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WZ numbers, and what they mean


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Alot of people like to stroke themselves to their warzone numbers. For example, a marauder does 550k damage. Not too shabby right? With a massive 26 kills.... So what do those numbers actually say?


That's roughly a little more than 20k damage per kill. That number represents a poor judgement in target selection. Unless you have a significant number of solo kills, you're doing it wrong. If you have a significant number of solo kills, you could still be doing it wrong.


In my mind, PvP numbers should represent a much bigger commitment to the fight in general. For example, if the same damage number painted 50 kills, then that would be a much more significant fact. It means less damage per kill, which is a higher efficiency. Higher efficiency could mean a number of things: You started to target healers to reduce the amount of redundant damage you're forced to inflict, you jumped in and made alot of last second contributions to a fight that was almost done, you ran with a group and were the single largest contributing factor to damage in large fights. All of these things could be part of what those numbers mean.


In the end, by reducing the amount of damage per kill you have to inflict, and increasing your efficiency, you generally tend to help the team more. That theory doesn't even account for target prioritization, which should be an important factor in any numeric debate.


Anyway, that's my take. Any other opinions?

Edited by Azrienov
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Too few people actually stop to think about that and despite my explaining exactly that to my guild, one of our Vanguards is still being emo about his damage numbers despite hitting 200-300k minimum every Warzone, unless it's really short obviously.


Everything is relative though. I mean, look at this game. We obviously carried the team and were the only ones doing any respectable damage, though the ratio isn't bad for ANYONE if you actually do damage divided by kills, yet our team was terribad. You do have to look at the total in relation to the rest of the team as well as the ratio.

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Alot of people like to stroke themselves to their warzone numbers. For example, a marauder does 550k damage. Not too shabby right? With a massive 26 kills.... So what do those numbers actually say?


That's roughly a little more than 20k damage per kill. That number represents a poor judgement in target selection. Unless you have a significant number of solo kills, you're doing it wrong. If you have a significant number of solo kills, you could still be doing it wrong.


In my mind, PvP numbers should represent a much bigger commitment to the fight in general. For example, if the same damage number painted 50 kills, then that would be a much more significant fact. It means less damage per kill, which is a higher efficiency. Higher efficiency could mean a number of things: You started to target healers to reduce the amount of redundant damage you're forced to inflict, you jumped in and made alot of last second contributions to a fight that was almost done, you ran with a group and were the single largest contributing factor to damage in large fights. All of these things could be part of what those numbers mean.


In the end, by reducing the amount of damage per kill you have to inflict, and increasing your efficiency, you generally tend to help the team more. That theory doesn't even account for target prioritization, which should be an important factor in any numeric debate.


Anyway, that's my take. Any other opinions?


You do know their are healers in PVP right?

Thats how the dmg goes up. Its my opinion id rather have the 550k dmg then a 300k dmg due to pressure on the heals ect kills will come.

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You do know their are healers in PVP right?

Thats how the dmg goes up. Its my opinion id rather have the 550k dmg then a 300k dmg due to pressure on the heals ect kills will come.


Exactly, if someone has very high damage and not many kills. Perhaps it because he has VERY GOOD target marking.. Shooting ball carriers with healers etc.

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A sage who puts weaken mind on the whole enemy team and does nothing else will have many kills registered on the scorecard with very little damage done per kill (since he participated in every battle, but someone else did all the work killing the enemy)


A marauder who keeps attacking a marked enemy healer who is guarded and crosshealed the whole game will have few kills on the scorecard but huge damage done numbers.


Do the numbers mean the sage is doing it right, and the marauder is doing it wrong?

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Final outcome is all that really matters in the end. Too many external factors do not show up on a scorecard. For example as a watchman sentinel I will have my kill number buffered by virtue of dot healing. I also have been highlighted as the chief focus target in a wz as well as been allowed to roam for long stretches unscathed. I can play just as well in either match but on paper look like I had a great game and then a bit of an off game.


You can also factor in those willing to respond to incoming calls vs. Hang out in the mid zerg, as a first responder your uptime is dictated by time spent running between nodes.


Likewise if I work to absolutely shutdown a healer with my full battery of possible interrupts I am not doing the damage the teammate next to me mindlessly wailing on the opposition is, but I know comfortably that interrupting 3-4 heals and putting the heal debuff on is denying 10k+ worth of health to the opposition.

Likewise leap/choke a ballcarrier in a firetrap and I won't be credited with much damage or the killing blow, but it was far more beneficial then hacking away at what his healer is neutralizing.


The list could go on and on but suffice to say that by and large the games where I feel I contributed most to the overall success of the match would mostly not be the ones where I knocked out personal bests for damage

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Alot of people like to stroke themselves to their warzone numbers. For example, a marauder does 550k damage. Not too shabby right? With a massive 26 kills.... So what do those numbers actually say?


That's roughly a little more than 20k damage per kill. That number represents a poor judgement in target selection. Unless you have a significant number of solo kills, you're doing it wrong. If you have a significant number of solo kills, you could still be doing it wrong.


In my mind, PvP numbers should represent a much bigger commitment to the fight in general. For example, if the same damage number painted 50 kills, then that would be a much more significant fact. It means less damage per kill, which is a higher efficiency. Higher efficiency could mean a number of things: You started to target healers to reduce the amount of redundant damage you're forced to inflict, you jumped in and made alot of last second contributions to a fight that was almost done, you ran with a group and were the single largest contributing factor to damage in large fights. All of these things could be part of what those numbers mean.


In the end, by reducing the amount of damage per kill you have to inflict, and increasing your efficiency, you generally tend to help the team more. That theory doesn't even account for target prioritization, which should be an important factor in any numeric debate.


Anyway, that's my take. Any other opinions?

I think you've overthinking things.

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The only warzone number that means anything is a win or loss.


I could care less how much any one player does on their own. If they're not playing as part of the team with the goal of winning in mind, whatever stats they put up are meaningless. 500k damage in a losing effort? Who cares?

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The only warzone number that means anything is a win or loss.


I could care less how much any one player does on their own. If they're not playing as part of the team with the goal of winning in mind, whatever stats they put up are meaningless. 500k damage in a losing effort? Who cares?


^This wholeheartedly!


Everything on the post game chart could be articifically inflated and hence is not a good measure of a player's value to the team. Serious players don't pay attention to that stuff - only winning matters.

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As a gunslinger I put up respectable damage numbers, but I never actually worry about whether I reach a damage milestone or whether I have more medals than everyone else. My primary roles are healer harassment and objective control through CC and AoE.

So no, the numbers at the end of the WZ don't mean anything, especially for classes that only need to spam 4 buttons to do their damage. If they had the cumulative time that you've had people CC'ed/rooted, that might be a useful number. Protection is probably the only number indicative of doing your job (ie., protecting your healer/s).

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The only warzone number that means anything is a win or loss.


I could care less how much any one player does on their own. If they're not playing as part of the team with the goal of winning in mind, whatever stats they put up are meaningless. 500k damage in a losing effort? Who cares?


^^ 100% agree

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Last week I was in a Nova against a pre with 3 or 4 heals. I scored top damage on my team (and #3 overall) but got 0 kills, 0 objective points, 0 medals and got 0 comms. I was targetting healers and spent no time guarding our 1 base. I still think that if my team had a few more of me we would have won but most of the rest of my team was running away from any fight with more than 2 enemies...
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The only warzone number that means anything is a win or loss.


I could care less how much any one player does on their own. If they're not playing as part of the team with the goal of winning in mind, whatever stats they put up are meaningless. 500k damage in a losing effort? Who cares?


This x 2!


Find the post that is called something like "700k damage club". It was a thread of a bunch of people posting screenshots of their 700K plus game.... 9 out of 10 of those were nerfed by the word "defeat" lingering above their "epic" damage.


Padding stats and especially damage stats, is far too common in this game. People would rather say "look what I can do" instead of working towards a win.

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This x 2!


Find the post that is called something like "700k damage club". It was a thread of a bunch of people posting screenshots of their 700K plus game.... 9 out of 10 of those were nerfed by the word "defeat" lingering above their "epic" damage.


Padding stats and especially damage stats, is far too common in this game. People would rather say "look what I can do" instead of working towards a win.


I see you post in a lot of threads that I post in and am pretty much in agreement with most of what you say. it is a shame we are on different servers my friend, I would so love to heal you in PvP :D As it is, keep making great stances in the PvP forums!!

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It would be nice If they eliminated the score card except for objectives. Ive seen way too many players so worried about hitting some magic damage number that they'll let someone walk right past them and plant the bomb/ take the node
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I see you post in a lot of threads that I post in and am pretty much in agreement with most of what you say. it is a shame we are on different servers my friend, I would so love to heal you in PvP :D As it is, keep making great stances in the PvP forums!!


I've noticed the same... it's always refreshing to have a few that see things the same way I do. Keeps me from feeling like I've lost my mind. :D


And it's a DAMN SHAME!!! My Deepy'ess legacy <3's healers. :D

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It would be nice If they eliminated the score card except for objectives. Ive seen way too many players so worried about hitting some magic damage number that they'll let someone walk right past them and plant the bomb/ take the node


I call that "tunnel vision" and as an Operative Healer I find it extremely easy to do this exact thing. I actually look for these type of players as they are really easy to distinguish in fights. My favorite is walking past them for the cap, then turning around to heal the one they are trying to burst down :D Yes, I said walk as I'm in no hurry because there is no opposition. I just wait for that marauder/sent to leap to someone WAAAAY far away and it's mine. This applies to other classes as well, but I have a high success rate when it comes to this one particular class when it is closest to the door. It's as if the team puts their trust into a toon that has LEAP as an ability, not the best idea unless you know they are truly competent.


But I am in agreement, this seems to be pretty problematic. For me, I love doing this but it does make me weep inside knowing that some people never learn. Until people catch on to the fact that W/L is more important than the other stats, I will continue to be able to sneak past most idiots in order to cap the point, which is of course the whole reason everyone que's up to begin with. Or rather, should be :)


For clarification, from my personal experience in WZ winning games net you winning numbers as well. Sure I may not be top heals EVERY game, but I do not care about that. What I care about is that "W", the stats will come and if my heals weren't needed for the win, then more power to the team I am on for their great teamwork overall.

Edited by Master_Nate
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Oh... another perfect example of people who stat pad. It is insane how many marauders I run into that swear by Annihilation and when I've asked why... they almost always reply with "It does more damage".


I LOL... for anyone who believes this. While I can't argue that yes.... you will be putting out more damage. You are ONLY putting out more damage because your targets are living longer. You will definitely do more sustained damage.... but in turn you will be less effective to your team because you are NOT dropping healers quicker using annihilation vs carnage. And believe me... I would MUCH rather play annihilation... I enjoy it more and I love the little survivability boost (someone please quote this and turn into a nerf marauder thread :rolleyes:) But in the end I go carnage simply because it is more effective... it might not show on the scoreboard... but it shows in my games WON.


There is a reason carnage is favored in ranked.


Kinda went on a rant here but people who boast about stats while doing nothing to contribute to a win drive me crazy. Sure, you might be good at a rotation.... but that does NOT make you good at PvP. The only stat padding that impresses me is objectives... sure, someone can play a major factor and it may not show through objective points. But it's normally a good gauge to see who's paying attention and working towards a win. My goal in PvP is objectives and wins... if top damage comes along with it, great.... but not a necessity.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Oh... another perfect example of people who stat pad. It is insane how many marauders I run into that swear by Annihilation and when I've asked why... they almost always reply with "It does more damage".


I LOL... for anyone who believes this. While I can't argue that yes.... you will be putting out more damage. You are ONLY putting out more damage because your targets are living longer. You will definitely do more sustained damage.... but in turn you will be less effective to your team because you are NOT dropping healers quicker using annihilation vs carnage. And believe me... I would MUCH rather play annihilation... I enjoy it more and I love the little survivability boost (someone please quote this and turn into a nerf marauder thread :rolleyes:) But in the end I go carnage simply because it is more effective... it might not show on the scoreboard... but it shows in my games WON.


There is a reason carnage is favored in ranked.


Nerf Maras.


I play Combat (carnage) also and can't agree more.

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Would/could/should be an easy fix for the devs. PVP win tokens and a vendor.


Even a cumulative win stat shown with the others would help.


Your PvP stats already show wins, just not total games played. If you mean on the scoreboard, I don't see the relevance; you either won that last game or you didn't, past wins mean nothing especially without a total game count to put it in perspective.

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