointed at BioWare's decision to do this for people who were forced onto a new server, most likely because they weren't even playing the game, and not for people who voluntarily moved almost 3 months ago.

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No sir, I play Champions Online. Your global name is not up for grabs. Your first name is. Please do not lead people to believe that another game has done this when it is in fact untrue.


Play STO, you can have a first and last name (essentially what the Legacy name provides), but you have an "account name" which is not what the Legacy name provides. My account name for CO or STO is not a character name it is an character@name which is not what the Legacy system does.

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Play STO, you can have a first and last name (essentially what the Legacy name provides), but you have an "account name" which is not what the Legacy name provides. My account name for CO or STO is not a character name it is an character@name which is not what the Legacy system does.


You are correct, but the Legacy name was the closest thing we had to an account name...which is why so many people are upset about this. If this game did have an Account name, I honestly do not think anyone would have an issue with the Legacy Name changes being made. Since they do not, Legacy has been viewed by a great many of us as our Account name.


This is why it is such an issue.

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4 updates in the first year for a major MMO WITH the Star Wars IP? It's almost unimaginably slow.


Star wars galaxies:


Released 26 Jun 2003

First major feature upgrade (Force sensitives unlocked) 7 Nov 2003

Space finally opened 27 October 2004 (over a year after release on an IP with "star" in the name)


TOR is way faster with content updates compared to other MMOs with the same IP.

Edited by Elfindreams
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That is provably not true. Champions Online does this.


Poor Bioware. Everyone complains about losing their Legacy name, Bioware changes it, other people complain. It's really not that big a deal.


Wrong. The global name Cryptic uses is your @handle. The other name is just a character name and not unique. Here they are doing the opposite and making the global identifier not unique...thus not really an identifier...thus worthless.

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You are correct, but the Legacy name was the closest thing we had to an account name...which is why so many people are upset about this. If this game did have an Account name, I honestly do not think anyone would have an issue with the Legacy Name changes being made. Since they do not, Legacy has been viewed by a great many of us as our Account name.


This is why it is such an issue.



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They should have had a unique account number or name from the start , or even now. SO everyone could be called w/e the hell they liked and had w/e the hell surname ( legacy name ) they liked , but it is there first mmo.


I'm surprised no one picked up on my post earlier about losing your second legacy name for your characters above the magic 8 ? I don't really want the same legacy name for all my characters ( currently 12 , soon to be 16 ).





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No STO does not. I play that as well. STO does not allow @Wraiven to be used by any other player than myself. Again, stop handing out false information.


Actually you are the one conflating two different systems. The Legacy system is not the same as the @system. The @system was designed to allow flexible naming while allowing a technical way to track account activity. You can in fact even turn the @name off if you so wish. The Legacy system, while I feel flawed, was designed as a way to link all of your alts in an overarching "family".

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No sir, I play Champions Online. Your global name is not up for grabs. Your first name is. Please do not lead people to believe that another game has done this when it is in fact untrue.


Playing semantics isn't getting you anywhere. Yes, your global name is unique in CO. The Legacy isn't a global name. You can't use it to communicate in the chat system or mail. It's for Role-playing. I get it, this is important to you. But it's really not that big a deal. And if it is, well, you always have a choice when paying for a product.

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Playing semantics isn't getting you anywhere. Yes, your global name is unique in CO. The Legacy isn't a global name. You can't use it to communicate in the chat system or mail. It's for Role-playing. I get it, this is important to you. But it's really not that big a deal. And if it is, well, you always have a choice when paying for a product.


Again... since you obviously missed that post...



You are correct, but the Legacy name was the closest thing we had to an account name...which is why so many people are upset about this. If this game did have an Account name, I honestly do not think anyone would have an issue with the Legacy Name changes being made. Since they do not, Legacy has been viewed by a great many of us as our Account name.


This is why it is such an issue.


this is my response to that.

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Playing semantics isn't getting you anywhere. Yes, your global name is unique in CO. The Legacy isn't a global name. You can't use it to communicate in the chat system or mail. It's for Role-playing. I get it, this is important to you. But it's really not that big a deal. And if it is, well, you always have a choice when paying for a product.


The Legacy name also cannot be used to communicate with people cross games like the @name can be in Cryptic products.

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From the patch notes:




Read the patch notes more carefully you will have lower stress levels and live longer. :)


hadn't seen the patch notes, but it only solves a small part of the issue. not my main concern which still is the fact that legacy names can be copied now.


Also the fact that it cannot be changed now but "in a future update" is just Bioware getting things backwards again.

Edited by Tsillah
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I'm not a fan of this at all, i would be much more upset if someone took my legacy name than my first name. Names are names, you get it first or you pick something else, that is the way of the world.


WHAT?! The world works in the EXACT POLAR OPPOSITE fashion! If someone has a name you like, you could legally change your name to THAT name letter for letter. What world are you thinking about, world of the interwebs?

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Its nothing to do with server transfers, its to accomodate new player comming in when the game goes free to play. Names seem to mean nothing to some people on here. Why do games like this give you the chance to customize your characters? to make them unique, isnt the same for names?


Free players most likely will be denied access to Legacy unless they pay to unlock it.

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If that were the case then the logical step would've been to make first names non-unique and tied to a unique legacy name. First names are by far a greater point of contention than Legacy names ever were.

Quoted for truth. My thoughts exactly.


Cheers, Niko

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I can recognize some players by there legacy names, making them un-unique is pointless. When I transferred my character I changed my legacy name, and I fine with that. Is anyone really that upset over having to change their legacy name when they transfer? I think its worth it to be on a new server.
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I can recognize some players by there legacy names, making them un-unique is pointless. When I transferred my character I changed my legacy name, and I fine with that. Is anyone really that upset over having to change their legacy name when they transfer? I think its worth it to be on a new server.


Agreed. Changing your Legacy name was the lesser of the two evils than allowing anyone to have whatever Legacy name they want, even if it has already been taken.

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Regardless this change that make legacy name useless is still a bad change.


And why is it a bad change exactly? Granted they could have done something even better - decoupled the idea of a surname from the Legacy system all together, but what was so necessary about having unique legacy names? Did Legacy prevent people from being ******s? Nope, they could just turn off their Legacy name and act how they wanted. Did it server as an identifier for all the characters of one player? Only if they player left the legacy name on for all of their characters.

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Was it 40% of people who left would play if the game was without a sub ? So i take it Bioware believe that about 600-700 thousand people will return and obviously their characters will have been forced transfered by then , those people would have the horrible task of maybe changing a few first names and will now be very happy to not have to change their legacy names. Still to be honest I really think the game will get a lot of new people playing when F2P hits. Also , if they are only going to have 25 servers for the game then unique legacy names would cause a problem on so few servers.


Cheers ,



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From the patch notes:

Legacy names are no longer unique. New Legacies that are created are now able to use a name that is already in use on the server.

Read the patch notes more carefully you will have lower stress levels and live longer. :)

Until now, the site was bugging out and telling me it was still in maintenance when I tried to read the patch notes. So it's already done? :( Not even a thread asking us if we want this, just going right ahead?


I'm gutted. :(


Why punish the players who were with this game from the start, who got in early to pick their legacy names and make them unique? Why should others who only form their legacies late be able to have the same legacies, disrupt the ability of a player to build reputation and a certain roleplaying approach based around legacy? I could have understood if Bioware made it possible for there to be non-unique legacies solely for people who had to move servers and who'd already chosen a particular name that was taken on their destination server. But this? This just seems to be tearing apart many of the wonderful strengths that legacy had, to no real gain that's apparent to me.


I am deeply disappointed in Bioware.

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