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Everything posted by CharlieDeltaSig

  1. So many things already stated i would LOVE to see implemented. Here are my top 3: 1) CODEX: Too many missing entries and bugs, keeps me from completing my main 2) Companion lightsabers: Do they ever put them away?? 3) Add the Wilhelm Scream somewhere! Anywhere!!
  2. This is why i hate the f2p model - I don't want to shell out extra cash here and there for items. I budget the $15/month sub, I know when it comes out, and I don't have to pay for extra stuff. I will be keeping my sub even after the f2p is in effect, but if I'm "forced" to buy additional maps, ops, etc (things that are part of the game MORE than just cosmetic like pets and mounts) then I'll quit playing.
  3. With those screenies I am elated that there are schems for purple crystals. I honestly don't care that it's only Expertise, I just want the color. I don't have millions of creds to buy one on GTN, nor did I have 250k pre-1.2, so I will continue to spend my pvp earnings on boxes hoping that the schematic will drop!! Thanks!!!
  4. /agree I was stoked when I read that new color crystals were coming in 1.2, yet haven't seen a single one, other than the 4 from the fleet PVP vendor. Hilts and Enhancements aside, I chose Artifice for my Sent for the color crystals, period. Where is my Purple Color Crystal schematic?? That's all I want, really!! I swear!
  5. I love this game, and while it has some issues (fix the dang Codex BW ) overall I enjoy the game immensely. I keep telling my buddies in the WoW universe I'll come raid with em "tomorrow" but I just can't stop playing this game! But, is the game in trouble? Maybe, I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.
  6. ^^ This. I have been reading comments, articles, and posts about the whole F2P fiasco, and I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Nowhere in ANY of the articles forum users have been linking does it state BW is DEFINITELY going F2P. When they make that announcement I will be deleting the game from my HD... as much as I enjoy it it would fail as F2P....
  7. I bust my butt in every WZ i go into, but since 1.2, needing at least 3 medals to get any sort of compensation, I have to focus on that first, NOT the objectives of the match. When my team is losing, and I don't have a single medal, I forget about everythinng else but making sure my time wasn't wasted in this WZ. Unfortunately, maybe because I suck, maybe because the imps are too OP, IDK, but I don't seem to make it to 3 medals. Like I said, it's NOT for lack of trying, because I do, so when I'm out there trying to win a match, see that we are losing, and that I don't have a single medal, I have to try to get them. By then it's usually too late and I'm stuck with a 0-0-0-0 at the end. I feel it's a TOTAL waste of my time. How about the fact that I could be working on someone 1-on-1, get them to 2%, then have some a-hole with a blaster kill him from 20m out, so I don't get ANY credit for the kill, or the time/energy it took to wail on that player. Those instances keep me from getting my medals, thus getting my rewards. Prior to 1.2, I didn't pay much attention to the medals, as they were 'cosmetic' to me, giving me additional bonuses at the end of a match. Now, I think ONLY of medals first, then, once I have the minimum 3, then I can focus on the objectives of the WZ. This, to me, is totally dumb. I should not have to worry about medals=rewards, I should worry about whether i can take that turret, or score the Huttball, or whatever. I love this game, and 1.2 brought a lot of good. But the changes to the PVP system are way off. I don't PVP a lot, but still 4-6 matches a session would net me a few extra creds, and the comms for getting some decent gear. Now I don't even want to waste my time trying, because I might be on the losing end, and it really sucks
  8. All this "F2P" nonsense in just speculation from people who don't like the game. They have no sources or data to support the statements that TOR is losing subs. they go off of the whiners in the forums that keep saying they are going to rage quit because of whatever reason. Plus, since WoW is sooo much better, why do they have a "free to lvl 20" campaign? They are losing subs too, you know. Plus, $15 a month is nothing. It's an hour of work for me, heck at min wage its just 2 hrs of work. For my wife it's like 15 minutes lol. Anyway, the game would suck so much more if it were free because they wouldn't have the income to keep fixing it and making it better. I really enjoy this game, I think it's great, and they keep making it better. So complain all you want, quit, unsub, whatever. I don't think this is going away anytime soon, nor will it be F2P.
  9. dude, i've seen wow be down for days trying to fix patching issues, and I have the billing records to prove it (since they would give free days due to down time because of all the QQ'ing people would do). All mmo's have these issues, but since you are so unhappy with this one, you seem to forget what has happened in the past.
  10. i don't care what stats are on it, i just want a purple crystal I didn't have 250k to drop on the vendor one, and my artifice is almost to 400, but i have yet to find ANY information on purple color crystal crafting or otherwise.
  11. Finally after searching the forums I find something on the bugged Codex. I'm a completist, and trying to get every last codex entry for each planet as I go is a PAIN!! Thanks for the info, and hopefully the Devs will get this fixed for us crazy people who need 100%
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