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ea conference call figures july 31st


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It was pretty hard for eq or daoc to lie about their numbers, back then all mmos had their server numbers visable at all times, so everyone knew very well when a game was doing good or bad.


Not really, becasue those numbers were given to you by the company. Besides which... server numbers =/= subscriptions. In broad brush stroke, yeah you could tell, but you could not tell in any detail, pretty much like today.

Edited by Andryah
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Either you like the game or you don't.... Sitting in a forum hoping a game fails so you can say "I told you so, I told you so" is rather pathetic.... But to each their own...





Get a life people!! Take your hate else where!!! :mad:

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Some people don't seem to understand, this is a call to investors. If an investor asks for the subscription numbers for this game, then EA are legally obliged to answer. This isn't just EA throwing out random information to people, it's legally binding and is monitored. They cannot include F2P numbers as they are not subscriptions.


A little background, when EA released the subscription figures for Q3 2012 it was just after the launch of the game, at this point 1.7m people (of the supposed 2+ million who bought the game) had set up a subscription. Most hadn't actually paid a subscription since the first month was free, but 1.7m were set up. By the end of Q4 2012 the number was 1.3m, so while they were 400k down, it's not known how many of the 1.7m actually paid their first months subs and how many cancelled before that.


Subscription (even if you haven't started paying yet) isn't the same thing as a f2p account. To include those would be lying to investors and would also affect your stock value. You would have to be pretty stupid to try and pull that. I think the actual figure will possibly be 600k or so, but it's summer and there is a major sporting event going on (if you're in Europe the second this summer). So there will be a lot of people inactive at the moment who may still be subbed, likewise there are those who will resub when new content is out. The figure will be a snapshot of the number of subs, but it may well rise again once new content comes out.

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It was pretty hard for eq or daoc to lie about their numbers, back then all mmos had their server numbers visable at all times, so everyone knew very well when a game was doing good or bad.


And yes i agree that all mmo companies try to blur reality and make their numbers come out better than they are, that doesnt change the fact that bw/ea has obviously done this in a very big way in the past making people automaticly assume much lower figures for any sub numbers they come up with in the future.



DAoC never showed their server numbers IIRC, EQ1 did, right up until just before DAoC was due to release, then they changed them to the old High/Med/Low range, as they were worried DAoC was going to hit EQ1 hard and didn't want people to be able to say "look my server is XXX people down" (as it happened DAoC didn't really hurt EQ1 too badly).


However they'd been messing with subscription numbers (or "active accounts") for a while before that, for example counting anyone with a Station Pass as an EQ1 subscriber, whether or not they'd ever actually played EQ1.

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I say SWTOR has 3 subscribers left. Anything more than that is clearly EA lying. You should also believe me, a random internet person with an axe to grind who's totally not pulling numbers directly out of my rear end, over official financial reports.
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I say SWTOR has 3 subscribers left. Anything more than that is clearly EA lying. You should also believe me, a random internet person with an axe to grind who's totally not pulling numbers directly out of my rear end, over official financial reports.


It's all a bit moot now anyway as it's going F2P.

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My 6-month sub is almost up. Already scheduled to pay for another 6 months. I'm hoping for the best. I want as many subs as possible. I would prefer the game stay with a subscription model, so I hope the sub count makes that work for this game.


More subs = more revenue = more development!

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I'm guess 3 million subscribers without free trials.


Adding free trials we are looking at about 7 million active.


It explains why they are still laying off people.


More subs and money = more layoffs.

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well F2p announcement aint great. as someone above said it could go well or could be horrible.


The spin on 'more frequent content updates' sounds nice, but well, mixed feelings really.

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well F2p announcement aint great. as someone above said it could go well or could be horrible.


The spin on 'more frequent content updates' sounds nice, but well, mixed feelings really.


It IS possible they could do it 'right'. Possible.

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i knew they were still over 1 mill subs. I knew it all along. The haters will try anything to make this game fail. This game isn't going anywhere.


The more bioware goes on with it, the better it just gets.



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It IS possible they could do it 'right'. Possible.

have you been asleep during the.. hmm


pre-launch week?






we can be hopeful, but how's that saying go?


the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results?

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Not really irrelevant as it is a hybrid. Subs will still matter a great deal.


Subs in a LOTRO type model F2P aren't where the majorty of the $$$'s are made. It's in the cashshop content, which is churned out over more traditional subscription based content.


It's not the end of the world, but it's far from a good thing for those who where hoping to see SWTOR expanded in length and breadth.... as it'll be all about the cashshop now. :(

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Subs in a LOTRO type model F2P aren't where the majorty of the $$$'s are made. It's in the cashshop content, which is churned out over more traditional subscription based content.


It's not the end of the world, but it's far from a good thing for those who where hoping to see SWTOR expanded in length and breadth.... as it'll be all about the cashshop now. :(


Highlighted to emphasize the direction of development going forward. Everything we've been asking for, will be made available...for a price. If it can't be sold and marketed, don't expect to see it.

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