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1.4 MUST release before GW2!


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I adore SWTOR, and have a lot of content ahead of me. I have a single 50 (still working on the others), and still have gearing out to do, have datacrons and lore to explore for, WB's to kill (Nightmare Pilgrim, mainly) and a EC HM to complete. This is great for me, but many players are finishing gearing out and augmenting Campaign or Rated War Hero Gear on their fifth alt. BUT we can hold up, if it was not for your competition.


GW2 is coming late August, and though whether it will keep it's players or not in arguable, it is an extremely hyped and so far positively reviewed game, and will make a blow to all MMOs. SWTOR desperately needs a churn of content, and the things you released at E3 and talked about are what can do it. If all that is what is coming in 1.4, then it kind of needs to happen. I do believe that the quality in content is important, HOWEVER so is releasing it at a constant pace is important to, and I (with many others) have the faith the Bioware can make that quality content.


Three Massive New Stories, A New Masssive Planet, New High-End Daily Area, New Operation, New Nightmare Mode, New Companion, New Warzone, More Levels And Abilities, you guys have it all in store. TRY and release as much of it as you can.


At the very LEAST, put out a long lasting world event that would keep players busy, but behind that, work on the new, set content quickly. It's been months since 1.2 went out with a bang, A Massive Rakghoul Virus, And The Prelude To The Dread Lord Story On Belsavis, Karragga's Palace, and Denova. It's time to leave that and make that Eternal RPG you were talking about. Get this stuff out, and by August 28th (But not on 28th...please).

Edited by dankat
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He's right, edit it and use more paragraphs.


That said I doubt anything will release before GW2, maybe right after.


It is better to release after a major release any how.


Releasing 1.4 before is not going to stop the hype. People are still going to want to play the game. MoP is releasing after, release before and you may quell the hype for your own release.


Say 1.4 has all these things and is a week before GW2...well people are STILL going to try GW2...it's new and has been hyped. No patch/update is going to stop that.


If Bioware/EA were smart they would do what Blizz is doing. Release after, because some folks will not like GW2 for whatever reason they may have, and when they are done messing around with it your game will have a pretty nice 'Welcome Back' gift to give it's players.

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Nah, wait a month or so after GW2 is out. Anyone interested in GW2 is going to play it regardless of another TOR patch and if it gets rushed it will just drive people off. Let the new MMO smell fade away and then give people a big content patch to bring them back over, and since GW2 wont have a sub fee people arnt going to feel forced to pick one over the other.


But I agree a new world event would be nice before the summers over.

Edited by Achromatis
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It would be great but its very unlikely to happen. GW2 releases in 25 days (if in early start). A patch like youre talking should be on test this week in order for it to release by then. We have had no word from BW so that is doubtful to happen.


With the posters saying they are better off waiting until after GW2 releases... they are kind of correct. One thing though... how long do you wait? A week or two is pointless. I would say it would have to be a month + for the hype to be dying off. The problem with that is you are around the MoP release too. The other problem is... how long are people going to wait for content. The last actual content patch was in April....1.3 added 0 content. If you are talking about waiting till after releases... you are talking about people waiting over 7 months for content. With as little end game content as we have... alot of people wont be resubbing to wait that long. All my opinion of course.

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my sub finishes just before Guild Wars 2 , which i have already bought and played in BETA... SWTOR imo dosent hold a candle to it. Probably because of 3 things...


Sub fee v no sub fee.


world PVP etc v the same 4 matches (huttball is still fun)


SWTOR feeling more like a single player game v GW2 from what i know, there is no kill stealing, nodes are your own, helping someone kill something is rewarded and benefits both players.

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my sub finishes just before Guild Wars 2 , which i have already bought and played in BETA... SWTOR imo dosent hold a candle to it. Probably because of 3 things...


Sub fee v no sub fee.


world PVP etc v the same 4 matches (huttball is still fun)


SWTOR feeling more like a single player game v GW2 from what i know, there is no kill stealing, nodes are your own, helping someone kill something is rewarded and benefits both players.


Personally. GW2 blows SWTOR out of the water. My opinion.


It's going to take a lot for me to come back here. It's going to take GW2 failing and then it's going to take SWTOR revamping space combat and adding a bunch of stuff for me to come back.

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I agree with the OP. 1.4 Must come out before GW2 and also we have the Panda expansion for WoW in September..


The main reason people are leaving lately is boredom!, Many of us have now spent months grinding Ops and dailies and have "peaked" with our main characters and some alts as well.


I absolutely love the game!, but we need to have the following ASAP!!!!


1. More Flashpoints. (even if they just turn existing ones into Hard Modes)

2. Another Operation

3. More storyline content

4. Level Cap increase

5. HK

6. A new planet



The above (as we know) are all in development (and maybe even ready) but we need a firm statement on WHEN these will be coming into play!


Come on Dev's give us some OFFICIAL information!!



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I am sure BW are already planning this. ALthouigh they may plan to put it on test before GW2 so that everyone stays around for it to hit live. The way some people get through content if they put it in a week before some people would have already completed it before GW2 launch. By putting it on test they give people and idea but dont let them complete it.
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Good thing [D3] sucked, huh?

The majority of people that left around the time D3 was released, didn't come back....it doesn't matter if they aren't playing D3, they aren't playing this game either.

This game is STILL losing subs. It's not as bad as back then, but it's still happening.

Edited by Synxos
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my sub finishes just before Guild Wars 2 , which i have already bought and played in BETA... SWTOR imo dosent hold a candle to it. Probably because of 3 things...


Sub fee v no sub fee.


world PVP etc v the same 4 matches (huttball is still fun)


SWTOR feeling more like a single player game v GW2 from what i know, there is no kill stealing, nodes are your own, helping someone kill something is rewarded and benefits both players.


Total opinion.


I pre-purchased GW2 and played the beta's. I played GW1 for 6 years so I was really looking forward to it, but I'm not going to play it, because after the beta's I know for myself GW2 doesn't hold a candle to SWTOR>


Sub fee - I am happy I can pay a sub with SWTOR. GW2 doesn't have a sub but a cash shop. Don't tell me it's all cosmetics, it isn't. The xp boosts and keys for special chests that drop disagree with that. It's only the beginning and I do not want advertising in my game to try to push me to spend real cash. They need you to do it because there are no subs. So expect advertisements. Not my thing.


World PvP - GW2 will have it but some of those who played beta's weren't so impressed because it wasn't what they expected from it. In fact GW2 is a running around, kiting type game. For me that gets boring.


RPG vs MMO - GW2 has events that trigger and everybody can join in. This is a nice feature but it's so random that it's not very tactical. Everybody just runs in and does whatever (pew pew basically). It gets repetitious. Already the first weekend. You do get a feeling of all being together but will it still be fun after 2 months?


Also SWTOR has quests and GW2 has events. The events are just repackaged quests. Instead of picking em up, they come to you like AREA quests in SWTOR, but it's still kill mobs, pick up items and escort npcs. As a result GW2 lacks story, a reason why you are doing all of it. Sure there is a main story line but it's like 1 quest every 3 levels and you forget what it was about. In fact I made 4 characters during beta's and most are stuck at level 3-5 because I got bored.


Then voice acting. SWTOR has vastly superior voice acting. GW2's voice acting is so childish in comparison. No toon in GW2 looks over the age of 17 as it is.


For me, with all its flaws, SWTOR is still a better game. I'll leave GW2 for the kiddies.


GW2 will attract some players but after a couple of months they'll be looking for something else to do. Just like any MMO it will start with a number of active players and it will dwindle after a couple of months. Then they'll do what they can to get you to spend money in their cash shop. I can do without that.


1.4 should come as soon as possible but doesn't have to be before GW2 comes out in my view.

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Don't expect 1.4 to come out for a few months. They will not release around another major games launch. It is just ridiculous to even consider going against it.


For starters, 1 month from now GW2 will be released, then 1 month after that MoP will be released. So I imagine we'll get 1.4 in either October or November. I will say though that I would not be surprised if 1.4 was delayed till December as some sort of anniversary patch.

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The majority of people that left around the time D3 was released, didn't come back....it doesn't matter if they aren't playing D3, they aren't playing this game either.

This game is STILL losing subs. It's not as bad as back then, but it's still happening.


I know some in my guild who left swtor for D3 then went back to WOW.

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I know some in my guild who left swtor for D3 then went back to WOW.


Why wouldn't they either?


SWTOR is so similar to WoW it is pretty much a clone of the game. Why not just go back to WoW which has more content and more players to play with?


Once the novelty of it being a Star Wars game wears out and it having cut scenes and what not there is not much here to amaze.

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Total opinion.


I pre-purchased GW2 and played the beta's. I played GW1 for 6 years so I was really looking forward to it, but I'm not going to play it, because after the beta's I know for myself GW2 doesn't hold a candle to SWTOR>


Sub fee - I am happy I can pay a sub with SWTOR. GW2 doesn't have a sub but a cash shop. Don't tell me it's all cosmetics, it isn't. The xp boosts and keys for special chests that drop disagree with that. It's only the beginning and I do not want advertising in my game to try to push me to spend real cash. They need you to do it because there are no subs. So expect advertisements. Not my thing.


World PvP - GW2 will have it but some of those who played beta's weren't so impressed because it wasn't what they expected from it. In fact GW2 is a running around, kiting type game. For me that gets boring.


RPG vs MMO - GW2 has events that trigger and everybody can join in. This is a nice feature but it's so random that it's not very tactical. Everybody just runs in and does whatever (pew pew basically). It gets repetitious. Already the first weekend. You do get a feeling of all being together but will it still be fun after 2 months?


Also SWTOR has quests and GW2 has events. The events are just repackaged quests. Instead of picking em up, they come to you like AREA quests in SWTOR, but it's still kill mobs, pick up items and escort npcs. As a result GW2 lacks story, a reason why you are doing all of it. Sure there is a main story line but it's like 1 quest every 3 levels and you forget what it was about. In fact I made 4 characters during beta's and most are stuck at level 3-5 because I got bored.


Then voice acting. SWTOR has vastly superior voice acting. GW2's voice acting is so childish in comparison. No toon in GW2 looks over the age of 17 as it is.


For me, with all its flaws, SWTOR is still a better game. I'll leave GW2 for the kiddies.


GW2 will attract some players but after a couple of months they'll be looking for something else to do. Just like any MMO it will start with a number of active players and it will dwindle after a couple of months. Then they'll do what they can to get you to spend money in their cash shop. I can do without that.


1.4 should come as soon as possible but doesn't have to be before GW2 comes out in my view.


Also just an opinion and certainly not a widely held one. SWTOR really is the modern day titanic in every sense. It's hit the iceberg and is sinking fast .


I wonder if you would find any book- maker that would take odds that GW2 will lose more players in 12 months than SWTOR will , i highly doubt it. After August the 18th SWTOR subs will fall like throwing a stone off a cliff , you don't need a crystal ball to see that.

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