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Tell BioWare What You Want to See...


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(1) chat bubbles

(2) voice emotes

(3) barber shops

(4) more customization options on character creation screen

(5) housing with collectible items for decoration

(6) macros for messaging

(7) more in-field rest areas (so I don't have to always log off in the cantina and then fight my way back to the quest sight when I log back on)


With the exception of Items 1 and 2 this is, of course, a Wish List.

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I have few things I would like to see:


1. Companion Creator (create your own companion {name, race, sex, class, ect.[just like your own character]}) and/or

2. Co-Character Summon (summon another character from your Character Screne as your Companion)

3. Lightsaber Shields (definantly want this one; a shield for Jedi Guardians/Sith Jurgenaught as their Off-Hand weapon, that goes into you typical Sword and Shield fight style {could have basic Shield Generator stats, but able to apply Color Crystals to some}).

4. Haze Remover (in Grafic settings, the ability to remove Haze from the atmosphere {I've done computer graficing, haze is a female dog for speed and performance}).

5. Black Lightsaber Crystals (not the black center, a black blade with regular white center {sense I was a kid I always said my character would have a black lightsaber}). (brown would also be enterresting).


From my Computer Programming knowledge, I don't really think any of those would be difficult, but I do understand it would take some work. Nevertheless, I think they would make the game even more enjoyable.

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1. RvR (ideally RvRvR or WvWvW).

2. Expanded 3D free flight Space (ideally something Jump to Lightspeed or SW Freelancer-esq).

3. More levelling content.

4. A higher % of class quest content in all future content (expensive, I know).

5. Player housing (modifiable like SWG or EQ2 housing - but probably in a LOTRO instanced zone).

6. The ability to modify your ship inside and out visually.

7. Armour dye and barber shop.

8. Being able to sit in chairs and sit cross legged. (not a huge change but still :D)


there are tons and tons of improvments I'd like to see, but ALL of these points are up there on the top of the -AAA-Star Wars-mmorpg-should-be-at-launch features.

Edited by eclipce
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- Fix the lag spikes everyone gets since transfers.


- Tons of bug fixes.


- 16 Character slots per server, or reaching L50 opens another character slot infinitely.


- Legacy Companions. Unlock any companion for use on all your characters.


- Character customization enhancements.

A) Ability to change all appearance parameters except species and gender at a medical bay for a fee based upon the degree and number of changes.

B) Every armour piece in game should have an orange, craftable equivalent.

C) Adjustment of fees for removing mods from armour. Mods are paid to be "unlocked" once and then you can move that piece for free in the future.


- 3D space with capturable objectives in open PvP and a few PvE space operations.


- Ability to decorate and customize ship interiors.


- More PvE operations. We only have 3.

Edited by Anakis
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- Off rails space missions

- 4X style Space exploration

- Pazzak

- Swoop bike racing


On the bike racing - I'd like that option to pilot speeders that have a sense of acceleration, inertia and momentum. I understand the practical need for mounts to behave as glorified Segways in tight corridors, but when I'm racing my buddy down an empty stretch of road i'd actually like to feel like i'm, you know... racing.

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I'm going to assume that BW are working on:

- Space game


So I'll limit myself to a few things:

- More Star Wars looking gear - stop with the WOW meets SW stuff, please

- Hoods down on Jedi/Sith

- Being able to dual spec - just within your advanced class would be great. Even better if it's swapping your advance class. And failing that, being able to swap your advanced class up till level 15

- And I've saved the biggie for last. A comprehensive sweep at all of the classes. Not just tightening up but a re-working of some of the classes. Jedi Consular Sage and Smuggler Scoundrel / Agent Operative I'm looking at you (these classes didn't play at all how I expected them to do so...)

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- More Character Slots

- Paid Transfers to any server

- Pazzak, Swoop racing y'know...fun social stuff

- more UI customization options. Need to see some bigger icons or better visual que's for procs and debuffs

- ability delay, or ability misfires triggering full gcd fixed.


Good game that's getting better. Keep it up Bioware.

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Why?! They've ignored every other feedback thread we've ever had, including their own - remember the one asking what planets we'd like to see? How many people said Makeb (or whatever)? Why waste our time? Why get people excited? Bioware will do what they want, when they want, despite player concerns.
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Why?! They've ignored every other feedback thread we've ever had, including their own - remember the one asking what planets we'd like to see? How many people said Makeb (or whatever)? Why waste our time? Why get people excited? Bioware will do what they want, when they want, despite player concerns.

Hearing about the layoffs had me create this thread. If BioWare wants SWTOR to get better, they should see at least the Top 5 features/mechanics to add into the game before the year ends.

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I cancelled my sub a few minutes ago. The final straw being total lack of communication with the community. People claiming that they're being open are severely deluded. It's one thing to continue to test beta, and pay for it...it's another to not be informed of the plan going forward while you pay for a broken game. Throwing out a few bread crumbs of knowledge once a month or so (and on a 3rd party site, typically) is unacceptable. It isn't hard to feel the unspoken tension on these forums and now even in game. I'm not going to lie to myself anymore.


I'm actually shocked to say I'm going to try gw2. I've done nothing but talk trash about it for months, but the pvp might keep my interest, I've decided. Good luck to the rest of you. I hope they turn this game around, if you're sticking it out.

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Social games and ranks on the fleet would be fun.


I would like to know what the mystery space update is. They haven't said much more about it.

Co-op space, even if on rails, would be enjoyable as well.


I dont care for housing and other sandbox items so that is not a concern of mine.

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I cancelled my sub a few minutes ago. The final straw being total lack of communication with the community. People claiming that they're being open are severely deluded. It's one thing to continue to test beta, and pay for it...it's another to not be informed of the plan going forward while you pay for a broken game. Throwing out a few bread crumbs of knowledge once a month or so (and on a 3rd party site, typically) is unacceptable. It isn't hard to feel the unspoken tension on these forums and now even in game. I'm not going to lie to myself anymore.


I'm actually shocked to say I'm going to try gw2. I've done nothing but talk trash about it for months, but the pvp might keep my interest, I've decided. Good luck to the rest of you. I hope they turn this game around, if you're sticking it out.


This ^


More communication.


But I feel this has been a great stepping stone (never PVPed in any other games) to get me interested in PVP. Looking forward to some balanced skill based PVP in GW2. My PC has been down for the past couple weeks due to a bad CPU. During this since I just came back from a 2 month break, kinda figured I'd check out the forums, and came across a lead designer post from the Q&A that seemed pretty negative. Before my PC went screwy a friend of mine in game mentioned GW2, so I figured I'd check it out. Been looking into not only GW2, but also ArenaNet and their history, and how most people viewed them overall.


Definitely gonna have to give GW2 a try myself after watching some of the profession videos out there and seeing how unique you can play mixing traits and utilities. Pre-purchased and downloading the game files now. :)

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I'd like to see the lfg tool brought up to speed, and more to do at the end game in general.


mmo's thrive on there end game it's the lure to continue leveling, the reward and further incentive to play. The current content and especially the tools we have to explore it are inadequate but with a few changes could really shine.

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More KOTOR or even SWG for peace sakes and less WOW.


I agree. People compare this to WoW alot and I think the devs do aswell, I would like to personally see it in some comparison to SWG the previous star wars MMO.


On topic :


1. Endgame Content ( Not picky )

2. I personally don't like buying my abilities. :(

3 New playable races and maybe classes.

4. More KOTOR or SWG feel

5. Tell us what you're working on? after next update.

6. More legacy options ( for your levels price etc.)

7. Barber shop and/or whatever

8. Player housing and/or ship decorating

9. Better armor that feels like star wars

10. Colour kits. Allow us to be unique.

Edited by xovofactor
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More KOTOR or even SWG for peace sakes and less WOW.


EVERYONE loved KOTOR back then. With SWTOR this doesn't seem to be quite the case. Though SWTOR has 100 times the size and more advanced technology of 10 years under the hood.



  1. Write new solo content that is bound to a companion. ( = that is, give sense to companions apart from being combat add ons.)
  2. Activate sound / music !!!!!!!!! (That silent environment is a game breaker. For instance, the speeder's sound is like a silent vacuum cleaner. For instance, there is absolutely no combat music. For instance, ...*endless list*)
  3. Make a lot more NPCs say something when clicked. (Just a little bit. They just stand around - silently, of course. Use bubbles, if this is too much to ask for.)
  4. Introduce some kind of customization / sandbox. (Also concerning ship interior)
  5. Redesign outfit. (Nearly completely, I might add. Do it in a way that is not aiming to copy WoW, but deliver a style that is rather modest instead of screaming.)
  6. Introduce dual spec at absolutely no costs and instantly available via switch.
  7. Introduce a "casual mode" (easy mode) to operations / FPs for casual gamers.
  8. Find a way to open up the linear game design. (You did it in KoTOR, where folks freely picked the next planet to explore, for instance.) (BTW, this is not a random point, this is a real issue.)
  9. Add fluffs and gadgets such as mini-games. (Social meeting points to play Pazaak, classical chess, poker, have dance competitions, whatever...)
  10. Introduce more intense interaction with the environment. (Sitting on chairs, doors to open, emos....)
  11. Last not least: Additionally to abbreviations on the dialog wheel offer actual text lines as an option to RP minded players. (Way too often I am merely guessing what's behind an abbreviation and sometimes choose wrongly. This creates distance between me and the char / and so creates distance to the game.)


Massive layoffs are a clear signal to me:


All this stuff will not happen! Never. Period.

This led to: Canceled my sub and am not going to re-sub. But nethertheless, I regard it a great game and had a lot of fun. It's just not as gripping as expected. Too schema driven; bonus quests are an insult to my intellect in particular; too little story based, that is, story is too meaningless to me ("Why am I fighting this guy? Who IS this guy actually??" - Compare that to the final encounter with Calo Nord in KOTOR !! Everyone got their blood pumped back then. Because it was meaningful.) This may sound hard, because BW did a phantastic job of introducing story-telling to an MMO. I just can't help it, it feels too shallow compared to other experiences. Implementing my list above would help, I am sure. But this is not going to happen.

Edited by Bastilla
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  1. Armor dyes, hood toggle, and barber shop that allows you to change skin effects (like sunburn or freckles) would be great for immersion ( remember kaliyo saying something about the agents skin pealing on tat)
  2. Customizable ships ( color, furniture, trophies that kind of thing)
  3. Pazaak, mini games, swoop races (PvP and NPC)
  4. Companion creator ( though race and gender has to be the same)
  5. Create modification sets (includes armor, mod, enhancement and such) would be good for orange companion gear ( would make them look less silly then having mismatched handmedown gear from the player)
  6. More RP emotes and the ability to sit on furniture
  7. Dual spec
  8. SGR's:cool:
  9. Legacy bank and get rid of "bound to character" and make it "bound to legacy" ( I have so many bind on pick ups that can't go to characters I need)
  10. More character slots and more races

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The massive layoffs is a clear signal to me: All this stuff will not happen. Never. Period.


I disagree entirely with this above statement. EA pushed for a lot of "temp" workers this has been mentioned many times. While of course a few major developers left, the BioWare team is still there it is only logical that people would be finishing up their contracts and having them not be renewed after the game was up and running.


Guys come on, servers were stable and initially there was so much content! Things that plagued other games didn't plague this game! More content? I mean like come on here, it took some people months to get through EC HM others maybe a few runs but in comparison to other games this game has more content then all of them put together.


Now things I would like to see in no particular order.

  1. 1 more end game raid with 4-5 bosses
  2. Nightmare mode for EC
  3. Nightmare mode flash points (Black Talon to Lost Island)
  4. The Nightmare flashpoints to be apart of group finder daily bonus, but separate from the hardmode daily bonus bring your bonus black hole comms to 10 a day.
  5. Higher level Mod/Armoring which are BOP to be dropped in Nightmare EC
  6. Another say 100-200 orange schematics (sabers, chest pieces,legs, helmets, boots, gloves, belts, bracers, knives, blasters, rifles etc) this shouldn't be too hard to do, with one or two people working on it you could get it down in a week. With five or six a couple of days. This will just give people something more to do.
  7. Raise the crew skills cap from 400 to 500 (would go nice with the 100-200 more orange schematics
  8. Better augments, make some augments a rare drop from raid bosses like 23's and 24's then when the next major update comes out, make them craftable and release 25-26's.
  10. If possible and would not add lag to the game I would like one West coast mega server and one East coast mega server. No Queue times, so many people and such a vibrant community. You will have integrated so many different people together.
  11. Guild ships/halls are a must, however I think we can go one deeper with this. I think there should be different classes of guild ship similar to how Eve online have different classes of ships I think Swtor should have different classes also. Huge guilds with 100's of members should have the biggest possible ship however those boutique guilds with 10-20 members but compete at high end raids or war zones should have their own ships also. Guilds with high "guild ratings" and low members should be able to get cheaper yet more exclusive while larger mid level guilds should have to pay a premium.
  12. Now content for lowbies, I would like to see more story line quests that run maybe two or three quests long I don't want to run six or seven quests to finish it.
  13. More class quests. I was talking to a friend of mine about maybe bounty hunters being able to have a daily "bounty quest" and then it occurred to me a 100 long quest series. 100 unique daily quests 800 in total. Now I know this is a monster feat, but it would give players something to look forward to EVERY time they log into their character. Every day (for 100 days) there is something they could do. Developers wouldn't have to finish all 100 at once but certainly over the next few months could get enough done that it is at least enough daily content for the most committed of players. Now obviously 100 quests is too much for now, but long term this would be amazing. Imagine being a new player and walking in, as a fresh player you have over 100 days worth of content ahead of you. Surely that's bang for your buck?!?! Every 10 quests you complete you get an achievement (this achievement score also adds to your guild rating). Something like this would be pretty cool in my opinion and something I would like to see implemented. This would be a way of going back to your main planet and getting your quests.
  14. more buildings, I want to walk around Dromund Kass and have tall buildings either side of my character, more side streets for me to explore and get lost in.
  15. Space pvp
  16. 16 v 16 pvp matches
  17. one or two more warzone maps
  18. Capture the flag and king of the hill to be added
  19. death match pvp
  20. 1 v | 2v2 | 3v3 pvp modes to be added and is a must if SWTOR ever wants to develop an E sports community.
  21. EA to make a push for E sports, after season 1 to have competitions and some cool prizes. This would draw the more competitive crowd from other games who enjoy star wars but want that high level and thus went to other games that offered it.

Edited by Fabergas
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1. New Races (easiest addition to bring life back to the game. Must be multiple, one is a slap in the face with the time you've had)


2. Player Housing Instances - make worlds able to be developed...open instanced map for player housing


3. Factional/Guild bases - promised these, no talk in a long time. Capital Ship battles AND instanced zones for building bases, possibly shared with housing instances. Base defenses/raids regular.


4. Real customizations of player ships, not just the cheesy legacy stuff. Interior modifications/upgrades.


5,. Factional Control of Planets/Zones


Long Term - 3rd Faction.

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