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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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It has? new content designed solely on how to milk the store money more. Relic system that I think was designed from the start to be so annoying that the future store that was already in the works would be the means for people to avoid the frustration.


The relic system was redesigned when LotRO went free-to-play. During the sub-model days, it was far less grindy.

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Of course I'm not unsubbing. I like the game.


However, if F2P changes things to the point where I no longer like the game, I'll absolutely unsub. Having played a few F2P conversions lately (DDO, STO, CO, CoH), I can say that there are definitely different ways to go about it. IMO, DDO and CoH did a really nice job of it, and both have continued to put out a ton of non-fluff (i.e., zones/missions/instances/whatever) since their conversions, while not making me feel compelled to spend cash above-and-beyond my sub (though both games give subscribers monthly stipends, which I do gladly spend on the fluff).


I'm hoping I can add SWTOR to my own personal list of "good" F2P transitions, but all we can do is wait and see....

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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


EA says this game is pretty much a flop.




Its been 16 weeks since 1.2 was released. And they have the balls to tell us we will get "more frequent content patches" hhahahaha


Also I made a thread ages ago http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=507623 and you all thought it was trolling and you all thought it was a load of rubbish. Read it again.


Im not going to unsub EA and BW are welcome to my money I love the game!

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If things go the way I suspect they are, I will be eventually. But I just started 3 weeks ago, so I will finish playing all the content the next few months and see how it turns out. But I suspect that swtor will turn into nothing more than a platform for marketing in-game trinkets and other pay items, instead of evolving and improving as a immersive gaming experience.
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If things go the way I suspect they are, I will be eventually. But I just started 3 weeks ago, so I will finish playing all the content the next few months and see how it turns out. But I suspect that swtor will turn into nothing more than a platform for marketing in-game trinkets and other pay items, instead of evolving and improving as a immersive gaming experience.


Man...like my previous post, I'm hoping this isn't the case, but you hit the nail on the head. This is exactly what happened to Cryptic/PWE's Champions Online and Star Trek Online games. The soul was sucked out in about 6 months. Sure some non-fluff content was added, but it was nearly all instanced story-light, queued-up content that helped destroy the community and invalidate all launch content. And don't get me started on the lockboxes.....


I'm hoping Bioware is able to avoid these pitfalls and instead end up where City of Heroes did - adding a ton of content (much of which is some of the best in the entire game) while balancing/minimizing fluff and P2W options (which, sadly, do exist in their store now).

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Why would anyone leave over a FTP model that retains the subscription method and REWARDS subscribers?


People calling EA the devil for this. Is Turbine the devil too?


I'm here until the game shuts down (not for at least a decade :D)


Why? BC F2P means less content less frequently. Every game, except maybe LOTR, that has ever had to go F2P has equaled that expectation. Also, your nuts if you think this game will be around in 10 years. Its already lost 70% of its subscribers. It will be lucky to make it 3 years. I hope that the Dev;'s pry their heads from their hind ends and start fixing things, but F2P was a marketing choice and will be nothing more than a marketing fix which equals no real fix at all.

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Going back through the last few pages I missed, this is now what I expect come Q2 FY2013.


Taking that they have like 500k-650k subs before the F2P announcement.


EA Ceo: 40% said they had quit our sub based MMO because of the subscription cost. Of those 40%, 10% have come back to our game with the introduction of F2P. Of our current subscribers, another 60% have quit. 25% said they quit because of the game going F2P. 25% more quit as their 3 and 6 month subs have run out [because they didnt feel it was worth it], and the other 10% have quit to move on to GW2.


Investor: So how many subs do you have left?


EA Ceo: 390,000... I dont understand why their leaving!


Gamers: Well it sure as hell wasnt because of the subscription in itself. Maybe those who left just dont like your game? Go away EA, no one likes you. You killed BioWare... :(

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Why? BC F2P means less content less frequently. Every game, except maybe LOTR, that has ever had to go F2P has equaled that expectation. Also, your nuts if you think this game will be around in 10 years. Its already lost 70% of its subscribers. It will be lucky to make it 3 years. I hope that the Dev;'s pry their heads from their hind ends and start fixing things, but F2P was a marketing choice and will be nothing more than a marketing fix which equals no real fix at all.


I'm curious.


You have been making the rounds in the threads insulting people, insulting the game developers, bashing the game......


.....when is your last day??

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Most definately not unsubbing. The best part of f2p i am looking forward to is that f2players wont be able to post in forums yay yay yay. and if people continue to pay a sub just to continually bring this game down as best they can well, this i never will understand, but im sure ea loves the money you pay to do it :). Proud continuous subber to SWTOR and most recently The Secret World the two best story mmo's on the market. Even more proud unsubber to WoW (since xmas) (and i played that crap since launch). Dont miss it at all and am in ea/biowares debt for finally breaking its hold on me. WoW-best no story mixed up and made up lore to fit expansions game on the market!!

Long live games that are not WoW

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Even more proud unsubber to WoW (since xmas) (and i played that crap since launch)....Long live games that are not WoW

Let's be clear...you did not play WoW from launch because it was a terrible "crap" game. It was the best thing on the market for years. It is merely old and out-dated at this pt, but give credit where credit is due.

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The relic system was redesigned when LotRO went free-to-play. During the sub-model days, it was far less grindy.


No actually it was worse in its original state. They did minimal, and I mean minimal adjustment to it. I played through all that time before leaving in disgust at yet another level increase, and old relics being made irrelevant again and having to go through that mess. They clearly had this frustration in mind when designing it and looked ahead at capitalizing on it.


And they aren't the only game to exploit that and milk their customers. It almost always happens. New content that makes you use the store.

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EA basically had to go F2P with this game, otherwise they would be setting themselves up to lose a lot of players/subs to GW2.


They seem to have finally realized that if they don't keep the server pops up, the MMO aspect of this game won't work. It spreads players too thinly, across too many zones.

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EA basically had to go F2P with this game, otherwise they would be setting themselves up to lose a lot of players/subs to GW2.


They seem to have finally realized that if they don't keep the server pops up, the MMO aspect of this game won't work. It spreads players too thinly, across too many zones.


This seems strange o say the least:-


Firstly those that hate the idea of F2P will cancel their subs and since GW2 comes this month people will leave for it, if they were going to. Subs in the next quarter will I suspect be taking another hugh fall.


Secondly, in a game based around encouraging players to run alts you have to sort out slots etc. before 'forcing' players to transfer.

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Subs are going to continue to fall if they keep holding off on new content. Other than some ops and fps we have gotten nothing since launch. No wonder people are leaving. If you take 8 months to release some new content and then on top of that want to charge for it I dont know thats going to work. I think until they add some new class story and other planets etc it will continue to bleed subs up until f2p announcement.
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This seems strange o say the least:-


Firstly those that hate the idea of F2P will cancel their subs and since GW2 comes this month people will leave for it, if they were going to. Subs in the next quarter will I suspect be taking another hugh fall.


Secondly, in a game based around encouraging players to run alts you have to sort out slots etc. before 'forcing' players to transfer.


The main draw of this game is alts, at the moment. Run through all the stories.


Start F2P with 2 character slots. When they get through those 2 stories, they cash-shop more slots.


Oh, but wait, we're getting feedback that repeating the planetary and side quests are boring the Nth time through? Cash-shop a major experience boost to class stories.


Ooh, paying subscribers see that shiny that's only in the cash shop. They don't want to deal with all the repetitive quests when leveling their alts, either. So they pay the $5.95 per character for the big class exp boost too.


POOF the game is now P2W -and- collecting not only subscription revenue but also add-on revenue from subscribers. To EA, that's the biggest possible win. (Though I'd love to see a commitment from any EA VP level or higher that they'll never put P2W into the game to prove me wrong.)

Edited by DarthTHC
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I used to scoff at those who kept saying that this game would go F2P sooner rather than later. I used to have complete faith in Bioware. Now I feel foolish, and after this, DA2, and the ME3 fiasco EA/Bioware is never getting another dime from me.
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Seriously considering it. I have 13 days left and this evening just completed Act Three on my eighth different character, so have now experienced each of the story lines.


I religiously stuck to completing side quests and bonus series up to the end of Voss, but after doing Correlia completely 3 times I got bored and just did the main questline and have dipped in and out of Illum / Black Hole across the remaining chars. Bizarrely, doing all the side quests and doing WZs each level until I was level with valor rank meant that I hit 50 on Belsavis for all but 1 char, and found the subsequent quests on Voss and Corelia too easy. Each of my chars have raised crafting / gathering to max level, so nothing to do there other than generate money.


I've run through every companion quest and done a fair amount of pvp (each char has at least 4 pieces of BM, some have a mix of WH), but that and dailies are now becoming more of a chore, which has seen me slip back to other solo efforts for my gaming fix.


Raiding doesn't really hold any interest for me as I have a job with 60ish hours a week, school age and pre-school children and a wife to entertain, so although I play for an hour or so daily in the evening anda bit more at the weekends once the kids are all in bed, it gets interrupted often and I can't really block out set periods of time for raiding, which I was able to do in the early days of WOW (my only other MMO experience, but one I was committed to for 6 years) pre-offspring.


Now with the move to F2P I have real doubts about additional story based content being released, which was my main focus (and one of the most touted features) of this game. I can't see F2P supporting the expense of significantly more VO cutscenes.


I've found space combat incredibly frustrating and dull and was looking forward to the secret space project, but can't see that coming to fruition any time soon, particularly given the lay offs.


New WZs may offer some interest, but I miss the relatively large scale games of AV, where there were various things you could do - defend, tower cap, summon Ivus or Lok, which gave some variety. Voidstar and Huttball are still entertaining, but the other two have gotten old quickly. There's no sense of epicness in the WZs here.


I've never been fussed by vanity items, so the cash shop doesn't really hold any glamour for me. The legacy system has dwindled into nothingness.


If they were to add minigames as a payable option in the shop I would consider re-subscribing, particularly if there were things like swoop racing or pazaak.


So yes, seriously considering unsubscribing- I'll wait to see what the devs put out over the next 2-ish weeks (if they actually respond to anything this community is asking about. if I stay, I will certainly revert from 6month sub to monthly so that I don't lose out too much if things tank much more, but at the minute unsubbing looks most likely.


I've enjoyed my time in SWTOR but can't believe that I've done nearly everything that I wanted to do within 6 months, which seems particularly short compared to my experience of WOW, and now I have no faith that additional content will be generated to the same quality or at a pace that keeps things lively and engaging.


Such a shame, as it had so much potential.

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Subs are going to continue to fall if they keep holding off on new content. Other than some ops and fps we have gotten nothing since launch. No wonder people are leaving. If you take 8 months to release some new content and then on top of that want to charge for it I dont know thats going to work. I think until they add some new class story and other planets etc it will continue to bleed subs up until f2p announcement.


8 months to relase new content? This aint Warcraft you know:rolleyes:

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