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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Erickson talks: New Planet Makeb, Free to 15, tutorials and... the Yuuzhan Vong?


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It is interesting that he spoke warmly about conversion rates and said nothing about retention rates.


The game has a lot to keep people playing to cap level and then turns into the much worn WOW raid or die (games over for most) model. A new planet will bring many back and offer much to those who stayed and are now leveling alts while their mains sit on fleet and are rarely played,


It is not my intention to start the also worn debate concerning raiding, but I would observe that the new non traditional MMO players being brought in will not be hard core raiders although some will end up being so. I would note that the people who left because, even though they liked the game, they hit cap and found nothing compelling to do will soon find themselves in the same place. WOW has started to look at the concept of retaining non raiding customers and SW should as well, Until then, the comments about brnging in new players and bringing back old ones just speaks to a band aide and not a cure.


I see your point, but if the goal now is to retain those "non hardcore raiding type" players, wouldn't new story content, which is a huge draw for this game, be the way to do it? In that respect I think they're doing exactly what they need to do because there's probably a good chance that there are more casual players out there who would be willing to experience the story of multiple classes than there are hardcore raiders. I of course am not insinuating the hardcore raiders be ignored, I just think Bioware needs to implement something for everyone. and Makeb, free to 15 and the legacy system are good starts. I do think they need to show their hardcore raiders some love though.

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I don't know, but you seriously think they will let players skip on HK-51 as a companion when they not letting you do with any other? :)




There is precedent, actually. SW spoilers:



In beta, the SW could choose to kill off Malavi Quinn when he betrayed you. This was incredibly awesome and the choice was permanent. he was dead. Then the players who spacebarred and didn't pay attention howled and whined so loudly that they removed that potential outcome. This difference here though is that Quinn isn't really an optional companion. I can see them leaving this type of outcome in for a completely optional, hard-to-get companion, though.


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There is precedent, actually. SW spoilers:



In beta, the SW could choose to kill off Malavi Quinn when he betrayed you. This was incredibly awesome and the choice was permanent. he was dead. Then the players who spacebarred and didn't pay attention howled and whined so loudly that they removed that potential outcome. This difference here though is that Quinn isn't really an optional companion. I can see them leaving this type of outcome in for a completely optional, hard-to-get companion, though.


Yes, the precedent is catering to the ADHD crowd making it impossible for you to do that. IIRC earlier in beta you could kill or refuse most or all of your companions, not just the one you mention in your spoiler. They're not going to tell someone that leveled a character to 50 just to get that companion "too bad you screwed up, no HK for you".

Edited by HarleysRule
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Another vague interview where nothing new is really said. What a surprise.

Also, did anyone else click on the video they had linked to that site? it was the old 1.2 patch update and I got a pretty good lol at the beginning when ohlen says we're not like other mmos we kept our original dev team so we can continue producing quality...LOL


Yea, I lol'd at that too. Very funny for that video to be so prominent in that particular article.

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So, we won't see Yuuzhan Vong, right?


Correct...unless EA overrules D.E. and the others...which I don't expect...<hoping>


I actually liked the Vong story, myself, though I thought it was drawn out over too many books...and I agree it has no place in SWTOR's timeline.

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An instant "No" to the idea of Yuuzhan Vong in the game makes me happy :)


Also added was a bit more information to HK-51 and it really sounds like an enjoyable mission.


If I could actually play a Yuuzhan Vong, i'd resub for a full year.

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What balance???


... Really? Go read the Server Population thread that measures concurrent users and daily logins etc. The balance between Imp Pub is 51-49. That's overall. Some servers are slightly more unbalanced, but overall there are a similar enough number of each faction playing to make the game balanced. Go do some research.

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Another fluff patch to keep the 25 people left in the game playing...


Ya I am one of em, but hey GW2 is around the corner, flame all you want. Pretty soon with EA placing swtor in a fully F2P model, you will be able to buy all kinds of cool armor for your Hk-51!!!


Just know this , KH-51 will be a re-skinned Eric Jorgan...i.e same abilities with a different name..


Enjoy the fluff

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"They’re incredibly good about all of that and we’re probably the most diligent researchers and Star Wars experts of anyone in the EU creation system, because our fans are very particular and they will catch us,”!


OK so then why were the Chiss added as a race when they weren't discovered until Outbound Flight crashed in their part of the galaxy? Oh yeah, because "the fans" demanded it, lolz.

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Another fluff patch to keep the 25 people left in the game playing...


Ya I am one of em, but hey GW2 is around the corner, flame all you want. Pretty soon with EA placing swtor in a fully F2P model, you will be able to buy all kinds of cool armor for your Hk-51!!!


Just know this , KH-51 will be a re-skinned Eric Jorgan...i.e same abilities with a different name..


Enjoy the fluff


****** player named after a ****** car talking **** about a game he doesnt even like.



U R Cool bro.

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OK so then why were the Chiss added as a race when they weren't discovered until Outbound Flight crashed in their part of the galaxy? Oh yeah, because "the fans" demanded it, lolz.


Not so. In Chiss space at around around 27,500 BBY on Csilla there was a human sleeper colony. "Though the Chiss were not widely known to the greater galaxy, examples of their technology were known to exist as far back as 3,951 BBY".


The Chiss were known by The Old Republics time. At the very least there is enough in the EU timeline and history that doesn't rule out the Chiss from being in the game at this time.

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Players won't skip on him if they have to pay attention, they pay attention they get rewarded if they don't thats their fault.


but that's just not how they've been doing stuff in swtor at all. it's way too forgiving. they wouldn't just change it up all of a sudden

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“What we always say is, before the game came out it was our game. As soon as it launched, it became the community’s game,” Erickson added.


And yet they don't listen, reply, post, act on or seem to care... If it's ours why arn't you answering to us about all the balls ups, let downs and general state the game is in? (I think I know the answer, but what the hell, thought I'd try asking). :o

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