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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

PvP: Well, Marauder is the strongest PvP class probably. Good damage, amazing survivability, amazing Utility. Powertech is the only class who can outdps a Marauder. And yes, Marauder need a nerf.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

All speccs are well made and fun. Marauder is pretty much perfect. Cloak of Pain needs a nerf though. Udying Rage and Camouflage is good and both fun to use but Cloak of Pain is boring to use and buffs us to the level of a tank specced class in tankyness (~40% absorb for kinetic (with armor) and co and 20% absorb for internal damage is too much for a class who has Camouflage and Undying Rage.)

Edited by Fyda
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1. I feel others view a marauder as the inspiring warrior. Judging by the class design I feel this is what you aimed for since we are buffers as well as dps. From a role playing perspective it would make sense, in a war seeing a dual wieldling sith cut through enemy after enemy would make you fight harder and follow them around ( which is why I think a lot of ppl dps the same targets I do). I think a lot of people think I'm op, because I melt people really fast, but I'm also very squishy and have played since beta so I don't think they consider this in their judgement. Based off of carnage.


Annihilation is more survivability, but it carriers the same effect. Often I would go down to 1k-500 hp and survive through it destroy my enemies and continue to cut people down. I feel like this is another inspiring note as to why they are buffers.


2. Like I said previously I feel like we're the closest thing to battle meditation there is. For me they are the most awesome class, the amount of depth involved in playing a marauder properly keeps me always excited and on my toes. For me to truly play a marauder properly I have to wisely use my unleash, ccs, and buffs. I feel like we have a lot of strong cooldowns because of many of the evidence I pointed out earlier in this script. Being such a crucial part of the team means people will always try to kill you, and people are ALWAYS trying to kill me. I've always got 1 or 2 people on me so having these cool downs makes it bare-able taking that kind of focus. I feel like with many of your classes you wanted them to feel powerful and I really like how you implemented that feeling for each class. Some people think these things should be scaled down, but if that happened it wouldn't feel like we were playing Sith and Jedi now would it? Beings with the power to tip the scales in a hyperspace war where everything is just about calculated except for their unpredictability and power. As a side note, I really like how you've balanced everything and I think the structure is awesome, everyone has their role and from my experience it all worksout perfectly, though I would like to point out many people who scream things are op can hardly play their classes properly. For example they don't use every skill as intended, suchas heals or slows dots etc. I think it'd be a good idea to go ahead and find a way to give these people tips. Such as kiting.

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1) I feel other classes are ok with us in PVE as we're a consistent source of dps and provide some group benefits as well as not being the standard "melee liability" some games make mirror classes out to be. As for PVP I can only assume we are annoying but able to be dealt with. Everyone is going to have a different opinion based balance vs their specific class and how likely a marauder is to pick them out of a group.


2) I'm pretty happy with the class as a whole. I've played all 3 specs (mostly in PVP) and find each to have their own fun play styles. You have your pick in pve or pvp really between sustained, single target burst and multi target burst dps and its not form some stupid cool down top tier talent (ok a little but compared to other classes/games it doesn't define the class). I loved skyrimming it up as carnage spec, void star doors or nailing a group of base cappers in novare coast for 3-5 k each and the set it and forget it attitude that comes with annihilation is great as well.


This might seem strange on an MMO forum of someone saying good job but well, good job on the sith marauder class as a whole. Having limited beta experience I can honestly say its not really what I expected from the class but I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Obviously if I were to nitpick i could point out a thing or two I was less then thrilled with but they are very minor compared to the level of fun I have had in both pve and pvp playing this game.

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1. Marauders are generally perceived as overpowered and have great burst damage in the Carnage spec. However I do not feel there is a need to change anything in the Annihilation spec since most of the newer PvE content seems to favor ranged damage dealers.

2, Personally I use the annihilation spec since I do mostly PvE content in the game. I would say the Carnage spec is a little overpowered because of the combination of burst damage and defensive cool-downs that they have in PvP situations

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Before I respond to relevant points, let me just say - PvP is what I play pretty much every day since 13th December. I've played nearly all the classes and decided to stick with Marauder. I'm also decent at PvP and very rarely lose 1v1 if such a thing occurs in a warzone, unless I'm on 30% hp and even then not always. My point of view will be purely PvP oriented.


The quintessential 2-3 sentences I've highlight in bold for feedback.


1. People think Marauder class is overpowered. In my opinion, a decent player who plays PvP a lot can make any class seem overpowered and in need of a nerf. Ranged players don't realize how squishy we are, our most useful spec has little to no burst, if we get stunlocked we get torn to shreds since all our defenses are active. If DPS operatives were any more popular, we'd be in big trouble. Pyro's can kite us into oblivion with their never ending auto snare. I see Sages and Sorcerers trying to facetank me which is a very very bad idea. IMHO at equal gear level I could defeat most Marauders as any other class, some, like gunslingers/snipers, would have it much easier, some a bit harder but it's not a matter "I can't do anything marauders are OP". Yesterday I've met first Sentinel in a Warzone that was playing on my or possibly even higher level, he was using his abilities in the right time and not making mistakes while circle strafing and running through me all the time. I can understand how this can be confusing to people who don't come from a pvp background as it makes activating your abilites a lot more difficult. When you end up losing to a Marauder who self heals himself and you're dead and he's on 85% HP, yeah that could seem like a straight OP thing, this however can only happen if player is inexperienced and Marauder pops most of his defensive cd's.


2. Annihilation is very good 1v1 however doesn't provide much group utility, damage easily countered if the group has 2+ guarded healers as they have more spare gcd's and will purge your dots. This is my biggest gripe with Anni spec, purging makes you feel like you do no damage whatsoever. Carnage - ok for RWZs but easily countered by plethora of knockbacks, stuns = low uptime on target, short window for Gore doesn't help but I do understand why this is the case. Rage? Gimmicky spec useful once every blue moon in Voidstar but anywhere else other specs would come ahead, it does good damage only every 15 sec or so. Smash animation is slow and easily countered by someone who knows their stuff.


And now just my general feel of the class vs others, feel free to skip this one


Sorcerer - Madness 9 sec root for 2 sec, they slow and kite us, you get to him he sprints away, dots you into oblivion and runs away from you. His dots tick for craploads of damage and aside of going into Camouflage not much can be done to counter it.

Sorcerer - Lighting - turret spec, only dangerous in PvP if left alone

Assassin Darkness - (in)famous tank spec with dps gear, before the nerf they would outlast everyone, it seems to be more in line now, experienced player behind this class is very very dangerous

Assassin Deception - Hit hard, hit fast, when out of stealth this class can't facetank and stand toe to toe with us, if attacks from stealth it can tear you a new one very quickly

Pyro PT - Uh where do I start, this class has very low learning curve, you could put a monkey behind the keyboard and it would do very well. All attacks are instant, in reality thanks to CGC you're always snared. Dots have 100% armor penetration and every six seconds you get rail'ed for ridiculous amount. God of kiting and damage at the moment, two pyros on one team can put enough pressure on enemy healers by just spreading the dots it's insane. Best single target damage in game. Very good counter to Marauders.

Mercenary - you let them cast, they crit like a ^(*^*&%&^$%&$, if you can stick to them as Anni you'll probably win. Turret specs are easily countered in general thanks to 6sec interrupt.

Sniper - Hard counter to Marauders if played well for obvious reasons, was least played class in the game, I bet it's a lot more popular right now

Operative DPS - not many of them around, if they get you from stealth you might just wake up dead if there's anybody else from their team around. If this class ever gets a gap closer I might just consider going back to it (I have one at 50)

Juggernaut Vengeance- good defenses for a DPS spec, a lot of upfront damage but fully shut down with 90% accuracy debuff. If they have their defensive cd's up they will whoop your *** hard

Jugg Immortal - not many of them around and when you see them in full WH it's like 25k hp, they still do decent damage but fighting them feels like throwing rocks at mount everest.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


The Marauder is considered overpowered by other classes and frankly I agree with them. There's just too many defensive cooldowns which make me either immune or able to deflect most damage. When you compare the Marauder with other DPS classes it is completely out of line in terms of defense.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I play the Carnage spec and it is pretty balanced. If you'd take away some of the defensive abilities from the Sith Warrior class itself (I believe that most of them should only belong to the Juggernaut instead) we would be much more balanced.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


I don't know.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I play a carnage spec'd marauder and I absolutely love it. I don't play it enough, but then there are other classes I prefer to play. I like the trade off of strengths and weaknesses that the marauder has, and the visceral slash-slash-slash feel that comes with this style of play.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


1. I have a 50 Carnage Marauder that I think is perceived as overpowered by other classes.

2. Post 1.2, the DPS output seemed to get stronger and it's probably the most fun character I have right now (also have 50 sorcerer and 50 guardian.) You can be easily killed if you take on too many enemies or don't rotate your cooldowns correctly but when done right I feel like I'm beating people to death with my lightsabers and that's just a ton of fun.

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I ONLY PVP on this toon, so this is PVP only feedback


1) Unstoppable killing machine fuelled by DPS well beyond any other class, completely overpowered cool downs and overall defence, incredibly mobility and control, and self healing that is so off the hook it’s simply unbelievable.


2) Perfectly balanced in every way. Nothing to see here.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


Solid DPS. Too much burst in PVP. Many think our defensive cooldowns are overpowered, but they ignore the fact that we'd be canon fodder without them or that we're the only class without a knockback or a stun. They also ignore what impact on PVE the nerfing of those defenses would have.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Great DPS, but boring to play. Most of the time you're spamming Massacre while waiting for Gore to come off cooldown.





1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


Great DPS. Hard to kill one-on-one, but lacks burst. Many think our defensive cooldowns are overpowered, but they ignore the fact that we'd be canon fodder without them or that we're the only class without a knockback or a stun. They also ignore what impact on PVE the nerfing of those defenses would have.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Great DPS and very interesting and challenging spec to play. Useless in organized PVP due to bleeds being dispellable.

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I am a highly geared Annihilation-spec Marauder who only does PVE.


Others' Perception

A very effective mDPS, probably the best DPS out there. That said, in Ops & FP the lack of knockbacks, stuns and ranged & AoE attacks means the Marauder is just one part of the overall group.


My Perception

Understanding your spec and your ability mechanics are key. When you do so Marauders are a lot of fun and high DPS. I like the trade offs within the class. That is, I am happy to forego CCs, knockbacks and ranged attacks and do max damage instead. Other than Sniper we are the only 1-role advanced class out there. This feels limiting at times, but is overall ok.

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1. Perceived by some as overpowered in 1.3. Mostly due to changes in other classes from what I've seen.


2. Hardest class to play, but potentially the most powerful in the current build (1.3). My very first character was a Carnage marauder, and I face-planted so much I nearly deleted my toon. I played other classes/AC's and they were ALL easier. I respected him to Annihilation around 1.1 and it was finally playable. Now days I'm actually enjoying playing my marauder.


If Marauders cooldowns are nerfed, then marauders will need a significant boost to their passive defenses to remain viable.

Edited by MasterWxman
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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

Annihilation - Very strong DPS in PVE. Bad players think it's horribly overpowered in PVP, good players know that it's relatively easy to deal with.

Carnage - Decently strong in PVE, useful on bursty boss fights. Also considered horribly overpowered in PVP (since Marauder), but usually not the target of the ire of whiners like Annihilation is (due to lack of self-heals).


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Annihilation - Very strong in PVE - sturdy, good sustained DPS, worth actually leaving in melee range. Very useful when queueing solo in PVP, due to sturdiness and ability to lock down healers. Not so useful in organized PVP when people actually have a clue.

Carnage - Finally potentially useful in PVE, but still not good enough to use in place of Annihilation most of the time. Very useful in organized PVP due to burst potential and utility, very vulnerable in pickup PVP due to lack of self-sustainability. Definitely the most "glass cannon" Marauder spec in spite of all the cooldowns.




As far as the "overpowered" stuff in PVP goes, I think the only thing that's really knocking on that door is Force Camo. Specifically, the vanish aspect. I feel that Marauder needs the other defensive cooldowns to be viable, due to utter lack of ranged attacks and necessity to get into melee combat to build resources. Being able to escape and/or reset an engagement at will is a bit over the top. However, any removal of Force Camo vanish should be replaced by a similar-cooldown (e.g. 45s) ranged interrupt, because otherwise the class would be complete fodder for all ranged specs to the point of being underpowered (it's already hard-countered by Sniper/Gunslinger, and losing the vanish would make that matchup even more one-sided). The threat-drop aspect for PVE should remain unchanged or be migrated to a new ability with identical results (the class would be useless in PVE without the threat drop, due to melee vs. ranged threat mechanics).

Edited by Omophorus
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  • 2 weeks later...

played to lvl 50, then stopped mainly doing the odd HM or pvp in recruit.


1) Monster dps, easily one of the most powerful current classes. Best at 1 v 1, with too many utility ability's slapped on top, great for objectives. Can do anything an (non-hybrid) Sin or operative can better, first choice as a replacement dps for melee or range since the their utility is a powerful gap closer / objective carrier. Over powered and Over played.


2) Is over played. Feel that this class is stronger because it is so streamlined for it's role in the game, No wasted ability's or talents in comparison to other classes. Jump with an anchor is a huge advantage, great dps all round, utilitys are sub par to none. stronget 1 v 1 dps class. I think that the class is currently over powered because other classes are weaker not that there is anything wrong with this class specificly. Requires less skill to play for dps / metals, but the best players (very few) playing the spec goals are to contribute to more than that. I believe that some of the other classes would benefit from streamlining to their roles like this class, and so should be used as an example in some cases.

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1. Seen as overpowered by those that either don't understand the class and/or haven't figured out how to counter this AC.


2. This AC is a wrecking ball if left unchecked, incredibly balanced compared to other classes in that it has the right tools to fulfull its role as a pure damage dealer. Great defensive cooldowns in that without them, this AC would be far too easy to bring down.


I love the Cheat Death mechanic that is Undying Rage. It lets me hang on just a few seconds longer to be able to get off that AE to stop a cap or to apply one more bleed to help finish off that enemy. If it must be nerfed, it should be in the duration or cooldown. The health cost makes it useless as a tanking button and should never be used or changed to be used in such a way so reducing the damage reduction should be out of the question.

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I have been playing the marauder class as my main character since mid feb. I chose this class for two main reasons. First I thought a character with two lightsabers looked great. Second, I expected someone carrying two lightsabers would do massive DPS.


How do I perceive others thinking about this class? Alot of people complain about the class because they believe it is overpowered but I also hear others complain about bounty hunters, sorcerers, assassins, etc. The point being all classes are complained about by other players who dont play that paticular class.


How do I perceive this class? I think the class is right where it should be in terms of survivability (defensive CD's) and also DPS. This class, as I expected, should be one of the highest DPS classes in the game because thats pretty much what they are all about. In pvp players should definitely target the healer and the marauder as those are two big threats. But thats not to say other classes should not be targeted also, it just depends on the group you are fighting against. I frequently get cut down by other classes quite quickly if they are skilled and know what they are doing. I play a lot of pvp (almost all WH gear/some augmented and valor rank 75) so it really depends on the skill level of the opposition. I dont think a single thing needs to be changed about this class as other classes have PLENTY of stuns/interrupts to counter the "marauder threat" (note any other class can be put into this parantheses.


Thats my opinion and take on the matter, hope that helps!

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Comments specific to annihalation marauder:

1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


I think most other classes, especially if they have never played marauder, think it is way overpowered. They think the damage and DPS is insane and a marauder is impossible to kill. This is not true, in my opinion, you just have to know to interrupt the marauder and play on his weaknesses.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I only have two toons, Assassin and Marauder, and the Marauder gameplay and enjoyment factor is a million times better, The class balnces damage with health regeneration really well. A well-played marauder does not need a healer in close vicinity 24/7, like an Assassin does. There are a few things I'd like to see- maybe a longer timed force cloak, a CC equivalent to disable droid.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


Overpowered way to many defensive abilities when compared with some other defensive classes.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


As others do overpowered its hilarious killing others in warzones no class really stands a chance i am surprised we dont just see this class in game in the future.

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Marauder: Annihilation 70% of the time Carnage 30% of the time (keeps it fresh)


1: I think that people who don't know how to deal with a marauder think I am overpowered, I deal a great deal of damage and have good survivability, as with cool downs they don't get the catharsis of killing me.


2: I have worked hard to optimise my gear and believe that every! other class can deal the same amount of damage if they were too equally, I always come up short against a decent Pyro tech. I play annihilation and really like the way the talent tree is put together and the styles flow. Carnage is a one trick pony that people need to learn to play against; I have.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


1) Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense would tell you that Marauders are not OP, but well balanced.

2) I think it's perfect, excellent class for raiding. (I don't pvp)

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?


I think other classes despise the Marauder class. The reason I think they hate the class is related to PvP because the Marauder is required to fight close-quarters and people don't like getting chopped down in a toe-to-toe fight.


Many players that have never played a Marauder/Sentinel think they are overpowered in PvP due to some of their defensive cooldowns and group utility buffs. However, that is a veiled reason for their QQ mainly because most players are largely ignorant of the class's capability and just don't like to die in PvP.


Interestingly enough, my Marauder has no trouble finding a place in PvP groups. However, I experience extreme difficulty finding a DPS spot in PvE Raids. Apparently, the skills players perceive as overpowered in PvP don't carry over well to PvE, if at all.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I think the spec performs exceptionally as a single target damage dealer in terms of output, which is our role in both PvP and PvE. In PvP, we are quite formidable as our ST DPS capability is at the top of the heap with other DPS specs such as Pyrotechs and Snipers. However, other DPS specs, particularly Range specs, will often out perform a Marauder simply because they have Range to lean on.


If my Marauder can get to a target, he can perform well. However, the abundance of CC in this game's PvP is a constant frustration for a melee class. The burst my Marauder can achieve is necessary, in this regard, in relation to his time spent grey-barred.


Additionally, I believe the Marauder is quite squishy. Many players complain about the Marauder's defensive cooldowns in PvP, but those defensive cds are essential to a Marauders survivability as is evidenced and experienced early on in low level PvP. In endgame PvE Raids, a lack of those cooldowns means certain death.

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1. How do you think your Marauder spec is perceived by other classes?

Most people think we are over powered. But with only two abilities guaranteed to be greater than 5 meters (force scream and deadly throw), we are easily kited. Undying Rage is very powerful, but a stun, mez, or force choke will defeat it.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Great damage and utility. Haven't seen a marauder get as much damage as a powertech or sniper, but we are melee, so I understand.

Annihilation: Great in PvP and PvE. Great survivability, very good at 1v1 and great utility with the Raid Heals.

Rage: Glass cannon. Lots of 5k+ smashes but I feel squishier. Which is ok imo because I do much more damage in this spec than in anni. Plus I get focused =[

Carnage: Very bursty, 80% predation is nice but I haven't played in ages.

Edited by HaemmernZeit
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With all due respect I honestly fail to understand the purpose of this thread. I'm not attempting to be mean or anything but the fact is when people get killed in warzone they tend to blame the class/gear and not their lack of skills. People are still crying about operatives today and they've been nerfed 3 times already.


There are only two builds that actually requires some fixes imo and those are arsenal merc (being a one trick pony) and Lightning Sorc (being too easy to shut down). I honestly feel instead of asking us - the players - for feedbacks, the dev should consider joining warzone anonymously and try out the classes themselves.

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