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PvP Servers Will Be Ruined


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While the minority ( mind you I did say I wont be playing pvp anyways) will say tough it out / etc.


The majority of people will be overly frustrated with there brand new shiny launch being crapped on by a few that got in earlier....which will cause them to bail to the NEXT pvp server that gets brought up leaving server #1 with an extremely low population....it happens all the time in mmos.


Then you DO NOT belong on a PvP server, how hard is it to get you sissy.

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OP brings up a valid point. General PVP server population shows their true colors (rawr, you carebear! if you can't take it then ****!!!! rawr!!). I can't imagine why anyone would want to roll on a server with people like this in the first place.
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You guys are missing the OPs point. What he's trying to say is he had every intention of being one of those 5% ganking the 95% and his Christmas plans are completely ruined now!


Zero interest in playing on a pvp server because honestly real pvp is done in a controlled enviornment. That is if you want a *real* equal comparison of pvp skill.

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I think what the OP is saying here is that his personal experience will be ruined because he's a "big epeen" kind of guy. He can't handle not being the best of the best at all times, and Bioware has taken that ability away from him... for a few days at least. I don't usually wish people would get a life, because mine isn't the coolest ever, but damn son, get a life.
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If you have to wait till day 2 roll on a new server if they open them. Puts everyone on a equal playing field. Im assuming they will open more by launch if not daily so just wait till they do is my plan. Till then have fun messing around on whatever server or grief like crazy to pass time.
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I think what the OP is saying here is that his personal experience will be ruined because he's a "big epeen" kind of guy. He can't handle not being the best of the best at all times, and Bioware has taken that ability away from him... for a few days at least. I don't usually wish people would get a life, because mine isn't the coolest ever, but damn son, get a life.


As I replied earlier...real, skillful, pvp happens in controlled enviornments...whatever you want to name them bgs, warfronts...etc

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It won't be as bad as you think. We'll be like a school of fish... the first wavers? The sharks.


Sure, we have no hope in beating them. But alas! We have numbers! Not for fighting! Oh no, my friend... but for survival of the group! A few of us might, nay, WILL get picked off! But your distraction and death will be for the greater good, the survival of the rest of us as we scurry away from the danger. Satisfied with the blood lust, the level 50's will laugh about the rage ensuing on your end of the monitor. But those of us who got away, we'll all remember your noble deed.



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Yeah, don't see the problem here either...


No matter how they do it, you'll still have a group of people who get to lvl 50 before other people do.


If this game is like every other MMO out there, there will be people higher level then others, and the lower level ones will get ganked from time to time by higher level people. The early access system is not going to have any real impact on that.

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I for one have no interest in playing a pvp server again. However I know exactly what happens when 5% of the population gets to max level before the last 95% and I am sure most mmo vets know as well....



Its going to be MUCH more of a mess than people are whining about at this point.



Reply for clarification:


While the minority ( mind you I did say I wont be playing pvp anyways) will say tough it out / etc.


The majority of people will be overly frustrated with there brand new shiny launch being crapped on by a few that got in earlier....which will cause them to bail to the NEXT pvp server that gets brought up leaving server #1 with an extremely low population....it happens all the time in mmos.






Just looking out for populations on pvp servers because they will undoubtably at some point affect other servers because of their populations (server merge qq and such)


Go PVE server.

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