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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stealthies in huttball


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How fair is it that an assasin can just stealth his way thru the opposing team and sit on our platform for 15 minutes. Ill give a prime example, were winning this huttball 2-0 pretty even game were both pushing it far but they keep diving right into our pit and were like *** are the doing? At no point during the brawls of us pushing to their endzone did we see any trace of an assasin icon so where could he be for 10 minutes? well hes sitting in our endzone just waiting for the ball. I mean come on thats that dumbest thing in the world. "ima just wait here for the rest of my team" so then theirs 5 minutes left and they get the first score by diving in, passing to the stealthie NO ONE HAD ANY CLUE was their for 10 minutes, n he speeds in. Of course were scatered so they get the ball and what does the stealthie do, vanishes and waits for them to dive into the bottom again, what do u know 3 scores in 2 minutes because 1 guy sat in our endzone for the hole game.What a way to lose! Get this **** together and make it so if ur sitting on their pad for to long u get booted off. For ea being prob the best maker of sports games they sure ****ed up huttball Edited by KefkaXXX
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I do that too w/ my shadow as its within the rules and plays to the abilities of my class (its sneaky, but hey that's what we do). I'll call out early to my team of pugs that im on the left or right side so just blaze into the pit and ill unstealth at the right moment for the score.


Its not an upstanding "fair fight" play style, but its very effective ... but the trade off is that, like said above, its 7v8 elsewhere, so obviously, your team wasnt taking advantage of that mismatch. I suspect that the other team controlled the middle better and thus got the ball more often and just repeated their play over and over for the win.


Next time you'll be that much more experienced to watch for it and call it out to your team to sweep the goal area better, or even better, just control the mid and grab the ball and do the same thing to them w/ a stealth class!

Edited by Himeji_Endless
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If they have 1 stealthed in the end-zone, you have an 8 on 7 advantage... You could also, y'know, use a stealth scan or AoE to check for him after the first score.


I don't have a problem with it. I do it on my scoundrel in lowbie and my sin in 50s, but suggesting someone find the guy with stealthscan is either disingenuous, you have never played a trooper/bh, or you're trolling. the aoe of scan is relatively miniscule. you'd have to have a very good idea where the stealthy is to even have a shot at uncovering him. it's effective in pulling someone out of stealth right after they going into it (you have an idea where they're going!), and it's good for keeping a stealthy away from a certain area (they're not normally going to walk right through the big red aoe on the ground). but it's crap for uncovering a guy camping the endzone. it's a complete waste of your time. you'd need at least 2, more like 3 ppl scouring the endzone at one time outside of blind luck.

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When I'm on my powertech and I see the enemy ball carrier jump straight into the pit, I know there's a stealther in the endzone.


Then, when the carrier inevitably passes it to said stealther, I just grapple him into the pit.


Works quite nicely.

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When I'm on my powertech and I see the enemy ball carrier jump straight into the pit, I know there's a stealther in the endzone.


Then, when the carrier inevitably passes it to said stealther, I just grapple him into the pit.


Works quite nicely.


Juggernaut powers. Friendly Jump to stealth -> Grappled down -> other people try to intercept potential passing, jumps to now unstealth guy -> I jump to them, unstoppable -> muahaha. Every. Single. Time.

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How fair is it that an assasin can just stealth his way thru the opposing team and sit on our platform for 15 minutes. Ill give a prime example, were winning this huttball 2-0 pretty even game were both pushing it far but they keep diving right into our pit and were like *** are the doing? At no point during the brawls of us pushing to their endzone did we see any trace of an assasin icon so where could he be for 10 minutes? well hes sitting in our endzone just waiting for the ball. I mean come on thats that dumbest thing in the world. "ima just wait here for the rest of my team" so then theirs 5 minutes left and they get the first score by diving in, passing to the stealthie NO ONE HAD ANY CLUE was their for 10 minutes, n he speeds in. Of course were scatered so they get the ball and what does the stealthie do, vanishes and waits for them to dive into the bottom again, what do u know 3 scores in 2 minutes because 1 guy sat in our endzone for the hole game.What a way to lose! Get this **** together and make it so if ur sitting on their pad for to long u get booted off. For ea being prob the best maker of sports games they sure ****ed up huttball


its ok, i won against guys like this without any troubles.

after they score first - dont give em to take the ball and game over.

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I have two stealth toons and I have played various positions in huttball. Personally I think that when people stealth in the endzone soley for the hail-mary pass or jug leap are doing it wrong. Effectively you are making the game a 7v8 and you are not much use. Not to mention you get fewer medals by camping the opponents endzone.


I believe the best offense is to be on opponents ramps/catwalks. That way you are within scoring position as well as passing from mid.

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No matter how many stealthers you have in your endzone IF YOU TAKE THE BALL ON CENTER.


You control center - you take the ball.


You getting beaten - you reset the ball - you control center - you take the ball - you try again.


This. Controlling the middle is the most important aspect of Huttball. All those fancy leaps, pulls, and speed bursts mean nothing if your team has to spend the entire match chasing the enemy ball carrier.

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This. Controlling the middle is the most important aspect of Huttball. All those fancy leaps, pulls, and speed bursts mean nothing if your team has to spend the entire match chasing the enemy ball carrier.


LOL THIS! I get so pissed when I play on my Imp toons and they forget this, and when I play my Rep toons and people never learned this.

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it's tough. I mean....you basically have to concede a score so that your team can get numbers at mid. otherwise, you'll spend the entire game on the defensive, killing their carrier plenty of times but never getting the ball out of your end. very difficult to convince a regular wz pug of this - hell, it's moderately difficult to convince myself of it. I mean...if you're a dps and their carrier is on the last ramp, there's a powerful instinct to pull him down or kill him.


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People will complain about literally anything won't they?


How fair is it that a Guardian can leap, push, leap then leap to a friend, pop cooldowns and walk down the ramp for a score? Certainly more fair then the stealthers catching a ball which, with the time it actually takes to unstealth properly so you can receive it, leaves plenty of time to be KB'd or pulled, right?

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