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What you'd love to pay Cartel Coins for


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- dual-spec

-extra char slots

-post creation char customization

-ability to change legacy name


Stuff I'd hate to be available for coins

- gear, except for social items maybe.

Edited by Brakoz
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- dual-spec

-extra char slots

-post creation char customization

-ability to change legacy name


Stuff I'd hate to be available for coins

- gear, except for social items maybe.


I'd argue that dual-spec is content that pay to win and should be a free content update for subscribers.

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It wont even be close to what you need to buy something. At first yes, because of all the back coins they will give. After that you will get 150 a month. Base item will probably be 400 or something. Believe me, you will either pay partial cash or save for multiple months for 1 thing.


The argument then hinges around how much the cartel coins cost, if 400 coins cost $10 then I expect as a subscriber to receive 600 coins a month. If I'm getting only 150 coins per month (as they have stated) then cartel coins should be selling to the FtP crowd at $1 per coin so that 400 coin item will cost $400.

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i wouldn't mind paying for:


extra character slots


using cartel coins for legacy unlocks in stead of in game curreny, not for removing the legacy level requirments


buying legacy armor sets


pets and speeders





what i wouldn't pay for is:


legacy bank. I strongly feel that that should be enabled at the start of the legacy system along with choosing a name.


and for armor, it will just completely kill the crafts assoicated with it. I saw it with EQ 2 , every month there is more armor, weapons, and furniture in the cash shop. not once ever has any of the items in the cash shop made it into players recipe books. Adding items like that to the shop will certainly kill off armortech and synthweaving entirely

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The ability to modify the color palette of a piece of armor

Hefty experience boosts, like strong enough that I don't have to ever do another bonus series

Character recustomization

Character rename

Legacy rename

Buy legacy unlocks

Ability to use multiple companions simultaneously (obviously still limited to party size, but would make the story more fun to not be stuck with just your healer companion)

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Hmm, I'd gladly pay Cartel Coins for Spaceship repainting/decorating. Also, in honor of that, it would be nice if they opened up a few new rooms on the ship, just for show.


I'd also gladly pay Cartel Coins for unique speeders. Maybe one of those Coruscanti Taxis? A non-broken version of the Hyrotii Scrapper?

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Can i pile them up and take full command of the development team for one month?


During that month we would finish off-rails space combat, begin a plan for space pvp, use the off-rails space system for Swoop racing & make a space system comparable to EVE online.

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The argument then hinges around how much the cartel coins cost, if 400 coins cost $10 then I expect as a subscriber to receive 600 coins a month. If I'm getting only 150 coins per month (as they have stated) then cartel coins should be selling to the FtP crowd at $1 per coin so that 400 coin item will cost $400.


My guess is 150 cartel coins will be worth ~$7.50, that is, you'll get about 1/2 your sub rate back in cartel coins.


Source: Retrieved from derriere.

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Totally silly stuff

1. Jawa nakedizer.: a special grenade that makes all jawas in a 50yd radius naked for 10 seconds

2. Hutt salt: a toy where you get to pour salt on a live mini hutt and watch it disolve in agony.

3. pet droid: like an R2-D2 type that runs around like a spazz on redbull (similar to eggbert in wow)

4.Dewback, sleen, taun taun, mounts

5. wigs, moustaches, beards, fake *****, dresses, costumes etc... that you can put on that coat-rack called the "ships droid"

6. wookie skin rugs, hippy beads, posters, fuzzy dice, bean bag chairs, lava lamps for your ship.


im sure once my meds kick in ill be able to think of more :p

Edited by Greymayne
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- Pazaak


- Character transfers to wherever I please


- A new emote for /sit that doesn't have my character show the world her fun zone


- Purple Trooper armour


- Some kind of ability to have the real Republic clothing on the Empire side such as the Battlemaster sets without them changing to the Imperial equivalent


Edit: I like this too:



using cartel coins for legacy unlocks in stead of in game curreny, not for removing the legacy level requirments
Edited by flyersfan
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Seems to be a lot of HYPE and EXPECTATIONs here. We all know what that will lead to.......:rolleyes:


Just wait and see; expecting stuff will lead to dissapointment and that will lead to six months of, "i quit threads" and "add this to the store".


The player base spends too much time obsessing over these jesus patches, wheter it be, "launch day", "1.2", 1.4" "server transfers" "live events" and now "the store", as if these are going to bring that ONE thing that is going to pull you off the forums and into the game.


If you feel like your missing some key thing now, stop expecting it to show up, you can always leave and come back when that stuff is included.


As far as us being given cartel coins, i pay 15 dollars a month, if the store is up in 3 months that's 45 dollars, how many cartel coins are we getting? Will it be 45 dollars worth of coins?


Maybe you can leave and come back in December and save the money, check out the new content and not feel dissapointed because you didnt just spend month after month complaining on forums that the last great update did not get you what you wanted and instead you saved some cash :cool:.

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I'd like to see an item based Quick Travel that has no CD, like the fleet passes the CE people can buy. It would be a pretty huge quality of life improvement.


I'd also like to see more companion customizations.


Almost any form of BoL gear would be nice. (empty shells with no mods)


Really, just about anything I'd buy from a vender right now for game credits ~ so long as the prices are fair, and it doesn't break my current game experience, if my monthly stipend isn't enoough.

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Personally, I dont feel a subscriber should have to pay anything extra.


Why not?


Too many ENTITLED gamers that think paying $15 a month should be enough to get everything.


What's next? You want quality content too?

Edited by Tiaa
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1. The ability to (visually) equip different weapons not normally useable by classes. For example blaster rifles for bountyhunters or a single blade lightsaber for assassins. This would be a visual change only, for example by unlocking a "weapon appearance slot" for cartel points.


2. New orange social gear.


3. New pets and mounts.

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Seems to be a lot of HYPE and EXPECTATIONs here. We all know what that will lead to.......:rolleyes:


Just wait and see; expecting stuff will lead to dissapointment and that will lead to six months of, "i quit threads" and "add this to the store".


Er, this isn't a speculation thread. It's an "I Want" thread. We're just here for fun. Join us, why don't you? C'mon, maybe Bioware'll get some good ideas off of us.


As far as us being given cartel coins, i pay 15 dollars a month, if the store is up in 3 months that's 45 dollars, how many cartel coins are we getting? Will it be 45 dollars worth of coins?


That wouldn't even make any sense. Our subs get us unlimited amounts of stuff that f2p'ers will have to pay per pop for.


Everyone else: I love some of the suggestions I'm seeing, though some of them should be free content updates, not pay services! Things like Pazaak and a /sit that lets us sit on chairs.


My Jugg has a whole couch in her ship that she literally sits THROUGH instead of on. It's super sad.


I'd totally pay Cartel Coins for Legacy unlocks, because I am very much over Dailies. Also, I WISH commendations could go into a Legacy bank!

Edited by ManiacalShen
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1. The ability to (visually) equip different weapons not normally useable by classes. For example blaster rifles for bountyhunters or a single blade lightsaber for assassins. This would be a visual change only, for example by unlocking a "weapon appearance slot" for cartel points


I think that is more a animation issue, which is why there are a lot of restrictipons in games where you can cosmetically change your armour and weapons on what can be canged into what.


The sort of things I would pay for, even with a subscription, would be purely cosmetic items that have no impact on game play.


The sort of things for example:


Colours of crystals that have exactly the same stats as those in the game, but the colours aren't available in game. If it was possible with the games coding have the crystals level with your character, like looms in WoW, and be BoA.


Cosmetic armour items. Though that could possibly need something like the LoTRO cosmetic system to work. Not like the modable ones that you can get in game.


A different look for my ship droid.


A way to change the way the ship interior looks, with the possability of interactab;le scenery, chairs beds that sort of thing for the RPers who may like them.




Different looks for speeders.


Even XP boosts, extra character slots, and that sort of thing.


Basically anything that does not give an ingame advantage over players that don't have the cash in the real world to do such things. Pay to win is not exactly a comfortable model in the western market, especially in the MMO area, and it would dirve quite a few away.

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