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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Sitting in chairs and stuff like that is nice but it doesn't bring more ppl in this game. Content keeps ppl interested and entertained.


And when I say more content it can be PVP, PVE, Space, Swoop racing so anything that brings in new content.

Edited by RDX-TWO
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1.) Removal of the bolster system in 55 warzones. We had a system that worked before! In an MMO with the opportunity for so many things to go wrong, why fix something that for all intensive purposes, worked.


2.) World PvP and objectives. As a former DaOC and Warhammer player, I was spoiled with meaningful world pvp wherever you went, I would love to see this in swtor. I even had fun in Ilum before the kill quests were removed. We need something to do as far as world pvp.


3.) Cross server warzone queues. More competition is always a good thing.


There are other things I would love to see changed, but out of principal, all of my suggestions involve pvp because it has gotten no love as of late, and it is a big part of the game for a large portion of the community.


Thanks for listening.

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1. Unique names gone, replaced with unique accounts. (i.e. Luke@Skywalker. Skywalker is the "display name" and thus must be unique, but Luke does not have to be unique.)


2. More class storyline.


3. Group Finder working across servers and 55 can queue against lvl 50 operations

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1. More Exploration Content; I loved going after Holocrons... I would love more stuff like that, content that encourages you to go out into places you otherwise wouldn't and access to rewards you otherwise wouldn't get...


2. Companion Changes; they have remained largely static since launch... Nothing wrong with them, would just like something fresh... Perhaps quest lines to unlock new companion abilities, perhaps companion unique buffs, etc, etc... Simple things, like going somewhere and doing xxxxx makes your healer companion get a new heal and a buff while in use that increases your healing received by 5% or something, IDK, just throwing stuff and seeing what sticks... Companion set bonuses?


3. More Solo content at end-game... The whole game is about story, as one would expect from Bioware... This could play right into the previous two most wanted things for me... End-game exploration content with unique bonuses to yourself and perhaps your companion... New unlocks for you, gear for companions, unlock for companions, etc... All tailored at the player who runs dailies and solo content (ie: everyone when they aren't running ops, FPs, or Warzones)...



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1. Reworking the engine until it can display up to 40 or 50 players.


- That would enable the devs to add more live and diversity to the planets and bring back open pvp.


2. Add a Planet (instance) for faction vs. faction where up to 25 people on each side fight against each other.


- Daily reset of the map winner gains bonuses and points where you can buy nice stuff.


3. Add something that actually is fun to do over and over again like card games or other mini games against players.

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1) Give Shadows/Assassins a Force Leap to target ability


2) Make Aspiring Jedi Knight Vest adaptive so any class can use it


3) Weapon Customization (Agents/Troopers able to equip Blaster Pistols. Jedi's able to use any style of Light saber)

Yes, and once you've done that... give Juggernauts/Gaurdians stealth
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Yes, and once you've done that... give Juggernauts/Gaurdians stealth


Sure! Personally, I don't care. :p I almost never use the stealth when solo because it resets enemies health if I go back into stealth..


But by your comment, it would seem you think it's some great tanking power, when personally, I find it to be just a nice power for melee to jump into fights with.

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Sure! Personally, I don't care. :p I almost never use the stealth when solo because it resets enemies health if I go back into stealth..


But by your comment, it would seem you think it's some great tanking power, when personally, I find it to be just a nice power for melee to jump into fights with.

You're thinking only of PVE ... it doesn't reset an enemy's health in PVP. There are already 3 classes with a leap, Mara's Jugg's and PT's ...if only my Mara had Operative roll so he could get the Hutball first, pred then stealth to the sandbags and leap to a player in the inzone... :p


... Sins have plenty of their own good abilities... and stealth is their best, the fact that you don't use it whilst you 1v1 mobs in PVE doesn't make it any less than 'the' Sin ability...it defines that class. Maybe you should play a Jugg :)

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Yes, and once you've done that... give Juggernauts/Gaurdians stealth


I would rather a pull than stealth tbh. Makes me salivate at the thought of some of the pull-push-leap combos that would be possible in Huttball.

Edited by Stncold
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Wow, only 117 pages? Good Question though :)


I would like


1. More Bug Fixes, some of those bugs are almost 2 years old.....


2. A revamp of the Crew Skill system - multitasking, multiple missions for each character, more available missions, automatically redoing the mission without having to be told to.


3. Star Ship Customization color, interior, exterior, maybe shape and size?

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You're thinking only of PVE ... it doesn't reset an enemy's health in PVP. There are already 3 classes with a leap, Mara's Jugg's and PT's ...if only my Mara had Operative roll so he could get the Hutball first, pred then stealth to the sandbags and leap to a player in the inzone... :p


... Sins have plenty of their own good abilities... and stealth is their best, the fact that you don't use it whilst you 1v1 mobs in PVE doesn't make it any less than 'the' Sin ability...it defines that class. Maybe you should play a Jugg :)


I do have a Jugg at 50+ (and a Guard) that doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer my Shadow/Assassin (have both of these two) to have a Leap. Even for team content PvE I'd love a Force Leap.


But remember, the question was "What would /I/ like..." and having played Shadow/Assassin, I think the Force Leap ability is the only thing missing from the class to make it the most fun class (for me).

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1. Sages should have gotten phase walk (take away force run if you need to)

2. Focus target system needs improving and marking targets needs more visibility (beacon of light like huttball?)

3. More dailies weeklies for pvp

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1. Fix the issue where companions will sometimes not reappear after using a mount, rocket boost, or elevator while grouped. Super annoying.


2. Make my companion stop breaking it's back to look at me. Companions spawn before players on fleet and are bent over like disabled droids in movies. Once you appear, companions then turn their shoulders, but not their waists, to look at you. Try turning your shoulders without turning your waist. It doesn't work. It makes the companions look totally unnatural. I don't need my companion staring at me anyway. lol.


3. I'd love to waste more money on cartel items but don't have room to store any more bound items. Add one more standard cargo bay tab and a single legacy-wide cargo bay tab, add a second inventory tab, add more gear sets to the collections (not just cartel sets), and make crafting materials on all characters accessible to crafting on any character regardless of them being in a standard cargo bay tab or the legacy shared cargo bay tab.


There could be limitations on what you can put in the legacy cargo bay tab such as the items either must be unbound or legacy bound. I would mostly use it for xp buffs, stims, adrenals, med packs, legacy gear, and other items for leveling characters.

Edited by Puja
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1. Get rid of gambling packs and allow individual purchases of the items that were in them.

2. Poor itemization on the gear. Give proper itemization and remove the cheap time sink.

3. Allow basic features of barbershop to cost in game credits and not Cartel Coins. Example being hair/facial features. Continue to charge for new style unlocks but once unlocked you can change with credits.



1. Ability delay/misfire/no fire. I believe its mostly due to server lag.

2. Cast bar disappearing or not showing up.

3. Fix the engine to allow open world pvp without a slideshow.


Added: ( these are stolen from Rift )

1. Dynamic content. I wouldn't mind seeing invasions of the opposite faction hitting the quest hubs/areas.

2. Chronicles. I loved what Rift did here for solo/duo players.

3. Instant adventures. I also loved what Rift did here for alternative leveling.

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