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Light side or Dark side story?


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I've heard the SW story is one of the best in the game, but I was wondering, which story is more interesting?

As I understand it, the Darkside warrior is a pure Sith- Get what you need to know, then get rid of them.

The Lightside warrior seems much more complex-He wants do what is right, only kills when absolutely necessary, all while hiding his true self from his masters/The Emperor.


Both have their strengths, but which one really keeps you hooked on all the way through? Wanted to try LS but don't really know how well it'll really work out in the end for me.


Also, and this is a side note, which AC makes more "sense" during the story-Jugg or Mara? I'm leaning towards making a Mara, but it could go either way. Not looking at PvP or end game ops right now (although I will be eventually, so I want something that will make those easy while making the story enjoyable).



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Just keep in mind that your role in the story is an enforcer. I rolled a Marauder and got him to 21, but I rerolled as a Jugg and am much happier for it. Personally, jugg feel like an enforcer to me in the intimidating heavy armor (Plus I can use Vetter and Quinn more effectivaly at lower levels.).


I'm 25 right now on my Jugg and have been *Mostly* LS. I have chosen a few DS choices, really I've just been choosing stuff the lets stay an honorable warrior. But I will also manipulate any chance I get ( there are lots) because I am making up for all the manipulating I couldn't do during my Dark V SI story!


It's a little muddled, but I'm REALLY enjoying it!

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I went pure dark side on my IA and it was pure evil, death, and destruction. Ive been going Light Side on my Jugg, mostly to be able to romance Vette. ;) I have nothing to complain about. Its interesting to me how different it feels to save and preserve life, and do good as a sith, quite rebelious. ;) Fun.
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My question is, I was at the story point at the

well on tatooine, my reflection was darkside, which seeing as im LS 3 already, makes sense. Well my dark side reflection told me that the masters will smell my Light like a stench and will plot against me in secret and that i need to weild the most powerfull tools of passion and anger hatred. I choose the they do not notice tag, but one of the options was Emotions are useless. Has anyone clicked this tag? Does the LS SW reject emotion? I always thougth the ls sw was more like a grey jedi, using his emotions as a tool but not being controlled by them.


Then he goes on to say some cheesy line about fighting the dark with jessa, lol i thought that couldnt have possibly been the least sith thing anyone regardless of alignment could have said.




So ya id love some clarification there. So far my character does get annoyed and show anger when people try to bribe him or ask him to murder kittens, but im curious about how this dialog choice would have played out.

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Once thing you can do, which I do during the really good sections like these is press "esc" at the very end of the cut scene and try them all. :p



The Emotions are useless thing made him sound like a wanna be Jedi. The Reflection called him a fool, like all sith.



One thing I want to know, is that if you are DS, do you get reprimanded for not being LS?

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I can't say I've seen much of darkside, except from other players, but.. in my opinion, the LS sith warrior has one of -the- best stories in the game.


You feel like some kind of samurai, trapped by shackles of a Darth, and try to escape them, -and- make the empire a better place. I friggin' love it.

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My question is, I was at the story point at the

well on tatooine, my reflection was darkside, which seeing as im LS 3 already, makes sense. Well my dark side reflection told me that the masters will smell my Light like a stench and will plot against me in secret and that i need to weild the most powerfull tools of passion and anger hatred. I choose the they do not notice tag, but one of the options was Emotions are useless. Has anyone clicked this tag? Does the LS SW reject emotion? I always thougth the ls sw was more like a grey jedi, using his emotions as a tool but not being controlled by them.


Then he goes on to say some cheesy line about fighting the dark with jessa, lol i thought that couldnt have possibly been the least sith thing anyone regardless of alignment could have said.




So ya id love some clarification there. So far my character does get annoyed and show anger when people try to bribe him or ask him to murder kittens, but im curious about how this dialog choice would have played out.


Yeah, the line was cheesy but, some lines are always going to be in any game so, I usually just "go with the gist" in those cases and, in that particular scene,



I just took the vision's gist to mean:


"Oh you little LS schmuck, you keep this up and you are a dead man walking. Do you honestly think you're going to keep Baras from finding out what you're really about forever?


Oh, and by the way little missy that he's been sending you to chase after all this time is going to kill him if she remains a Jedi- which is why "Master Psychopath" has been sending you out to kill or turn her before that can happen. So, there's really only a few ways that this situation can end, aren't there?


Kill the girl as ordered, get found out and get killed off yourself at a later date.

Finally stop with all of this childish rebellion by at long last becoming the Sith you were born and meant to be and Turn her.

Or... Yeah, there's the moronic option of trying to actually be... noble by trying some stupid idiotic attempt to "clean up" our beloved Empire but, that's hardly recommended as you well know because you're me. You know it's a stupid idea.


So... whatchagonnado?"


And, I just took my Marauder's gist to mean:


"Yeah, that last choice is dumb- particularly as I'm even saying it but, I'm stuck with it, aren't I? Because you're right, I've got to have a plan- even a dumb one and she is going to kill 'Master Psychopath' -thanks for the tip."


In other words? Yeah, that line sucked and was about as ham-handed as a gorilla recovering from a stroke but, I think that the idea was to prompt the LS Warrior Character towards more of a plan that was more in lines with the nobility of the Light rather than just going from situation-to-situation-to-situation just trying to keep his/her head down and trying to survive.


Don't forget, even in the worst fiction- heroes that start out just trying to get by always wind up having something happen that forces them to undertake a very insane and impossibly epic plan somewhere along the way and I think that the vision was supposed to be that scene for the SWs.





I could be wrong but, that's the way I took it. And, so far, I'm loving the LS plot line- if only because of the conversations with those stuck up and hypocritical Jedi! (I particularly enjoyed the confrontation with Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumber on the ship.)


How thick can you get?!!!!:cool:

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Lots of people praising the LS story in this thread. Makes me want to try it out some day.


But I went DS and I really enjoyed it. In my opinion, you feel exactly like Darth Vader if he existed in the Old Republic era. The ending to Chapter 1 is AWESOME (I have trouble imagining how this would play out as LS) and you really feel like a ****** by the end of the game.

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Ok so 2 50 Sith Warriors (One Jugg, one Marauder) I played both Light and Dark. The first time through I played 95% dark choices. It was very enjoyable. It felt like playing Darth Vader only on a much broader scale. Some people say the all darkside choices are predictable and herp derp. I disagree, emphatically. All Darkside choices make your character ruthless, even more so than Vader was. But because the voice acting is so good (by far the best voice actor int he game) in that, the actor doesnt make it seem like hes reading from lines but actually makes you believe hes the Sith Warrior.


All that said, the story and the way the game was set up (choices don't matter) Light Side doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Yes you are saving all these Imperials and making the Empire strong but your choices dont matter at all in this game. The 98% of the lightside choices dont impact your story in any way. I can think of 2 quests where I chose to spare someone and they came back sometime later. Whereas, as the darkside it makes sense. Who cares if I drop a huge metal crate on all those miners. It's not like if I free them they will somehow come back later. Plus killing everyone is funny. The lightside sith warrior doesnt use the force all that much in his cut scenes (hes busy letting people go). The darkside warrior uses it very often and it grows in power as the story progresses. It leads to some very interesting (and funny) deaths of NPCs.


In closing, I would not recommend anyone to play the Lightside Sith Warrior. While its not a bad story if you do, you are only gimping yourself of the epic story that is the Darkside Sith Warrior. Want lightside, go play Jedi Knight, makes heck of a lot more sense.

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Ok so 2 50 Sith Warriors (One Jugg, one Marauder) I played both Light and Dark. The first time through I played 95% dark choices. It was very enjoyable. It felt like playing Darth Vader only on a much broader scale. Some people say the all darkside choices are predictable and herp derp. I disagree, emphatically. All Darkside choices make your character ruthless, even more so than Vader was. But because the voice acting is so good (by far the best voice actor int he game) in that, the actor doesnt make it seem like hes reading from lines but actually makes you believe hes the Sith Warrior.


Many people do say that and, many people say that the lightside choices are completely worthless... Personally? I love them both.


All that said, the story and the way the game was set up (choices don't matter) Light Side doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Yes you are saving all these Imperials and making the Empire strong but your choices dont matter at all in this game. The 98% of the lightside choices dont impact your story in any way. I can think of 2 quests where I chose to spare someone and they came back sometime later. Whereas, as the darkside it makes sense. Who cares if I drop a huge metal crate on all those miners. It's not like if I free them they will somehow come back later. Plus killing everyone is funny. The lightside sith warrior doesnt use the force all that much in his cut scenes (hes busy letting people go). The darkside warrior uses it very often and it grows in power as the story progresses. It leads to some very interesting (and funny) deaths of NPCs.


Now, here's where I will disagree- heavily because, frankly, I think that one's choices- regardless of whether it is Dark or Light, Imperial, Republic, Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, or any other class actually impact what I consider to be the most important aspect of any game: your enjoyment of it.


Case in point?


In closing, I would not recommend anyone to play the Lightside Sith Warrior. While its not a bad story if you do, you are only gimping yourself of the epic story that is the Darkside Sith Warrior.


If it truly made no difference to you, then you would not have a recommendation and, furthermore would not feel the need to add in this insult to anyone who does not play as you do:


Want lightside, go play Jedi Knight, makes heck of a lot more sense.


My point is that- Light, Dark, Orange with Pink Stripes does not matter. There are going to be some things you love in this game and some things that you loathe and those things are going to be different for everyone. We should all keep that in mind and try to respect one another's choices and style of gameplay. :)

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I agree with Dallayna. I think the Light Side Sith Warrior story has it's own appeal but I can also see how it't not for everyone. For me, however, playing as a LSS is my favorite story so far and looks to be the first I will take to 50. That's the great thing about SWtOR though - it can be many things depending on how you want to play it.


By contrast the Jedi Knight I have (only level 15) is very grey. He kills his enemies and so has about as many Dark Side as Light Side points. I think the ability to define your own alignment is what sets this game apart form all the other MMO's out there.

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Many people do say that and, many people say that the lightside choices are completely worthless... Personally? I love them both.




Now, here's where I will disagree- heavily because, frankly, I think that one's choices- regardless of whether it is Dark or Light, Imperial, Republic, Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, or any other class actually impact what I consider to be the most important aspect of any game: your enjoyment of it.


Case in point?




If it truly made no difference to you, then you would not have a recommendation and, furthermore would not feel the need to add in this insult to anyone who does not play as you do:




My point is that- Light, Dark, Orange with Pink Stripes does not matter. There are going to be some things you love in this game and some things that you loathe and those things are going to be different for everyone. We should all keep that in mind and try to respect one another's choices and style of gameplay. :)


All of your points are fair. However, you're not taking into account that the OP was asking players their opinions on which story was more engaging. In my view, the Sith warrior was written to be ruthless. (Half the story is about revenge for Yoda's Sake!) Perhaps not 100% DS choices but the story definitely leans more darkside. Some lightside choices dont make any sense at all.


Also, I wasnt insulting anyone by saying that you will gimp yourself if you play Lightside. Its merely stating that because of the game structure and the story structure you (meaning the average person) will probably get more out of the darkside warrior. Being that this is an RPG if you can fairly get into both and light and dark characters equally, you will most likey find the darkside sith warrior more enjoyable.


As I said before I think that they did a great diservice to this game by making light and darkside choices meaningless. The story is too much on rails, predeterminded conversations with predetermined responses to limited choices. Why does the Jedi coucil make me a Master if they can plainly see the darkside corruption on my face? How come if I spare someone they dont come back later at some point in the story?


Dark and Light was the whole basis for Star Wars. It's a struggle between good and evil, and in this game. I feel it doesnt highlight that nearly enough. Bioware was so worried about mechanics that they forgot that Light vs. Dark is paramount in story telling. The whole design seems rather lazy to me.

Edited by AGSThomas
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The 98% of the lightside choices dont impact your story in any way. I can think of 2 quests where I chose to spare someone and they came back sometime later.


Well, as you have played both Light and Dark to 50 that is a valid point about how your choices impact the actual game. However, as a player my choices also impact how I see my character in a very significant way. In this game our characters get to have something of a personality (albeit the one we choose for them) and personally I am really enjoying the Light Side path. The way the Sith Warrior story is written you are hardly like a Jedi. It's a unique experience all its own.

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I can't play light side on my Sith Warrior. I think I made two selections for light side in his entire career, one was at the very begining to decide what to do with a spy, which I thought that the more sideous thing to do was to reprogram them to work for us (turned out to be light side) and at the end of the last event we just had where I turned the items into the Empire. I chose that route because my warrior is a man of the empire, not the politics or the power games. There were times I was tempted to go light side because the story pulled at heart strings, but in the end I thought, what would my warrior do? And letting someone live after they have already proved that they changed sides when they saw a better deal means that they would do it to me when the going got tough. I don't see the dark side as evil, I see it as practical. I'm not ruthless, I make the choices I feel will ensure my survival or the survival of my people. OMG wall-o-text. Seriously though, how can someone make some of these selections and think that is for the greater good?
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All of your points are fair. However, you're not taking into account that the OP was asking players their opinions on which story was more engaging. In my view, the Sith warrior was written to be ruthless. (Half the story is about revenge for Yoda's Sake!) Perhaps not 100% DS choices but the story definitely leans more darkside. Some lightside choices dont make any sense at all.


You are right, the OP was asking for opinions, and as far as your opinion that you are gimping yourself is concerned- you were well within your right to express it.


My (slight) issue was with the line that I quoted at the last:


Want lightside, go play Jedi Knight, makes heck of a lot more sense.


You may or may not realize this but, comments such as that are kind of mean because the subtext of such a statement is: "That sucks and well, if you like it than you suck too, so go and like that sucky thing somewhere else you sucky person."


Now, I don't- and didn't think that you fully intended to come across in that manner (in other words, I never even remotely thought you might be trolling), however, I did feel that the implied insult should be pointed out because, at the very least, it indicates that you consider those who have and do enjoy playing their Warriors LS as inferior.


Also, I wasnt insulting anyone by saying that you will gimp yourself if you play Lightside. Its merely stating that because of the game structure and the story structure you (meaning the average person) will probably get more out of the darkside warrior. Being that this is an RPG if you can fairly get into both and light and dark characters equally, you will most likey find the darkside sith warrior more enjoyable.


This was why I tried very hard to point out that the comment was a little less than polite as politely as I could. I did not- nor could I know just from a single post whether you intended the implied insult or not.


In other words:


I didn't think that you were a jerk. But. Your comment was sounding a little jerk-ish. So. I thought I would let you know that before some real jerk jumped on here with the retaliations which usually involves lines like: "Oh Yeah?! Well I may suck but you are stupid! You stupid-loving stupid head!"


BTW, these are easily seen mostly because they contain comments about the DS Warrior Plot as "lacking imagination" and being "like a thousand others..."


Full disclosure: Both types of comments are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me who quite enjoys both.


The Warrior does indeed taste great and is less filling.:cool:


As I said before I think that they did a great diservice to this game by making light and darkside choices meaningless. The story is too much on rails, predeterminded conversations with predetermined responses to limited choices. Why does the Jedi coucil make me a Master if they can plainly see the darkside corruption on my face? How come if I spare someone they dont come back later at some point in the story?


Dark and Light was the whole basis for Star Wars. It's a struggle between good and evil, and in this game. I feel it doesnt highlight that nearly enough. Bioware was so worried about mechanics that they forgot that Light vs. Dark is paramount in story telling. The whole design seems rather lazy to me.


Oh good, now we're back to the actual discussion.


Now, I will agree that I don't like rails either. Heck, I grew up on TT of just about every variety and even LARPed for a couple of years. I still remember sitting on my mom's lap as a really little kid "helping" her play MYST or rolling her dice for her during gaming nights before I got old enough to join in- so, believe me... Rails are never good.


However, they are, unfortunately, just an aspect of the medium. Computer games in general and MMOs in particular are just never going to get rid of them completely any time soon. Frankly, I have been finding it impressive that for the first time, after all of the MMOs that I have tried over the years, I'm not just showing an actual interest in- but honestly enjoying the plot instead of just clicking through the dialog boxes just to get to the mish.


Is it perfect? No. But, that doesn't mean that I think that it's without any good points either. And, frankly, yes, I agree there are some major hitches but OTOH.... This is an MMO (I've yet to play a single one that hasn't had quite a few) and it is furthermore an MMO that is still measuring it's lifetime in months. So, my attitude there is- if all the ones that have been running for years still can't get it "Right"... what chance do these guys have?:eek:


But, back to my original point:


LS vs DS may not make much of a mechanical difference when it comes to who you meet and where- it does however affect what your character says and how those scenes are played out. By it's nature, these choice then change the context of the scenes in question and thus, the overall storyline of the character you are playing. How much (or how little) you enjoy that story, affects how well you enjoy the game itself- just like it would for any RPG, Computer, Console, Table Top, or even, yes: MMO. And, that, I think, is- well, for a game, pretty much as important as it gets!:)

Edited by Dallayna
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I went mainly LS with my SW (Jugg)

how i went with it was that he has something of a code of honor, he never turns down a fight against a worthy foe (most of the dark side choices i made were after an epic battle, it doesn't suit a powerful foe to spare them.) but won't kill if it's too incredibly easy and he has no need to.

In general i found it a very satisfying story, i'll learn how much was LS and how much was majorly awesome storytelling when my DS Mara gets to a higher level.

the only negative is that LS Jaesa doesn't quite fit with the way my SW is LS in my opinion, though another light path would fit quite nicely.

Edited by TimeBender
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I played LS untill I got betrayed, then I switched to DS for the revenge part of the plot, overall it was a pretty cool expirience, and the story itself is nice - I personaly got the most satisfaction of running the story with mixed choices.

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I played LS untill I got betrayed, then I switched to DS for the revenge part of the plot, overall it was a pretty cool expirience, and the story itself is nice - I personaly got the most satisfaction of running the story with mixed choices.


Oooohhh.... I like that one. Definitely doing it the next time through because you're right- it just works so well. Probably going to run it female.



Because that way, your piling betrayal on top of betrayal in a nice long and slow descent.... ;)



Oh yeah. I think that one could be fun.


And, I like mixed choices too. In fact, I automatically disable the alignment indicators for my non-Force Wielders because 1) it makes me play the character's background and motivations so makes the overarching plot more appropriate to that character and 2) I always figured that Force Wielders can sort of feel what's Light and what's Dark but non Wielders on the other hand wouldn't be quite so attuned to it.

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