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EA shareholders meeting: over/under 300k subs?


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I would say it will show over that number. People who did 2 3 month and people who initially did 6months are good until August 18th. And I think that's a big number

I will say that number will be pretty close for their 3rd quarter though


This includes me, and my sub will be cancelled by then.


I am very disappointed in SWTOR.



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Sorry I didn't mean to get involved in any of this WoW talk.


In previous Investor Meetings EA said they count "active subs" as people paying a monthly sub, AND people who are in their 30 day trial period who have NOT yet paid any sub fee. However they did have to buy the box.


During the last conference call they did free trial weekends, and they said that "active accounts" included people paying a sub, people in their 30 day trial period, AND people in the Free trial weekends.


Now however there is a free trial ALL the time, will anyone who signs up for TOR ever be counted as an "active account"


If someone who owns stock in EA could call in and have them specify during the call that would be great. (Yes, anyone who owns stock is allowed to call in and ask a question during the meetings, granted they only answer some questions, but can't hurt to ask)



They will count free trials that have been active within the last billing month of any count, most likely.

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50,000 players at the maximum. The forums are a good indicator that just about everyone has left the game. Right?:rolleyes:


I also expect an announcement that we're going F2P and that BioWare is being shut down, with the ToR project being handed to EA's interns for experimental purposes.


Also, Guild Wars 2 will be announced to have 25 million current players even before the games release, and Jesus has come back from the dead to personally make sure that they have the most innovative PvP system ever conceived.

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Didn't this happen on the 26/07? Anyone know if they mention SWTOR?


I just listened to the recording of the meeting - doesn't seem like anything was mentioned about SWTOR - nor could I see it mentioned as one of their strong brands.

Edited by Aus_Jedi
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Didn't this happen on the 26/07? Anyone know if they mention SWTOR?


I just listened to the recording of the meeting - doesn't seem like anything was mentioned about SWTOR - nor could I see it mentioned as one of their strong brands.


It's a possibilty no one will ask about it al la WAR and we'll never know.

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Didn't this happen on the 26/07? Anyone know if they mention SWTOR?


I just listened to the recording of the meeting - doesn't seem like anything was mentioned about SWTOR - nor could I see it mentioned as one of their strong brands.


The numbers come out on July 31st. Its going to paint a sorry picture really. Not including free trials, I think the number will be around 850k players left, which is a massive drop since launch. Only a handful of subs based MMOs have ever grown their user base so the outlook is bleak.

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If someone who owns stock in EA could call in and have them specify during the call that would be great. (Yes, anyone who owns stock is allowed to call in and ask a question during the meetings, granted they only answer some questions, but can't hurt to ask)

I bought 100 shares back when EA stock was in the 10s, I might just do that.

Edited by KuroshimaiHD
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They will count free trials that have been active within the last billing month of any count, most likely.


Then they had better not use the term "subscriptions" when revealing any info on the total number of sub figures. :p

I would not have any issue with them counting in the time card users as those are still paying to play which is the same the ones with subscriptions are. To add the free to play ones tho in with the subs and time cards, is flat out deception. And if I was a stockholer, I would call them out on it. :cool:

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They won't give a number till the end of this month. And even then, they might not. Swtor is a small part of EAs portfolio.


Investors don't see it this way.


At $15 per month, 400K subscriptions is $6,000,000 in revenue. At $60 per title, that is equivalent to selling 100,000 copies of a game a month. Assuming it takes 6 months to develop a game, with a recurring subscription model you would have sold 600,000 units of games at 400,000 subscriptions.


Realistically the games which rake in the most revenue have development times of over a year. So with 400,000 subscriptions you sold the equivalent of 1,200,000 units of games. Selling 1.2 million units worldwide is a successful game of which many aren't.



The fact that SWTOR bled over 600,000 subscriptions is the reason they're downplaying the importance of SWTOR. But most investors who have any degree of intelligence realizes what was explained above.

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Investors don't see it this way.


At $15 per month, 400K subscriptions is $6,000,000 in revenue. At $60 per title, that is equivalent to selling 100,000 copies of a game a month. Assuming it takes 6 months to develop a game, with a recurring subscription model you would have sold 600,000 units of games at 400,000 subscriptions.


Realistically the games which rake in the most revenue have development times of over a year. So with 400,000 subscriptions you sold the equivalent of 1,200,000 units of games. Selling 1.2 million units worldwide is a successful game of which many aren't.



The fact that SWTOR bled over 600,000 subscriptions is the reason they're downplaying the importance of SWTOR. But most investors who have any degree of intelligence realizes what was explained above.


Ekhem, You are forgetting that SWTOR was in development for many years and EA invested huge amounts of cash on this projects that they didn't get back yet.

After you ship single player game (and even multiplayer that is not mmo) there are no additional costs for the company or at least they are low (in comparison to mmo project).

With mmo you have to count in that even with layoffs EA still have to pay for developing new content, keeping support and maintaining server infrastructure and its not cheap. You simply need x subscriptions to have any profit otherwise you are generating monthly loss even if there is noticeable income.

AFAIR they said before release they need at least 300 000 paying accounts to have any profit.

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Obviously you are mistaken. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to get away with boasting 10 mil at their earnings calls. Don't you think someone would've raised a fraud issue if what you are saying was the truth? Somewhere along the line you began to think your logic was correct, and that's sad, man. WoW is the industry giant, Swtor is no where close to as popular in the mmo market. Stop being salty about it, and play what you love man.


They get away with it for one simply reason, bliz do not control the game in china, riot do. bliz say how many paying players do you have and riot go this many, bliz staple that on and go look we have x subscribers. They have been called out on it once in a investor call so the investors could see how many were paying western subscriptions and it was stated as around 4.2 mil, the rest were china and thats was when it was around the 12 mil mark.


Could be netease now btw. used tobe theo9 too.

Edited by Shingara
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I have never did a time card to play a online game. But I assumed if you buy one for 30 days play time and stop at 29 days, you would still have 1 day left. So your saying it is not for 30 days play time, but limited to 30 days from the date you buy them? If so..what a ripoff!...lol.


Not a rip-off unless a sub is a rip-off. If you sub with a credit card, you pay for 30(or more) days up front, and come what may, even if you stop playing, in 30(or what ever time you paid for) days your time is up.


Same with a time card. The good thing with a time card, they can't bill you for it again when you stop playing.

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Ekhem, You are forgetting that SWTOR was in development for many years and EA invested huge amounts of cash on this projects that they didn't get back yet........


Strange I've seen this posted by many peeps before.


Don't they teach math anymore in the schools?


They sold 2,000,000 boxes for around $50 each. If they only made $1 on each box, that's $2,000,000.


Did the game cost over $2,000,000 to make? Seriously...????????

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Then they had better not use the term "subscriptions" when revealing any info on the total number of sub figures. :p

I would not have any issue with them counting in the time card users as those are still paying to play which is the same the ones with subscriptions are. To add the free to play ones tho in with the subs and time cards, is flat out deception. And if I was a stockholer, I would call them out on it. :cool:


And any good lawyer could argue that free to play guys are "subscriptions". Now if they said "paid subscriptions" that would be a horse of a different color. Subscriptions for reporting purposes do not = subscriptions, as you want to define it, they = whatever the user wants to define it as.


Always get the attorney's definition of "subscription", if you want to base an argument on that word, standing alone.


Same with "active account". Does it mean an account that is being played at the moment in time? Does it mean an account that can be played today if the users wants to? Does it mean an account that has been played in the current reporting period for the quarterly call? Does it mean an account that is a "paid subscriber" account.


Fun with words.... a game ONLY for attorneys.

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Strange I've seen this posted by many peeps before.


Don't they teach math anymore in the schools?


They sold 2,000,000 boxes for around $50 each. If they only made $1 on each box, that's $2,000,000.


Did the game cost over $2,000,000 to make? Seriously...????????


It cost $200 million + to make. Seriously.

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Strange I've seen this posted by many peeps before.


Don't they teach math anymore in the schools?


They sold 2,000,000 boxes for around $50 each. If they only made $1 on each box, that's $2,000,000.


Did the game cost over $2,000,000 to make? Seriously...????????


$2,000,000? No. Try about ten times that, like say... $200,000,00. For reference, click: Here.


This is only making, not including how much they spent on marketing, etc.

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