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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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It was my understanding when I began playing that one of SW:TOR's competitive advantages over other MMO's was that it was supposed to put out small content patches frequently. We haven't quite seen that come to fruition quite yet. We've certainly had faster patches than other games, but not on the scale people were expecting. Is this still the development model that yall are seeking? If so, do you believe that f2p will allow for quicker and more frequent content patches? On the same note, how often do y'all intend to put out content patches?
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1. When is Dual Spec coming, and will it only be available in the Cash Shop?


2. When is Nightmare Mode Denova coming?


3. Timeline for Makeb/level cap increase?


4. When is HK-51 coming, and is HK-51 a mandatory purchase for those who want access to the increased level cap?


5. When will we see single-server forums so that players can talk to each other efficiently, for RP/recruiting/organizing/fun?


6. Why should the players think that F2P is anything other than pay-to-win given EA's comments about the performance of SWTOR in the EA quarterly report?


7. How is Bioware-Austin (BWA, as opposed to the Edmonton branch) going to deliver content faster than before given the large number of studio layoffs and churn on top management?


8. Yet again EA promises better communication, then disappears. What form will this communication take, and will the SWTOR forums ever be the primary destination for SWTOR information as opposed to social media?

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I would like to know what the plan is to keep subscribers happy.


What I mean is:

How much resources will be dedicated to "F2P" vanity perks and other Cartel items?


How much resources will be dedicated to producing QUALITY content at endgame for subscribers?


My concern is that the powers-that-be (EA) will see subscribers as a minority of the player base, and that the additional content developed will cater more to the casual/F2P member. Why should I prefer to subscribe and not just buy up all the content I want? What kind of guarantee do subscribers have that their monthly payment is going to the development of REAL game content, and not vanity items?


As the guy above me mentioned, where is the improved communication? We have yet to hear any official replies to the class feedback that was requested. The F2P announcement was primarily done via external media outlets, and the "Q&A" on the official site has done nothing to address the questions and concerns of current players.


I want this game to be successful, and to have a long life... It would be a lie to say that I still think that will be the case. I hope that will be the case, but look at the most successful MMO on the market and how they interact with their player base. All of the recent layoffs, plus the announcement of a F2P model with some serious holes in it, and the lack of communication with the community is NOT confidence inspiring.

Edited by Boanerges_Mevans
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Q#1: Can the "limited access" be more clarified rather than "weekly access"? Does this mean the F2P players will only be able to play, say for example 6 warzone games per week? Will players who level primarily in warzones be affected by this?


Q#2: Will I be able to buy unlimited access from the Cartel Coin system?

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Will F2P players be considered paying subs for the first month since they bought the game and have the 1 month of free play time? Or are you planing to make them pay for the content still in their first month?
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The paying subscribers deserve an answer to what you, the devs, have in mind for when SWTOR goes F2P.!!

I find it hard to believe that not even 12 months have gone by and this great game is going to be offered to people that do not have to pay. You should get rid of the marketing people that dropped the ball on this cluster.

Devs, I hope you have a really good laid out plan, on what you will put on the table for the "Paying Subscribers", so that we will stay on board. Many say they will not leave, but, I am not sure that will happen in the long run.

I hope you make a reply to your paying subscribers soon,, we deserve that from you!!!

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question: How many of the talented and creative staff were "let go" that were working on new content? and what does that mean for deadlines and release dates of new content?


question: how many of the remaining talented staff have now been diverted from content delivery to cash shop items wasting our time with dancing ewoks, yet more 110% mounts with the bonus of a flashing light and another human incarnation player race? and will this mean new content will be inevitably delayed in the purgatory of player hope?


question: Was the person/persons who came up with the current f2p model of charging people to stay in game for 3 operations - which will be locked out for a week getting only a few hours of play in for their cash supporting the 1-49s free play of 90% of the game - was that person "let go" and escorted back to the asylum ?


question: why did bioware decide to give away 90% of the game for free, the core essential structure of it (story/leveling) when the reverse would make more sense of F2P 50+ to keep people?


question: why as bioware remained silent when so many are leaving now while waiting for f2p or just plain overly frustrated/bored/saddened that all the promises of new content have not been even remotely filled ?


question: why the blackout on information to the dwindling loyal subscribers who love/loved the game but cant handle the silence, lack of promises for filled and total blackout of simple information in where their money and time is going?


question: will F2P mean all customer service, subscriber help with bugs and accounts be totally ignored now ?


and final question


question: Why is this thread called Q&A when it should just be called Questions?

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I purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition prior to launch. I just yesterday purchased the CE and applied the code to my account so now it shows that I own both. If any perks come out for purchasers of the DDE, will I essentially qualify for both F2P rewards (Cartel coins, etc)?



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If we refered a player would we get the reward if they decided to play on free to play.


Since the current policy is: "You will become eligible for the speeder when at least one of the friends you have referred upgrades to a full account, becomes an active subscriber (pays for a recurring monthly subscription or redeems a Pre-Paid Game Time Code), and passes their 30 days of play time included with the purchase of the Game. Within 72 hours, you will then receive an in-game message with the Kurtob Alliance Speeder in your in-game mail."


I doubt that will change with F2P.

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I purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition prior to launch. I just yesterday purchased the CE and applied the code to my account so now it shows that I own both. If any perks come out for purchasers of the DDE, will I essentially qualify for both F2P rewards (Cartel coins, etc)?




You mean P2P don't you?

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So Explosive Conflict isn't working..again. How will you justify having non-functioning, buggy Operations that people opt to pay for when you go F2P?


Buying something that doesn't work for six months isn't going to cut it anymore.


Are you hiring more programmers? And more importantly, are you replacing the incompetent ones you launched with?

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Aside from the live event in August is there any reason people should keep subscribing or would it be far easier to save the money and then purchase goods from the Cash shop.


The way I see it the Cash shop has two options. First its fluff and fast travel. Given what is already in the game and that I can buy fleet passes for 1000 credits and have the ability to fast travel to a number of places not sure how much you think I need at level 50. Equally once I have a pet and a robe and a speeder I can't see how much fluff you think I need. And even the robe is doubtful as I have spent a fair bit of time argumenting everything. This offers very very little to end game and leaves everyone in a very familar state as to now only with a fast travel option to the fleet.


Second option is you put things in the cash shop to make my experience easier, whether this is better gear, better companions, upgraded abilities or improved stims. The pay to win option, these then allow me to defeat end game content easier and open up opperations to me without the need to grind out black hole comms. If this is the case I can see the cash shop being a sucess, after all people that work and then fit a few hours gaming in may prefer to buy gear than try and grind it in their spare time only to find the end boss is bugged or the AI doesn't work right. But if this is the case why should people keep subscribing for the next 3 months when they can take those 45 bucks and buy stuff easier and hassel free from the shop?

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