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A Thousand Papercuts


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I thought of another papercut.


Alien languages

1. I think it would help immersion to have more consistency as to which races speak which languages. Certainly don't restrict everyone race to one language, but it seems to be all over the place right now. There are some languages that just sound odd and don't really match the characters speaking them.


2. By no means am I suggesting they invent whole new fictitious languages or record thousands of lines of stuff, but a little more variety in languages would be appreciated. There's only so many times I can hear, "Chunky Fagoota" before it just makes me roll my eyes. Perhaps rearrange some of the words or come up with a few more lines.


It's not like I know what they are saying anyway, but when you hear the exact same lines spoken by someone saying how nice you are and by another character who is fuming mad, it breaks the immersion a bit.

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Perhaps it has been mentioned (long thread) but I'll throw it in regardless.


I find it bothersome that when you are grouped with another person, NPCs will always adress you as though you are in a group even if you initiate the conversation alone. For example, if you are questing on tatooine and you're teamed up with a friend who is on the fleet, the NPCs will talk to you as though your friend was there with you.


So, simple fix. Make it so that if you engage in a conversation alone, the NPCs will never adress you as though you are in a group.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Slicing of speeders, all speeders should be able to move at max speed

- add a augument slot to speeders, crafters (cybernetics) can then create speed-boost packages.


Companion skill implants, all companions should be able to do whatever combat role and crafting role

- add two more slots for companions, crafters (biomech / cybertech) can then create combat and skill packages.


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* armors to "orange" + armor / cloth dye

- corresponding crafters (Light, Medium, Heavy) should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to "orange"

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to dye cloth / armor pieces


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* armors to chosen armor value (Light, Medium and Heavy)

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to Light, Medium and Heavy


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* weapons to "orange" + weapon dye

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to reverse all weapons to "orange"

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to dye weapons

- as default all Inheritance and Birthright weapons form Legacy vendors should be "orange"



- Shared Commendation tab / bank (same faction)

- Commendation Trader (ship droid) to buy x commendation for x commendation

- Shared Ships (same faction+ Smuggler and Bounty Hunter ship)

- Advanced Legacy Ships such as fighters, gunboats etc. (same faction?)

- Advanced Legay "HQ's" such as small orbital spacestations, bunkers, apartments etc (same faction?)



- Shared Companions (same faction)

- Show / Hide function of Companions inside ship

Edited by eclipce
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Slicing of speeders, all speeders should be able to move at max speed

- add a augument slot to speeders, crafters (cybernetics) can then create speed-boost packages.


Companion skill implants, all companion should be able to do whatever combat role and crafting role

- add two more slots for companions, crafters (biomech / cybertech) can then create combat and skill packages.


Reverse-egineering of *ALL* armors to "orange" + armor / cloth dye

- corresponing crafters (light, medium, heavy) should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to "orange"

- corresponing crafters should be able to craft kits to dye cloth / armor pieces


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* armors to chosen armor value (Light, Medium and Heavy)

- corresponing crafters should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to Light, Medium and heavy


Reverse-eginerring of *ALL* weapons to "orange" + weapon dye

- corresponing crafters should be able to craft kits to reverse all weapons to "orange"

- corresponing crafters should be able to craft kits to dye weapons

- as deafault all Inheritance and Birthright weapons form Legacy vendors should be "orange"



- Shared Commendation tab / bank (same faction)

- Commendaion Trader (ship droid) to buy x commendation for x commendation

- Shared Ships (same faction+ Smuggler and Bounty Hunter ship)

- Advanced Legacy ships such as fighters, gunboats (same faction?)

- Advanced Legay "HQ's" such as small orbital spacestation, bunkers, apartments etc (same faction?)



- Shared Companions (same faction)

- Show / Hide function of companions inside ship


I'm Wraiven Soulstalker, and I approve this message.


Paid for by the I.W.L.F.O.C.C. ( Imaginary Wish List Funding Organization of Customization Consumers.)

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Going through the 3 things list i had started copying the ones I really wanted to see so here they are the 1st is from my post there. and the last 1 is one that I really found interesting.



One of my favorite things about a lot of the games I have played are the minigames Though my all time favorite has to be swoop racing from KOTOR, I have been giving it a lot of thought lately how Swoop Racing could be done in SWTOR. Here is my Idea is that when you get your ship you could have a basic swoop inside. Now whether they do it like the ships and droids, you could add better parts, or you could buy/win/drop better swoops from vendors/bosses or as prizes from races. Like KOTOR you could have tracks per world with prizes then you could have Faction championship then Galaxy wide races and championships. I would also like to see pazaak and sabaac in game where you could have player vs ai in cantina as well as challenge other players have Faction championship then Galaxy wide championships, have rare and epic cards drop from bosses and such as you build a better and better deck to play. ::csw_r2d2::csw_r2d2::csw_r2d2:

2.More char slots

3.In smuggler class being able to actually smuggle things for other chars.

4.The ability to SIT DOWN anywhere other than the pilot seat on my ship

5.account wide Legacy and bank for credits, unused planet comms, and items to share with alts

6.Housing or fully modifiable ships.and crafting to make things for houses

7.Some type of reward for a high legacy level

8.Fix the search on the GTN. Some of the filters simply do not work! Add the ability to CTRL click an item to auto search for that item Sort by price-per-unit in the GTN

9.The option to omit certain PvP games from your queue such as Huttball (I'm fine with ranked remaining random, I just hate landing in this god forsaken game in normal queuing)

10. New game plus. Restart class story with all instanced content scaled for level 50

11.Ability to have a full party of companions while leveling

12.1 or 2 more classes as 4 isn't very many

13.Account-wide Friend/Ignore Lists

14.Class Specific Daily Missions. On different planets for different classes

15.alter crafting so failed reverse engineering attempts gradually improve changes of learning a new schematic

16.More playable races, especially Togruta, wookies, Nautolan, trandoshans

17. Hard Mode Flash Point loot drops - make Bind on Legacy instead of Bind on Pick Up; this is important for the crafting schematics and vehicles

18.:D:D:D:D:Legacy Crew Skills. I want to be able to direct Corso to craft augments or send Mako on slicing missions while playing my Jugg and have the rewards deposited into my Legacy Cargo Hold:D:D:D:D:D:rak_01:

19.Third faction / netural

20.bind on pickup changed to bind to legacy

21.Add a Legacy trait, that will unlock all visited Taxi points to all characters (on the same faction ofc). This way, people would be more likely to go through all the stories, as you wouldn't have to travel hundreds of hours of terrain you have already gone through, each and every time.

22.Add a bounty system for all players. It should also have a decaying renown/karma system attached. The renown could be something that relates to traitorous and loyal actions against your faction. You could betray your faction or stay loyal, depending on the faction of the bounties you take.


There would be some sort of faction spread throughout the galaxy (e.g. mandalorian clan-hutt conglomerate) posting these bounties (from unknown republic/empire employers) and eventual rewards like sliced GTN credit chips (large balances) and premium content(ship housing upgrades/new companions/mount/rare custom gear/titles/etc.) Players would be given a number of randomized bounties on every planet by this faction.


Players would have the choice to take bounties on Republic or Imperial NPC from this conglomerate faction. These quests would reward the player with a renown increase/decrease and credits/random rewards. The faction of the NPC you killed would place a bounty on the player's head and make you bounty-flagged to all other players. It'd give you a bounty status, similar to being PVP flagged, which disappears when your bounty is collected (you are killed - No one could just log out and wait out a timer). Players who collect on bounty-flagged players would get a decent renown gain in the direction they are leaning (loyal/traitor).


Players with traitorous renown and an active bounty could be collected by both factions, so you'd be hunted by Republic and Imperial players. The traitorous rewards would be possibly a bit more attractive than their safer loyalist counterparts but you'd need to risk that increased PVP to get the rewards. Some players may prefer to RP loyalist and not worry as much about rewards.


Every daily/weekly NPC would be scaled to the player's level (much like the recent event bosses) so it'd bring players of every level to some lower level planets.


e.g. Renown Scale:

+1000 Loyal


- Neutral (Starting Point)


+1000 Traitor

22.1. Single Player Option for Flashpoints and Ops

- Opponents are weaker so you can master them with your companion on Lv 50.

- You don't get any useable loot.

- What's the point: Enjoy the story, graphics and cut scenes without being rushed by other players, endgame content accessible for all without imbalancing the game.

This. I'd like to enjoy story content without players yelling "SPACEBAAAAAAAAAARRR!!" and it would be kinda cool if you could do those FP/OP's with 3 of your companions and they would be part of the story too, commenting in cut scenes etc. it'll be like KOTOR

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Well, I have been thinking and there different problem in TOR once you reach 50, The First is the amount of content you can do is limited to a few hard modes(Not even all the flashpoint Can't understand why you guys haven't bother to create hard modes of the other 8 Flashpoint , Athiss Hammer station Red Reaper etc,but I think there some quick solutions that could alleviate boredom without spending huge amount of resources and would also increase the longevity



Re-playable Story Mission with Scalable levels, and Planets scalable bracket instances


• Re-playable Story Mission


Well via the Event Rakghoul Conflict and the Grand Acquisitions it been shown the game has the function to check the player level and generate a level appropriate NPC. Well why not make are Personal Story Re-playable? Most people aren't going to roll two version of the same class due to the limits of character spaces and the tedious of doing side quest to level up; even now the details of my class story are a little hazy. People have called this game Single Player (which I actually like never been a fan of MMO historically), but it should take advantage of one of the greatest aspect of a Single player game Re-playability and multiple difficulties . Within some “restriction” I should be able to replay different chapters so I can reference NPC, hear dialogue again or limited how many times of day I can do it to prevent farming , like re-watching an old movie. In Dragon Age Origins I always saved countless save so I can go back to different areas and replay them when I was bored. Harder


. So instead of doing the same damn daily people could replay aspect of their quest maybe once a day in different difficulty , Normal -Scaled to Level , Heroic , Nightmare-4 man Trooper Quest that award Black holecoms or some other reward money etc. .Unique look Nightmare 4-8 Man Emperor Jedi Knight Battle ?

The thing is by reworking within the existing framework of existing boss battles and content, you save money on art production ( One of the most expensive part of game development ) the rest comes down to testing the actual content.


• Scalable Planet Instances bracket


Biggest complaint from the Average MMO player is it too ‘linear!’ Well Bio-ware game haven’t always been linear *Sure the story is linear not going to turn into Sky rim, But you could at least choose the planet you started on. Now with TOR This would pose two problem. The First problem is that there a planetary quest and there some general continuity between certain planets , Corellia to Illum for instance . The other being is the Class quest that follow the planet quest . The problem is if I got 3 50s, I’ve seen most of the stories already and I know the planetary quest probably memorized it . So After I get my ship maybe I want to play Illum 16-20 ,instead going directly to Balmora 16-20 , and then instead of Narshaadar I go to VOSS . If I really want my companion I can go to Balmora and pick it up . We need more freedom from the Same Railroad if you want to prolong the longevity of your PVE content in the face of more Horizontal scaling game systems . .


Solve a couple of problems (Linear Level Paths reducing the Value of Alting ) (Giving people something to do at 50 going back to older heroics for new rewards scaled to there level or a harder level )

Say I am Bored of Illum so I start up a level 50 Voss instance or a Heroic Voss instance or a level 50 Hoth instance



What this doesn’t solve


Now this doesn't solve the content being too Easy or being imbalanced not having any new mechanics for the hardcore people who find it all too easy or whatever, but who cares? , it does change the scenery it gives people something to do while they wait in-between patches other than grinding from 1-50 again on an alt and gives more value to the character you’ve already geared. Could even change the scenery if you wanted to differentiate them (Lower level illum = DAY Time , High level Narshaadar = Day time


Positive Effects


people are no longer confined the Fleet Illum or Belavsis or the god-awful Corellia black hole. It simply gives people something "repetitive to do " But with a change of scenery to break up the grind, hell maybe Narshaadar is set in the DAY for level 50 ? Hoth at Night Level 50 ? Not necessary of course just the fact that I can play a Level 50 version of HOTH scaled to my NPC level or replay Planet Quest and Heroic Quest Story mission in different difficult .


2 it solve to major problem in MMO without getting rid of the level caste system

First is increases in level rendering older content obsolete when Makeb Drops the major complaint if we raise the level cap it going to make all this content obsolete, but by offering a level 50-55 instances of Narshaadar or 50-55




Bio ware has to do something to actually alleviate some very basic issue to MMO ,because competition isn't gonna become any easier , With Guild Wars 2 Buy 2 play with a lot of content { and there way to solve simple problem without investing a TON of money ,beyond balance testing . One of the common thing people might argue is bring Pazzaak and Swoop racing , (But that great to non-combat things to do ) but got the tools within the content to actually get more mileage from the existing NPC and Planets and PVE Content .

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What do I do with all of my planetary commendations now that I’m level 50?


As our class storyline takes us through all the available planets, we acquire many planetary commendations along the way. And sometimes, even after we’ve hit 50, we like to go back and help some of our lower-leveled friends with heroics and other difficult content, for which we are rewarded with yet more commendations. By the time we’re in the end game, however, these forms of currency are essentially useless to us, unless we sell them on the GTN or use them to equip our other characters.


Allowing all the collected commendations to coalesce into the Legacy Wallet mentioned above would bring new purpose to commendations. And do consider the future: planetary commendations become useless while we’re focused on acquiring Black Hole or Rakata gear. As new content emerges and the level cap is raised, the commendations used to purchase end game armor will eventually fall to the wayside, too, but would be useful for other legacy characters.


Another potential use for outmoded commendations would be the option to redeem them for hard currency. This would be especially useful for those who have all their character slots filled with high level characters.


A legacy bank tab would operate much in the same way as the current mechanics for ship cargo holds and guild banks, especially the latter due to how the item binding system works currently. Obviously, it would only be able to hold unbound and Legacy-bound items. The most practical method of acquisition would be to connect it with a legacy unlock; Legacy 1 and a reasonable amount of credits for the first tab for example.


I believe adding a legacy bank into this game would certainly be a step forward. However, if you don't mind, I would like to add on to this.


I believe we should have the option to put individual bound items into the Legacy banks. The reason I say this is because say you're in an operation or hard mode. You just downed a boss. One of the drops is an end game schematic, piece of gear or token to trade for gear.


If nobody else needed it, you think "Oh my alt could really use that!" But then you realize it binds on pickup, so even if you win the roll on it, there's no way to give it to your alt. So instead it just ends up as vendor trash.


Allowing us to add bound items into the Legacy Bank feature, suddenly that schematic or gear can actually be put to good use!


On a similar note, players already use legacy gear to transport bound mods to their alts. Having the option to just import the bound modifiable gear (with mods originally installed) into the legacy bank would be an infinitesimal difference. It would actually save us thousands of credits for omitting the first extraction of the mods from the original shell to put into the legacy gear.


Other problematic scenarios this would solve:


- BoP crafted gear that is outdated for the individual character would find new life with an alt.


- You receive a token for a piece of Rakata for a Jedi Knight that your alt really needs, but the token is on your Smuggler and there's no way to pass the token or piece of gear over to your alt..


- You found a nice piece of gear from a heroic that you would love to give to an alt, but it's only available through that specific heroic and it's only available as BoP.


How the Legacy Bank could work.


To put it bluntly, the Legacy bank could be a branch off of the normal bank. Upon clicking on a normal bank, a pop-up would appear asking which option you would like to choose.


- Your Bank

- Legacy Bank


The Legacy Bank could be upgraded exactly as like the normal bank would. Pay (X) amount of credits for another bank vault. However, the legacy bank would have the added benefit of having access to all the credits and commendations from all characters in your account. With this access, the overall temperament of running out of credits would dwindle.


Overall, a Legacy bank like this would do the following:


- No more selling valuable gear only because they're B.o.P. Your alts would be able to re-use outdated gear from your main. Think about it -- Passing down your main's actual first light saber, blaster, etc. for your alt to use. :eek:


- Eliminate the need to log in constantly to mail credits or items to other characters on your legacy.


- Giving your alts access to the efficiently consolidated pool of commendations gather by previous toons.


- Making crafting far easier by having mats available to all toons under one bank.


I would sincerely hope Bioware would consider this :)

Edited by Big_Loom
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Slicing of speeders, all speeders should be able to move at max speed

- add a augument slot to speeders, crafters (cybernetics) can then create speed-boost packages.


Companion skill implants, all companions should be able to do whatever combat role and crafting role

- add two more slots for companions, crafters (biomech / cybertech) can then create combat and skill packages.


Hmm... I've thought about this, and I sort of agree with Bioware here. Not all companions should be able to fill all roles. They have personalities just like we do, and some just don't fit certain roles. Like... I can't see Andronikos healing me, or Theran DPSing. Now, Vette could probably learn to heal, but some... just no. And how do you solve the problem of the companions who wear medium armor (and are based off the smuggler/agent character type) into tanks?


For crafting, yeah I sort of agree, but then again, see above. They've learned certain things along the way, and that's what they do. Although, the skills selected for certain companions seem sort of arbitrary.


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* armors to "orange" + armor / cloth dye

- corresponding crafters (Light, Medium, Heavy) should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to "orange"

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to dye cloth / armor pieces


This I could definitely get behind. There is some green and blue armor that would be great to wear as "regular" gear, but there are no orange patterns available for them.


Reverse-engineering of *ALL* armors to chosen armor value (Light, Medium and Heavy)

- corresponding crafters should be able to craft kits to reverse all pieces to Light, Medium and Heavy


Make all orange gear adaptive, in other words, with perhaps a few exceptions. Would be nice.




- Shared Commendation tab / bank (same faction)

- Commendation Trader (ship droid) to buy x commendation for x commendation

- Shared Ships (same faction+ Smuggler and Bounty Hunter ship)

- Advanced Legacy Ships such as fighters, gunboats etc. (same faction?)

- Advanced Legay "HQ's" such as small orbital spacestations, bunkers, apartments etc (same faction?)



I would love shared ships. Or just being able to use the Agent ship for my Inquisitor.




- Shared Companions (same faction)

- Show / Hide function of Companions inside ship


I'd prefer the option of allowing companions to move around the ship, instead. I don't want to kick them out. But I could see how others might want this.

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Thanks for the initial post Cyrus_Krell,

"A Thousand Papercuts" reminds me of "The Hundreth Monksy"


but not in such a good way. All the little things that bug us from lack of attention mean nothing...until the tipping point is reached because "just one more" can be too many.


The Miraluku STILL cannot wear any face or headgear that shows up.


The last world events Sand Armor is not yet bound to legacy.....and as a perk, why not allow 400 crafted BOP items the same bind to legacy.:rolleyes:


Some of us are getting tired of seeing the same old/same old posts from players about Companion Missions and the inability to get the mission you need....and the rarity of schematics we need.:(


A few of us have walpapered our ships in Elegant Lightsabre Schematics,and certain Augment schematics.

When you have around 12-16

I forget exactly, and I'm not going to look it up because I am annoyed

augment schematics total per levle and yet the drop rate for Armormech/Synthweaving is the same

With how many schematics per level splt between how many crew skills?...

...well, it's 'gonna be four years before I get that Elite Commando Bracer schematic to drop through a mission, isn't it?:eek:


On the subject for wishful thinking, A

beer allowance:D

would probably help appease us somewhat.

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A few of us have walpapered our ships in Elegant Lightsabre Schematics,and certain Augment schematics.

When you have around 12-16

I forget exactly, and I'm not going to look it up because I am annoyed


It's gotten to the point that I've started taking these schematics out of the guild bank (because some idjit keeps putting them *in*) and vendoring them and putting in 50K to the GB just so I don't have to see them.

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As an EVE player, yes, a thousand yeses.


The chat interface is my foremost gripe. The inability to reply to people other than the last person to send you a tell is infuriating. Also, I'd love the ability to be able to access a context menu from the guild menu to "whisper to" a guild member in the list. Sadly, I'm guilded with people who have unicode characters in their names and trying to send them tells is more trouble than it's worth. More customisation options for the chat windows would also be very welcome, lock position, filter, better support for multiple windows, colour customisation extended etc.


Also, there needs to be a much more audible warning sound when the group finder queue has found a party for you. Right now, I don't even think there is a sound played. I like to watch videos, read news, check email or any number of things other than sit looking at my SW:TOR screen while idling in fleet waiting for my queue to pop. I surely must have a reputation for being "that guy" who always misses their group finder queues on the server by now.


edit : Group finder returning you to where you were when you chose to enter the dungeon <---- THIS, it's already like this for pvp queues, why not for PvE fps too?

Edited by Sydexlic
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Another important thing to add is a possible rebalance of the lacking classes. Now I don't mean a nerf to the performing classes, but a rebalance to the lacking ones.


Take the Deception Assassin for an example. DPS Assassins and Shadows seem to be at the bottom of the list. A few tweeks could easily fix these issues.

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- Add same gender relationships

- A wider variety of choices for character creation and the possibility to modify certain parts of the body with total freedom

- More flirt options for female characters

- Slave suit for males

- Housing sistem or/and starship customisation so we can really feel at home

- I'd like to see my companions walking around the ship

- Games in cantinas

- More action bar slots

- A reduction of male chauvinism and heterocentrism in general, please (class story, romances, conversations, clothes, characters... everywhere!)

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Here's a few quick wins, that for most of them looks like very easy to add.


Legacy name change.

  • Probably a simple database field update, so quite easy and cheap to do and yet we don't have it.


Having separate last names from legacy names.

  • More likely adding a new text column in the character table and a new UI field. So once again very easy to do.


Choose the WZ to queue for.

  • We can do it for PvE content, so you can reuse the function.
  • For now as we are obliged to do the content we don't like, it ends with players quitting some WZ as soon as they enters in it, thus leaving one team with less players as not always replaced as fast as needed and the game not balancing this.


Save/load key bindings

  • A very simple and easy to do. It would make alts and respeccing more convenient.


Dual specs

  • Is that really much more than copying a DB table for the specs, one for the new UI and skills layout, adding a few UI frames?
  • It would help the shortage of tanks and healers and encourage players to PvP too.


Load/save Skills and UI layout

  • Especially useful for respecs to make it less tedious.
  • Once again a few data entries to store


[shift?] + Space: skip to cutscene choices

  • Isn't that a simple tweak that would make seeing repeatedly the cutscene less tedious cause they get old very very fast.
  • Optional only allow it for already seen cut scenes


Appearance tabs

  • After the 3rd iteration of gear customization players can't still dress like they want due to the fact set bonuses have been forgotten from the equation. Even with it the system would still be more tedious than appearance tabs to change our appearance.
  • And, if you did not get rid of him, you have the dev that built appearance tabs for SWG. He could even improve it!


Teleporting to the space ship

  • You added many perks to the space ship that for most of them we pass next to them before going into our ship.
  • You already have the code and yet we can't port to our ship and it would make traveling through the galaxy more convenient.


Skip the orbital stations

  • Useless loading and traveling time sinks, especially on slower rigs.
  • Allow to bypass them totally


Skip WZ cuscene

  • Tooggle to skip them automatically and if the whole group skip them = 1 min of waiting time removed


Re-Queue WZ

  • Toggle has been removed in 1.3. WTH???


Lengthen GTN posting to 7 days

  • Likely one single update in a single DB field and we're done. It shall not overload the DB and would make crafting low items much more worth it.


Adding quicklsot(s) bar(s)

  • Honestly I really don't get how/why it wasn't one of the top priority there. Nuff said.


Companions quick bar

  • How about being able to manage the skills in the bar or even move some of them to other quick slot bars



GTN and maiblox in datapad

  • 2004 SWG had emails in datapad. That was even before the iPhone!
  • 2012 GW2 has it.
  • 2012 TOR goes back to pre-telegraph system.
  • Same should be done with the GTN


Mouse look toggle

  • Just add a damn hotkey and make the game more enjoyable for some and well less painful on the hand for others



==Probably bit more costly/lengthy to develop==


Separate companions skills/roles from personalities.

  • Quinn stinks and well many other companions gets boring in the end and we are stuck with being obliged to use one maybe 2, the others being useless, skills wise.


Chat bubbles

  • This one puts shames on the develpment team. UI frames killing the frame rate so much you can't have chat bubbles 6 months after launch (sic!).


Gear dyes

  • I look at LotRo, Rift and well GW2 and I cry

Edited by Deewe
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Some stuff that needs being worked upon:



  • Taxi cost is 10 times the space ship fuel cost to go from one planet to the other
  • You can have Sith corruption on non force user characters
  • Your ship leaves the planet when you speak to the door* (enters it).
  • We can Holocom from anywhere but not manage emails the same way nor even browse the GTN either. So much for an advanced civilization.
  • We can use mail boxes from our ship but can't recall directly to them and mostly always pass in front of a mailbox to take off.
  • You can shuttle out and med rez anywhere but you can't recall to your space ship
  • We can force choke or nut kick droids or even force slap turrets.
  • Most Sith choices are about greed or fame when not about being an a..ole
  • Texts display of dialog choices too often does not fit the spoken lines
  • We have to take off to access to our space ship interior/bank.
  • Using a lift pops up a select destination when there's only one,
  • Non force user companions can also combat jump with as good skills like force jump
  • Melee characters needs to keep running between mobs without a boost to compensate the needs to do so versus ranged characters.
  • We find rare crystal nodes and artifacts in the open next to main roads.
  • There's no distinctive icon for all various resource nodes
  • There's no scale consistency on the maps
  • We can't explore/browse the maps
  • You "can" fly over a planet but you have a fog of war on the world map
  • Taxi use the exact same route for return travel meaning you always hit someone else coming from the same direction.
  • A one foot rock will stop your hovering speeding bike like you hit a wall
  • Falling down from 6 feet on a hovering speeder bike will hurt your character.
  • You can't force jump or use jetpacks without actually attacking something
  • Realistically speaking It's impossible to fight with the shoulder flaps, nor to sit with many gear either.
  • Companions always gets in your way
  • Name tags are always on top of all others graphics and there's no hot key toggle
  • You can't close the quest tracker once for all. Same for the legacy popup.
  • It's faster to dismiss and summon your companion than to heal it
  • You can't one button sell grey items at the vendor
  • Managing mods between the character and companions requests you to write them down on a sheet of paper.
  • You can't deactivate a saber blade in combat would you like it to
  • Companions are too often stuck with their weapons out
  • Your companions can sell grey stuff but they can't sell anything else
  • Gear vendor prices aren't diplayed in your inventory
  • Can't on click equip an item to a companion nor compare gear to non summoned companions either
  • Mobs and NPCs standing still. They are lifeless. Just standing there, chilling and doing
  • Any NPC can request a Sith lord (you) to sweep the floor for them
  • A Moff emails you a few hundreds credits as reward, not even pocket money.
  • Officers instead of grunts wears ammo bandolier
  • Trading with a vendor does not open inventory window by default but last used one
  • Some light weapon based weapons have recoil and Sniper animations include working a bolt action on the rifle, even though it doesn't need to chamber a new round.
  • On taxi rides you are in the driver's seat but can't do anything.

Edited by Deewe
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My papercuts:


1. Ready check. Audible Fanfare, "Are you ready?" Dialog box with "Yes" or "No" as an option, and a list of the players' Yes/No/Yet To Click status. The current chat comes up with "Everyone is ready." If anyone clicks "No" or doesn't click (maybe they're afk), it comes up with a dialog summarising the "No"s and the "AFK"s. 30 second time limit. Just like that other game.


2. On my Consular, the sparkly cloudy effect from the free TK Wave proc doesn't appear around his head. I suspect it is due to the shoulder pads on the T/C/R set chests, but it may be due to hats. Currently it appears as a sparkle across his neck. Either way, it needs to be fixed (expand it's radius out a bit, or rectify whatever clipping issue is causing it)... OR...


3. Player Auras. Get a proc? Big icon appears above or around your character for the duration it is available.


4. Fix the crafting dropdown boxes. "Level" should be the default option for sorting. And Biochem's central option box is a hideous mess containing "Ear", "Leg" and other gear slots (only Implant is relevant) and yet no way of filtering only Stims or Adrenals (and I have A LOT of Implant recipes).


5. Prevent people from clicking Need on every item of loot. Consulars have ZERO use for Knight's gear - none of their companions use Strength. And Troopers ONLY use Aim. Neither should be able to Need on Strength gear. You should only get to roll Need on items with your primary stat on (this could also be extended to Tanks only getting to roll Need on Defence/Shield/Absorb relics).


6. A note on why you /ignored someone. There's a note field for friends. Idiot/Bad/Ninja - it would be nice to know why you /ignored the player that guildy X is now moaning about in his FP.


7. In game meters. If you're in a guild group with a similarly geared player who is doing significantly more or less damage than you are, it would help them or you if you knew. At the moment, you can only go on the animations they are using or if they opt in to running SWmoniTOR or MOXParser. Fiddly at best and sometimes really tricky to get to stay on screen. The only people who fear meters are those that can't put out the damage, while the rest of us suffer enrage timers, yet they're also the people who have no way of knowing they're bad without imperical metrics.


8. An API so that the players can fix all this stuff. The addons that are available in WoW can massively change the appearance and functionality of that game (not always for the better though).


9. Dual spec (as the queue times are ridiculous at the moment).


10. 16 player GF Ops. The reason the queue times are ridiculous at the moment is because dps is such a high proportion of the player base and there is no difference between groupfinder flashpoint and operation role ratios - it is 25% tank, 25% healer, 50% dps. Simply making gf Ops 16 player would proportionally take out more dps from the queue, getting them doing something, making queue times shorter.


11. Getting stuck on MUSHROOMS when running through caves... and then having to use the /stuck command.


12. Having to use the /stuck command at all.


13. /Stuck having a cooldown of 2 minutes.

Edited by ConzarCR
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A couple of things come to mind:

-why is it on some load screens you need to hit spacebar?

-for the security key app on phones, it would be helpful if you could change the font colour. On my phone the font is black, and the background is very dark, making it hard to see

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Here's a few quick wins, that for most of them looks like very easy to add.


Legacy name change.

  • Probably a simple database field update, so quite easy and cheap to do and yet we don't have it.


Having separate last names from legacy names.

  • More likely adding a new text column in the character table and a new UI field. So once again very easy to do.


Choose the WZ to queue for.

  • We can do it for PvE content, so you can reuse the function.
  • For now as we are obliged to do the content we don't like, it ends with players quitting some WZ as soon as they enters in it, thus leaving one team with less players as not always replaced as fast as needed and the game not balancing this.


Save/load key bindings

  • A very simple and easy to do. It would make alts and respeccing more convenient.


Dual specs

  • Is that really much more than copying a DB table for the specs, one for the new UI and skills layout, adding a few UI frames?
  • It would help the shortage of tanks and healers and encourage players to PvP too.


Load/save Skills and UI layout

  • Especially useful for respecs to make it less tedious.
  • Once again a few data entries to store


[shift?] + Space: skip to cutscene choices

  • Isn't that a simple tweak that would make seeing repeatedly the cutscene less tedious cause they get old very very fast.
  • Optional only allow it for already seen cut scenes


Appearance tabs

  • After the 3rd iteration of gear customization players can't still dress like they want due to the fact set bonuses have been forgotten from the equation. Even with it the system would still be more tedious than appearance tabs to change our appearance.
  • And, if you did not get rid of him, you have the dev that built appearance tabs for SWG. He could even improve it!


Teleporting to the space ship

  • You added many perks to the space ship that for most of them we pass next to them before going into our ship.
  • You already have the code and yet we can't port to our ship and it would make traveling through the galaxy more convenient.


Skip the orbital stations

  • Useless loading and traveling time sinks, especially on slower rigs.
  • Allow to bypass them totally


Skip WZ cuscene

  • Tooggle to skip them automatically and if the whole group skip them = 1 min of waiting time removed


Re-Queue WZ

  • Toggle has been removed in 1.3. WTH???


Lengthen GTN posting to 7 days

  • Likely one single update in a single DB field and we're done. It shall not overload the DB and would make crafting low items much more worth it.


Adding quicklsot(s) bar(s)

  • Honestly I really don't get how/why it wasn't one of the top priority there. Nuff said.


Companions quick bar

  • How about being able to manage the skills in the bar or even move some of them to other quick slot bars



GTN and maiblox in datapad

  • 2004 SWG had emails in datapad. That was even before the iPhone!
  • 2012 GW2 has it.
  • 2012 TOR goes back to pre-telegraph system.
  • Same should be done with the GTN


Mouse look toggle

  • Just add a damn hotkey and make the game more enjoyable for some and well less painful on the hand for others



==Probably bit more costly/lengthy to develop==


Separate companions skills/roles from personalities.

  • Quinn stinks and well many other companions gets boring in the end and we are stuck with being obliged to use one maybe 2, the others being useless, skills wise.


Chat bubbles

  • This one puts shames on the develpment team. UI frames killing the frame rate so much you can't have chat bubbles 6 months after launch (sic!).


Gear dyes

  • I look at LotRo, Rift and well GW2 and I cry


Everything here please Bioware!!! ^ I still want a barber shop! After multiple battles on my trooper and after killing many Sith i'am no rookie anymore I want to have a beard, a tattoo, and a scar on my character which I cannot get because Bioware can't add a simple Barber shop into the game.

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