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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Grand Acquisitions Race


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I had a nervous breakdown (kinda) in mainchat when I finally got one!

I was like "OMG it DID happen! SOOOOOO happy!!!!!" and generally behaving like a 12 year old Justin-Bieber-fan. Embarrassing :D


I think the event was long enough with one week, otherwise they'd been bound to flesh out more content/quests for it. It took me one evening to finish it on my first character (the good old times even before the famous Dulfy-guide was complete!), after that, it only took, like somebody said, around 2 hours with my twinks.

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I was on vacation for almost the entirety of the Race and got home last night at 8:30 CST. I started the quests on my main character at 9 P.M. and finished it at 11:15. Once completed I realized that I didn't acquire enough tokens to purchase what I wanted. So I quickly did it again on an alt and finished much faster since I knew what to do where to go etc. But damn I was still short token tokens! So I got on my 3rd alt and tried to power it out a 3rd time before 2 A.M. Now this felt like a race let me tell you! Unfortunately I didn't finish but I totally could have finished with exactly 2 min left before servers went down. All I had left was the quest for the Mask on Dromund Kaas but the droid I followed around disappeared after I defeated the mobs that ambushed me. Very stupidly I abandoned the quest instead of resetting it and the box with the droid was unavailable to click on. I was left with 1 part unfinished as I watched the the server crash on me :( . If not for that stupid bug and a very short event this would have been awesome but I am sadly left unsatisfied.
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Did this event on my lvl 20 in less then 2 hours... So I do not really feel for the people who are complaining there was not much time.


Not to mention (unlike the Rakghoul event) they let us all know nice and early that this was ending on the Tuesday maintenance. So a time table was there for those who looked for it.


I have a pretty busy life and make plenty of time to play (I enjoy it), but I do get other people are even busier... but if your planning to play 1 time a week or less, then you really have no right to complain that you miss events, that was your choice. You did not miss much more then a few fetch quests, and if your sad cause you could not get the tokens for the new loot, buy them now from people, since the vendor is still around.

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+1. I agree.


I walked a friend through the event last night in about 2 hours. Not difficult at all.


- Arcada


Depends on level completely and how many are with you.


On my 50 commando, I went thru the entire event in a few hours. On my level 24 alt it was near immpossible with all the mobs ganking me and not being able to find a group.

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Depends on level completely and how many are with you.


On my 50 commando, I went thru the entire event in a few hours. On my level 24 alt it was near immpossible with all the mobs ganking me and not being able to find a group.


I Disagree completely...


Lvl 20 Mara, less then 2 hours, solo. You just need to know what your doing... with the 700 walk throughs on the internet, there is no reason for people to not figure this out.


And if you are one of those who want to do it on your own (I like doing that the first time myself) do not start 3 hours before the event is over.

Edited by Pesh
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I finished this 2.5 times, but I really can't believe that they only ran this for 1 week with the effort it must have took to put it together.


I think the point is to demonstrate that you have to log-in to take advantage of events.


The people who missed out on it don't log-in very often and can't dedicate a handful of hours a week. And even then, that is a bit of a poor excuse considering the whole thing takes 2-hours to finish.


I enjoyed it.


- Arcada

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I think the point is to demonstrate that you have to log-in to take advantage of events.


The people who missed out on it don't log-in very often and can't dedicate a handful of hours a week. And even then, that is a bit of a poor excuse considering the whole thing takes 2-hours to finish.


I enjoyed it.


- Arcada


I disagree. Let me preface it by saying I really enjoyed the event a lot!


But, I almost missed it. I have been away from the game for a while and it just so happens I to decide to play on the last say of the event, so I rushed and finished it an hour before realm went down. It took me at least 4 hours, spent a good 1.5-2 hours just getting the 6/6 items from the smugglers crates.


I get that you're suggesting that its a reward for the people that log in daily, but from a business standpoint that is not lucrative. The VERY least they could have done what to shoot all subscribers an email before the event started.


This event rekindled my interest in the game, it could have done the same for everyone that missed it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't been playing much or at all, but has had a consistent subscription out of loyalty/potential/hopeful rekindling.


Just as you are saying it was good for the daily login folks, sure, but it would have been good for them no matter what, it's the other, sub'd but not playing or even not ex-subs that need addressing.


Either way, loved the event, great job, 1 week did feel short, but really it only lasted 6 hours for me so what do I know!


Keep your head up Bioware. WoW has a lot of people and a lot of "stuff" but it does not have potential.

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Let me preface this post, because it may sound like a rant. I've been playing SWTOR since early Beta. I own the Collector's Edition, and I've done my best to remain a loyal supporter of the game even with the ever growing myriad of problems and shortcomings the game has. I have every Title and reward you can get for participating on testing on the PTS and I've participated in almost all the content they have provided us on live outside of the newer raid tiers. Including running 4 characters through the last event on Tattooine.


I'm just in utter shock that this event was only a week. For those players that can only find reasonable amounts of time to play on a weekend it meant that they had to have this weekend free on such short notice to participate. Yes, you could say that my real issue is that I was screwed out participating, and that may very well be true.


I've been gone from home for the last 10 days and for the first time since I started in Beta I completely missed something in-game. That makes me angry, it makes me feel like after all the effort I put in to support the game - that all those things that people were saying about BioWare and their attitude towards their player base may be true. Advertising the event as "For a short time only" then running it for one week without clearly stating the dates is just incredibly bad treatment of your players and is exactly how you alienate even more players and build distrust. Players have real lives, I know so many players that often can't log in for a week or two at a time and they (like me now) feel put out by this incessant need to keep things in the game a secret from the players or to try to force them to put in the hours of grinding you seem to find to be necessary.


Say all you want about other games, but they never feel this need to keep players in the dark the way BioWare does. They advertise well in advance the times and dates of their events. They give people plenty of opportunity to participate.


Now I'm left with a feeling that my subscription may need to come to an end. I know it may sound drastic, but I am very proud of having participated in everything and now there is a Title and Pet I do not have. It's one of the reasons I haven't let my subscription cancel, even though my life leaves me with inconsistent times to game (the main reason I cannot raid anymore). I just don't understand why you couldn't have put in the event announcement a clear time and date(s) for the event well in advance, and made it last at least through 2 weekends, especially with such short notice.


Also it's in incredibly bad form that the event is still listed on the SWTOR Homepage as running "For a short time only" you didn't even have the decency to take down the advertisement for an event no longer running before taking down the event. Talk about false advertising.

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Totally agree with much of what your saying. I really have trouble understanding how not letting subscribers know about events like this is good. It leaves a player feeling as though they have missed out on some fun content, I don't know as I didn't get to participate, solely because thier life doesn't revolve around this game.Like many, I cannot be on all the time. Going from Beta, to 6 month sub, now to 1 month recurring, and slowly dwindling away in any sort of appeal to stay here. Not because of this event but because of the domino effect of many things that BW has just blundered on. When you release new content, you let your players know. Once it's out, if it's limited, you let them know when it ends.
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Let me preface this post, because it may sound like a rant. I've been playing SWTOR since early Beta. I own the Collector's Edition, and I've done my best to remain a loyal supporter of the game even with the ever growing myriad of problems and shortcomings the game has. I have every Title and reward you can get for participating on testing on the PTS and I've participated in almost all the content they have provided us on live outside of the newer raid tiers. Including running 4 characters through the last event on Tattooine.


I'm just in utter shock that this event was only a week. For those players that can only find reasonable amounts of time to play on a weekend it meant that they had to have this weekend free on such short notice to participate. Yes, you could say that my real issue is that I was screwed out participating, and that may very well be true.


I've been gone from home for the last 10 days and for the first time since I started in Beta I completely missed something in-game. That makes me angry, it makes me feel like after all the effort I put in to support the game - that all those things that people were saying about BioWare and their attitude towards their player base may be true. Advertising the event as "For a short time only" then running it for one week without clearly stating the dates is just incredibly bad treatment of your players and is exactly how you alienate even more players and build distrust. Players have real lives, I know so many players that often can't log in for a week or two at a time and they (like me now) feel put out by this incessant need to keep things in the game a secret from the players or to try to force them to put in the hours of grinding you seem to find to be necessary.


Say all you want about other games, but they never feel this need to keep players in the dark the way BioWare does. They advertise well in advance the times and dates of their events. They give people plenty of opportunity to participate.


Now I'm left with a feeling that my subscription may need to come to an end. I know it may sound drastic, but I am very proud of having participated in everything and now there is a Title and Pet I do not have. It's one of the reasons I haven't let my subscription cancel, even though my life leaves me with inconsistent times to game (the main reason I cannot raid anymore). I just don't understand why you couldn't have put in the event announcement a clear time and date(s) for the event well in advance, and made it last at least through 2 weekends, especially with such short notice.


Also it's in incredibly bad form that the event is still listed on the SWTOR Homepage as running "For a short time only" you didn't even have the decency to take down the advertisement for an event no longer running before taking down the event. Talk about false advertising.


I agree with you as well - combine this with the fact that the last quest didn't even OPEN until Friday. I completed this event on my lvl 50 and got the speeder, but I wanted to loot the boxes enough to get the sandpeople outfit or pet - I didn't know when this event would end, but jeez, I thought it would have lasted longer. Seems impossible for one toon to get all the rewards - pet, speeder, weapon, and outfit. Maybe this event was for the "hardcore" (i.e., their lives revolve around swtor) players. Lame...many players love star wars and swtor and I think that this event pissed off more people than made happy...

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Did this event on my lvl 20 in less then 2 hours... So I do not really feel for the people who are complaining there was not much time.


Not to mention (unlike the Rakghoul event) they let us all know nice and early that this was ending on the Tuesday maintenance. So a time table was there for those who looked for it.


I have a pretty busy life and make plenty of time to play (I enjoy it), but I do get other people are even busier... but if your planning to play 1 time a week or less, then you really have no right to complain that you miss events, that was your choice. You did not miss much more then a few fetch quests, and if your sad cause you could not get the tokens for the new loot, buy them now from people, since the vendor is still around.


It's not about simply "finishing" this event. There are REWARDS, the aquisition of which cost a LOT of tokens! Running this event one time straight through in 2 hours may barely get you the speeder (200 tokens), but nothing else. Then, you have to run around looting boxes unless you have alts high enough level to do it again, which takes HOURS to get the tokens required to purchase the weapons, pet and outfit parts.

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It's not about simply "finishing" this event. There are REWARDS, the aquisition of which cost a LOT of tokens! Running this event one time straight through in 2 hours may barely get you the speeder (200 tokens), but nothing else. Then, you have to run around looting boxes unless you have alts high enough level to do it again, which takes HOURS to get the tokens required to purchase the weapons, pet and outfit parts.


I agree with you on this. These events need to last longer so that more people can get access to them. An mmo having an event for just one week is not sympathetic to it's player base. Every player out there can't play every single day. Some have just enough time to play on the weekends, so this was just a big waste of the Devs. time because it didn't get show cased to everyone in the game.

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there might be another part comming up i just got a ingame email, i was like :eek: when i read it sounds like its going to be interesting


Interesting! Can you divulge some more info for those of us not able to check our own emails at the moment?

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Interesting! Can you divulge some more info for those of us not able to check our own emails at the moment?




Which honestly, we already knew from the datamined info concerning Terror From Beyond (Dread Masters stupidly opened Gree Hypergates unleashed Lovecraftian Abominations, etc.).

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Good arguments can be made for both cases I feel.


Having time limited events in some form makes the game more alive I feel. Gets the community moving and buzzing in a way they'd never get if "events" wouldn't go out to stay.


On the issue of their lenght, there are always gonna be people that "just miss" an event cos they have stuff going on IRL just that particular week. Can't be helped.


I mean sure it'd be nice if it lasted 2 weeks I guess but honestly, it depends on the event. This race was already stretched to its breaking point with 3 fetch quests buying the devs 3 days of "event time" with chasing the boxes the only filler. I don't think you could have streatched out this race to 2 weeks and still keep a somewhat satisfactory cohesion and structure of it for the players that "activly participated" in it from day one. Just wasn't enough content in it. Hopefully the next one can be larger and longer.

Edited by aeterno
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So what to do with my partially collected stuff and the tokens. Really feel like cheated out since I am not able to play all the time and now have half finished junk in my inventory just reminding me and irritating me.


Why not just have the event continuing as a linear quest after all the clues have been handed out with perhaps lesser rewards ?



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So what to do with my partially collected stuff and the tokens. Really feel like cheated out since I am not able to play all the time and now have half finished junk in my inventory just reminding me and irritating me.


Why not just have the event continuing as a linear quest after all the clues have been handed out with perhaps lesser rewards ?




Tokens? You can still buy stuff you know, Vendor won't be leaving until Tuesday at 12 AM (maintenance).

If you're short a couple tokens then just read general chat, people are spamming it trying to sell Tokens.

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Wow... a new event. Had a lot of fun with the rakghoul event so when I saw this I was "yay, time to play TOR again", only to realize I am too late.


A mail or something would be nice!



I have been ingame (just a bit, checking mails and GTN etc) and to the forums, to see if there was anything, but I had not been the the swtor front page, and that seems to be the only place they make you aware of it.


Crapitty crap.


This one got marketing failure written all over it (imo).


Seems I am not the only one that missed this event.

Edited by Tigalo
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