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Everything posted by Groovykool

  1. I see. The solution is to NERF tanks. Lets make tanks even less desirable to play. That way healers will be easier to kill. Brilliant!!!! Even better, lets just go ahead and block healers and tanks from queuing for warzones. Then the DPS DERPS can happily kill each other without ever having to think. Got it.
  2. If I could select it, I would play Huttball about 90% of the time.
  3. Dev Questions: 1. DPS PVE. Which AC would you recommend for a rerolling Powertech-DPS that aspires to be an elite DPS for nightmare operations . Sniper or Marauder? 2. Shieldtech. What encounters/flashpoints/boss fights were designed/scripted in such a way that Powertech-Tanks would be a better choice than the Juggernaut-Tank? 3. PVP. If you actually wagered credits on say the best 3 out of 5 Arena fights. Which of these two teams would you bet on. one( PT-tank, PT-AP-DPS, PT-PYRO-DPS, OP-Healer), two(Jugg-tank, Mara-Rage,Sniper-MM, OP-Healer)?
  4. Probabilities for same WZ sequences. Two in a row: 1/25 Three:1/125 Four:1/625 Five:1/3125 Six:1/15625 Seven: 1/78125 Eight:1/390625 or 0.00000256
  5. But I am pressing 3 keys at the same time. So three key presses.
  6. Use case 6 Gaming Keyboard that supports six key anti-ghosting. I press 3-6 key binds simultaneously. All keys are registered. [ ] allowed by ToS [ ] prohibited by ToS [ ] example to clear enough to give a ruling
  7. I am fine with the use of Voice Chat and Macros. It is EA that is being inconsistent. If the real reason macros are banned , is the advantage they provide. Then voice chat should be banned for the same reason. What they should do is allow both. But they won't. They don't do sensible.
  8. Sorry i'm so stubborn. Example, Mumble adds graphic overlays right on the SWTOR UI. That gives me even more advantage. I can see which teammates are using voice and who is speaking.
  9. A Macro gives a player an advantage over other players. Voice chat gives a player an advantage over other players.
  10. The same problem exists with macro programs and macro keyboard/mice yet they are banned.
  11. + Agree. Voice chat should be banned. It is unfair to those that don't have it.
  12. Does this mean augments will not affect your bolstered stats? Or should we use augments for stats that are not affected by bolster? Or maybe bolstered stats will be the same with and without augments? Or maybe ? Bah Bah Bah.
  13. Augment schematics come from Slicing missions. Slicers sell them on the GTN. Make sure you get the Armormech ones. If you want to make augments you really need some slicing alts to get the tech components.
  14. No. Lightning isn't very good for PVP. PVP is melee dominated right now. Healing sorcs do well in PVP, but not as well as operative healers. If you have to go Sorc, look at madness or hybrid, but unless you have a huge investment in your sorcerer consider rolling melee.
  15. I got zip. I was on vacation. Missed the entire event. It was WAY TOO SHORT.
  16. So i'm on vacation for 2 weeks and I miss the entire event. Huh? The short duration on this event is ridiculous.
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