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Group mission takes 20 min to start


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The current system for getting together a group and getting all to the starting point of the heroic/flashpoint is just plainly stupid and old fashioned!


It's the way we did it 10 years+ ago


Flashpoints?? Your at the Fleet station already what traveling is there except up a lift?

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To those of you throwing the silly "instant gratification" response are missing the real point. To be able to teleport instantly to a group mission starting point is not about "instant gratification," it's about real time efficiency, especially for casual players who don't have a lot of time to play the game.


In my opinion, modern MMOs should be catering more to casual players. Let's face it, more and more busy and working adults are getting into MMOs more than ever before. MMOs are no longer just for the poor guy who lives in his mom's basement. The number of casual players has been growing and continues to grow very rapidly that it would actually be beneficial to make MMOs more casual-friendly.


Time efficiency and catering to casual players has nothing to do with World of Warcraft. It's a concept that should be implemented in all modern MMOs.


agreed completely.

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To those of you throwing the silly "instant gratification" response are missing the real point. To be able to teleport instantly to a group mission starting point is not about "instant gratification," it's about real time efficiency, especially for casual players who don't have a lot of time to play the game.


In my opinion, modern MMOs should be catering more to casual players. Let's face it, more and more busy and working adults are getting into MMOs more than ever before. MMOs are no longer just for the poor guy who lives in his mom's basement. The number of casual players has been growing and continues to grow very rapidly that it would actually be beneficial to make MMOs more casual-friendly.


Time efficiency and catering to casual players has nothing to do with World of Warcraft. It's a concept that should be implemented in all modern MMOs.


How little time do you have that you can't take a taxi or use a binding point to get near the entrance to the zone? I work from 60 to 80 hours a week and I don't find this system onerous at all.

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If you want teleportation to dungeons, play WoW. SWTOR has you walk/ride to your flashpoint. Quick travel and other junk like it RUINED WOW


It's the evolution of gaming, just like aiming down the sight was for FPS's. If you don't want to transport somewhere, don't use it. Spend the extra 10 minutes to travel and let the guy who doesn't have nearly as much time as you to quick travel. FFS.

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20 minutes? Did you group up with people on dial-up or something?


At most I waited 10 minutes for a group to get there, which included every one of us getting coffee and/or food as well.


Port to bind-point - 15 seconds.

Run to hangar/shuttle - 60 seconds.

Fly ship to starbase - 15 seconds.

Run through hangar to instance - 60 seconds.


2.5 minutes give or take cooldowns. 5 minutes max. If you're seriously waiting 20 minutes, I suggest you note the names of the slackers and never group with them in the future ;)


But in all honesty I think you're just making this stuff up. ;)

Edited by Danakar
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How little time do you have that you can't take a taxi or use a binding point to get near the entrance to the zone? I work from 60 to 80 hours a week and I don't find this system onerous at all.

But wouldn't you feel more productive and accomplished if you could get more things done in the game during whatever limited amount of time you have to play the game? Waiting for your group to gather up is not productive to me, and running around because it takes too much time to get somewhere doesn't make my play session feel like an accomplishment. The only time I actually feel productive is when I am actively performing my mission objectives.

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I have never had to wait that long, even for a PUG. Example: pulled a PUG together to do Mandalorian Raiders. I was in the Republic fleet station, my guild mate was on Nar Shada, etc, none but me in the hub for the Flashpoints. Within five minutes we were all lined up at the Flashpoint entrance and ready to go.
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But wouldn't you feel more productive and accomplished if you could get more things done in the game during whatever limited amount of time you have to play the game? Waiting for your group to gather up is not productive to me, and running around because it takes too much time to get somewhere doesn't make my play session feel like an accomplishment. The only time I actually feel productive is when I am actively performing my mission objectives.


I play on a PVP server. I like world PVP and one thing that killed world PVP in WOW was all the porting from cities to Instances. So I'll deal with a 5 minute taxi ride and a 5 minute run if it means I may run into some Jedi's I can kill.

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It amazes me how thoroughly an entire generation has devolved to the notion that if the gratification isn't instant, it's not really gratifying.




Find something else to do like....help others in General Chat, surf the web, talk in guild chat - MMOs are time sinks and social games - act social. It happens when it happens. Instant travel is a HORRIBLE idea!!!

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I'm not sure why companies even bother making MMOs anymore when all they have to do is make one gigantic room where everyone could meet and then instantly port to a dungeon. Why even make it seem like a massive world when no one cares anymore. People just want to get their loot as quickly as possible.
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Find something else to do like....help others in General Chat, surf the web, talk in guild chat - MMOs are time sinks and social games - act social. It happens when it happens. Instant travel is a HORRIBLE idea!!!


Instant Travel is already in the game in 2 forms by quick traveling to station to station with a CD and Fleet Pass, plus you instant travel from planet to planet if you mighty spaceship.

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I'm not sure why companies even bother making MMOs anymore when all they have to do is make one gigantic room where everyone could meet and then instantly port to a dungeon. Why even make it seem like a massive world when no one cares anymore. People just want to get their loot as quickly as possible.


This pretty much sums it up. Some people seem to want a lobby game FPS style more than an MMORPG.


Also the 20 min wait claim seems to stretch reason. It takes a few minutes unless youre screwing around.

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There is an awful lot of waiting around in the game. Wait in the queue to log in, wait to form a viable group, wait for everyone to show up. Then, of course, someone decides they have to run some errand as soon as everyone finally gets there...


Some of that is inevitable, but most of it isn't.


And no, instant gratification isn't quick enough for me.

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Honestly if ten minutes of travel time impacts your time allotted to play that heavily you shouldnt be doing group missions anyway as several variables can factor in to make them take far longer than anticipated.


I mean one half of the people in this thread are arguing for effeciency and time management but if YOU personally exercised these two things this wouldnt be an issue. If you are going to run a flashpoint have some form of fast travel off CD its not hard to correctly stagger cooldowns. Either way if you are truely interested in time management and effeciency you should be solo questing in all honesty.


I am not personally a casual player, not in the least but to make the argument that any demographic should be "catered" to is downright stupid and pigheaded. There are healthy balances to be struck but hardline "casuals" that can't spare 10 minutes of there time traveling instead of rolling there faces across the keyboard will always *****. Hardline "hardcore" players will do the same even though very rarely have they achieved the game in questions hardest challenges IE Heroic LK in Wrath or Yogg 0 but people screaming casual.


TLDR: practice better time management on a personal level in game if you dont have 10 minutes to spare dont do group quests or flashpoints.


Casuals dont deserve to be catered to any more than hardcore or midline players everyone deserves a good game...compromise thx.

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so far on Imperial side the group quests have been pretty bad. They take way too long not only to start but to do. As soon as I got to Tatooine though I noticed a huge change. The group quests shortened in length dramatically. Killing dozens of elites to reach a certain quest object turned into just killing a handful of elites in a very small area. I'm on Alderaan now; haven't tried any group quests but I hope the trend continues
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SWTOR isn't even an open world. Why should we have to travel from instance to instance (space port -> ship -> spaceport -> taxi) when they all look pretty much the same and many of them aren't even areas we can run around in (see Nar Shadaa).


The whole point of running around in the world is to convey the sense of open world. However, the open world in this game is deceptive and unreal.


Instant travel isn't making the player miss anything.

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There is a Quick Travel to the Fleet, its called a Fleet Pass. Check your general abilities. Just remember its on a LOOOOOOOOOONG cooldown!


But get an authenticator and you can buy additional consumable Fleet Passes (is that even a word) for only 1000 credits each. Problem solved ;)


Don't even need to use my Cybertech Commando to set up a portable teleporter with those things around :p

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