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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Event is over, what was your haul?


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I got the full Sand People outfit as a keepsake and it won't ever get worn because I have no desire to wear it. I also got three bowcasters, also as keepsakes, and they won't ever get wielded because I have no desire to wield them. At best, these items will simply serve as mod boxes to hold mods for sending to my other characters.
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About 450 unspent enrichment tokens.


I am told the event vendor is sticking around for a week so I'll probably go for a bowcaster for my IA.


I'm not sure what I want on top of that.


I personally had fun with the event; although the most thrilling part was when my friend accidentally abandoned a quest for his last item at 2a.m. last night ;).


- Arcada

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While I was hoping for a little more variety from the vendor, all in all I think the event was fun. Here's what I got:




Sand People Chest Piece (I always switch up only the chest because I like to keep my set bonuses)

Bowcaster (simply for swapping color crystals)


For whatever reason, the event didn't interest me enough to do it on my other toons. Like I said, though, I had fun with it on my main.

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I enjoyed it , I managed to be the only person in a couple depopulating instances so picking up crates was a cake walk.


I picked up the pet, a full set of Tusken for my Consular, 2 casters for my OP, 2 Casters for my Vanguard. and just over 600k in credits. Not a bad haul.


I like goofy stuff like these events , reminds me of the old Story Archs from SWG. But I will agree the ending left us hanging.



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I ignored the event cuz it was HYPER lame. I got nothing cuz there was nothing I wanted and no reason to participate. Unlike the Rakghout event which managed to be awesome even though I dont like rakghouls.


Waste of developer time.


You're so clever and edgy :rak_03:

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Got the sandpeople armor pieces I wanted on the character I wanted them on, then got some decent playtime in on Sleeping Dogs.


It wasn't a terrible event. It wasn't a great event. It was highly forgetable though, and that's a damn shame.

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My three characters hauled in 3 Sandpeople outfits, 4 Lobelots (all from crates), 12 bowcasters and about a dozen bits of red sparkle powder. I also have 2 or 3 tokens left on each character to remind me of the event.


Moving to the quietest instance and hanging round the opposing mission areas made farming crates very easy and I got in some ganking too. :rak_03:

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... 4 Lobelots (all from crates), ...

Share some of your luck with me, will ya? :) I've opened over 200 crates total during the event and didn't see a single pet. Not that i care about it much, but still left a bitter taste in the mouth. Oh well, RNG never liked me no matter what game i play.

As for me, ive bought a full sand people set (which doesn't fit to any of my characters or companions, so will most likely sit in bank forever, unless i ever decide to make a sand people duo with companion), a speeder (which i also put in bank, maybe it'll become BoL some day), Kashyyk's Legacy and Assassin's Touch (also in bank, no use of them since i'm not going to level an agent or vanguard anytime soon, bought them just to transfer a white crystal to my new assassin, if i'll ever be allowed to create one).

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I grabbed two SP outfits and one of each of the lvl 50 weapons. One of them had a good cunning mod for my new lvl 50 sawbones, and a better power crystal then my current weapons, since i paid for alot of tokens, about 200k spent, and having just spent 400k training by lvl 50 abilities, i have not been able to pull out the barrel yet . gotta go grind some more dailies. Edited by Jedi_Slayer
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I didn't get any thing. I tried out the event on the first day, but I gave up on it. I'm not gonna bother with an event if the quest giver won't let me start the quest due it having a limit number of people who can start that quest at any given time. I'm will not sit there clicking over and over on an npc hoping to be the lucky one to get the quest. However, I did get like 50-60 tokens, but didn't really like any thing I could buy with that many tokens. The only two things I wanted was the pet and the vehicle. Edited by Knockerz
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I got the entire set of armor, the mount, the pet, the level 50 sniper weapon and rifle blaster weapon, one of the level 34(?) rifle blaster weapons that i liked the look of, the level 34 sniper weapon and with my remaining, 6 red sparkle powders for future partying down.


4 level 50's doing the quests for the title and pet, and all the tokens went to my main, so no extra farming beyond what i found while questing, and i didn't have to buy any.

Edited by Zilik
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Got the speeder and the pet on my main, a level 34 blaster-bowcaster for my alt and a level 50 blaster-bowcaster incase I ever decide to use one (the Kashyyk's Legacy one was the only one I liked the look of). I'm not entirely sure why they included a sniper rifle version, since Snipers can just use blaster rifles anyway. Also got the full sandpeople set for an alt, then decided it didn't suit her as well as I'd thought it would.


Sniper rifles have a higher top end damage than blaster rifles of the same rating. A sniper using a blaster rifle will never reach their DPS potential.


As for me - ran 4 chars thru the event - 3 Imps one Pub (my spy). Never been on Nar Shaddaa's Pub side so that was a little interesting. She was also my lowest character thru at lvl 22. Got 2 Lolbots on my alts from crates and spent the next 3 days working on one for my main - got it last nite and was happy.


With maybe 700 total tokens I'll probably buy lvl 34 bowcasters for alts - maybe lvl 50 versions to pull out mods and enhs for Scorpio. My main is a Sniper, but I won't be using a bowcaster (hillbilly weapon ;-P)


Not quite sold on the speeder - its interesting, but none of my chars is going to ride a broken down scrap pile.


I'll grab a couple of the armorsets too just for mobiilty sake.

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All told I wound up with two busted speeders, two full sets of Bloodguard armor plus a few extra chest pieces for other characters, a couple of extra helmets for new alts that will now have custom orange helmets at level 10+, two level 34 sniper bowcasters, and a 34 and 50 blaster rifle bowcaster.


I've still got 50 tokens left over that I'm not quite sure what to do with.


All in all, I loved the event. I thought they made a number of changes that improved this event over the last one. I did miss daily missions as part of the even tthough. A friend and I who had run through the Rakghoul missions together several days during the previous event really didn't have the chance to do the same on this one.

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Bought the 34 cunning and aim bowcasters, the lvl 50 aim bowcaster and the 50 sniper rifle bowcaster, busted speeder on my bounty hunter and the full outfit for my juggy, didn't bother with the pet since I don't really care much for mini pets.


Still got like 120 tokens left over and heard the vendors still up so I'm gonna make some money off folks desperate for tokens :jawa_angel:

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