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Advance Class Respec


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Hello Dead Horse....


...Let me introduce you to Dedder Horse.


My thinking is it won't happen. not until Bio has left SWtOR in the dirt. some may thing they already have, but they haven't. This has been stated before....many times before....in a nauseating amount. Ac switching is class switching in Bio's eyes, and they won't do it. we can argue whether it's really a "class" or not, but Bio thinks it does. and f2p isn't a reason to change this....many games that went f2p do not allow class switching...Bio's issue is they went with a non-standard class development process.


Unlike many others (WoW, LotRO to name a few), they did not start initially with separate classes. Aion did something similar to this, but theirs felt more separated. once you hit lvl 10 and decided, that was it. bam. totally different. Bio decides to keep some things the same (less development time really, cheaper), but they sill see their classes as the same thing. separate.


will the do it? honestly I don't think so. If they do, it will be big sign for me to switch games.

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FF :XI and The Secret World.


The secret world has no classes. How can there be a class change when there are no classes?


In FF 11, you can change jobs/classes, but you are set back to level 1 of the new job/class.


If people are willing to go back to level one, or even 10, when they change AC's, why not? I'm betting, though, that those same people who want to change AC's because they don't want to put forth the effort to reroll, won't want to put forth the effort to start back at level 1.

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Do a search about class change on those forums. I just searched for "class change" on the WoW forums, and there were 12,733 results.


As far as the "entitled" word goes, all you need to do is look almost anywhere and see what is being handed to people. If people do not have to put forth any effort in RL, why should I expect them to do so in a game?


you just showed how big of a failure you are. You searched for "class change" that will show a result of someone saying "I am thinking of changing classes what should i roll?" That is not even close to a rogue QQing saying i want to be magically turning into a warrior.

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I know there are an awful lot of people who are adamantly against the class changing. Some are against it due to the "I'm no longer the FOTM and I'm too lazy to reroll, let me change to the FOTM" philosophy. Some are against it because they have had so many bad experiences with tanks or healers who never learned to perform that role because they chose to level by easy mode DPS.


Why do you think that despite the number of threads on the forums for "that other game" clamoring for the ability to change class, even if they had to pay to do it, that "that other game" still doesn't allow class changes. They do allow race changes, faction changes and sex changes, but NO class changes. Why not, if there are so few people who would quit playing over such a small issue?


And I've had bad experiences with tanks who never leveled by tanking because there are no dedicated tanking classes-each has 2 dps crutches. How do you fix that? I presume locking in talent points to force them to learn to play a role (which isn't a guarantee since with companions you can bulldoze to 50 eventually regardless, even if it's by killing mobs 3-4 levels below you for xp).


Let's see- maybe because there are classes in that game that can perform each role as needed-druids and paladins come to mind. Here for some reason you can either equip a shield generator OR shoot healing bolts at allies-but never both on the same toon because that would apparently be overpowered.


BTW no one will force you to use this feature-so why are you so against it? Is it because 'choices should matter'? If so bring back companion death and remove the ability to Esc out of conversations. Is it because 'they are classes'? Again, I never have to choose one-my class is what I choose at character creation. Is it because "Bioware said so'? They also said no f2p or lfg.

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I hope not.


It would be nice if --just for once-- people actually noticed that the game said your choice would be permanent, and actually tried to deal with that as if they were mature adults, rather than insisting that the world adapt to their petty desires.


Think of it as a life-lesson moment. A chance to practice being an adult.


Too bad that ship sailed when Bioware caved in with regards to companion death. Rather than tell players to deal with it they adapted the game to their petty desires.


When companions can be killed again and conversation no longer have 'hit Esc to game the system and max morality and affection points' I might take your comment seriously.

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Bioware disagrees with Ratajack on his definition of "classes". His tears taste delicious so please keep him going. :)


For the record I could care less either way on this issue, but I find the anger towards this request hilarious. Who honestly cares if they allow people to respec an advanced class? My guess about 15 people.



Aurozia: Will there be a dual specialization system in the future? Will there be a possibility of changing advance classes as well?


Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.




From the Feb 10th Q&A post, found right here on the SWTOR.com site.


I guess BW and I are in agreement as to classes, after all.

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Do a search about class change on those forums. I just searched for "class change" on the WoW forums, and there were 12,733 results.


As far as the "entitled" word goes, all you need to do is look almost anywhere and see what is being handed to people. If people do not have to put forth any effort in RL, why should I expect them to do so in a game?




you just showed how big of a failure you are. You searched for "class change" that will show a result of someone saying "I am thinking of changing classes what should i roll?" That is not even close to a rogue QQing saying i want to be magically turning into a warrior.


Did you even bother doing the same search? The 49 of the first 50 results out of over 12,700 were ALL about wanting to change class. I know that not all of them were, but there are at least 49 threads on those forums and I'm betting that if you actually took the time(which would require effort, so we know you won't), you'd find that there are hundreds of threads asking for the option to change classes.

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And I've had bad experiences with tanks who never leveled by tanking because there are no dedicated tanking classes-each has 2 dps crutches. How do you fix that? I presume locking in talent points to force them to learn to play a role (which isn't a guarantee since with companions you can bulldoze to 50 eventually regardless, even if it's by killing mobs 3-4 levels below you for xp).


Let's see- maybe because there are classes in that game that can perform each role as needed-druids and paladins come to mind. Here for some reason you can either equip a shield generator OR shoot healing bolts at allies-but never both on the same toon because that would apparently be overpowered.


BTW no one will force you to use this feature-so why are you so against it? Is it because 'choices should matter'? If so bring back companion death and remove the ability to Esc out of conversations. Is it because 'they are classes'? Again, I never have to choose one-my class is what I choose at character creation. Is it because "Bioware said so'? They also said no f2p or lfg.



I've already explained my reasons for not wanting the option to class change.


You made a choice. You were advised that the choice was permanent. You already have the means to play any other class you want to play. You simply have to NOT be lazy, and level whatever class you now want to play. Before you claim that it has nothing to do with laziness, the definition of lazy is "averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion".


Whether or not I would use the option to change class is irrelevant.

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I've already explained my reasons for not wanting the option to class change.


Exactly... you have made your opinion known. Why don't you let the others express theirs without jumping all over them.


Anger management bro... this is a video game we're talking about.:eek:

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Exactly... you have made your opinion known. Why don't you let the others express theirs without jumping all over them.


Anger management bro... this is a video game we're talking about.:eek:


You should practice what you preach.. So should others... Just saying..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.




From the Feb 10th Q&A post, found right here on the SWTOR.com site.


I guess BW and I are in agreement as to classes, after all.


Quoted for truth...



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This discussion is as old as the hills at this point..


For those that claim the AC's are not their own class.. You are entitled to your opinions and that is all they are.. Opinions..


Bioware is the only body with the autority to make any declarations about his game.. It has already been previously stated countless times that they view the AC's as seperate classes.. Like it or not that is the way it is.. Sorry.. You can disagree all you want, but that isn't going to change anything..


Reguardless of spec, a guardian has little in common with a Sentinel.. That is just fact.. Again you can claim otherwise, but you would be wrong..


Sage and Shadow are also very different reguardless of spec..


Like it or not, there are 16 classes in this game.. Cutting the number of classes in half is not a good idea.. Cash shop or not..


The issue here strictly laziness.. To lazy to level another character.. There simply is no logical and reasonable reason to allow AC switching.. It cuts down on the number of choices we as players have.. It cuts down on replay value..


AC switching is simply not going to happen.. Sorry.. Like it or not.. Your opinion or not.. AC switching is not going to happen.. That is simply fact.. Bioware does not want it and has already stated as much.. Most players do not want it...


Seriously? How does this cut the classes in half? And cutting choices? It gives more choices, if anything.

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The secret world has no classes. How can there be a class change when there are no classes?


In FF 11, you can change jobs/classes, but you are set back to level 1 of the new job/class.


If people are willing to go back to level one, or even 10, when they change AC's, why not? I'm betting, though, that those same people who want to change AC's because they don't want to put forth the effort to reroll, won't want to put forth the effort to start back at level 1.


You're right/wrong in the wrong sense. It'll revert to whichever level you were. So........if you level a warrior to 10 and then switch to monk and you haven't leveled it, it will be level 1. If you then level this monk to 30 and go back to the warrior, it will be 10

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Seriously? How does this cut the classes in half? And cutting choices? It gives more choices, if anything.


There are 16 AC's in the game.. Counting both republic and imperial.. Allowing people to change AC's reduces that effectively to 8 classes.. 4 repulic classes, and 4 imperial classes.. Which is half as many as we have now..


I don't understand what is difficult about that..


Other than rewarding laziness for not wanting to level another character.. How does it give more choices??


It is not by chance that there isn't a single class that can both tank and heal.. Bioware said from the begining they didn't want do it all classes.. They wanted people to specialize and make choices.. Not to mention have their choices mean something..


People that want AC switching don't want to play the game.. They want the game to accomdate them.. That isn't how it should work.. People should play the game and live with the rules and boundries of the game.. There are different classes so we can make a choice.. AC switching flies against that entire principle.. With AC switching we may as well all have the same character with all the same skills that can just do it all.. Isn't that really what pro AC switching people want?? A character that can just do it all?? Why have classes then??


Limiting the game is not and should not be an option... If someone can't live with the reality of different classes and that they all do different things.. Then an MMO is not a good game for them.. They shouldn't allow people to change their class because people are to lazy to just level another character...

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Personally I wouldn't mind a advanced class respec. My original character (sniper) was on a dead server so I decided to reroll a gunslinger to experience a different story, but the same class since I enjoyed my sniper. Now that transfers allowed me to move both my characters to the same server I would absolutely respec one to an operative/scoundrel if given the chance.
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You're right/wrong in the wrong sense. It'll revert to whichever level you were. So........if you level a warrior to 10 and then switch to monk and you haven't leveled it, it will be level 1. If you then level this monk to 30 and go back to the warrior, it will be 10


Then he is right.. You are not getting a max level class.. You are booted back to the the level you leveled that class up to.. Be it 1 or 10..


Ok.. So if someone levels a Sentinel to 10, changes to a guardian.. Levels that to 50, then are booted back to 10 when they switch back to Sentinel.. You are still leveling two classes.. Just on the same character..


Which is effectively no different than leveling two classes on different characters..


See?? No AC switching..

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Then he is right.. You are not getting a max level class.. You are booted back to the the level you leveled that class up to.. Be it 1 or 10..


Ok.. So if someone levels a Sentinel to 10, changes to a guardian.. Levels that to 50, then are booted back to 10 when they switch back to Sentinel.. You are still leveling two classes.. Just on the same character..


Which is effectively no different than leveling two classes on different characters..


See?? No AC switching..


You see, the thing is, you aren't going to get the best pork of the pie. You're going to miss out.

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Sharing story line does not define a class.. Every blood Elf in WOW shares the same story.. Does that make a hunter and a mage the same class??


They probably did.. I am sure the F2P model was something on the boards long before release.. In either case.. Going F2P has no bearing on the switching AC issue..


You can speculate all you want.. But that doesn't change the fact that Bioware has repeatedly said that it veiws the AC's as seperate classes and they will not allow AC switching.. WOW never did it either.. It fundamentally will break the game..


Sorry.. No AC switching..


Sorry, but with the state of the game BW will do anything to retain current and entice old players to return. They will do AC respec if they determine it will help memberships, period, the end. What they have said in the past has no relevance anymore, it's a new world, new game model and financially new priorities for them. No members, no money, no jobs is worse than upsetting a few and making many happy with paid respecs.

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You should practice what you preach.. So should others... Just saying..


Where exactly am I not practicing what I preach? I have 3 posts in this thread. None of which is doing anything but suggesting that the "vocal minority crusaders" should relax and let others speak without dominating the conversation.


At a quick glance Ratajack has approximately 22 posts in this thread. This is excessive and I pointed that out.


I think everyone should be entitled to an opinion. Rational conversation should be taken on many issues with this game. My hope would be that the devs do whatever it takes to maintain a healthy player base for this game. I enjoy this game and hope to see it continue on with healthy numbers of people for me to play it with.


If that means allowing someone to change their advanced spec, then my opinion is to let them. I'd rather they kept playing the game. I honestly do not believe anyone of sound mental health would really quit playing this game if Bioware decided to allow people to do this.


Let's face it, this game is in trouble. Real discussions, not ones dominated by individuals, could help.

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Pretty sure BW would offer the feature if people where willing to pay for it in the cash shop, but what is likely the biggest problem in implementing it is the technical difficulties. How to convert gear for example, a sorc would not be keen on assasin gear, marauders medium to juggs heavy etc. However if people are willing to pay for it, and its potentially profitable BW would likely put it in.
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I know there are an awful lot of people who are adamantly against the class changing. Some are against it due to the "I'm no longer the FOTM and I'm too lazy to reroll, let me change to the FOTM" philosophy. Some are against it because they have had so many bad experiences with tanks or healers who never learned to perform that role because they chose to level by easy mode DPS.


Why do you think that despite the number of threads on the forums for "that other game" clamoring for the ability to change class, even if they had to pay to do it, that "that other game" still doesn't allow class changes. They do allow race changes, faction changes and sex changes, but NO class changes. Why not, if there are so few people who would quit playing over such a small issue?


You "Know" it? Based on what? A few dozen people posting in the forums?


I don't know why Voldemort doesn't allow it. But its apples and oranges and you know it. WOW doesn't have a primary class with sub classes and SWTOR does.

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