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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force Wave/Overload Change in 1.4 - An appeal to reconsider


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Yes fix this bioware. Keep it like it is sober can keep spamming it without facing targets. While your at it, make it where force push doesn't require you to face the target either. I mean come on I can push backwards while running right? Or to the side? And lower the cooldown on push too, make it 20 seconds. /signed
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You would think that creeping terror's better, given that you don't know how to kite and have never played a class that does that. Creeping terror buys 3-5 meters by itself before it ends (depending on if you're rooted when you use it). Overload buys 8 as soon as it connects. What this means is overload prevents a 4m skill (which, with melees, are the dangerous skills) from being used. Creeping terror does not. If an enemy leaps and one were to fire off a creeping terror, the enemy can use crippling slash and negate the range gain. With overload as it currently is, if used properly, this cannot happen.


Staggering range creators will not ever result in full resolve until the target's long dead.


In addition, recasting creeping terror, which is likely already on the target, as a range creator does not do additional damage. Because of the timing of the ticks, you lose two ticks of the skill if you cast it before it's fallen off.


Force scream is a 10m skill. saber throw is a 10m skill. They're not spammable. They're not ranged attacks. They're mid-range attacks. Warriors have 1 ranged attack--leap. These other skills are on longish cooldowns compared to how hard they hit (which his next to nothing), unless and only unless the enemy is a carnage marauder (which is already pretty unbeatable unless you get lucky with what's on cooldown) or (laugh) vengeance juggs. And they do not hit at the range we want to be, which is, for the hundredth time, 11m.


And I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, because you just don't get it: to stay alive, the enemy must never, ever, ever, get a 4meter attack in, because if it's crippling slash, game over. If the new overload allows for even one such attack at 4m, it gets us killed against any augged war hero enemy.





Me: Overload is a tool used by kiting sorcs to prevent melee from being at 4m. If a melee is at 15 feet there is no reason to knock him to 22. No advantage is conferred by doing this. Leap works just as well at 22 as it does at 15. And annihilate or smash miss just as much at 15 meters as they do at 22. The ranges we are concerned with are 4 and 10. If any melee is outside 10, whether they're at 11m or 30, there is no reason to spend a range creator, since we will grossly outdamage them from that spread...by the exact same rate.


You: Like I've said, if you don't see the benefit of using a longer range KB to kite melee, there's no helping you.





1, Lightning storm stops caps from twice the distance and, unlike overload, has no cooldown and sacrifices no range-creator. I do not understand why I would put myself closer to harm's way to do a one-off worse job with a skill less suited to stopping caps than one I already have. Hell, ANY 30m skill will do a better job of stopping caps than a 15m 1/20 seconds overload.


2. That can also spread the enemy out, making aoe taunts miss some, which is actually more deadly for the zerged teammate than doing nothing. That can also make allied smashes, chainlightnings, deathfields, DFAs, and orbital strikes miss. Enemy clump is a good thing for a whole host of classes. Finally, I already have a skill that can get the surrounded teammate 30m away from the pile without stepping into harm's way to get the enemies 8m from the pile, which you, inexplicably, think is a good idea. It's called extricate. You have it too. I'd suggest using it instead of facetanking a pile.





Sacrificing the most-important survival skill we have to stop one cast, which will just be re-cast when the enemy lands in .5 seconds is a terrible tradeoff.


You: How can you say that there won't be uses for KBing a ranged class? You can knock those bastards behind a pillar.


I did not ignore your theory that ranged classes could be knocked through pillars. I mocked it. The game doesn't work like that. The enemy will collide with scenery and remain directly in line of sight. Or they'll get knocked back next to the pillar, where they can, necessarily, still see you when they land.





The reason I do not play a madness sorc in pvp is because what it does well doesn't translate well to ranked. This isn't a playstyle issue; it's a damage curve issue. There's no playstyle adjustment that will allow me to hit for 12k in 3GCDs. Over 25 seconds it hits as hard as anything or harder. If there are exactly three targets that all live for about 40 seconds total, it hits harder than anything. Over 4 to 6, single target, which is how long targets live in ranked, it hits a fraction as hard as 2 marauder specs, any PT spec, both in-use guardian specs, concealment operatives, all sniper specs and all four assassin specs. I've got my war hero; there's nowhere to go from there. I'm not complaining about all that, it's just fact. If there are ever 4 man ranked qs or dueling arenas, I would probably dust it off.


Conversely, you argue that overload changing is a buff because you do not understand how DPS sorcs play, or really, how you should be playing either, consider now, that you've suggested:


-knocking ranged back through pillars (which is impossible),

-knocking melee back at 11 meters (which is pointless),

-knocking enemies off a teammate (which is counterproductive),

-getting hit with a 4m attack because a particular range-creator has a short cooldown (it's a terrible idea) and

-putting yourself closer to harm's way using it as a one-off to stop caps (which is dangerous and less-effective than what you should already be doing).


You think this is a buff because you don't know enough about the class, the spec, or other classes to think of ways in which this change will affect anyone.


I'm not a sorc QQer. If you want to find a post by me claiming that the class is grossly underpowered that's not related to this one change, be my guest, but you'll be looking forever.



hi, if u are not QQ, can i ask u what dmg u du usually in PUG and ranked and what is your max after 1.2...


ty for info

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Lol, whatever Larry. You've misconstrued literally every point I've made to fit your needs; lemme fix that for you:


I never said anything about pushing people "through" or "into" a pillar. I said to knock them "past" it, since ranged classes like to chill near LoS opportunities. (for obvious reasons) The same goes for healers. There are plenty of other places besides pillars where this'll be useful. (past walls, down slopes in NC, anything that gets them out of LoS from their team or yours)


There are plenty of uses for knocking back melee past 11 meters if there's LoS opportunities, and it's especially useful if they've already blown their leap.


How is knocking enemies off a ranged or healing teammate counterproductive?


I never said to face-tank melee attacks. Use creeping terror while they're still in the dead-zone and you won't have to. If you need to knock them back 8m, stop giving the enemy a clear shot at your rear and use Overload to the same effect.


The change means you DON'T have to put yourself in harms way to use your KB for support. As it stands now, it's very possible get up close and personal with a KB and get away scott free. With a greater range, this will be even easier.


Lightning storm has a delay between the start of the animation and the first tick. It can be interrupted before it stops anything. An instant, 15m aoe, however, won't be stopped.


Poor use of Overload messes up aoe taunts/smashes/etc as it is. However, I keep an eye on that kind of thing, and my guildies are kind enough to let everyone know when they're setting something up.


I'm sure you're having fun trying to twist my words to discredit me, but you're not doing yourself any favors by making stuff up instead of actually considering the possibilities. So, have fun complaining about the proposed change to Overload. If you can't picture how to make use of it, that's fine. Considering your piss-poor argumentation, it's obvious that you really don't have everything sussed out for us lowly mortals, no matter how hard you want to believe it.

Edited by Sock_Bramson
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And I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, because you just don't get it: to stay alive, the enemy must never, ever, ever, get a 4meter attack in, because if it's crippling slash, game over. If the new overload allows for even one such attack at 4m, it gets us killed against any augged war hero enemy.


Well even maras cannot kill you with one hit now, can they? :) And if you think you are dead cause your speed is crippled then you must be dead every time a mara attacks you cause most of them are annihilation spec and there is a skill that rupture reduces speed too. So to spell it out for you, force charge/rupture (and your speed is crippled). Do you give up there then?

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Well, 1.4 brings 2 nerfs to sages and 1.5 buffs to their defensive mechanisms. The nerfs are:

1: The force wave cone thing being discussed here. Personally I think it will change the way defensive rotations works as first thing to do I think is not force wave but force speed.

2: Stun range reduce to 10m. This sucks badly.


Bufs are:

0.5: Force wave (finally) instant. Never understood why troopers with heavier armor get an instant 360 knockback and sages wait for delay.

1.5: Force speed cooldown down to 20 secs. Breaks all rooting and movement imparing effects. Gives immunity to roots and movement effects for its duration. Try to stop me in hutball now *****es :p. Not that there were any issues before except from that anoying force charge on your force speed which pins you and wastes it.


Overall I would definitely like the 360 KB (like the trooers have) but tim will tell whether that will cause major issues to our defenses.

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you forgot the instant free self heal and force speed cooldown reduction that offsets this.


You realize that we will still be squishy as hell and have to stand still while casting. Not to mention the fact everyone can snare and immobilize without penalties. Unless that heal comes with a nice damage reduction or stealth, guys will just chop it down faster then it goes up.


They nerfed the healing aspect of DPS sorc/sage and then decide to give us a self heal. Work that out. Heres to looking at a1 min CD 40% max health heal that will do nothing in the long run.

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They nerfed the healing aspect of DPS sorc/sage and then decide to give us a self heal. Work that out. Heres to looking at a1 min CD 40% max health heal that will do nothing in the long run.


If it is 40% then I shall destroy you all :p. Nah it can't be 40% restoration of health, way too big buff for sages. I was thin king of more in the lines of around under 2k, which is still nice. Where did you read 40%?

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2k is nothing. I wouldn't even waste a keybind on that.


Better than nothing and if I recall well it does not respect global cooldown. But even if it does a free benevolence while kiting and all my instant offensives are on cooldown. Yes, I can think of when to use it. Counteracts this bloody vicious throw. I agree though 1v1 against another ranged class might not be very desirable if there is a global cooldown follwoing after.

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Never underestimate the value of an instant heal, especially if it's a free cast. Hell, there have been times where the baby 500 heal from purge has given me just enough time to score in huttball.


Even if the new heal is on the gcd, it'll be useful. If it's off the gcd, it'll be damn useful.

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What I just realised from another post is that the immunity/root breaking buf of force speed comes from a skill in the seer tree. So if you are a dps sage, then it pretty much sucks badly. I was under the impression that it was a change on the ability itself available to all sages and was very much excited about it even if force wave has that cone thing and stun's range is capped to 10m. So basically they take some good things from sages and give some good ones to a particular tree. Not nice at all.
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I put this in the other thread, but since it is applies here as well I'm reposting:


Knockbacks are used against melee, who are limited to 4 and 10 meter ranges. The gain from 8 to 15 has NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER to the sorcerer, but the radius reduction has a negative impact for the sorcerer AND the knockback area from 8 to <10 actually HELPS the guy you are knocking back.


Here is how Overload works right now:

A. At <4m, melee can use all of their melee abilities. My knockback will move the melee from <4m to >4m & <10m.


B. At >4m & <8m, melee can use a handful of abilities, but are severely limited in DPS (and resource generation if JK/SW) and cannot instantly close the gap (unless Rage specced). My knockback will move the melee from >4m & <8m to >8m & <12m


C. At >8m & <10m, the same limits on melee apply from B. above, however I cannot use my knockback on these players since my range is 8m.


D. At 10m, melee are able to use their instant gap closer and return to <4m.


Ergo, my knockback's primary effectiveness is from >0m to <6m (moving melee attackers to >4 to <10m). Any enemy that is between 6 and 8 meters will gain enough space to be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 8 to <10 meters will not be affected by the knockback, but will also be unable to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 10 to 30 meters will not be affected by the knockback but will be able to use their gap closer.


Here is how Overload will work with this change:

A. At <4m, melee can use all of their melee abilities. My knockback will move the melee from <4m to >4m & <10m.


B. At >4m & <8m, melee can use a handful of abilities, but are severely limited in DPS (and resource generation if JK/SW) and cannot instantly close the gap (unless Rage specced). My knockback will move the melee from >4m & <8m to >8m & <12m


C. At >8m & <10m, the same limits on melee apply from B. above. My knockback will move the melee from >8m & <10m to >12m & <14m removing the gap closing restriction from the melee.


D. At 10m, melee are able to use their instant gap closer and return to <4m.


Ergo, my knockback's primary effectiveness remains from >0m to <6m (moving melee attackers to >4 to <10m). Any enemy that is between 6 and 8 meters will gain enough space to be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 8 to <10 meters will be affected by the knockback, AND will also be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 10 to 15 meters will be affected by the knockback and will be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 15 to 30 meters will be unaffected by the knockback and will be able to use their gap closer.


Essentially, this change makes it EASIER for melee to close the gap on the sorcerer since any knockback from 8 to <10 meters (which wasn't possible before) will give them enough space to leap to you. Not only does the sorcerer have to aim the ability now, but we also must watch the meter listing on their portrait in order to ensure that we don't move them into leap range.


Quite possibly the single most idiotic change in the history of video game development.

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That's a long wall of text but ultimately worthless. For all that explanation about knocking knights/warriors back but keeping them in their leap deadzone, you realize that they can just take a step back and use it? Or how about use the knockback after they leap in the first place?


On topic: the changes to sage/sorc knockback are a huge buff as long as long as the netcode is fine. Ideal case would be a toggle option, so people could identify the keyboard turners that choose a delayed 360 degree knockback.

Edited by Antipodes
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That's a long wall of text but ultimately worthless. For all that explanation about knocking knights/warriors back but keeping them in their leap deadzone, you realize that they can just take a step back and use it? Or how about use the knockback after they leap in the first place?


On topic: the changes to sage/sorc knockback are a huge buff as long as long as the netcode is fine. Ideal case would be a toggle option, so people could identify the keyboard turners that choose a delayed 360 degree knockback.


It's pretty obvious you don't actually play this game. At all.


A step back? Really?



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I put this in the other thread, but since it is applies here as well I'm reposting:


Knockbacks are used against melee, who are limited to 4 and 10 meter ranges. The gain from 8 to 15 has NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER to the sorcerer, but the radius reduction has a negative impact for the sorcerer AND the knockback area from 8 to <10 actually HELPS the guy you are knocking back.


Here is how Overload works right now:

A. At <4m, melee can use all of their melee abilities. My knockback will move the melee from <4m to >4m & <10m.


B. At >4m & <8m, melee can use a handful of abilities, but are severely limited in DPS (and resource generation if JK/SW) and cannot instantly close the gap (unless Rage specced). My knockback will move the melee from >4m & <8m to >8m & <12m


C. At >8m & <10m, the same limits on melee apply from B. above, however I cannot use my knockback on these players since my range is 8m.


D. At 10m, melee are able to use their instant gap closer and return to <4m.


Ergo, my knockback's primary effectiveness is from >0m to <6m (moving melee attackers to >4 to <10m). Any enemy that is between 6 and 8 meters will gain enough space to be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 8 to <10 meters will not be affected by the knockback, but will also be unable to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 10 to 30 meters will not be affected by the knockback but will be able to use their gap closer.


Here is how Overload will work with this change:

A. At <4m, melee can use all of their melee abilities. My knockback will move the melee from <4m to >4m & <10m.


B. At >4m & <8m, melee can use a handful of abilities, but are severely limited in DPS (and resource generation if JK/SW) and cannot instantly close the gap (unless Rage specced). My knockback will move the melee from >4m & <8m to >8m & <12m


C. At >8m & <10m, the same limits on melee apply from B. above. My knockback will move the melee from >8m & <10m to >12m & <14m removing the gap closing restriction from the melee.


D. At 10m, melee are able to use their instant gap closer and return to <4m.


Ergo, my knockback's primary effectiveness remains from >0m to <6m (moving melee attackers to >4 to <10m). Any enemy that is between 6 and 8 meters will gain enough space to be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 8 to <10 meters will be affected by the knockback, AND will also be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 10 to 15 meters will be affected by the knockback and will be able to use their gap closer. Any enemy from 15 to 30 meters will be unaffected by the knockback and will be able to use their gap closer.


Essentially, this change makes it EASIER for melee to close the gap on the sorcerer since any knockback from 8 to <10 meters (which wasn't possible before) will give them enough space to leap to you. Not only does the sorcerer have to aim the ability now, but we also must watch the meter listing on their portrait in order to ensure that we don't move them into leap range.


Quite possibly the single most idiotic change in the history of video game development.


If I understand you well your arguement is that the knockback puts the sents/maras in range bigger than 10m where they can leap if I understand you well, and they cannot close the gap easily unless rage speced? Well your logic is flawed as watchman/annihilation sents/maras will spend at least 1 skill point to reduce the leap minimum distance to 5m. So no a bigger distance pushback is a blessing for sages as the cooldown of leap/charge is between 12-15 secs and you have them at a distance that it takes longer to cover and hence you hit them longer, particularly if you cast slow or hit them with TK throw/lightning that slows them down. In other words if I could push a melee class to 20m then it would be plain awesome.

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It's pretty obvious you don't actually play this game. At all.


A step back? Really?




Mad you wasted all that time "theorycrafting"?


P.S. my Sent has a 5 meter minimum leap as watchman, and a <= 10 meter root as combat which further shows how worthless your whole deadzone reasoning is.

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If I understand you well your arguement is that the knockback puts the sents/maras in range bigger than 10m where they can leap if I understand you well, and they cannot close the gap easily unless rage speced? Well your logic is flawed as watchman/annihilation sents/maras will spend at least 1 skill point to reduce the leap minimum distance to 5m. So no a bigger distance pushback is a blessing for sages as the cooldown of leap/charge is between 12-15 secs and you have them at a distance that it takes longer to cover and hence you hit them longer, particularly if you cast slow or hit them with TK throw/lightning that slows them down. In other words if I could push a melee class to 20m then it would be plain awesome.


No flaw present in my argument. All baseline gap closers are 10m. You are using a single exception to disprove the rule. The logical flaw exists in your argument. Second, even in the event of the exception situation the bigger distance STILL has no added benefit as the Marauder is STILL within jump range (more distance is irrelevant while within jump range since jump will instantly close the gap).


Mad you wasted all that time "theorycrafting"?


P.S. my Sent has a 5 meter minimum leap as watchman, and a <= 10 meter root as combat which further shows how worthless your whole deadzone reasoning is.


See rebuttal above. Your point uses a cherry-picking logical fallacy and is therefore invalid. Try again or move along.


Yes really. Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward ;). But you can wait 15 secs there while I destroy you to ashes :p.


What kind of terrible players are you dealing with? The Sorc who knows when to use a knockback is also going to know how to kite. That means if the Marauder is taking a step back then the Sorc is taking a step forward.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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No flaw present in my argument. All baseline gap closers are 10m. You are using a single exception to disprove the rule. The logical flaw exists in your argument. Second, even in the event of the exception situation the bigger distance STILL has no added benefit as the Marauder is STILL within jump range (more distance is irrelevant while within jump range since jump will instantly close the gap).




See rebuttal above. Your point uses a cherry-picking logical fallacy and is therefore invalid. Try again or move along.




What kind of terrible players are you dealing with? The Sorc who knows when to use a knockback is also going to know how to kite. That means if the Marauder is taking a step back then the Sorc is taking a step forward.


Ehm, This is not a single exception but the majority of sents/maras are specced this way. The rest minority are carnage/combat with big bursts of damage which makes a signigicant buff the instant cast of forcewave/overload (the main topic of this thread to remind). About focus/rage I don't know much but the best sents/maras are not specced (and I wouldn't consider it either with my mara). Regarding the distance arguement and leap I repeat it has a 12-15 sec cooldown. You will be in the spawn area by then if you rely on it to close the gap. (HINT: use camouflage, an awesome ability). And feel free to join my server, nightmare lands that is and see for yourself the quality of players.

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Ehm, This is not a single exception but the majority of sents/maras are specced this way. The rest minority are carnage/combat with big bursts of damage which makes a signigicant buff the instant cast of forcewave/overload (the main topic of this thread to remind). About focus/rage I don't know much but the best sents/maras are not specced (and I wouldn't consider it either with my mara). Regarding the distance arguement and leap I repeat it has a 12-15 sec cooldown. You will be in the spawn area by then if you rely on it to close the gap. (HINT: use camouflage, an awesome ability). And feel free to join my server, nightmare lands that is and see for yourself the quality of players.


There are 6 specs that use Force Leap, 3 of which cannot spec into the min range reduction, and 2 of which cannot without going too deep into annihilation to be effective. In 5 of 6 specs, the statement "Min Range Applies" = TRUE. The fact that in 1 of 6 specs the statement "Min Range Applies" = FALSE does not impact the other 5 of 6.


Additionally, my other two points remain uncontested. Increasing range from 8 to 15 has no positive impact when dealing with any class, and your example dealing with Annihilation Mara's actually supports that position.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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The solution to this little argument that works quite well for me...


KB immediately after leap...


Even if spec'd it gives you around 10 sec of limiting the warriors damage significantly while stacking DOT's and chipping away at their HP. Even if they use cloak as a gap closer... the KB is on a very short CD and that's the last time they'll be able to use cloak in the fight. You will have the KB available AND slow more than any warrior will be able to leap. Just watch for that damn vigilance/vengeance. Same rules apply, just give it a few seconds. :D


In my opinion... more distance is never a bad thing. I see this change working in my favor and with a shorter CD on sprint to go with it. I see my death count going way down.

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The solution to this little argument that works quite well for me...


KB immediately after leap...


Even if spec'd it gives you around 10 sec of limiting the warriors damage significantly while stacking DOT's and chipping away at their HP. Even if they use cloak as a gap closer... the KB is on a very short CD and that's the last time they'll be able to use cloak in the fight. You will have the KB available AND slow more than any warrior will be able to leap. Just watch for that damn vigilance/vengeance. Same rules apply, just give it a few seconds. :D


In my opinion... more distance is never a bad thing. I see this change working in my favor and with a shorter CD on sprint to go with it. I see my death count going way down.


Again, more distance has no added benefit to the Sorc. Your knockback already moved people from 6-8 meters into jump range meaning that all positive uses of the knockback exist in the 0 to <6 meter range. Everything from 6-<10 has the potential to hurt you (putting a melee into jump range), and everything 10+ has no actual effect on the metagame whatsoever.


If they wanted to do something useful, they would reduce the CD on the knockback to pay for the loss of radius. The increased range HAS NO BENEFIT.

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I support the change to Force Wave/Overload.


The effect on PvE is minimal, despite all the outcries. Most MOBs attack from the front, and should the Sorc/Sage find themselves in a situation where they're surrounded, a simple backpedal will instantly put all attackers in front of them and within the cone for the new knockback.


This change is especially needed in PvP, and I welcome it.

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I support the change to Force Wave/Overload.


The effect on PvE is minimal, despite all the outcries. Most MOBs attack from the front, and should the Sorc/Sage find themselves in a situation where they're surrounded, a simple backpedal will instantly put all attackers in front of them and within the cone for the new knockback.


This change is especially needed in PvP, and I welcome it.


You can backpedal while rooted?

I always thought that root prevented all movement, now you are telling me it doesn't prevent backpedal?!

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Again, more distance has no added benefit to the Sorc. Your knockback already moved people from 6-8 meters into jump range meaning that all positive uses of the knockback exist in the 0 to <6 meter range. Everything from 6-<10 has the potential to hurt you (putting a melee into jump range), and everything 10+ has no actual effect on the metagame whatsoever.


If they wanted to do something useful, they would reduce the CD on the knockback to pay for the loss of radius. The increased range HAS NO BENEFIT.


Again... if I KB after a warriors leap... I have even more time to DOT him up before he reaches me again. I understand what you're saying, but it's resolved by a simple change in game plan. Luckily for me not one I need to adjust to since it's a plan I've been using very early on with my sorc.

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