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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Well I think what the majority of players want is pretty evident judging from this thread so I'll just sum them up to the best of my abilities:


1 : Open-world/ Cross Server PVP/PVE (which can't happen unless you optimize your heroic engine to reduce lag first)


2 : More customization (More race, Mount, in-game gear look, barber - lol there's not a single barber in the entire galaxy. funny)


3 : More mini games ( scooter race, Catina games...etc etc)


The rest of them are things like expand the level cap and "show us that you care" (***) which are a given so I won't bother adding those. honestly though if bioware doesn't optimize the game engine none of these would happen or matter.


Running 30 FPS on fleet with nVidia GTX670 and i7 processors is UNACCEPTABLE..

Edited by hyuplee
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1. Appearance customization and armor dye. Hide head slot on companions.


2. More huttball maps with spectator mode


3. More sandbox features on planets.


I like most aspects of the game already I hope the devs put out more content soon!

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1) Dual Specialization (with bar options saved for each of the specializations)

2) World looking for group to have the ability to chose what you are queuing for (aka selectable heroics). Separate category for world bosses since they need an op group instead of a party.

3) Looking for group defaulting to the appropriate role for the character's specialization

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1) let us turn in quests other places that the fleet. Can we have a pvp hub on our Capital Planet? or on Ilum to at least encourage openworld PVP. If PvPers were already hanging out there cuase they could have pvp vendors and turn in quests....they'd be more opt to fight each other while waiting for que


2) Talk to us more, give tentative release dates on things or don't say anything at all.


3) allow me to xfer my player to a pvp server or pve server.

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I have found that trying to read the dialog an NPC has to say but doesn't speak English seems to go way too fast for me. I get through half of what I'm suppose to read before it disappears and I need to read more. Why can't the game designers add something like a clickable CONTINUE in order to advance the conversation when we are ready to read more? I have lost a lot of valuable information because of this and it's really getting frustrating takes away the pleasure of what could be a really fun and pleasurable experience in this game.


Also would like to see a change in the wording for the choices given us when conversing with NPCs. So far about 45% of the time what I choose to answer from the choices of replies turn out to be a totally different remark than I had anticipated. When I thought I would get a positive remark and reaction my Gunslinger ends up only pissing Corso off with snide remarks that I would never have chosen if I knew what I made was really going to be saying in the first place.

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1. Warzone style Space battles (8 v 8 ship combat) Perhaps attack/defend capital ships as an example.

2. Capture/Hold/Objective based World PvP with lots of reasons to take part in it.

3. Fix the basics of chat logs (custom channel functionality doesn't work, bring in additions like a "ready check" command.)

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One of my favorite things about a lot of the games I have played are the minigames Though my all time favorite has to be swoop racing from KOTOR, I have been giving it a lot of thought lately how Swoop Racing could be done in SWTOR. Here is my Idea is that when you get your ship you could have a basic swoop inside. Now whether they do it like the ships and droids, you could add better parts, or you could buy/win/drop better swoops from vendors/bosses or as prizes from races. Like KOTOR you could have tracks per world with prizes then you could have Faction championship then Galaxy wide races and championships. I would also like to see pazaak and sabaac in game where you could have player vs ai in cantina as well as challenge other players have Faction championship then Galaxy wide championships, have rare and epic cards drop from bosses and such as you build a better and better deck to play.


2.More char slots


3.In smuggler class being able to actually smuggle things for other chars.

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1) rare and difficult to acquire unique weapons and other gear that doesnt "caP' on dmg/etc. oh, this lightsaber is 300 dmg. oh, another dropped and its 300 dmg. its sort of lame. the way gear is in this game in general is sort of lame. it would be cooler if gear were more like WoW or D3. keep the whole mod system but add some other uber and unique gear. (not just in appearance)


2) pazaak and sabaac


3) less emphasis on doing "dailies". i have every reason in the world to do a daily, but what reason do i have to kill X mob unless its for a quest? NONE. No cool gear stuff. No unique or interesting items drops. Bland and BORING. would be cool if mobs dropped certain MATS for important stuffs instead of just "oh im just going to click a button and send my guys out". Okay, that is cool, but have mobs drop other stuff that we need/could potentially use. The loot tables in this game are completely horrible and in fact non existent. everything is cookie cutter and bland, uninteresting, not unique.

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I. Guilds functionality - experience, rewards, bonuses for playing with guild mates, guild allies/enemies, expanded bank functionality, customizable guild banner/insignia/colours.


II. RP and appearance features - chat bubbles, sitting on chairs, hoods up atop helmets (as was advertised on screenshots pre-launch) , character physical appearance modification.


III. Ten random things from the famous Wall of Crazy. Preferably mini games sooner rather than later.

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1) SGRA's

2) More idle chit-chat conversations with companions

3) Greater emphasis on the inter-faction war at end-game (feels like we're being distracted from it)



1) More engaging boss fights

2) Dailies which aren't mind-numbing

3) More areas to just explore



1) Armour sets that don't look like a fashionista's cheese induced nightmare

2) Chairs I can sit on

3) Fully working Codex

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1 open world pvp i think it would be cool if they where bases we could fight for on most of the nutral plantets witch in turn could make it easy or harder to get around on that planet in some way or form. Guild wars have to where guilds can have a war aginst each other witch could help the open world pvp out alot

2 end game content so far it like after ya hit 50 we are all doin the same stuff over and over witch in time becomes boring and some people dont like doing a bunch of alts not just there play style

3 crafting and the econmy most of the items we get at 50 are from the game not the player and i think we have to many credits that just go no where witch in turn just takes less credits from players all the way around

4 space on rails it like a trip back in time we are in 2012 we should be able to freely move around space and explore and have pvp battles in space

5 houses i would love to see players citys would be great although i do think this will be done i do think it would be cool

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1. Mouseover option for abilities. I have played healers for a long time and being able to mouseover the character or their group/party/raid/operation "block" and trigger a heal without having to actually 'select' them is a godsend. Same when tanking to taunt a mob off the healer without losing your selection of the main boss, or playing pvp to throw a fast CC while staying glued to your victim....just as some examples.


2. Something they promised at the start of SWTOR - same gender romances.


3. Character gear/apperance customization - like a previous poster mentioned - LOTRO has an almost ideal system for creating 'costumes', only lacking color options. I'd also like to see this added not just for characters but companions.


Lastly I'd like to ask Bioware to consider the following; I understand SWTOR is a new game and new content is important, but in my opinion too many resources are focused that direction and too few to...fixing things such as the lag since they overstuffed the servers when they consolidated them, redesigning the client/server architecture to smooth out gameplay/responsiveness and generally...fine tune/fix what is already there rather then keep slapping on new stuff as buggy as the old.

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1. Short story scenes on your ship in which your companions interact with each other. I can't express how much joy this would bring me.


2. Fully updated Codex: each category on each planet is fully completable, and all the missing titles have been re-instated.


3. Same-gender romance options for companions and NPCs. We've all been promised this, and have been waiting a long time.

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1. Legacy Friendship - i.e. Being able to friend an entire legacy (cross faction) that connects to everyone on YOUR legacy.


2. Rare Grade 7-8 material spawn points placed in (mandatory) PvP zones on Worlds which force people to PvP if they want access to the materials. Random spawn times so people can't camp the point effectively (bottom and top caps, no sooner than, no longer than, etc) Maybe the node should wander, anyone within X radius of given point.


3. The ability to select which grade crafting material you're searching for on the GTN

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1: Make illum alive, put a pvp mission dropbox and pvp vendors in the bases, AND open world pvp missions ofc.. cuz now there is just no reason to be there..

2: More open world pvp in general every planet (at least a lot of planets) should have an pvp area like illum with obectives n stuffs

3: Add a pvp raid, for examlpe up to 40 ppl could engage in a pvp group mission to raid the other factions fleet (would be cool to have like a co-op space mission to get to their fleet )

4: Add a massive 2handed lightsaber for juggernauts :D (wich marauders cannot use, cuz they are to weak ;)

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1.) Full 3D space encounters and exploring. I want it to feel like a universe.


2.) All adaptable Orange Gear with class and faction prereqs removed (mainly because I want the Sentinel Gloves and Boots on my Mara, because they are the best looking in the game IMO.)


3.) Region locked Cross Server Ques (PvE and PVP). I say region locked because I think getting que'd with people that don't speak your language is a bad idea. A lot of communication break down, for obvious reasons.

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