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Everything posted by sacrengreus

  1. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tirade
  2. My guess is 150 cartel coins will be worth ~$7.50, that is, you'll get about 1/2 your sub rate back in cartel coins. Source: Retrieved from derriere.
  3. Or, you pay $15 and still buy the fluff item because you have poor impulse control. At least, that's how it's going to work with me!
  4. So what happens when all 4 players lock themselves out of conversation choices for that run? Probably not probable, but not impossible either.
  5. He will, of course, have a new main stat. Sarcasm.
  6. As far as we know now, the box will stay $15 but comes with a month of the subscription built in. A good idea actually, as it "forces" FTPers to experience a months worth of the "good stuff" then takes it away from them basically showing them all the stuff "they can't live without" Wow, you can tell it's an insidious plan by how many "air quotes" I had to use to describe it!
  7. Full disclosure: I'm against P2W. That said, I'm curious what everyone's opinions are on the subject of P2W. I know this sparks some strong responses so try to keep it civil. The question is then, "Is there ANY form of P2W that you'd be OK with?" Some sample positions (feel free to deviate if I didn't give your specific reason) would be: 1. No. Absolutely no P2W is ok with me and I'd probably quit if that was added to the cash shop. 2. As long as the best P2W items were at least 1 tier below the best I could acquire in game, I'd be ok with that. 3. As long as the best P2W items were no better than the best items I could acquire in game. 4. As long as the best P2W items were no more than 1 tier above the best items I could acquire in game. 5. I'd be ok with one of the above examples (#2-#4) as long as it were limited to only PVE gear (or vice versa). 6. I'd be ok with one of the above examples (#2-#4) only if my monthly allotment of cartel coins allowed me to purchase the same gear at a reasonable rate (and what would that rate be? 1-2 pieces per month? More?) 7. I'm fine with P2W gear being in the game. Ok, talk among yourselves! I know what I think the majority opinion will be, but maybe I'll be surprised.
  8. Based on the information released so far, I'd say that if you are the type of player that was willing to pay the sub for the post-50 perks, you'd want them all along. Although you can play to 50 for "free" there are still restrictions on use of the GTN, travel, WZs, and FPs along with limited races.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6449 That's the FAQ for FTP. Just about everything we currently know is there. Hope that helps.
  10. Here's some more nice info found in the FTP FAQ:
  11. I was just thinking the other day (when I read something else that was talking about day/night cycles), that I never thought about it ingame and that I really didn't miss it from other games that had it. I'm guessing the reasoning behind not having it is setting a certain mood for the story at that particular time. That said, if they added it, I don't think I'd care enough to get mad or anything so my opinion is probably worthless here!
  12. At Legacy lvl 50 your "family" is obviously well known across the galaxy. It stands to reason that you'd have made at least a few enemies in that time, so I propose that all your characters in that legacy should become immediately KOS to every bounty hunter in the game! If you're looking for a way to spice the game up, that should do it!
  13. My origin server was in the first round. I think the implication here is clear.
  14. When I transferred yesterday (Keller's Void to JC) I went from 40-50 prime time to 300. Transfer was fast and painless. The leveling planets have all had 25-60 people on at all times, even off-peak. I see constant steams in general for just about all Heroics on planets and all FPs when I'm on the fleet. Seems to have worked very well in my particular case.
  15. I transferred 2 characters at about 11a est yesterday. 1st transfer was complete before I could initiate the second transfer. 2nd transfer was done before I could log into the game. Moved from Keller's to JC. Went from prime time fleet activity of 40-50 to almost 300. Just had to turn on my custom UI, everything else was good. Hope it goes as well for everyone else.
  16. Yes, but let people opt in...that is, you can be in the x-server LFG or server-only LFG.
  17. Fraction imbalances can be solved by finding the Lowest Common Denominator and multiplying through. Faction Imbalances are a tougher subject, I think. I imagine some "fixes" are coming, but it wont be immediate. Stick with your populated side for now.
  18. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=420543 It's in the works, and will be server-only (at this time, who knows in the future)
  19. As stated by the topic, what should I spend my comms on before I hit 50? I don't really need the 20/40 "PVP" gear. Is there something specific I should be buying up to prepare for lvl 50 PVP? I can't stock up on Champion bags since they are unique, but I don't want to cap out and waste my warzone comms. Thanks
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