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Appearnace Tab Is Needed....Badly


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Um then dont use that gear..


gather MODDIBLE gear while you level and out together the LOOK you want..

I already have at least 5 different fully moddible chests that all look different..

you can get moddible pieces of EVERY main slot of gear..

so find one you like and MOD IT.


I'm going to caveat this slightly and say that orange belts are something of a ***** to get your hands on at present.

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The mod system allows you to customize stats of items while retaining a serious amount of control over the appearance of said item.


Insert a system where appearance and stats are completely non related, and you've just removed the entire reason for having a mod system.


You are wrong. The mod system should be about stat customization, and all gear should be moddable. We really need an A-Tab.

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How in the hell would it render the mod system obsolete? The mod system has exactly jack squat to do with a gear's appearance.


wrong.. it has EVERYTHING to do with the system..


BW's approach to how the game and player looks is adding the fully moddible fully levelable armour pieces.


so you can find a look you like and mod it all the way to 50 and beyond..


get past L10 and go explore and raid and you will see the stuff on the vendors at the station is mearly the tip of the iceburg..

there are PLENTY of good styles that are moddible.

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The mod system allows you to customize stats of items while retaining a serious amount of control over the appearance of said item.


Insert a system where appearance and stats are completely non related, and you've just removed the entire reason for having a mod system.


You don't have a clue about what an appearance tab is don't you ? Let me explain.


1. You have your gear tab. That's gear that has STATS on it, and you MOD this gear.

2. You have the appearance tab. Gear put here changes your character LOOK.


See ? No relation. Equiping a piece of gear in an appearance slot (lets call it wardrobe slot) only changes the way that slot LOOKS. Nothing else.


Rift has a very nicely implemented wardrobe system, you can have more than one, and they don't occupy bag space and can be switched on the fly. Check it out to see how it works.

Edited by kalibri
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You are wrong. The mod system should be about stat customization, and all gear should be moddable. We really need an A-Tab.


For the second time in this thread:


All armor appearances have a moddable version available. Get off your entitled *** and go find it instead of stomping your feet and demanding that everything you want (the vast, vast majority of which is already ingame) be delivered to you on a silver platter.

Edited by Narien
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See ? No relation. Equiping a piece of gear in an appearance slot (lets call it wardrobe slot) only changes the way that slot LOOKS. Nothing else.


And you've completely missed the point of the mod system. It allows stat customization while at the same time permitting players to control how their character looks. Decouple those two things, and you've completely destroyed the entire rationale for a mod system.




Mod system already does 90% of what an a-tab does, you just need to work a smidge at it.

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I wanted to play a former Twi'lek slave dancer girl turned Jedi and I'm stuck with ugly robes. I realize they have organge gear you can customize later on, but I haven't gotten around getting the parts I need yet, and from what I've gathered so far it still seems kinda limited (plus don't know if end game gear will even have the option to change appearance).


I'd really like the ability to change how I look, maybe even have a couple preset outfits.


PS: Sorry, but I'm a Champions Online player, and I've been spoiled by appearance customization options (even the ability to buy more costume pieces and slots through microtransactions) :p



I want Dyes too. Seems like as good a place as any to post this here.


Some sort of color option would be good too. (again, spoiled by CO, were we get all these options right off the bat)

Edited by VisionStorm
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use the mod system OP, you can have any amor in the game with any stats you can get your hands on. This is about the same as an appereance tab, only its not gifted to you but you have to work a bit to look exactly as you want.
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The mod system actually has everything to do with appearance.


The orange quality gear (mod gear) is completely moddable. You simply find the piece of appearance gear you want, and you equip that gear with the stats you want it to have.


The only purpose for orange gear is to serve as a container for stat mods that you select. It's pretty much an appearance only piece of armor that you customize with the stats you want.


That sounds like exactly what an appearance tab does in any other game to me.


Yeah you know why this system fails? I'm level 30 and I've found maybe five or six mod pieces, and none of them match.


So I still look like a scarecrow.


Stupid stupid design. It would only work if they flooded the game with orange items.


Like seriously, I've not seen a single pair of mod pants.


And talking about that, my Sith Inquisitor would like to wear pants like the other grown up boys.

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For the second time in this thread:


All armor appearances have a moddable version available. Get off your entitled *** and go find it instead of stomping your feet and demanding that everything you want (the vast, vast majority of which is already ingame) be delivered to you on a silver platter.


I get that - what irks me about it is having a lvl 10 piece of gear i love the look of and then having to wait until lvl 30* to be able to find a crafter that can make the orange version. (*numbers chosen at random)


especially when the loot tables are cluttered with useless white and green armor pieces. if they made all the armor orange they could just add more low level (white quality) mods in to make up for it - more people he the looks thy want, and still have to work for stats that are better than "meh".

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You don't have a clue about what an appearance tab is don't you ? Let me explain.


1. You have your gear tab. That's gear that has STATS on it, and you MOD this gear.

2. You have the appearance tab. Gear put here changes your character LOOK.


See ? No relation. Equiping a piece of gear in an appearance slot (lets call it wardrobe slot) only changes the way that slot LOOKS. Nothing else.


Rift has a very nicely implemented wardrobe system, you can have more than one, and they don't occupy bag space and can be switched on the fly. Check it out to see how it works.


We AND BW are well aware of what an A tab is..

and they have flat said OVER and OVER.. they DON'T WANT ONE.

the Mod system is their version of the appearance system.


this was burned to death in the beta forums for months and months..

every time the answer was the same..


NO the devs dont want an A tab..


they want you to adventure and find moddibles and wear them.

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I get that - what irks me about it is having a lvl 10 piece of gear i love the look of and then having to wait until lvl 30* to be able to find a crafter that can make the orange version. (*numbers chosen at random)


Call it an incentive to be a part of a community.

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And you've completely missed the point of the mod system. It allows stat customization while at the same time permitting players to control how their character looks. Decouple those two things, and you've completely destroyed the entire rationale for a mod system.




Mod system already does 90% of what an a-tab does, you just need to work a smidge at it.


So let's say I got out there, loot an orange chestplate and a a purple pair of pants and then a green bracer and a blue right bracer.. they all are "Orange" so I can change stats. How the HECK is this anything close to what I want? Maybe I want to LOOK all purple! You're telling me that I gotta keep going out there and loot until I find all purple pieces?! Or Maybe I want to be wearing a specific set of armor I can craft instead of what I have been looting...


Now, let's say they added the A-tab. I can keep my crazy rainbow color armor on, mod it as I please and then CRAFT my armor that I want to actually wear and put in an A-tab slot for appearance only (does not need to have any stats on it since it's appearance only). There you go. I got my statted armor on and then my appearance armor on top of it so I don't look like some fruity pebble running around.


I get a feeling some of you don't understand the need for an A-tab or understand what it is supposed to do.

Edited by Danylko
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Let's keep the thread civil...


They are not going to introduce an Appearance Tab, because they feel that their current mod system covers the appearance issue. While a straight "Appearance Tab" system would be easier, the current system does give you the option of looking exactly how you want to look.


The problem is, Orange items that you want are *very* rare right now. The GTN is not super populated.


Ultimately, you need to find the gear you would want on your Appearance Tab in an Orange version... For every slot... And keep it appropriately leveled with mods... The Orange item gives you the "Appearance" and the mods give you the level and modifiers...


It's going to be much more expensive and time consuming, and likely won't be possible until the GTN has way more items.


Meanwhile, Orange items, very few of them, can be bought on the planetary Commend vendors... For what it's worth...

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Some sort of color option would be good too. (again, spoiled by CO, were we get all these options right off the bat)


*hijacks thread temporarily to save excitedly at vision. gets far too excited at seeing other CO players*

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Yeah you know why this system fails? I'm level 30 and I've found maybe five or six mod pieces, and none of them match.


So I still look like a scarecrow.


Stupid stupid design. It would only work if they flooded the game with orange items.


Like seriously, I've not seen a single pair of mod pants.


And talking about that, my Sith Inquisitor would like to wear pants like the other grown up boys.


I see a lot of schematics for the on the GTN, but it'll take time to get crafters producing them reliably.


I'm pretty sure you're not going to get the set armor look you want by hoping you get the right drops, but did you expect to?


I'm kinda frustrated myself at this right now, because everytime I get a schematic for an orange item it's been Armormech and I'm Synthweaving... but it's OK because the game just came out, tomorrow...


I'll sell the schematics I find and buy the ones other people find, then I'll start making mine and hope that people really do want an 'appearance tab' as much as they say they do on the forums.


Bioware has just put the appearance tab into the hands of the player driven economy. It may turn out to be a good thing, but we'll have to wait and see, once the economy actually has time to get moving.

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So let's say I got out there, loot an orange chestplate and a a purple pair of pants and then a green bracer and a blue right bracer.. they all are "Orange" so I can change stats. How the HECK is this anything close to what I want? Maybe I want to LOOK all purple! You're telling me that I gotta keep going out there and loot until I find all purple pieces?!


Now, let's say they added the A-tab. I can keep my crazy rainbow color armor on, mod it as I please and then CRAFT my armor that I want to actually wear and put in an A-tab slot for appearance only (does not need to have any stats on it since it's appearance only). There you go. I got my statted armor on and then my appearance armor on top of it so I don't look like some fruity pebble running around.


I get a feeling some of you don't understand the need for an A-tab or understand what it is supposed to do.


For the THIRD time now:


Every appearance ingame has a moddable version. Get off your *** and go find it instead of ************ and moaning about how you can't get spoonfed something that already exists.


Also, match to chest will be making a return at some point, likely with a dye system to go with it.

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So let's say I got out there, loot an orange chestplate and a a purple pair of pants and then a green bracer and a blue right bracer.. they all are "Orange" so I can change stats. How the HECK is this anything close to what I want? Maybe I want to LOOK all purple! You're telling me that I gotta keep going out there and loot until I find all purple pieces?!


Now, let's say they added the A-tab. I can keep my crazy rainbow color armor on, mod it as I please and then CRAFT my armor that I want to actually wear and put in an A-tab slot for appearance only (does not need to have any stats on it since it's appearance only). There you go. I got my statted armor on and then my appearance armor on top of it so I don't look like some fruity pebble running around.


I get a feeling some of you don't understand the need for an A-tab or understand what it is supposed to do.


you dont read much at all do you..



grr flat out


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For the second time in this thread:


All armor appearances have a moddable version available. Get off your entitled *** and go find it instead of stomping your feet and demanding that everything you want (the vast, vast majority of which is already ingame) be delivered to you on a silver platter.


You're a SWTOR developer? I didn't know...


The only people I see stomping their feet and crying that not everybody loves the same things as them are those people against A-Tab, like you.


The current system seems unfair and very lacking for some people, and these kind of threads are never going to stop popping, no matter if you like it or not.

Edited by Soldre
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