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Everything posted by Heriana

  1. Yes, the campaign armoring set bonus will take precedence over the battle master set bonus.
  2. Respec costs. I should be rewarded for wanting to play my class fully, not punished.
  3. Definitely not, there's no guarantee that the game would even be around for another 2 years. Even if it were, I highly doubt that I'd still be playing it then.
  4. I'm having the same problem on my scoundrel. I'm level 43 and have used up all 4 hotbars completely. I don't understand why you can't just put 6 in the game?
  5. It was my understanding when I began playing that one of SW:TOR's competitive advantages over other MMO's was that it was supposed to put out small content patches frequently. We haven't quite seen that come to fruition quite yet. We've certainly had faster patches than other games, but not on the scale people were expecting. Is this still the development model that yall are seeking? If so, do you believe that f2p will allow for quicker and more frequent content patches? On the same note, how often do y'all intend to put out content patches?
  6. Seer Sage: 1. In my opinion, healing sages are considered the weakest of the three healers in pvp. Virtually every marauder/sentinel and vanguard/powertech trains me from he moment they see me until I die. I imagine that they think sage healers without a tank are a complete joke. 2. As with all the sage specs, we do not have a 'true' defensive cooldown, and most of our healing comes from interruptable, casted heals. We are virtually useless in pvp without a tank; however, we are very strong in pve. I think we are very underpowered in the lower levels of pvp; without tanks, peels, taunts, offheals, cc's, and interrupts. Telekinetics Sage: 1. This spec is thought of as a glass cannon with very little in the way of defenses. People are aware that we do an enormous amount of damage if left alone; therefore, we are hunted down with vigor. 2. I think this spec is pretty fun to play in a pve environment, and does extremely competitive dps. In higher levels of pvp, this spec feels almost useless as you are most people's first choice in terms of who to kill (We have no defensive cooldowns or effective escape mechanics and we wear light armor). I feel like this spec is almost useless in pvp save for pug games. Balance Sage: 1. This spec is thought to be very mobile and have extreme control, yet very little damage or burst. People view us as an annoyance at best and an easy kill. 2. I think that this spec is extremely fun to play in pvp due to its control and mobility, yet it doesn't have the burst or defenses necessary to excel in higher level pvp. In pve, this spec is extremely boring as it's just too simple of a rotation and requires little planning due to its mobility. Thank You
  7. With respect to sage/sorc healing: I am very powerful in rated war zones if I have a tank, peels, taunts, coordinated dps, and I position my character properly. In less formal environments, the burst of some classes is very formidable. In some instances, two characters can burst me down in a single stun. Can you talk about how you balance healing given the plethora of variables that are out of our control.
  8. I'm having absolutely no trouble keeping up with and out dpsing the people in my guild in ops. I have a hard time justifying asking for an increase in our damage. That being said, something feels awkward about our class in pvp. It feels like the only way I can play is to dot up targets and hide next to a pillar. I can throw out a few snares, cc's, and interrupts, but in rwz's I get targeted like no other. I feel like the biggest thing we're lacking is a true defensive cooldown. Every other advanced class has some form of damage reduction, immunity to interrupts, stealth, immunity to certain damage forms, increased dodge chance, etc. We have at best a sprint that you can't use when rooted and is stopped by roots, stuns, ccs, etc. We also have a shield that heals for about 3.5k. That is hardly a defensive cooldown when compared with those of other classes (Especially considering it's the only instant heal that a sage has). I feel like anything short of a rework of force sprint or a new defensive cooldown won't change a thing.
  9. You played wow from release but aren't a long time MMO'er? interesting Which class I chose matters. Which advanced class I chose matters. Respecing exists to allow you to play different parts of your class. I would imagine that the cost associated with respecing is more in line with a need to limit inflation than to limit your ability to play different specs. Nothing is being handed to me by allowing me to play those different specs at a reduced or eliminated cost. It's actually quite the inverse. It takes far more time to learn how to play 4 or 5 specs than 1. It takes more time to gear those specs as well. Allowing people to switch between specs easily (as is done in many games such as Rift, WOW, D3) makes the game more interesting and allows for players to exhibit greater skill.
  10. I play a sage. For PvE, I mainly hybrid dps, but I also occasionally heal. In PvP, I really enjoy playing full balance (dps) and healing. I understand that there need to be money sinks in the game to prevent heavy inflation. This is currently done through repair and respec fees and GTN fees. What I don't understand is why someone that enjoys playing different specs for PvP and PvE or someone that can't PvP and PvE effectively using the same spec should have to pay more than everyone else. Having played a game where this problem has been fixed, it is quite annoying to have to replay through the same frustrations. It makes swtor feel old and not in a good, nostalgic way. Make the system flatter and simpler. Why should someone that respecs 10 times a week pay almost 100 times the amount the person that respecs 3 times a week?
  11. They're going to have to implement either cross-server pvp or server merging as there just aren't enough people that are pvping. We've got about 10 people on at a time on each faction. The problem with that is that one side is inevitably worse than the other and they stop queuing. You then have 10 people queuing against 4-5 and no one can get into a wz. BW needs to get their heads out of the clouds and start combining servers. It's getting ridiculous.
  12. If you care, your math is completely wrong. The chance that you crit 1 out of 21, given that you have a 20% chance to crit is: .2 * .8^20 * 21 = .04842 = ~5% It's not that astronomical.
  13. No, it is not possible to reverse engineer black-hole belt or bracers.
  14. Does anyone know where you can find a schematic for one?
  15. Can you re an epic tier 1 into an epic tier 2?
  16. Can you crit on orange armor?
  17. What fallacy would you say that he is using? BW shut down Ilum. They stated that there were individuals that took extreme advantage of the 'situation'. The burden of proof falls on y'all.
  18. He said "If nothing was done wrong.. well then no action would have to be "evaluated or action taken as necessary" now would there be?" To Make it more explicit: a = nothing was done wrong b = no action would have to be "evaluated or action taken as necessary" The argument he made was: 1. If a then b 2. Not b So, 3. Not a That is in fact not fallacious in the least.
  19. It's actually not that bad considering you'll need them anyways and you can get some skill points out of it. You lose money on all the missions at this point because the materials are so cheap on the GTM
  20. 11.08.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order I got my e-mail 9:05 at AM CST
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