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Since when do you need pvp gear to play pvp?


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There are two answers to this question:


1) you really shouldn't be kicked for anything but abusive behavior. And afaik, you CAN'T be.


2) imagine you were running nightmare mode ops and the tank you got off the GF wanted to play naked. It's kinda like that. This is why that might annoy people. But I personally could care less... I would probably send you a quiet whisper in case you weren't aware of the value of expertise, but I'd leave you alone after that.

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the pvp gear just doesn't look good on my toons i wear rakata i prefer that over pvp gear any day


So don't pvp then. You deserved to be voted out. Especially since the only way to be voted out is to be afk. You were clearly not defending a point or fighting anyone.

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OP - your silence on this one point is telling - Multiple people have pointed out that you can't be kicked unless you were afk. So while the initial grouse could be that, "Hey, he's not in pvp gear!!", you were ultimately kicked because you were not participating at all - that is the way the system works, and that is justified. There are players who play with PVE gear and do reasonably well, and that is not sufficient reason to kick someone, nor is it a reason accepted by the vote-kick system.
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You can't be kicked from a WZ unless you're standing in a corner playing with yourself. As long as you are defending or attacking something, you can't be kicked. So go play for fun in your PvE gear and /ignore anyone that's giving you crap.
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OP - your silence on this one point is telling - Multiple people have pointed out that you can't be kicked unless you were afk. So while the initial grouse could be that, "Hey, he's not in pvp gear!!", you were ultimately kicked because you were not participating at all - that is the way the system works, and that is justified. There are players who play with PVE gear and do reasonably well, and that is not sufficient reason to kick someone, nor is it a reason accepted by the vote-kick system.


Yep, hes silent on it cuz hes pulling our legs. He couldn't have been kicked unless he was doing nothing and nobody would seriously be pissed about having to use a free set of gear that you can take off as soon as u leave the WZ. Or maybe he is one of those Napoleon Dynamite guys that you encounter from time to time in MMO's.

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Actually, now that a lot of PVP Players have good gear, turning up in a WZ with nothing or PVE gear is about the same net effectiveness as turning up in recruit. You get 3 shotted both ways. Shrug
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I am a decent pvp player... i dont where pvp armour why should i!? just because other people have it does not mean i have to get it :mad:



lol ... people are so silly.... the OP is absolutely right... it's his choice whether or not to wear Rakata or Recruit gear or what ever gear he wants. PvPers in this game are getting way too full of themselves and turning into elitist snobs.


"Oh... i know you pay your own sub every month but you MUST wear what we tell you to wear or else..."


haha.. get real... I destroy people in Rakata gear and, in turn, I get destroyed by some people who are simply better than me... same goes for when i PVP in full BM / WH gear... some people i destroy some people I get owned by. When are you people going to get it through your heads that Skill comes before the gear.


PVP gear versus PVE gear is so ridiculous in this game.. they are essentially the same thing... +20% boost from pvp gear is the same as +300 stats, +3000 HP from PVE gear.... I am of the opinion that the +300stats / 3000HP is actually better... .but as I do not pay any of your subs, I do not go around demanding that you do what i think is better.... you go ahead and keep patting yourselves on the back and i will keep enjoying playing my game and PVPing in whatever the heck i want... infact.. ill queue up right now... naked... I dare someone to vote kick me... pfff

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If you are attempting to PVP with zero expertise then your team is a player short.


zero expertise in pvp = stupid




To the OP - listen, here's the truth: PvP warzones aren't for "going in a looking pretty in your nice shiny suit". It's to go in and be competitive in a team environment and, if you're playing well enough, win.

If you're not trying to win (which you're clearly not doing by going into a WZ with your cute little Rakata set), by all means - please refrain from using the absolutely free Recruit set that you get courtesy of 1.3.

You'll be targeted, pwned, and subsequently ridiculed by your own teammates - and you'll deserve every bit of it. Why? Because you're selfish. You'll "I-PLAY-LIKE-I-WANT-TO" at the cost of victory based upon your belief that it doesn't matter if you have expertise - and you're dead wrong. You're about as useless as a gasoline-filled fire extinguisher in a WZ with no PvP gear - whether you believe it or not.


And before you or anyone else comes with the "It's-my-$15" argument, remember this: It's the OTHER PEOPLE'S $15 that allows you to be a selfish arse in game. If you want an experience that's totally your own, go play a single player game. Otherwise, be a good citizen and take your childish whims elsewhere. Stop gimping your team and leave queue. Your server will thank you for it.

Edited by khalfani
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lol ... people are so silly.... the OP is absolutely right... it's his choice whether or not to wear Rakata or Recruit gear or what ever gear he wants. PvPers in this game are getting way too full of themselves and turning into elitist snobs.


"Oh... i know you pay your own sub every month but you MUST wear what we tell you to wear or else..."


haha.. get real... I destroy people in Rakata gear and, in turn, I get destroyed by some people who are simply better than me... same goes for when i PVP in full BM / WH gear... some people i destroy some people I get owned by. When are you people going to get it through your heads that Skill comes before the gear.


PVP gear versus PVE gear is so ridiculous in this game.. they are essentially the same thing... +20% boost from pvp gear is the same as +300 stats, +3000 HP from PVE gear.... I am of the opinion that the +300stats / 3000HP is actually better... .but as I do not pay any of your subs, I do not go around demanding that you do what i think is better.... you go ahead and keep patting yourselves on the back and i will keep enjoying playing my game and PVPing in whatever the heck i want... infact.. ill queue up right now... naked... I dare someone to vote kick me... pfff


I will admit that I usually roll with a mix. To me I find I am more effective with 1900 str 20k HP and 950 exp then 1550 str and 17k HP with 1250 exp but my gear is very well itemized so I'm not rolling in there with all Columi or some such nonsense.


To the OP sure it's your dime but WZs much like OPS are a team game. How would you like it if a guy just felt like doing HM OPS in your group wearing level 47 greens. Is that fair to you or the other 6 guys that basically have to carry this person through the raid? Sure you might still beat it just like the other 7 guys might be well geared and skilled in the WZ you hopped in on but man it's easier with 8 instead of 7. But of course you if you can honestly say you don't care what anyone else does(including doing dumb stuff in raids that gets you wiped) then I will support you. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.

Edited by Tatebomb
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Yes OP we all get it you want to have fun, so do we but sadly to be competetive you have to have PvP gear.

Blame bioware for making the epic fail stat expertise, pvp should be about skill not gear but what can we do.

They wanted a wow clone so...

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To the OP sure it's your dime but WZs much like OPS are a team game. How would you like it if a guy just felt like doing HM OPS in your group wearing level 47 greens. Is that fair to you or the other 6 guys that basically have to carry this person through the raid? Sure you might still beat it just like the other 7 guys might be well geared and skilled in the WZ you hopped in on but man it's easier with 8 instead of 7. But of course you if you can honestly say you don't care what anyone else does(including doing dumb stuff in raids that gets you wiped) then I will support you. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.


I have to agree with the above comment.

There is a multipler effect. There may be guys that you get grouped with that have BM/WH set that are tired of carrying people that don't have, at least, the FREE recruit gear and just quit the WZ before it even starts. Now not only do you have a player not geared for pvp, but lose a geared player as well.

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Ok if you have armour that is not pvp people don't like you

why? because it does not have the expertise stats and people prefer that. SO WHAT you don't have it...

Big deal? i think not


i think everyone's already explained to you without expertise you are pretty much useless. You are being very selfish if you think the appearance of your character should come before the team's performance. So obviously people are not gonna like you a lot.

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If you play at level 50 get PVP gear, it's not just you you're hurting it's your team without expertise you will get ripped to shreds very easily which makes you more of a liability than an asset to the whole team


Every character gets a free set of recruit PVP gear as of 1.3 so there is no excuse playing without it. If you sold the token instead buy recruit gear with your own money or people in PVP will not like you


Get ripped with recruit gear too lol. BM are the stats recruit gear should have. Also think is stupid to have you hit other players haer with expertise it should of been just defense for pvp.

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I just got kicked from PvP because i don't have PvP gear... You can still play WITHOUT the gear i just wanted to play for fun.


It's been explained several times in this thread, and in several other threads as well.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=508819&page=2 #18


They really need to make WZs require a minimum level of Expertise, especially since Recruit gear is FREE.


(Btw, you can pull the mods out of PvP gear to put in better looking gear if you choose so that you can still look cool while kicking some butt.)

Edited by Mournblood
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What baffles me is not that people are jerks but the fact they are proud of it :mad:. Nobody asks of you to have the best gear out there but it's common sense to come equipped with the best that you can afford. Since recruit gear is free you have no excuse to not wear it other then being a cheap <insert word> who cares about nobody else but himself. Why are you acting surprised when people threat you just like that. I've never left a WZ but had my share of losses due to people that queue up with worthless toons.


Full Rakata gear is superior to full recruit gear but inferior to Rakata gear mixed with recruit gear for expertise. Just chose parts that won't change your look, you fashion victims :rolleyes:.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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My own PvP gear is currently a mix of campaign, battlemaster, and a few pieces of war hero - only totals 804 expertise - and I routinely sit up in the top 3 for damage (granted I don't play rated WZs).


Expertise is an important stat in PvP, and if all you have is Rakata gear you should probably wear Recruit gear for your own good. That said, people focus way too heavily on it in determining a player's worth. Kicking someone for wearing all Rakata is kind of absurd - sure it might hamstring you competitively to an extent, but it isn't like "not being there" at all.


I also tend to think the value of expertise depends on your class. If you're a ranged DPS class like a sniper, for example, you can probably get away with wearing less PvP gear if your PvE stuff is better, because the damage reduction and healing buff in the expertise stat are less important to you. If you're a melee class, that stuff is critical literally all the time.


Ultimately, player skill still trumps everything. Any schmuck will eventually get full war hero gear if they play enough, with or without learning to play their class well. However, you need to recognize that you're part of a group in PvP, nerfing yourself for the sake of your character's appearance is pretty ridiculous, and walking around in certain gear doesn't really contribute to the "fun" of PvP. Feel free to put that stuff back on when you're at the fleet.

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I agree with the OP. Too many people playing for the carrot and not for fun these days. Besides, if the team were any good they would've won regardless.


Solid logic :rolleyes:. This is not PvE where you can get carried by a good team. PvP is about team vs. team. When you lower your team value by being inconsiderate then you must accept that the other team members won't like you.


Playing for fun is what the rest of us do (well the vast majority) but our definition of fun includes participation and contributing. Complaining about a sucky team when you are the weakest link of the chain is priceless.

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without expertise you will be dealing about a flat 20% less damage and taking a flat 20% more. add this on to the 30% reduction from incoming taunts, and your effective damage rating against a team utilizing taunts effectively is 50% of your potential, NOT including enemy mitigation. base mitigation against pretty much every non armor pen attack, when properly buffed, is at least 10%, so in addition to only haveing 50% of your base damage you knock another 10% off of that.


the fact is you're occupying a slot that could be quickly filled by someone who at least has the courtesy to use their recruit gear.


in addition; vote-to-kick only works if you aren't actively engaging in combat, or something similar. its there to remove AFK players, not undergeared noes, so you would have only been kicked if they managed to organize the team to vote you out AND you weren't contributing to the fighting.


Thats the problem pvp gear should only be for defensive purposes. Not I can hit you harder because I have expertise.

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Solid logic :rolleyes:. This is not PvE where you can get carried by a good team. PvP is about team vs. team. When you lower your team value by being inconsiderate then you must accept that the other team members won't like you.


On the contrary: many people cited the example of a player jumping into operations with levelling greens which is a very misguided point. In PvE the level you need to beat is always the same, there are certain requirements for it - Toth and Zorn would destroy a tank in levelling greens, no matter how good the rest of the team is - and if you fail you get no rewards, you'll have hefty repair costs and waste a tremendous amount of your time.


In a Warzone, you 1) have a chance to win even with 7 against 8 because the level of the opposition varies greatly (they might have players with worse gear than your full Rakata teammate, for example), 2) even if you lose there's no cost involved; you actually get rewards! 3) they last 15 minutes at most.


So PvP is a lot more forgiving towards bad gear than PvE, actually.

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