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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Grand Acquisitions Race


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Depends on your server. Ajunta Pall had a cease-fire during the Rakghoul event prior to the last 30 minutes:p

Jung Ma has had a cease-fire since the event started. Some servers on the other hand... well it's like Illum PvP with slightly less lag:p


The Bastion has a cease-fire going as well.

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Yup. I got the utensils with my lev 20 Operative. Stealth helped a great deal, and it wasn't easy, but it can be done. Pretty cool actuallyl as my lev20 has the loyalist title and that funky speeder. lol


I just completed it after 2 days of plugging away on my lvl 19 at the time marauder wasnt easy but it is doable lol

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I thought the sand people gear looked good and bought the entire set. Truth is though, when will I ever wear it? It would cost too much to augment it as well as move all the modifications from my campaign gear into it just to use it.


As much as I love the idea of the social gear, it's not worth it in the long run as you might not ever wear it but around the station and would quickly have to put back on your operation set, shelving the newer looking social gear.


it's the only way to transfer mods! A tool. Who cares how it looks. Remember, all amorings are slot specific. Eg when you pull out the black hole helm amoring you have to stick it in a BoL head..IMO the 5 main pieces are almost mandatory if you ever plan on gearing an alt from your mains overflowing columi/BH comms

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I was VERY disappointed in the rewards for this event, even though the content was at least a nice diversion.


Seriously, I have one companion that uses a rifle, the rest are either lightsabers or pistols, thanks for hooking them up. But, I thought the heck with it, I'll just buy the rifle and pull out the barrel.... or not. 147K credits to remove the barrel... somebody's on crack. I mean come on, I already did the content to earn the reward, let me do with it what I want without having to break the bank to do it. It's not like I can sell them on the GTN or anything.


Geez, I wonder why so many people are getting frustrated with this game and quitting?

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I was VERY disappointed in the rewards for this event, even though the content was at least a nice diversion.


Seriously, I have one companion that uses a rifle, the rest are either lightsabers or pistols, thanks for hooking them up. But, I thought the heck with it, I'll just buy the rifle and pull out the barrel.... or not. 147K credits to remove the barrel... somebody's on crack. I mean come on, I already did the content to earn the reward, let me do with it what I want without having to break the bank to do it. It's not like I can sell them on the GTN or anything.


Geez, I wonder why so many people are getting frustrated with this game and quitting?


Bind on Legacy for a reason?


The thing that gets me is that the smuggled craets might be generating lag by themselves. I've noticed the past few days from general chat and my own experiences that Nar Shaddaa has been acting "funny." Either severe lag spikes or random kicks.


I got the pet, bloodguard, and Kashyyk's Legacy (when will they fix the spelling haha?) on my main..but wanted to at least get one of my alts more stuff..Nar Shaddaa was a pain with the concerns I listed...oh well, I'm happy that my main got most of the stuff I wanted anyway, always some sort of positive in everything. :)

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For a short time only, The Chevin Conglomerate is offering great riches to anyone who brings them rare and unique items. Scattered across all parts of the galaxy, these items must be retrieved before the Chevin return to their home in the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim! Be cautious as some within both the Republic and Imperial governments wonder if there is something more sinister driving the Chevin and their quest to acquire these goods…


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Guess we have differing opinions on "great riches":sul_confused:

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Hey SWTOR team, please consider extending this event. As it is, there really isn't much to do. For most of us that don't have much time it's just great to see something new. This event was too short and should have been at least two weeks long. It's a pity these things are so far between. The rakghoul event was roughly two weeks, great fun but at least two weeks gave us enough time to reap some of the rewards. Thanks again for the fun event. Please keep it around for another week! :D
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Hey SWTOR team, please consider extending this event. As it is, there really isn't much to do. For most of us that don't have much time it's just great to see something new. This event was too short and should have been at least two weeks long. It's a pity these things are so far between. The rakghoul event was roughly two weeks, great fun but at least two weeks gave us enough time to reap some of the rewards. Thanks again for the fun event. Please keep it around for another week! :D


I agree, many of us who work to pay for life and this game, don't have 10 to 12 hours a day like kids do to play.

Edited by Simmin
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I was a bit late getting someone up to Nar Shaddaa level to start this (the morning of the last day). In all I enjoyed this, however I did have a couple of niggles.


1. (I won't put this in spoiler alert as the event is over) - The story line - Republic

I was happily following the plot, receiving clues etc, up until the casino (loved jumping from pad to pad). From this point in the story everything stopped. Was this the end of the story and clues?


Cobbled together enough from noticing things around me from other players and the clues up until my last item - the eating utensils. OK, so they are in the security district, lets have a wonder around.....time ticks by, and I decide to use the holonet proxy known as youtube. Which leads me into point #2


2. So I get to Nar shaddaa at a respectable L23, and although not completed the main story lines have been ploughing through the event and have one item to go at level 25. Oh joy, it's in an area of level 30+ mobs.... So after several suicide runs I find myself fighting an elite bounty hunter with my armour held together with sticky tape and chewing gum; and attacking him with a pointy stick I found on the floor. (Thx guys who helped me put him down).


But like I said - I did enjoy this. Some of the hi-lights.....


- Getting the dilapidated speeder to the marker and having the stones to go off the edge.

- Bouncing around the casino.

- Watching the Chevin move away from their communication device to answer a ringing telephone (because they are so widely used - they like the nostalgia of holding something up to their ear with their tiny arms)

- Getting dark side points without upsetting my companions - I don't know why T7 and Kira don't like my approach to over populated prisons..... It's not like I ask them to clean up the mess afterwards.

Edited by g_doboy
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Didnt manage to have it done because of work and rolling a pretty cool BH :p so extend please (who wouldnt want to look like the SP) i would drive around TAT with the broken speeder and dressed like the SP making strange sounds :p:)
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Please extend this event for another week:D


Agree, I just manage to do it on one character only!!!:jawa_frown: Bioware fail to realize that people are getting ready to go back to school (parents & kids). Not to mentioned that other games usually give two weeks on their events. :rolleyes:

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Failed to finish it due to stupid work :(


Get some hard dates for these things, I cant really do "check back later" without a set date when we are this busy at work.


Also dont be shy to regurgitate the outbreak event or this one in a few weeks/months, some of us like to catch up or redo it.

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I agree, many of us who work to pay for life and this game, don't have 10 to 12 hours a day like kids do to play.


I have to disagree, I also work for a living and don't have 10-12 h per day for gaming but this event was too easy and too short (9 items to catch and few "go and talk" quests to make) for making it two weeks long.

One week was long enough to end the event on even few characters. It could be easly made in about 4-5 hours including listening to all conversations (without skipping them through) and not using google to find quest items.


SWTOR is very casual player-oriented game and in my opinion it's making the game too easy, that's why people are getting bored so fast.

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SWTOR is very casual player-oriented game and in my opinion it's making the game too easy, that's why people are getting bored so fast.


+1. I agree.


I walked a friend through the event last night in about 2 hours. Not difficult at all.


- Arcada

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