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The OLD CC Parade


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At this point in the game why wouldn't ANYTHING that slowed you, debuffed you, moved you etc effect the Resolve bar? This game has been coined CCWARS and there are definitely a few classes that can lock you down while they kill you (at least decently geared ones). So whats up? Why can certain classes literally spam snares with no effect? It's seriously garbage.
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At this point in the game why wouldn't ANYTHING that slowed you, debuffed you, moved you etc effect the Resolve bar? This game has been coined CCWARS and there are definitely a few classes that can lock you down while they kill you (at least decently geared ones). So whats up? Why can certain classes literally spam snares with no effect? It's seriously garbage.


No classes that can stunlock you to death.

Its just your fail in breaking cc's(you need to pick time to break, not just spam breaker button)

Im geared one on 2 toons(GS and JK) so i know what im talking about.

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No classes that can stunlock you to death.

Its just your fail in breaking cc's(you need to pick time to break, not just spam breaker button)

Im geared one on 2 toons(GS and JK) so i know what im talking about.


get out. You can easily be locked down in this game. But its how they made the game so he should be use to it by now. Everyone knows that 85% of the player pop has no clue when or how to stun someone. Its their opener and then instantly thrown again as soon as its off cooldown. so it just seems like a lot.

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I've never seen one player stun lock me to death. It's usually when I'm getting pummeled by two, three, or more. In which case, even without them timing their stuns, they'd pummel me anyway. But at least without the stun train I can get a few shots in while I go down.
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You might want to try Dark Age of Camelot then, 70 seconds root and mez (even area of effect) as well as up to 11 second stuns.


this game is easymode in every aspect

Jesus Christ.


mezz and root, breaks on dmg(and they do not like here where you kept in that rubish 50% of the time even ehile someone smacks the **** out of you...), give a 60sec imunity once they were finished, were reduced by resitences ae-dropoff (all ae effects last from 100%in ther centre to 50%at max range) and therefor never last longer then 36sec and on top of that could be cleasened. castsuns had a duration of up to 11sec wich was aswell effected by resis, and determination (a stat skillable via pvp ranks that reduces the duration of ccs) so a casting stun lasts less then 5 sec to not even more than ping issues and had 60sec imunity once they finished aswell ...

so all in all that system was way better than what we have in swtor...

Edited by Tankqull
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I've never seen one player stun lock me to death. It's usually when I'm getting pummeled by two, three, or more. In which case, even without them timing their stuns, they'd pummel me anyway. But at least without the stun train I can get a few shots in while I go down.


Concealment used to be able to do it in specific circumstances, but I really do mean specific.

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I've never seen one player stun lock me to death. It's usually when I'm getting pummeled by two, three, or more. In which case, even without them timing their stuns, they'd pummel me anyway. But at least without the stun train I can get a few shots in while I go down.


If you set it up right, it is possible to stun lock folks on both the assassin and my operative (maybe others, but these two i know its possible). Of course, everything has to line up right: 1v1 with no backup for your target, a few lucky crits, target uses cc-breaker to clear resolve as u anticipate, you have all cooldowns ready, lag that lets the target get off one cc, not hitting the right dmg/cc's at exactly the right time, target has some skills on cd, etc.


Easier to do on sin than operative, as the op needs alot of lucky crits to pull this off to kill target before resolve is full and they can cc you back.

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Pull/push a target into a trap, stun him, dead - works every time except against classes with a sprint and an available cc-breaker unless you've got someone to pull you out of it. I've been in a Huttball where my guardian ball carrier got grappled and pulled 4x in <5 seconds (and did a guardian leap in the middle of it) - made me dizzy. Stunlocks to death aren't common 1v1 but snares and knockbacks and stuns and mezzes are way more spammable and available to all classes than in any other game I've played. The only people that I know of that don't know that cc is way over-the-top in this game are some forum posters.
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Pull/push a target into a trap, stun him, dead - works every time except against classes with a sprint and an available cc-breaker unless you've got someone to pull you out of it. I've been in a Huttball where my guardian ball carrier got grappled and pulled 4x in <5 seconds (and did a guardian leap in the middle of it) - made me dizzy. Stunlocks to death aren't common 1v1 but snares and knockbacks and stuns and mezzes are way more spammable and available to all classes than in any other game I've played. The only people that I know of that don't know that cc is way over-the-top in this game are some forum posters.


1. Pull/Push doesn't work against full resolve targets, so there is another exception to your "works every time" claim.


2. Your Guardian was not grappled and pulled 4 times in less than 5 seconds by hostiles. Three grapples/pulls will fill Resolve preventing the 4th.


3. Stuns/Mezzes/Knockbacks are ALL on CD meaning they are not spammable. Additionally, any combination of Stun/Mezz and any other Resolve Effect will grant full immunity to Resolve Effects meaning that even if they were "spammable", it would be pointless to do so.


4. Snares are much more easily applied because they are required for kiting/anti-kiting tactics. As a Hunter from WoW, I've found the amount of snares available in this game to actually be less than is necessary (I was able to keep 100% uptime on a 50% slow on 1 target while also keeping 80% uptime on a 75% slow on any number of additional targets who all had to walk through my ice slick which could then run around).

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Only by the forum QQ'ers.


CC is the least of SWTOR's problems (its not even a problem really)


Yes, it is. Calling people QQ'ers who dislike it, doesn't change the fact that there are FAR too many freaking CCs in this game, nor does it change the fact that Resolve sucks and not controlling your character is frustrating as **edit**! You may not mind it, but I do, and my opinion on this topic doesn't make me a QQ'er.

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Doesn't really matter with QQers calling CCWars or not...subs are dropping, gameplay is pretty bad.

And for all of those that keep saying there is not stun lock to death, with the cooldown on any CC breaker vs the amount of stuns, knockbacks, etc...well, its not even close. Sure in a 1 vs 1 duel it make sense, but in everyday PVP its just not available enough. I wonder if some of these people in the PVP forum are actually RPers whom dream to be on a PVP server.

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Resolve and it's failure to work right annoys me in this game. Happened to me in Huttbal just today. I'm being followed by the same Op who has it out for me for some reason. He catches up to me, stuns me near an acid trap, and I wait because my resolve bar is not full yet and I come out of it with a lil over half health left, so he stuns me again, I use my cc breaker and now have full resolve. So I knock him over (Shadow Tank), see my teammates trying to pass to someone so I stun him again and pop stealth to get away cause I know he wants to finish me off. I run around to the side ramp to catch up to my team who is now by a fire trap...a dps sees me and passes me the ball and my healer starts to focus heals on me. Meanwhile, my resolve bar is almost gone which is fine because I'm being healed. I stop at the fire trap on the way to the enemy sides when 2-3 maras and a jugg leap to me preventing me from crossing the fire trap which is gone now...thankfully I didn't get over it otherwise I would have been toast and I see my healer is still healing me so I think I'm good. I use my speed boost and at that point am stunned...cc breaker only has a few seconds on CD so I figure I should be good, but then I get stunned some more...and some more...and my resolve bar is full now but I still can't move. My cc breaker is now able to be used so I use it but find myself still stunned unable to move at all and a few seconds later respawning.


Tell me how this is normal. Tell me how this is not being stunned to death lol. The resolve in this game sucks. I have a healer healing me the whole time but due to snares, roots, stuns, cc's whatever I can move with a full effing resolve bar even after using my cc breaker. My expertise is 1174 and I have almost full BM gear with WH pieces added in.


I'm just venting because even tho we lost, I got that Operative back who was annoying me to no end. He caught me trying to leave their side, stunned me but this time I stayed and mopped the floor with him. One of the Maras also had a thing for me so I turened to face him and wiped the floor with him too.

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