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BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk has resigned


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Bioware Austin was EA from the beginning - this studio has nothing to do with the minds behind Kotor or Mass Effect and consisted for the most part of refugees from SWG and Warhammer - plenty of devs from 2 failed mmos, with Jeff Hickman in charge the future of Swtor looks bleak.
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He's not leaving Bioware. He's just leaving the Austin office to have a holiday and work on other things. One thing you should know about the Gaming Industry is that people move around. ALOT.


Hes the cofounder of the company not just some contract slog they pay to write code. Watch after his "vacation" he will be announcing a new job at some other company. Like I said dont feel bad for him he is loaded now with money from the EA buyout. He will land on his feet.

Edited by Leggomy
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Keep in mind he's still with Bioware and EA.


Like Leggomy says, "planned long-term vacations" for top executives like Greg are usually codespeak that their time with the company has come at an end. Not always, but it happens a lot.

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its amusing to see these threads.


one who cares if he leaves, he is responsible for the game that was released. not ea. ea just pushed time frames and god they had a lot of time to develop this game. So again who cares about him leaving?


two people in upper management like this always are moving from here to there and from what they think is a better salary and package deal.


three while they haven't pushed content people talk as if other mmos push content of a grand scale out the door every month. please stop lying to yourselves.


Now does this mean i love this game NO, it has many many many flaws that need fixing. can it be done sure it can. will it be done only time will tell but ea has a cash cow and something tells me they will milk it for as long as they can which means updates and content. not at your instant gratification level but at a normal pace.

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That's corporate spin. Anytime you hear a top executive "leaving to spend more time with their family", it means they've been fired.


Considering his family stayed in Edmond and he's been in the Auston the last several years making SWTOR, I can see why he would want to go back to Bioware Edmond....


Is he actually leaving Bioware/EA? According to the article NO..... Is there a possibility he might leave Bioware/EA? Sure anything is possible...

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Considering his family stayed in Edmond and he's been in the Auston the last several years making SWTOR, I can see why he would want to go back to Bioware Edmond....


Is he actually leaving Bioware/EA? According to the article NO..... Is there a possibility he might leave Bioware/EA? Sure anything is possible...

I don't doubt that, but if the game was doing well, I don't think he'd be leaving to spend time with his family. It's possible he wasn't fired, per se, but someone had to be held accountable for the underwhelming performance. And that's usually someone at the top.

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I don't doubt that, but if the game was doing well, I don't think he'd be leaving to spend time with his family. It's possible he wasn't fired, per se, but someone had to be held accountable for the underwhelming performance. And that's usually someone at the top.


Yup, when you are in charge of a game that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars, only to have it turn F2P just after 6 months, the executive board WILL find someone to skin alive. Someone high up in BW had to stand in front of the chopping block, and I believe poor Greg is it.

Edited by corebit
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also makes me sad. I think he also poured a lot into swtor (launch beard and tattoo say hello) and now this. I think he still rocks and that's why maybe its a good decision for him personally. Maybe he also regrets selling out his company to ea. he would have made less money personally but he must have been well over the point of never having to work again, so he actually gained nothing but lost BioWare, as did we (the fans).


So now they put the ex MLG CEO in his place.... not even a BioWare guy.....


He was probably past the point of needing to work, but the rest of the people who helped him build BioWare may not have been there yet, and the EA buyout / stock options might have put them over that hump too.


That could be why the good doctors handed their baby, BioWare, over to the evil artists be sacrificed - to take care of the rest of the people that deserved it.

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If the stuff about his family is true, I think it's quite obvious this was still a planned thing, and not something that just cropped up out of nowhere.


If you're planning to move somewhere and stay there permanently, you'd move your family down with you, not leave them in Canada.


How many years was he living away from his family and commuting back and forth? Who wants that kind of lifestyle long-term, regardless of what projects you have on the plate? Usually people get married and start a family for a reason... and that reason doesn't include "leaving them thousands of miles away from me for most of the time".


Telecommuting to work is much easier on a person than telecommuting to your family.


Looks like more non-news trumped up as some sort of special report.




BTW, DarthTHC, there's no way this game even comes CLOSE to the failure of STO. No way in hell. Those others I'm not familiar with, but this game is a whole other world better than STO could hope to be.

Edited by Kubernetic
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the OP is very misleading. on of the founders is now working on another project... no biggie. considering we still have one of the founders i think we are in very good shape.


Your definition of "very good shape" and mine are extremely different.

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This is no big deal, he is still committed to bioware and swtor. The man left his family in canada and clearly always intended to return, and is doing so. The man left the head of MLG in charge back in May and went back to work on other projects and get his well deserved vacation after a hectic few years for bioware. This is a positive thing as SWTOR has fresh leadership and Zeschuk gets to recharge his battery at home before bioware comes up with their next big franchise/game.
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BTW, DarthTHC, there's no way this game even comes CLOSE to the failure of STO. No way in hell. Those others I'm not familiar with, but this game is a whole other world better than STO could hope to be.


STO has, what, a 3 year head-start on SWTOR? How long did it take STO to go F2P? I'm guessing something more than 11 months, right?


Seems like SWTOR is right on track...

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This is no big deal, he is still committed to bioware and swtor. The man left his family in canada and clearly always intended to return, and is doing so. The man left the head of MLG in charge back in May and went back to work on other projects and get his well deserved vacation after a hectic few years for bioware. This is a positive thing as SWTOR has fresh leadership and Zeschuk gets to recharge his battery at home before bioware comes up with their next big franchise/game.


Just curious why he would have to resign as manager of Bioware Austin to take a vacation.

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