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Everything posted by Flaniganican

  1. Talk about missing the point of what I said! That's pretty much exactly what I meant. The developers made a decision to not use an animation technique that is not viable. You completely misunderstood what I was saying. My point was that they probably could implement it, but it wouldn't really look right if the cape/robe was stationary while riding around.
  2. So it really comes down to choice on the developer's end. We know that a robe won't clip the mount when you preview because, as you stated, it uses a different animation for during the preview (if that is actually the case which I'm willing to bet you're right). Therefore, it would be very easy to implement a simple IF statement that would be something akin to: IF not mounted, use animation 1 (free flowing animation with physics, blah blah). Else, use animation 2 (non-clipping, non-moving physics for the robe). I feel that the developers made a decision to keep the physics of the robe on while mounted to give a more "real" appearance (flowing in the wind sorta thing). Otherwise they would have done what I mentioned above a while ago, it wouldn't be that difficult seeing as they clearly already have an animation in place to not clip the mount. It's just a matter of whether or not they want to use it, because you know there will be people annoyed that their robe doesn't flap in the wind anymore while mounted if they were to change this.
  3. I have never played a Trooper myself (the only toon I haven't played now that I think about it) so I apologize for not knowing more about the comps. To answer your original question, though, check out the guides on dulfy.net: http://dulfy.net/2014/01/02/swtor-gunnery-and-assault-specialist-commando-dps-class-guide/
  4. There is a terminal once you finish the story line. It appears in the space station near the GTN and also on Gravity Hook 7 (if you're an imp, sorry I forgot the pub name for the main area). Also, I saw something about having to island hop. The best thing about Makeb is that you don't have to wait for the entire trip on the speeder. The screen fades and you're where you need to be. When I was still grinding to Legend rep, I would generally finish every Makeb daily in about a half hour. Most of the mobs can be avoided.
  5. This was the article in a nutshell: "You can't design a game based on metrics but rather around what makes people happy. Although, I have no idea how to figure that one out and offer no suggestions on what I think makes people happy with games." Just kind of pointless is all.
  6. The point I was trying to make is that asking to change your AC is the same thing as asking for something that you don't have to work for because you already did it once. That would be the same thing as asking for a different set of end gear because you already have one for a different class. Would you think it's fair to trade in an entire set of dps 78's for a set of tank 78's? I'm sure if they did this you wouldn't like it and that's basically how I feel about changing your AC. If they do eventually allow you to change your AC, it probably wouldn't be game breaking but I like it the way it is. Roll a new toon and be done with it. You could have been off the starter planet by now
  7. No hate, but I do disagree. The main reason is because once they allow this, then the next thing people are gonna complain about will be, "Hey now that i changed my Mara to a Jugg, i want all my mods switched from dps to tank stuff. Oh and my medium armor to heavy armor, I dont want to have to get all my armor over again". What people don't realize is that asking to be able to change your AC is the same thing as asking for a different set of gear because it's something that you already did and don't want to have to do again. I mean, I get it. My main is a Jugg and it would be nice to switch to a Mara for PvP and back to Jugg to tank a FP but it just shouldn't work that way. Roll another toon if you want to do that.
  8. In every single MMO ever there have been exclusive mounts that drop from raid bosses. I don't do OPs all that much but when I do, I usually do it for whatever mount I'm going after, NOT for the gear. This is typical in today's country, though. Every one wants hand outs and they don't want to work for anything.
  9. This makes no sense at all. I get that gold sellers want to use F2P because they're free, but what you are saying above is a giant contradiction. You're saying that gold spammers and sellers are around a lot more now because of F2P, and yet F2P restricts them from doing what they need to do. You're all over the place. Either you feel that gold spammers and sellers are around more now because of F2P or you feel that F2P restricts gold sellers and spammers from doing what they do. I agree with the latter but it definitely can't be both.
  10. The only reason why F2P accounts have anything to do with this situation at all is because F2P brought higher server populations. You're right in that before F2P we didn't see it much but that's because servers were dead in the past. Gold spammers aren't around nearly as much for games that no one plays. Staying on topic though, I think there are many reasons as to why we are seeing more gold spammers recently. One is higher populations. Another is the fact that there are less employees working and monitoring this action during the holidays. On top of that, I'm willing to bet gold spammers know that no one is watching and they are even more aggressive in chat. Idk just my two cents.
  11. The OP must be new to MMO's because that's how it has always been. However, if you are having trouble figuring out what to put in the box, follow these steps: Step 1: Cut a hole in a box Step 2: Put your junk in that box Step 3: Make her open the box And that's the way you do it... What to put in a box...
  12. I've been playing since launch and I have never once experienced this "bug". Could be your rig?
  13. So giving the player something else to do would be a game killer simply because it doesn't raise the level cap? This is the sort of thing that people would like to do when they're bored of running dailies and HM's, etc. How can something additional possibly be a game killer? Just because YOU don't care for it, that doesn't mean other people aren't going to have fun with it. Besides, people have been clamoring for this sort of thing since launch.
  14. Yea I was thinking of that so it would definitely have to be scaled a certain way. Possibly having separate instances for each section of the universe like the way the map is set up.
  15. They wouldn't be redesigning anything but rather designing something new for the first time. It would be a completely separate instance. It would probably take about as much time to design as whatever instances they are going to come up with for Galactic Starfighter. The worlds are a set of instances and when you reach one, you can go to it. Same way as a green walled off instance on a planet per say.
  16. Was anyone else hoping that the SSSP would involve actually being able to fly to other planets? Being a programmer, I would think it would be totally plausible to make the "universe map" its own instance where a player can literally travel from planet to planet while encountering other players on the way. You could have missions involving this idea to satisfy the PvE crowd and PvP would exist on PvP servers, therefore, creating the need to upgrade your fighter. Also, you could have certain sections of the universe that would flag you for PvP so that PvE servers can experience this as well. If you weren't interested in the idea, you could have the option of travelling the same way we do now. Don't get me wrong, I love the direction that they are moving in and I look forward to playing some 12 on 12 space PvP but I was a little disappointed that what's mentioned above wasn't the SSSP.
  17. There was definitely a scene where your ship was invaded (I don't remember the details as it was over a year and a half ago when I played through my main) and you had to use the escape pod. However because it was so long ago, now I'm wondering what class it was for. Could have sworn it was Sith Warrior but now I don't remember.
  18. This is an interesting concept but the metrics of its implementation would be too vast. For one, what if the player chosen did not want to be chosen and therefore never participated in the event? What if the player chosen did want to be chosen but something came up and they couldn't log on for a week. What kind of respawns are we talking with a "player world boss"? Groups out there would want to take this guy down as much as possible and even if you are extremely dedicated to this game, it would get tiresome. Also, very exclusionary for only one person to be able to be the world boss. TLDR - Cool idea but it would never work.
  19. I definitely remember a part during the Sith Warrior story where you had to use it.
  20. Did you miss this? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6711619#edit6711619
  21. I'd love to see flying mounts (speeders) but I know they would have to re-design just about the entire game for that to work.
  22. I agree that it would be a nice feature to have but is it really that difficult to mail what you need to your alts?
  23. Yea, we're in it...it's called General Discussion. BTW, I did catch the latest trailer for GTA V today and it looks amazing.
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