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This Guy Might Have Worked For BioWare After All...


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Remember a comment made by an "anonymous" BioWare employee on a Massively Joystiq article (extra source)?


Well it's in the spoiler. It's definitely something you should read.


I know many won’t believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won’t tell you much and I don’t care if you believe me. So here is “what’s” going on were I work.


If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it “away” that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open.


We will have mainly have a “fluff” shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those “perk’s” (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of “coinage” from the cash shop so you can buy the access to “special” content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes.


I don’t want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the “planning stages” for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new “cathar” race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US


So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they’re right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR.


Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other.


To view it on the Massively Joystiq article, you'll have to scroll down some near the end of the page.


Anyways, this "anonymous" employee posted this just a couple of days before F2P was announced. Even former BioWare employee Stephen Reid had something to say about it on Twitter (Tweet is in the "extra source").


I cannot believe it but this guy wasn't the troll many thought to believe after all!


Sorry BioWare, but you guys have lost all credibility and a lot of my respect.

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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I see nothing in his post that makes me think he works for Bioware. He doesn't give any inside information just stuff that every MMO has that is F2P. If he came out and said this in the first week then I could believe it but not after months of F2P rumours.
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Oh man, this is rich.


Is that Stephen Reid tweet still up (or is there a screenshot somewhere)?

I edited the OP. The tweet is at the bottom of the article provided via the "extra source" link.


And I couldn't agree more! I had to post this after realizing I remembered this "anonymous" BioWare employee. It's extremely rich! :p

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Remember a comment made by an "anonymous" BioWare employee on a Massively Joystiq article (extra source)?


Well it's in the spoiler. It's definitely something you should read.


I know many won’t believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won’t tell you much and I don’t care if you believe me. So here is “what’s” going on were I work.


If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it “away” that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open.


We will have mainly have a “fluff” shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those “perk’s” (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of “coinage” from the cash shop so you can buy the access to “special” content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes.


I don’t want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the “planning stages” for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new “cathar” race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US


So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they’re right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR.


Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other.


To view it on the Massively Joystiq article, you'll have to scroll down some near the end of the page.


Anyways, this "anonymous" employee posted this just a couple of days before F2P was announced. Even former BioWare employee Stephen Reid had something to say about it on Twitter (Tweet is in the "extra source").


I cannot believe it but this guy wasn't the troll many thought to believe after all!


Sorry BioWare, but you guys have lost all credibility and a lot of my respect.


What's done is done.

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Stephen Reid's tweet = funny after the fact of the f2p announcement


Yeah it does seem to be denying the F2P part since that was the main topic of the post but in reality for all we know he could have been talking about the blaming the players because we wanted it to be like a single player game rather than like an MMO part. Or that SWG was shut down to destroy the competition for SWTOR part. Or that legacy was made so expensive for F2P model. Or the individual cost of things. Or many of the above. Or some other part.


Bold move though if an employee made a post inspiring antipathy and hate towards the company that he works for. And by bold I mean, stupid. Unless he was actually recently laid off, or knew that he would be laid off, in which case just juvenile.


Since it's unverified that he is actually an employee that information in no more useful to players than the speculation that goes on in the forums. I mean most of that information wasn't anything that some one on the forums had speculated previously anyway.

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Sorry, maybe I'm not getting the massive importance of this post, but how is this news?


So the guy was right, there is F2P now, but he's not exactly doom mongering is he? So Cathar and HK will be purchasable by coins..... All us current subscribers, (unless anyone is seriously considering downgrading) will be in the same position they are now, Cathar and HK will still be accessible for no extra cost. I would have liked to see some kind of epic quest for HK, and we still don't know that won't happen, but I don't have massive issues with buying him with coins (if indeed that is the case).

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Absolutely atrocious grammar. Use of the wrong forms of words like 'where and were.' Number one indicator that this is a load of crock, folks.


Have you played SWTOR? That's the kind of grammar I would totally expect from the development team.

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I'm so distrusting of EA that I now suspect that "leak" was actually a plant.


The appalling grammar/spelling gave them complete deniability. The plant was there to a) soften the blow of F2P and b) test out just how negative the reaction would be


I feel we've been "subtely" manipulated towards accepting F2P for months now - the 'why can't I buy my stuff' threads are probably part of it.


It's utterly disgusting. I still love Bioware, I think EA screwed them just as much as they screwed us ...

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I wouldn't say that fans of the KOTOR wanted TOR to be like KOTOR. I think it was more accurate to say fans wanted KOTOR III, and would have been happy without the MMO.


I think since the day EA aquired Bioware they were thinking of how to milk KOTOR for money. They just forgot that you have to put out a quality product for long term success. If it weren't for the Bioware name and the KOTOR/Star Wars name, the game wouldn't have lasted this long.

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How would Reid have any knowledge of what is going on? He got laid off.


What you think this plan happened last week....




This has been in the works for 3-4 months minimum, and everything about the game today, Legacy, Comms, Space lack of content is a prerequisite to F2P.

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I see nothing in his post that makes me think he works for Bioware. He doesn't give any inside information just stuff that every MMO has that is F2P. If he came out and said this in the first week then I could believe it but not after months of F2P rumours.


I asked this in another thread and dont know if it was answered but since you know everything about bioware can you tell me the last time Daniel or James posted anything. That person mentioned that those two were gone next round of layoff (which just happened). So if one of those two had made a statement since then then that will prove that the person didnt know what he was talking about and just made stuff up. Now if nothing has been said from those two people then its possible that he did work at Bioware and he is telling the truth.

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How would Reid have any knowledge of what is going on? He got laid off.


You think businesses make snap decisions just tlike that... this is likely been planned internally for months, maybe even since before launch.. and guess what SR was more than likely parley to those discussions long before he was laid off.

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I have to wonder why they didnt just launch with a fluff shop. Everyone knows that these days attention spans are limited. So many options from MMOs to games like COD etc. People will blast through two years of development in a week and become bored. Seems to me they just made mistake after mistake. For example why is the LFG tool not cross server? Ive heard that it destroys communities etc but I think bad decisions ruined it first. 1 million people have left this game since it launched. Just crazy they are only now figuring this stuff out.
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I asked this in another thread and dont know if it was answered but since you know everything about bioware can you tell me the last time Daniel or James posted anything. That person mentioned that those two were gone next round of layoff (which just happened). So if one of those two had made a statement since then then that will prove that the person didnt know what he was talking about and just made stuff up. Now if nothing has been said from those two people then its possible that he did work at Bioware and he is telling the truth.


they never post things anyway. They do interviews though


Not to mention if someone as high profile as Daniel or James got fired we would know

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