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Sympathy MVP votes considered evil


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Sometimes I don't get many medals, many kills or much DPS because I sucked that game, but sometimes it's because I made the conscious choice to do things to try to get the objective even though I know I'd get more medals by farming kills. (Maybe I still sucked, but I sure tried.)


Please don't give me an MVP vote to help me gear up. Heck, don't give me one for effort. Give me a vote if you think I helped the cause in some tangible way, more than the other guys on our team.


Don't worry about me gearing up. I am in WZs so many hours my wife and kids are considering an intervention.

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When I first started grouping with my guild for pvp, the gm would say at the end of each match.... everyone please vote for the guildie below you on the leader board or... A vote for B, B vote for C, C....


My response then has always been I would vote randomly. If we got 8 medals already the votes don't really matter much. After a week of grouping with the guild, the gm has given up of telling us who to vote for.


By permitting myself to say "random" I don't have to justify to myself or others why.


What I actually mean is that I just vote with my gut feeling, let my emotion and right brain took over. I like to think there is no set rule no logic I follow. One match I would vote for the guy who made the aoe stun at crucial moment, another match I would vote for the tank who kept dying.


Just have fun.

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I never vote for Marauders unless they are super under geared and do like 50k damage. It makes me laugh.


I never ever vote for Powertechs. The class is too easy to reward just for pressing 2 buttons.


I never vote for Snipers. I hate them all. Except for mine.


I vote for the second or third best healer in the game.


I vote for anyone other than PT's and Snipers who do mediocre damage.


If someone got stealth capped on and didn't call it in /ops, I give them my vote and tell them before the game ends.


In a nut shell, I give my vote to the poor schleps who tried but for the lack of gear can't do squat in a game.


Oh, and when I solo queue and there's a premade on my team I never vote for any of them. In the case that all my no vote criteria is met I just won't vote.

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I usually vote for guildies, but I always vote for someone. I just figure not voting makes me a self-righteous d-bag, and I don't want to be a self-righteous d-bag.


To the ops post, my votes tend towards the pity variety 75% of the time I'm pugging. I see a lot of the same people time and again in WZs, and it's the guys who just get rolled over and over, but keep trying to get better, and manage to do so while not talking crap, that get my vote usually.

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i usually vote for the folks i see doing the objectives and/or helping guard a node or saving a teammate is some fashion. Barring that, i'll give it to a warrior that uses his taunts, as that seems to be a fading skill lately in wz's...
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Look at your objective score. If it's high you likely did ok. If it's low you might have done ok (running from/to nodes in Civil War gets you no score, but is needed in teamplay)


Putting your faith in MVP is like asking for Baby Jesus to give you an orange elephant for your birthday

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Making my choice for MVP is not usually difficult.

I play a DPS Sage and thta makes me quite squishy. If however people keep my alive then I will do plenty of damage.

So, if a tank of some description has kept the heat off me, or if antoehr DPS has been there to kill those getting too close to me or a healer has spent ages making sure I stay alive then they get my MVP vote.

If none of the above has happened and the WZ has been dire - you know, managing to lose all 3 turrets, constant death etc then MVP goes to the person who has done the most work towards objectives.


I certainly don't have motives when I give the vote - yes I've been in WZs with guildmates and in teams, that does not automatically mean you get a vote from me.

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When in a Warzone I try to look for those who helped the team win the most, good calls, good objective gathering, etc.


I usually don't vote for healers because they got great healing. It's their job, just like it's DPS' job to do good damage.


I usually don't vote when we lose, no one deserves a vote then, or I might not vote because I think everyone contributed equally, or I think I deserve a vote (does not happen that often)

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I never vote for Marauders unless they are super under geared and do like 50k damage. It makes me laugh.


I never ever vote for Powertechs. The class is too easy to reward just for pressing 2 buttons.


I never vote for Snipers. I hate them all. Except for mine.


I vote for the second or third best healer in the game.


I vote for anyone other than PT's and Snipers who do mediocre damage.


If someone got stealth capped on and didn't call it in /ops, I give them my vote and tell them before the game ends.


In a nut shell, I give my vote to the poor schleps who tried but for the lack of gear can't do squat in a game.


Oh, and when I solo queue and there's a premade on my team I never vote for any of them. In the case that all my no vote criteria is met I just won't vote.


I have basically the same guidelines. I solo Q and never vote for the person in a pre-made. I try to vote for the person who needs the gear the most.

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Last night I played with a guy that as we were going to cap our side node on CW, I went to intercept any incoming while he.....swung around to pick up the WZ adrenal before capping the node :eek: That's some serious thinking outside the box. For his actions, the fact that he was wearing full recruit and referred to the node he was protecting as "ground", he got my vote and will continue to get it every time I see him like the special olympian he is.
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