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Would Moving This Game To Xbox 360 & PS3 Save It?


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Would Making This Title available To Xbox 360 & PS3 Save It?


It seems that with going F2P Bioware has it's hand firmly grasped upon the fire alarm lever and are now taking initiatives to save the game from a complete burndown of subs/players. With the player base of Xbox 360 and PS3 users, do you believe making this game available on PSN and Xbox Live Marketplace for $14.99 would help boost subs, income, and interest in the game?? Not to mention some players who already have the game on a weak PC would be able to run the game at full performance graphically and processing wise for the first time. Keyboard and mouse support is available on Playstation 3, but I can't speak for Xbox 360. Seeing as how games like Guild Wars 2 have already announced the studio releasing the game for consoles early 2013, would it help Swtor to follow that same lead??? Your Thoughts????

Edited by KawadaShogox
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In my opinion it would take far to long for Bioware/EA to make this game available onto the Xbox 360 and PS3 for it to become profitable, that being said it might become a really good buy for the consoles as there is only 1 game that comes to mind when i think of an mmo on the consoles. But with them thinking of putting this feature in after the game was already launched, would be a mistake, as they should have thought of this in the early development of this game.
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The Star Wars theme is what keeps this game afloat. A console wouldn't make much difference.


If Lucas Arts wants it done right, they are going to have to get a little more educated on the workings of MMO's.


They had a good thing going with SWG, except they released it far too soon and way too buggy and unfinished. Then they completely alienated their niche customer base with radical, unwanted changes.


I can see the board room when SWTOR was conceived. "Let's make a WOW clone and the Star Wars theme will blow the market away." They thought the Star Wars franchise alone would be like printing money. After the initial excitement, they were proven wrong. The cloning fell far short of what Blizzard produced and even if they could have replicated the product quality, folks are leaving WOW for a reason. The format is getting a little old.


A pre CU/NGE SWG was a Star Wars MMORPG at it's highest glory.


Edit: I don't think I will ever buy another game that features voice acting again. Don't get me wrong, the voice acting may be the single best feature of SWTOR, but that just may be the problem. Valuable assets were spent to accomodate it that could have been spent on creating a better overall product. In my mind, if a new game is going to feature voice acting, other parts of the game will likely suffer, and i don't know if I want to spend the time to find out what I already suspect is true.

Edited by Sungas
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The Star Wars theme is what keeps this game afloat. A console wouldn't make much difference.


If Lucas Arts wants it done right, they are going to have to get a little more educated on the workings of MMO's.


They had a good thing going with SWG, except they released it far too soon and way too buggy and unfinished.


I can see the board room when SWTOR was conceived. "Let's make a WOW clone and the Star Wars theme will blow the market away." They thought the Star Wars franchise alone would be like printing money. After the initial excitement, they were proven wrong. The cloning fell far short of what Blizzard produced and folks are leaving WOW for a reason. The format is getting a little old.


A pre CU/NGE SWG was a Star Wars MMORPG at it's highest glory.


I was there sir..and let me just say bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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Would Making This Title available To Xbox 360 & PS3 Save It?



There is nothing to save. Bioware/EA thinks they can make more money going F2P so they are. It's that simple. The game isn't dying. It's lost a lot of subscriptions no doubt, but there's no evidence this game is anywhere near shutting its doors.

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There is nothing to save. Bioware/EA thinks they can make more money going F2P so they are. It's that simple. The game isn't dying. It's lost a lot of subscriptions no doubt, but there's no evidence this game is anywhere near shutting its doors.


I dunno if dipping below 500,000 accounts would shut it, but they've certainly said it wouldn't be making any money if it did.

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There is nothing to save. Bioware/EA thinks they can make more money going F2P so they are. It's that simple. The game isn't dying. It's lost a lot of subscriptions no doubt, but there's no evidence this game is anywhere near shutting its doors.


How is going F2P NOT a bad sign? If the game had subs increasing more and more it would of stayed a completely subscription based game. Since its not, and its losing subs, F2P is to bring more people in because there currently are NONE coming in.

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With the way this game was built, it shouldve been a console game to begin with... All swtor is , is a single player game with co-op options and some pvp maps, no different than games like homefront, gears of war, fable etc....


I agree pre cu swg was great and i was also there.... I pray for the future of swtor but it looks glum, and if what we have now doesnt get better soon i cant see paying $15 a month for a single player game that gives me co op and a few pvp maps...

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In all reality, the question itself is entirely unfeasible. With the amount of abilities in the game, you couldn't simply transfer the game over to a PS3/XBOX format. At the most, you could have about 8 abilities equipped on a PS3 controller. That would require an entire remake of the game. That's simply not going to happen. On another note, DCUO on the PS3 went F2P halfway through it's first year. Almost over night from the transition, the playerbase increased by 300%, and they soon started raking in the cash. Content came out 3x as fast, with some fairly sizable updates. As much as people like to preach about it, GW2 is going to show it's cracks sooner rather than later. It's a highly skill reliant game, and if you follow the PvP forums, you'd be led to believe that 95% of the playerbase are "bads". But also that 95% of playerbase is leaving this game for that one. Somewhere it's gotta give. If that many people are horrible with a gear crutch, how much better will they be without it? I know 2 people (good guildmates from DCUO) already that started playing last night and decided 7 hours in they weren't impressed. At least 1 of these guys has been playing super hardcore for about 11 years. I stuck it out with DCUO and that game started to flourish, I'll stick it out here too.
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How is going F2P NOT a bad sign? If the game had subs increasing more and more it would of stayed a completely subscription based game. Since its not, and its losing subs, F2P is to bring more people in because there currently are NONE coming in.


LoL is F2P TF2 is F2P, DCUO, is F2P, LotrO, is F2P, DDO is F2P


With the exception of LoL all of those games have done far better as F2P then they ever did when they required you to purchase the game.


Sorry but F2P is the future in fact consoles are even looking at ways to make F2P.

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save it ? save it from what ? Anyways we have had this discussion before and well I use a 360 controller with 32 abilities at my finger tips , so doesn't have to be a mouse game ( keyboard already works on the 360 ). The thing is the ps3 and 360 are near the end of their lives so , If bioware were to make a console conversion I would hope they would make it on the ps4 or xbox 720.





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In all reality, the question itself is entirely unfeasible. With the amount of abilities in the game, you couldn't simply transfer the game over to a PS3/XBOX format. At the most, you could have about 8 abilities equipped on a PS3 controller. That would require an entire remake of the game. That's simply not going to happen. On another note, DCUO on the PS3 went F2P halfway through it's first year. Almost over night from the transition, the playerbase increased by 300%, and they soon started raking in the cash. Content came out 3x as fast, with some fairly sizable updates. As much as people like to preach about it, GW2 is going to show it's cracks sooner rather than later. It's a highly skill reliant game, and if you follow the PvP forums, you'd be led to believe that 95% of the playerbase are "bads". But also that 95% of playerbase is leaving this game for that one. Somewhere it's gotta give. If that many people are horrible with a gear crutch, how much better will they be without it? I know 2 people (good guildmates from DCUO) already that started playing last night and decided 7 hours in they weren't impressed. At least 1 of these guys has been playing super hardcore for about 11 years. I stuck it out with DCUO and that game started to flourish, I'll stick it out here too.


ps3 has keyboard an mouse support


the reason DCUO failed is because it was a mmo with RPS mechanics and they keyboarders didn't like it

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ps3 has keyboard an mouse support


the reason DCUO failed is because it was a mmo with RPS mechanics and they keyboarders didn't like it


Yeah, you could. But......why would you play a console only to use a keyboard and mouse? The whole purpose of a console is to get away from that. The fact notwithstanding that from a business financial side, it's entirely cost prohibitive to completely re-design the game engine to work with a console's kernel and hardware. And we'd be kidding ourselves if we thought the cell processor and small bit of XRAM that those consoles have could handle this type of game graphically and from a performance standpoint. As to DCUO, I can't speak to PC side, but for PS3 it's....in as most appropriate word as I can find, Thriving! on that platform. It hasn't failed. The game is doing great on console, as anyone that's played it can see it was designed as a console game first.

Edited by AmericanNate
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save it ? save it from what ? Anyways we have had this discussion before and well I use a 360 controller with 32 abilities at my finger tips , so doesn't have to be a mouse game ( keyboard already works on the 360 ). The thing is the ps3 and 360 are near the end of their lives so , If bioware were to make a console conversion I would hope they would make it on the ps4 or xbox 720.






Kudos to you BadOrb. I just can't get used to the controller given all the keybindings I need and quite honestly am used too.


Aside form that, I don't think you could port this game over easily and I think game play would suffer.

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I dunno if dipping below 500,000 accounts would shut it, but they've certainly said it wouldn't be making any money if it did.


The 500K number was the at-launch profit point. They have since replanned their operations and scaled it down to match the retained subscriptions forecast.


You need to let the 500K number go Goretzu, it's obsolete as their profit point now.


Besides, when they move to Freemium, subscriptions no longer matter. What matter from that point on is Average Revenue per User (ARPU).

Edited by Andryah
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I can see why they made an MMO - however, BW are known for being a console orientated developer and it really shows - the game feels like a console game shoehorned onto the PC with some MMO elements bolted on.


I don't know if that could happen now without ripping out the elements most like KOTOR and making it a single player console game. However, I don't think that that is going to happen. And can see why, in 2007-8 or so (I imagine) they made the decision to make this an MMO.

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