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Horrible Event


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Wow... really? I'm having a blast with the event.


First and foremost, I'm trying to do it on my own. As such, my finds and discoveries are much more satisfying. And its not that hard. I know some have difficulty with the concept of looking around but... not everything should be spoon fed to you.


Second, screw the instances. I'm on a PVE sever and at the locations where we stack up on as boss, it has been great fun. No ninja work this time around. I will more often than not jump in and help and so do many others while we wait for our turn. In fact, in those areas where there are waves of mobs, I usually hang around even after I have completed my spawn, chatting and continuing to make the mobs feel some pain. We got a nice little group going last night as a result of a stack up, ran through the rest of the quests as a group and capped it with a World Boss.


The gear is fine for me. I have toons that can use the casters. Can't wait to get my agent using one. BTW, the casters have epic barrells which is nice. The armor looks great too. My shadow is going to have an interesting look. lol.


We are on day three of the event.... day three! Not sure what is to come, but before I pass judgment, I will wait and see it all. The only thing I miss from the Rak event at this point is the plague. :D That was great fun.


BTW, I'm fine with the story element. Not everything has to have branching to make it content. This event story is quite clearly the setup for the new faction that we will see this fall. Given that, I'm paying close attention and I'm curious to see where this event will leave things.

Edited by Rafaman
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To my wife and me, the event mirrors the game in general in a lot of ways - some good and some terrible.


It at least gives people with 50s something to do and has given them reason to leave fleet. The scavenger hunt has brought us back to areas we had played while leveling and not since. It was good to have a reason to go back and see them again.


One flaw in the questing in SWTOR is that there are any number of quests that are kill x or gather y and when you get to the area you find that there are x-2 mobs or y-3 items to gather and often in that situation the respawn rate is very slow. If there are a number of other players doing the same quest at the same time the quests bog down to a number of players milling around and waiting to "grab" the infrequent respawns. One would have thought that the devs would have figured out by now that this is very poor design that frustrates players and kills pace and immersion. Yet in the first few hours of the event we came accross one mob that had to be killed with forty some odd players milling around and trying to grab him and another with twenty some odd people on top of a crate trying to click on a circlle to call down a single mob to be done in. Although there seemed to be a goodly number of boxes to click on, each area seemed to have a number of players looking for them and looked like a swarm of locusts had descended and everything was on respawn timer. I believe that the components that you are trying to gather to put together appear on a rng basis and the quest becomes much like REing to the unlucky player - very frustrating.


One concept of content that the devs seem to have in this game is to run players to different planets and back again. They should have figured out by now that sitting and waiting for loading screens does take time, but is not content. We found the clues very unclear and finally had to resort to keeping a guide up while we played. Before that we ended up ping ponging between NS and DK only to find that the lead and another lead were not even live although we had been told to pursue them via messages delivered by mail.


We also found the clues and directions missing / not there, very vague when found, and unintuitive and often we at a loss (before accessing an online guide) at what to do. We are both reasonably bright and a large part of our real life work involves problem solving - we are good at it.


We don't really care about the rewards since we play for fun, but if more are not added can well understand some player's complaints.


In the end we rate the event as three mehs and a cluster. Some good and some bad which cancel to bring the average to meh - as usual another attempt by the devs that had some good seeds and possibilitys that they messed up. We do wonder how many devs at EA / BW actually have played MMOs and how many try their own products before they toss them out to live.

Edited by asbalana
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The only fun thing about this event was camping the obj. points and killing every emp. that came along. I found out 3 level 50's in there shiny rak/black hole gear with there comp. out is no match for my Warlord Vanguard......I camped that bounty hunter mission for hours. hahaha Edited by vwsupra
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I loved the rakghoul event, but for a different reason. It was neither tedious nor boring. They managed to get the entire fleet infected with a plague. You didn't even have to fully participate in the event to be pulled into it. They didn't need any other mechanism to draw you into the story it was part of the world you were playing in.


Your entire argument is flawed; this event is boring and tedious; character dialogue could have helped that by drawing you into the problem; making it so that you the player had some thoughts or insight into what was going on, rather than blindly following the scavenger hunt.


Plus; regardless you can't just say, "these people must be a minority thus ignored" there is simply no argument there, it is so ludicrous I can't believe I read it...


If you dislike events because of a lack of dialog you dislike events because of a lack of dialog. Rakghoul lacked dialog as well. Therefore, anyone complaining about this event BECAUSE OF the lack of dialog, must also have disliked the rakghoul event for the same reason, lest they be an inconsistent whiner. More dialog could've made the event better, but those who dislike an event because of its absence would clearly have disliked rakghoul. As most people liked rakghoul, I suspect the lack of dialog is not the main issue that most of the people on this thread have.


Also "These people must be a minority thus ignored" is commonplace in business. Most companies do not try to design a product specifically for the smallest group of people, but for the largest group of people. This game is a business, resources should be devoted to appealing to the majority, not to the minority, of subs.

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The thing that's driving me batty is that because the missions arent instanced, right now, on Ebon Hawk, there is a gosh darn line of people waiting to use the objective. Are you kidding me? Everyone of those people should be done with the stupid droid by now, we should all be able to click it at once and do the same mission all together. Instead we have to wait for someone who goes off with this droid to finish whatever they're doing and THEN someone else can have a go. Or we have to group up and do it 4 at a time. Either option completely takes me out of the game IMO. I'm a heroic imperial sniper! And what do I do? I sit in a line of people to turn on a freaking droid. No thanks!


I know everyone could be blitzing the box at once and trying to hit it before someone else, but I am not playing Line Simulator 2012, I'm playing Star WARS The Old Republic. The idea that we have to do this civility role play bs is frustrating as hell.


Before anyone asks YES I would feel slightly more heroic watching a line of people all following this dumb droid at once than watching a line of people in Tionese/ Columi/ Whatever gear wait for their chance to TOUCH A BOX.


TL;DR: On Ebon Hawk we are lining up for a chance to touch a box that everyone should be able to just run up to and touch all at the same time.

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I think it's great so far. I also think it isn't worth making more than once, except for one from each faction. Prizes are not yet for all classes and I would not mind if it's not for everyone. I have already sent snipers to some companions and because they play with me, I do not care if I have no lightsaber this time. I honestly would do it all without winning a prize.


The challenge is not so great, but the mechanic is very interesting. I'd like to see more of these events but I do not expect to see anything until the end of the year.


And <professional players>, learn to use instances.

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First and foremost, I'm trying to do it on my own. As such, my finds and discoveries are much more satisfying.


I'd say that right there sums up my biggest complaint with the event (not criticizing the poster, rather the quest design). The event so far is okay, nothing very exciting, but it's really unfortunate when grouping makes an MMO more tedious rather than less. I decided to run the quests with a guild mate last night and in the end it probably just made it harder to complete. :(

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I think this event suffers because the first one was so well done.

This pales in comparison.

I ran some of it last night and agree with the OP

Objectives are difficult because of all the people trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The Plauge event was so much better thought out .

You can sure tell that loss of so many employees has negativly impacted the game.

The limited programming resources are rushing to crowbar in the code for F2P.

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Wow. I had my first post removed. I said the original post was hyperbole. Is that a personal attack? :eek:


Okay, here is a more respectful try:


Yo, man, the original poster made extensive use of an unnameable literary device whereby exaggerations were used to effect an impression -- in this case, that "every" aspect of this event was "horrible, horrible" -- but which we can't take literally.


yo, yo, yo. West coast.


I humbly submit the above to the Gods of the SW:TOR Forums for judgement ;).


- Arcada

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It's full of bugs.

It apparently was not coded very well.

It apparently was not tested.

It was in the planning for many months and shelved.


This leads me to believe they need to hire competent coders and use actual testers.

Everything they have released for several months has been broken and requires multiple fixes once it goes live.


The forums are not policed for over 16 hours a day, ever hear of a GM who checks the forums on their shift? I mean c'mon..... And when they are, it is done is a non professional way. You cannot bury your head in the sand!

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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The event is not fun. I spent 3 hours farming crates on Nar Shaddaa. The rewards are horrible. I'm okay with having purely aesthetic rewards, but only if the event is fun. The last event was the most fun I have had playing this game. This event makes me want to cancel my sub. Can't believe I waited three months for this.


Why did you spend three hours farming boxes if you didn't want the rewards that came from them? I don't really feel bad for someone that forces themselves to do something they don't want to do. If you don't want the rewards, then don't chase the boxes.

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If this game-wide world event proves to only yield character wieldable rewards for, like, 10% of the remaining population, it can only be described as a pretty sloppy decision by BW.


Also, the fact that there is again not much in the way of story makes you wonder what the future holds. I remember the anticipation of waiting for release, and watching numerous preview/interview videos with that tall bald weirdo pontificating on how no MMO ever has had the immersive story that TOR was going to showcase. So if it doesn't have that, what exactly does it have that the rest do not?


I have never seen any game make more obvious suicidal blunders than SWG. I really hope it stays that way.

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Technically, the items that are rewards can have their mods put in other guns, so you can strip the Cunning Blasters and Rifles into Pistols for Smugglers and Aim Rifles into Pistols for Hunters.


But the real reward here is they are Bind on Legacy so you can take your unused Rakata or Campaign weapons you were thinking of putting on your companions and put the modifications in them and send them to alts!


this I understand but the weapons are only sniper rifles and blessed rifles what current main class can use that, if you're in a raiding guild why would you find it necessary to equip your companions with such expensive means. For dailies?, my current support companions carry clummi and I can easily solo OE FTF LO?

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This event is good, everyone in this thread is derping, move along. There are only two things they need to do.


1.) More rewards, they said this was coming but they should have been viewable from the start.

2.) Move some of the quest locations to Illum. Inject better world PvP into this event to make it more interesting. Of all the time I spent on Nar Shadda I saw only two people of the opposing faction.


If you're complaining about all of the people gathered around one area trying to get a crate or whatever take a lesson from the Brittish. Queue up.

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After loving the rakghoul event, I looked forward to this one. Now...Im not even going to do it.


I have ONE character that can benefit from the legendary Moddable weapon. I use absolutely ZEOR companions on my other characters who would use something like that. the other quest rewards are cheesy at best. the pet is interesting....until i realized that it was the PvE pet. great...now PvP players are going to be frustrated that I went and got their pet after a few days of dailies, when they worked hard to get theirs.


worst Idea so far Bio. You took everything that was good about the rakghoul event and canned it for this one. horrible horrible...


rakghoul event had individually spawning mobs....the only point that you had to contest for anything was on the ship investigation in the sand people area. on this one...we have lines waiting outside quest event spots. great, really. Sure, ill wait 15m in line, only to have some scrub come up and jinx the line, clicking the item like crazy. fantastic.


take out the event special pet, and replace with one already in game.


take away the smooth discovery process with the rakghoul event, and throw in a complex, irritating treasure hunt. That I have to jump back and forth multiple times across multiple planets to do.


and finally...instead of rewards everyone can use, we get....rifles. I guess if I wanted to yank the mods (LIKE WE NEED ANOTHER MONEY SINK IN THIS GAME). the crystals in the R.E. were simple and easy. now if i want anything out of these stupid rifles. i have to play 30k a pop. gee, thanks. ya know...like I couldn't already buy 20 items with all the silly tionese comms I have. At least they're cheaper to yank the mods with....and i can start HM's with those and get my columni set going. and suprisingly enough...the HM"s are faster then running the event.


All in all it was a good idea initially...i was excited to see the initial idea. then after my first 15-20m line, i dropped it. not even worth it. perhaps later on, where everyone has already spent themselves and are bored with it...I can hopefully get a few of the rewards in the last few days.

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Its again sad I think because this could have so much potential and feels sloppy in the end...


The story/creative part I really like...the news terminal, the cutscenes, gathering the stuff, being pushed around on airvents, maning a cannon etc...great!


Then there's the technical aspect of having 50 guys sitting on a clicky you need...or a laser that you need to adjust while every new guy showing up, ruins your setting again. Not impossible to overcome..eventually..but not fun.


And last, there are almost worthless rewards. At first I was curious and even my wife came back for the event (wasnt playing for 2 months or so) but after seeing the list we simply logged out and played something else. The speeder would have been nice if not only in a tier 1 version (I already get two speeders on all new chars, one being faster)...the pet, matter of taste but I think its ugly.

I'm not really trying to complain because like others pointed out...its free, I dont have to do the event (I dont) and it does not cause any problems if I merely want to play the actual game...its just sad, like it "could have been" cool(er).

Didnt expect omg-killer rewards but from what I could tell, my casual, quest gear only sniper had a better weapon. Oh well, nice of them to try at least.

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The event is fine, havent run into any bugs at all, and have had no trouble doing what is needed solo so far.

It may not have as much to do as the last one but it's still cool.

For the most part on JungMa at least it's been smooth sailing, it's even started up a little bit of pvp on nar shadda when one faction takes over a sector where one of these items happens to be.

I will agree that there should be/should have been a pistol and lightsaber reward, instead of all rifles, but other than that, it's cool.

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The bit I never understand is why there are a proportion of those complaining about this event saying they aren't told exactly what to do. The mission log says everything is on Nar Shaddaa and DK/Corusant then in the spaceports there are a couple of hints about the exact locations of each piece and the sort of thing to look for. Then when you get to the areas there are quest markers on the map pointing towards the exact location of the items.


I really liked there actually being some subtlety to doing the quests rather than just stating do X and Y.

In all honesty since its a scavenger hunt I was hoping for a bit more in where the items could be found such as the krayt dragon pearl being on tatooine.


The only real disappointment with this event for me has been that the rewards are aimed at certain classes over others. I would have preferred a wider selection of pets/speeders or other things more unique to the event, I loved the companion skins from rhakgoul event.


Overall it's nice to have an event going on that's interesting and requires a bit more rather than hand holding your way through the content.

Edited by mcrmorgan
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The bit I never understand is why there are a proportion of those complaining about this event saying they aren't told exactly what to do. The mission log says everything is on Nar Shaddaa and DK/Corusant then in the spaceports there are a couple of hints about the exact locations of each piece and the sort of thing to look for. Then when you get to the areas there are quest markers on the map pointing towards the exact location of the items.


I really liked there actually being some subtlety to doing the quests rather than just stating do X and Y.

In all honesty since its a scavenger hunt I was hoping for a bit more in where the items could be found such as the krayt dragon pearl being on tatooine.


The only real disappointment with this event for me has been that the rewards are aimed at certain classes over others.


Overall it's nice to have an event going on that's interesting and requires a bit more rather than hand holding your way through the content.


so when you open the 2nd and 3rd mission tubes in the emails, they tell you where the guys are on the map and give you directions?, or just say " go see Hutta observation droid on the lower promenade"

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This event is not that bad. It is not as fun as the rahkghoul plague, but unlike the rakghoul plague, it doesnt affect anybody who doesnt want to do the event. If you have to wait in a huge line, just switch instances. I have found plenty of the boxes (enough to get the 6 part device). If you can't find the items, thats kinda the point, it being a treasure hunt and all. Also, there are plenty of guides for scrubs like me to use.


Granted, the rewards need to be something desirable for all classes, but hopefully that will change in the next couple of days.


Rakghoul Plague: 9/10

Grand Aquisition Race: 6.5/10 (7.5-8 if the rewards become appealing to non rifle users)

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