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Which Romance did you love/hate? *Potential Spoilers*


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Often, I've heard massive complaints that storytelling in videogames tend to focus more on, for lack of a better word, the romantic aspects of a game. However, when said character interaction is considered a selling point of the game, do you believe that TOR did it well?


Personally, I think certain romances are better done than others. For example, I thought the interaction between a male smuggler and Akaavi was better than I expected. I also thought romantic interactions with Vector, Doc, Kira, Corso, Jorgan and Quinn had enough momentum to go on their own.


Personally, I thought some of the weaker romantic arcs were from Torian, Andronikos, Nadia and Iresso.


What's your personal opinion?

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Well, here are my thoughts so far....




Quinn: Loved it to pieces until what is known by many as the "Quinncident." I'm not upset that it happened, I just thought the writing concerning the resolution was weak for a SW continuing the romance.


Corso: You have to bed him while he's horribly drunk during one of the earlier companion quests when you two probably don't know each other that well in order to trigger the romance. I couldn't stomach that, so he's my F!Smuggler's overprotective little brother figure.


Ashara: She was the perfect match for my quirky LS sorc boy, but I can see how she wouldn't fit most Sith.


Torian: My emotionally abusive ex-friend used to always play a game with JYB when he was crashing at my place, and he compared himself to the JYB character. Haven't gotten Torian yet, but we'll see how the romance handles with the game on mute and subtitles on.


Tharan: Love what I've seen so far (my Shadow is barely into Act II) and I would love to see more of him in expansions. (Yes, I know it's not a full romance, but I heart him.)


Vector: Super sweet, I just want to cuddle him. He's the only thing keeping my agent from going insane and joining Kaliyo on a galaxy-wide crime spree.


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I thought some of the weaker romantic arcs were from ... Andronikos


Funny you say that. The F!Si/Andronikos romance is my favourite, mostly because it seems so organic and natural. It's not predicated on rank or position, nor is it a case of the LI hero-worshipping you, which most of the other romances I've played through (most, not all, and I haven't played all eight) tend to have.


I like a romance with subtlety; and the F!SI romance delivers. The notion that the F!SI is liked/loved simply because of the type of person she is (as opposed to the fact that she's a powerful Sith or whatever) really appeals to me. I think if you take the SI's background as a slave -- as something not worth anything to anyone -- to have Andronikos come in and more-or-less assert, in his own way, that the F!SI means something to him, that's profound.


(But I'm also like, the only Andronikos fangirl out there, so take my opinion for what it is.)

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Funny you say that. The F!Si/Andronikos romance is my favourite, mostly because it seems so organic and natural. It's not predicated on rank or position, nor is it a case of the LI hero-worshipping you, which most of the other romances I've played through (most, not all, and I haven't played all eight) tend to have.


I like a romance with subtlety; and the F!SI romance delivers. The notion that the F!SI is liked/loved simply because of the type of person she is (as opposed to the fact that she's a powerful Sith or whatever) really appeals to me. I think if you take the SI's background as a slave -- as something not worth anything to anyone -- to have Andronikos come in and more-or-less assert, in his own way, that the F!SI means something to him, that's profound.


(But I'm also like, the only Andronikos fangirl out there, so take my opinion for what it is.)


Agreed wholeheartedly. F!Inq/Andronikos feels like one of the most comfortable, natural relationships in the game. I recall one conversation where we were standing across the bridge from one another, staring out at the stars instead of each other, talking about how great it is to not have attachments...and it came out feeling like the most intimate scene in the game. Beautifully done.


Love/hate? Quinn, Quinn, Quinn. It has some of the absolute most brilliant writing I've ever seen in terms of power and consent - how often do you get to say "I am interested, but you've stated your limits and I'll respect 'em"? - but on the other hand, the overbearing power options go well into disturbing territory from what I've seen and heard. The Sith Warrior pushing boundaries with its companion writing? I'm not surprised. I was, however, reliably amazed at the chances to say "I'm into you, but I won't be a dick about it." I've always wanted to play that side of the uneven-power scenario, and I'll never get the chance in real life because, well, physically un-imposing woman here.



Terrible moment? "Hey, I really enjoyed killing that guy. Want to have sex now?" You were never much of a moodsetter, captain, but that's bad even for you.



Hate? Corso Riggs. The fact that the romance stops if you don't heavily come on to him while he's drunk is, frankly, sickening. Informed consent, guys. Can we have a little?



Other terrible moment? "I left the last woman I promised to marry in an active war zone. No idea if she's alive or dead, but hey, you're better than her anyway. Can I seek your hand in marriage?" Permanent buzzkill, kid.



Love? Kaliyo. What a textbook example of a psycho girlfriend, only I could log out and walk away from this one. I loved standing up to her ****.

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I thought the femAgent/Vector line was painful. So bad that I didn't play it myself once I saw it on Youtube. Every time the femAgent says "Vector, I'm sure whatever you have to say is very interesting but let's go to bed right now!" I cringe.


Anyway, to step back to the broader question, do I think SWTOR did romance well? I'm going to have to say no.

First, they suffered badly from the limited number of conversations that companions get. This forced several unfortunate juxtapositions such as those I mentioned above, (Corso and Quinn spoilers)

"I abandoned my last fiancee also I'd like to court you" and "man, murdering that man to lay that old vendetta to rest was a great idea, let's get it on now."



Second, there aren't enough opportunities to get onto or off of the track. Do something like "hey, maybe I'll make sure drunk-Corso sleeps it off before he says or does something he'll regret" and the romance is gone. On the other hand, tell him the relationship is over when he asks about courtship, and he'll ignore you and keep propositioning you, getting upset every time you say no, forever. I hear all the time about people who missed one chance with Ashara or accidentally triggered one irreversible thing with Jorgan. This needs to not happen. Second chances should be available. So should the chance to say no.


Speaking of saying no, the Trooper gets a dishonorable mention for having ftb scenes for both Elara and Jorgan in which you cannot refuse. If you're in an active romance and you get around to the sex scene, well, if for some reason you didn't want to go that far or you had wanted to break up two conversations ago or something, too bad!


The changes in gift approval for companions in active romances are an interesting concept that ends up unfairly penalizing female characters in execution. There are four romanceable characters who don't have a top-level gift response preference: Ashara, Elara, Risha, and Quinn. Ashara, Elara, and Risha all suddenly develop top-level preferences once you apply your magic...charms. Quinn doesn't. Here, have a hard financial penalty for choosing the wrong gender and sleeping with the wrong person!


I'm a little annoyed that every Force-using man gets a young vulnerable padawan to sleep with. Sith don't even have padawans, but the Warrior (half the time) and Inquisitor (all the time) steal some to sleep with. It just bugs me. It's like some kind of entitlement for rolling a male Force user.


Some individual lines have some solid writing - Kaliyo's head games, the Sith Warrior's varying degrees of power trip, Elara's straightforward growing affection. But in general romances feel rushed by the limited, unevenly paced conversation system, and the romances completely fail some basic consent checks.

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I'd probably group the romances that I've played through like this:


The Good

1. Kira- Loved her as a character, loved her as a romance option, and she is easily my favorite

2. Elara- Enjoyable storyline and I liked her as a character


The Meh.

3. Mako- Liked her arc, but the romance itself was too short to make it into the good category

4. Risha- I did like the romance, but.....I dunno just don't feel I can rank her higher than Mako *shrug*

5. Temple- Meh, left no impression


The Bad(ish)

6. Vette- I feel bad calling this one bad because I know some people like it, but it just didn't work for me at all

7. Ashara- She just doesn't work as a character that well. To some degree she is just delusional, but it wasn't well handled I guess....*shrug* Also I found it weird that near the end of the romance she had clearly become more DS than my LS SI. That just sort of felt like it came out of nowhere.


The ***?

8. Nadia- Do I really need to explain why this one is in the *** category by itself? It is a trainwreck, a glorious trainwreck but still a trainwreck, and that really is all that needs to be said

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The only thing I didn't like about the Nadia romance was that you get every single conversation with her right after Voss if you bring her with you while questing. So the whole thing seems incredibly rushed. Other than that, I liked it. I also liked Mako(out of all of the romance arcs, hers seems the most real but that's mostly because it developed over the course of the entire storyline like it should have. All romance companions should have been your first and second companions obtained so it has more time to develop). Ensign Temple was pretty meh, but Kaliyo was even worse. Both Risha and Akavi were awful(just like everything else about the smuggler storyline). Those are the only two I've played through all the way, but Vette is shaping out to be decent for my Lightside Sith Warrior.
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(But I'm also like, the only Andronikos fangirl out there, so take my opinion for what it is.)


No, no you're not ;) besides wanting to try my hand at healing so to speak he's the primary reason I rolled a sorc alt (my main, 1st character at launch, is an assassin). He's an equal. He's not submissive like Quinn and, to a lesser extent, Torian. He's not obnoxiously possessive and overbearing like Corso. One of those "potential spoilers" concerning Andronikos-

to this day I still wonder if he really did go and get his little piece on the side at the same time my sorc was getting hers, on Alderaan (didn't take that option on my assassin).


I'm not even going to get started about Quinn here except to say I didn't hate it but I wouldn't endure it again despite it being well-written.

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I found the whole romance idea a little creepy at first, and shutting Doc down gave me light side points, so I didn't go down that road the first time. Later I did JK over again as a dark sider, and the romance was pretty fun! It's silly and lighthearted, and very amusing.



Doc: Are you using mind tricks on me?

Me: Would it excite if I were?

Doc: Sure. I mean no. I don't know. Are you doing it right now? Don't answer that.



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Often, I've heard massive complaints that storytelling in videogames tend to focus more on, for lack of a better word, the romantic aspects of a game. However, when said character interaction is considered a selling point of the game, do you believe that TOR did it well?


What's your personal opinion?


They really screwed the pooch on this one, for me, by segregating same-gender content for some indefinite future release, and then not talking about it any more. Yes, my fingers are capable of clicking the button to explore existing content but when I have been told to expect the content I would much prefer to play, my interest in what is there is limited.


I can't tell you which I look forward to, even, because they have not said which companions will be available for romance. They say they know, but aren't telling. Not a good way to build happy anticipation. At all.

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In general, mixed leaning towards bad on the romances.


The no-way-out-FTB-scenes. Those SHOULD NOT be here. Related to this is ways to end relationships - call me crazy, but I don't think our companions should be turning into stalkers (unless it's Kailyo). Having clearly marked starting and ending points for the relationship would be helpful.


The options that we have in terms of WHO to romance aren't all that fabulous. Options are only for heterosexuals, females only get one option, and most of the guys only get one option (damn you SW, IA, and Sm!). You get major problems with characters like Nadia,

who a lot of people feel is too young and damaged to be romancing,

and Quinn,

where the romance turns into a really nasty example of an abused woman returning to her abuser after he attempts to kill her.

The fact that there aren't more options makes these really unfortunately situations worse.


On the plus side, the romances add something fun to the game. The ones that are well done are satisfying and enjoyable. Where my character gets to say something she would actually say, I'm excited. In short, I wouldn't want them gone, but they could definitely be better.


On specifics:


Jorgan - I loved. I really think this is one of the romances that makes the most sense in terms of building a relationship based on real things. It takes forever and a day to get started, especially considering you get him as your first companion, but the romance actually continues the relationship arc he has wtih the trooper regardless.


He starts off resenting and not trusting you and then moves to respect and finally friendship and THEN, for f!troopers, the romance starts. A slow burn that's well worth it.


On the bad side with this one, the Flirts are AWFUL. Oh they're so bad. Bad bad bad.


Doc - I liked and then I hated. Doc's romance is amusing to start and for the JK who has pretty much no flirts the entire way through the story all of a sudden it's like, hello, what is this little set of brackets doing next to my lines? The problem for me was that:

While Doc's reformed rake thing is fun, his regular companion quests reveal him to be progressively MORE shallow and egomaniacal as you go on. Just an awful human being. Major disappointment, and I wish I'd never hit that first [Flirt].



Torian - I just couldn't. I hated the romance dynamic for the BH. It was very "trophy husband" and that just does not appeal to me whatsoever. Plus Torian just feels very very young and my bh is not cougar material.


Vector - Just met, can't really comment on this one yet.


Ok, I'm done writing my book now :p

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Nadia's was absolutely abysmal. In addition to her beyond-awful voice acting, the pacing was bad because you only get her at the end of Belsavis. She keeps talking like she's known you forever but all the conversations seem to go by within minutes and it just comes off as creepy.
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I like Doc. I thought he was fun. People have made the Tony Stark/Pepper Potts comparison and I can see it, and I think it's accurate.


I liked Corso a lot too. I like him as a character - but I don't think his romance was written particularly well. Played straight, it was very sweet. But some of the stuff people have said about his line comes way out of left field. When his writer said he went through a lot of changes and his romance was done last-minute it all made sense. I think they made a good effort and he is an interesting character, but you sort of have to fill in some gaps yourself to really like the romance. Also, I am 100% convinced that the idea for him came from a BW writer listening to a Keith Urban album and being like, "Oh yeah, we can totally make a character out of this!" Seriously, as a country girl, some of the stuff with him had me laughing and saying, "Wow, this is what you think country people are like? For real?"


I haven't gotten that far with Andronikos, but I think I'm headed for fangirl territory. He's just awesome, and so far I really like how the line has progressed - feels very natural and fitting for my character.


Vector is super sweet and super interesting. But I'm not sure how much I love his romance, because I feel like I have to have my agent say the flirt lines and they are just...not nice. And not fitting with my character and the way I played her. So far I haven't gotten to feel like they're developing a bond, and that's what I wanted for her! I hope that changes because I think he's just a fascinating character.


Got nowhere with Quinn, because I play my warrior as gay. However, I can say that the platonic dynamic between the two is interesting. I almost have this feeling like my warrior sees him as an older brother, someone she really respects and looks up to. I like that a lot.


Haven't even gotten to Torian yet, but I think my clone-of-Darth-Zash BH will make the best cougar ever.

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No, no you're not ;) besides wanting to try my hand at healing so to speak he's the primary reason I rolled a sorc alt (my main, 1st character at launch, is an assassin). He's an equal. He's not submissive like Quinn and, to a lesser extent, Torian. He's not obnoxiously possessive and overbearing like Corso. One of those "potential spoilers" concerning Andronikos-

to this day I still wonder if he really did go and get his little piece on the side at the same time my sorc was getting hers, on Alderaan (didn't take that option on my assassin).




There are many ways you can interpret that whole thing, but the fact of the matter remains that going off to Get Some with whatsisname gives you like +27 affection.


Personally, I like to think that, at that point in the storyline/romance/whatever, the relationship with him is still considered "open" enough that he finds the notion of the SI going off with someone else perfectly normal and maybe even potentially appealing.



The above is another reason why I like that romance and how it progresses; there's nothing to indicate jealousy or possessiveness -- at least not until it progresses to the point where you know it's long-term and committed. There's very little "skeeze" potential there.



I haven't gotten that far with Andronikos, but I think I'm headed for fangirl territory. He's just awesome, and so far I really like how the line has progressed - feels very natural and fitting for my character.


Both of you come here and sit by me. The fangirl couch is pretty empty, there's room :D

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Come here and sit by me. The fangirl couch is pretty empty, there's room :D


Apart from the bit where Andronikos is a complete psychopath, I'm really fond of him. He shows zero compunction for anything he has ever done and expresses pleasure in the act of killing, but at the end of the day, once you're done bonding over mutual declarations of not wanting to mean anything to each other, he's pretty live and let live.


He's direct and he doesn't put on airs, and I like that about him. "Have I ever told you you're beautiful? Well, you're beautiful" is a compliment so simple it comes around to sweet in comparison with most love interests' lines. I do enjoy the romance, but I can't get comfortable in Andronikos fangirl territory because, well, psychopath.


How my emotions manage to ignore this in Kaliyo's case I'll never know.

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I too was disappointed by the lack of male force users to romance. I haven't finished all of them but:


Jaessa (*** just because you're light side we can't romance? Lame)


Vette (Wouldn't sleep with me until after marriage, and that's a no-no for my character named "Darth Incubus")


Torian <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Nadia moved waaaaaaay too fast, but I do like her a lot


Kaliyo "You're crazy b**tch but you f*** so good I'm on top of it"


Jorgan I love him, he's a kitty boy, but I can't stop thinking of Lassiter from Psych, and Lassiter isn't as sexy as Jorgan >.>

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I can't get comfortable in Andronikos fangirl territory because, well, psychopath.


How my emotions manage to ignore this in Kaliyo's case I'll never know.


I think he tones down a bit after setting his own issues to rest. It's almost as if the inq restores a certain measure of his sanity- not all since he supports (affection gain) every DS choice made, but some. Or else it's a case of shared madness. Either way Andronikos is nowhere near as sociopathic as Kaliyo. I can't help but feel that he would have made a terrific match for my Pyro merc...


Torian is just too young. I'd set my merc's age at mid-twenties and Torian's still too young. He's rather sweet

and his proposal is wonderful

but the romance was lukewarm in comparison to Andronikos (even in comparison to...grrr...Quinn).


Kaliyo. My operative is male and she's a thorn in his side. I started the romance with her just to see what the other half gets; now I'm afraid I can't cut it off. The lighter he gets- I'm having trouble keeping him DS- the less sense Kaliyo makes. It's gotten to the point at which she doesn't leave the ship except to do crafting missions (I run solely with Vector- in a purely platonic fashion, of course).


Since I'm still not willing to recall the Quinn travesty- *settles down onto the Andronikos Fangirl Couch with a tray of cookies and tea* I brought nummies :D

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Very much a textbook scoundrel romance: morally ambiguous, bad temper, haunted by his past, but ultimately a good man and a romantic once you get to know him. Nothing new really, but this sort of thing works well for a reason. It also has quite a few scenes where you just chat without discussing your relationship, creating the sense that the characters get along normally with each other instead of straining a relationship by constantly talking about it.





His story stands out for trying to explore some transhuman themes. The scene where the IA chooses between keeping his human version to herself or accepting the Joiner personality as a whole is one of my favorites. (I think it breaks slightly if an appearance customization is equipped though, you only get the visual shift without one.)






To be honest he strikes me as being very close to a serial predator who uses charm to take advantage of women for his own material gain. It doesn't help that he talks the way that a non-scientist might imagine a scientist to talk, with a lot of big words but no substance. Trying to pair him with a Jedi Consular is a very puzzling choice, and you don't even get the option of giving him a long lecture on proper behavior.



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Kaliyo is awful. She's like Jack from the Mass Effect series minus all the redeemable quirks, charm, and redeemably wounded soul that makes her appearance in Mass Effect 3 so touching. I was so proud of her for what she did with her life that I wanted to hug her out of pride.


For purely evil characters, Jaessa Willsaam is remarkably well-placed. When she checks to see if you have any other lovers and comes up empty, a little disappointed she couldn't kill them out of jealosy, I grinned broadly.


For good characters, yes, she's not actually good herself, I found Risha to have incredible chemistry with my near-respectable, Republic-patriot, heroic smuggler. Yes, they argued a lot. But sometimes those are the most romantic couples. :)

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I love Jaesa, some people may think of it as worship, but I think she is more psycho and still potentially and dangerously volitile. Jaesa completely devotes herself to you. But if you weren't dark side she would turn you in or attempt to straight up kill you. She is ok with the whole other women. When I was faced with the love triangle I actually had an option to say, I'm a Sith Lord and I will have both of you if I want (or some such nonsense) Vette was like, ewww, and Jaesa was like, thats fine with me. I exited out of course and picked a better response but that still makes me laugh to this day. Later I recieved an in game mail from Jaesa telling me that she had a dream that I was cheating on her, and she tried to find if it was true, but was sorely disappointed to find out that it wasn't true because she wanted to crush the life out of the little harlot.


So yeah, Jaesa fuels my rage in battle and I love the story line that she hunts down sith that aren't fully devoted to the dark side.



How the hell is a woman supposed to get over the fact that this explitive deleted betrays them, especially if they marry him? its not like he cheats on them, he sets them up to get killed! As a male I so desperately wanted to kill him, I didn't care if I only had 5 companions after this I would have just used my ANNOYING as hell ship droid for heals, or let them send me a replacement.

That is why I have Quinn infected with the Rak disease, because to me he is dead. grrrrrr such HATE! (so I guess in that way Quinn helps me ><)

Edited by Reynaga
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I liked the SW male options for romance. because it fit well with the story


On the other hand, i was not into the male SI romance option because there was no flow there and it just made no sense for the overall storyline.


Knight and Bounty hunter seemed pretty straight forward, they fit well but nothing too spectatcualar


I am doing the IA at this time and if Kaylio is an option for romance, i think that will be good. She is a strong character and her personality is good because she is in conflict with my agent and their methods differ but deep down they very similar.

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I love Jaesa, some people may think of it as worship, but I think she is more psycho and still potentially and dangerously volitile. Jaesa completely devotes herself to you. But if you weren't dark side she would turn you in or attempt to straight up kill you. She is ok with the whole other women. When I was faced with the love triangle I actually had an option to say, I'm a Sith Lord and I will have both of you if I want (or some such nonsense) Vette was like, ewww, and Jaesa was like, thats fine with me. I exited out of course and picked a better response but that still makes me laugh to this day. Later I recieved an in game mail from Jaesa telling me that she had a dream that I was cheating on her, and she tried to find if it was true, but was sorely disappointed to find out that it wasn't true because she wanted to crush the life out of the little harlot.


So yeah, Jaesa fuels my rage in battle and I love the story line that she hunts down sith that aren't fully devoted to the dark side.



How the hell is a woman supposed to get over the fact that this explitive deleted betrays them, especially if they marry him? its not like he cheats on them, he sets them up to get killed! As a male I so desperately wanted to kill him, I didn't care if I only had 5 companions after this I would have just used my ANNOYING as hell ship droid for heals, or let them send me a replacement.

That is why I have Quinn infected with the Rak disease, because to me he is dead. grrrrrr such HATE! (so I guess in that way Quinn helps me ><)


Crazy girlfriends are not so much fun IRL. I had one that was the splitting image and attitude copy of "the most brutal girlfriend ever" that Nathan Explosion in Metalocalypse fell in love with early in the cartoon series.


And yes, she did demand I take her to Bed Bath and Beyond. :(

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In approximate order of enjoyment:


Quinn: Oddly enough, my favourite Bioware romance of all time, despite how messed up it turns out. Though the lack of resolution after the big spoiler event ruins it somewhat.


Vector: The closest thing to an alien romance the ladies are going to get for now, and he's appropriately otherworldly. (Yes, there's Aric, but his romance doesn't feel very alien.)


Corso: Personally, I didn't mind Corso's romance, though his personality didn't suit my Smuggler's, unlike with some of the other romances. (My Warrior would want to conquer the galaxy with Quinn by her side, and Vector's diplomatic personality suits my Agent; but Corso would want to settle down right away, unlike my Smuggler.) Overall, he'd be better just as a buddy with whom you could toss back a beer with.


Andronikos: His "less talk, more action" personality didn't always suit my Inquisitor, but I did enjoy his romance. Also, that voice. Rawr.


Theran: I can't help but like him, despite myself. (I know he's not a full-fledged romance, but still...) Though I really have the urge to reprogram Holiday, just because she gets on my nerves, LOL.


Torian: I would have to agree with some people that he felt too young. (He was also my first romance, so I may have rushed it.) To be fair, it did have its moments (like when you get your first flirt with him).


Aric: This one disappointed me, which is a shame, because I like the voice actor. It just took too long to get anywhere for me. (For your very first Trooper companion, the fact that it takes about lvl 40 or later to be really able to get into the romance, bothered me. Perhaps I just don't have any patience...)


Doc: The only romance I was not able to finish. He just rubs me the wrong way, and I didn't care for his voice actor, which counts for a lot with me. The whole glory hound thing, plus the lack of scruples... Ick. Also,


Doc's slept with Kaliyo. Now, I was surprised that I actually liked Kaliyo (she's chaotic, while I lean to lawful), but I'm not sure I want to sleep with anyone who's tapped that. XP


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How the hell is a woman supposed to get over the fact that this explitive deleted betrays them, especially if they marry him?


A vast number of us haven't gotten over it. I rarely play my 50 mara anymore, not even to run dailies- because really needing Quinn's heals feels pathetic now and it's too distracting to want to choke him every time he makes those in-combat comments which were once distracting in a very different way.

And while I vaguely knew about the betrayal ahead of time it was still horrific (doubly so since the marriage had already occurred).

I will never roll a warrior again, female or male.


Quinn: any fictional character who can stir up so much love/hate from so many people...now that's some damned fine writing. For that reason alone I believe he's one of the best (if not the best) characters in the game.


But still. Never again for me. I'm not that much of a masochist.


Urgh. I said I wasn't going to get started about Quinn and yet...:rolleyes:

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