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I play a Juggernaut in Immortal spec (32/7/2), build for PvP over PvE slightly.


As for your questions:


1. I think players see my spec as a damage sponge and taunt/guard bot in PvP that has no damage output. Not perceived as any kind of offensive threat but an important target to track if only to kill whoever I have guarded. As far as PvE goes, I feel like we are regarded as solid tanks but maybe the weakest of the three by some margin. Certainly we seem to be considered the lowest DPS possible in SWTOR.


2. My perception of Immortal is that it has a lot of PvP utility that comes with the downside of having very little damage. Personally I have a stupid amount of fun with the combination of quite a lot of CC and extreme mobility while still having a ton of survivability. However, I think that the way the tree is constructed doesn't well match the design of the rest of SWTOR's skill trees; Immortal almost seems to get weaker the more you invest into the tree, with high tier talents like Thrown Gauntlet and Shield Specialization having relatively poor returns per point, whereas the first three tiers are packed with significantly more value. In particular, we get very little survivability beyond the third tier when it comes to PvP, to the point where a lot of players that tank in PvP have just started putting those points into Vengeance instead for more damage and some different utility (like trading Backhand for Unstoppable). Doing this doesn't cost them any survivability as a tank in PvP and in my opinion that is a sign Immortal isn't up to par. I'm satisfied with the play style of Immortal and the active skills introduced in the tree (Invincible, Backhand and Crushing Blow are all useful and fun to use) but the passives - particularly beyond tier 3 - need to be examined and more passive survivability introduced in the upper half. Particularly Dark Blood and Sweeping Fury.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

As a liability and easily forgotten in pvp. Typically only a danger with rage spec and even then they are lucky to get one smash in before dieing. In pve no one wants them as a dps and as a tank they are used as a secondary most of the time.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Fun but weak. I have a 50 sent and a 50 juggernaut and while I enjoy both I have more fun on my juggernaut. Problem is as a dps juggernaut though is I have no survivability in pvp. Enraged defense is only useful in vengeance tree and endure pain is a complete joke. 30% heal that only lasts 10 seconds? 10 seconds later its like taking a double crit and I find myself running around with 1hp and dead a second later. Vengeance is my favorite spec but as a sustained dps spec we have nothing to survive with as a melee class compared to our AC counterpart sentinel. Outside of being a ball carrier and spamming chilling scream in hallways I feel useless in vengeance spec. The dots either need a self heal or we need better defensive CD's. Because of their low survivability for a sustained dps spec I literally feel forced into rage spec just to get some burst and decent damage on a target before I'm dead. While rage spec can be amusing at time hitting 3-4 people for 4-5k it's not my preferred spec. I'd much rather be playing vengeance.


Tank spec I haven't really played with too much but for pvp all that white damage is really detrimental to them and sonic barrier talent for force scream is seriously lacking.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Rage Spec

1. I believe this spec is viewed by many as a "one trick pony". It is the thought of as the 'squishiest" Juggernaut spec and is routinely the primary focus target in PVP if you chose to focus a DPS and not a healer.


2. I think it can be more accurately described as having high burst for a very limited period coupled with a, now, longer period of far less damage, or in other words peaks and valleys. Since the removal of "Force Alacrity" in the Rage tree in 1.2, our level of consistent damage has been hurt quite a bit, making this spec far less powerful.

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1. I feel as though players perceive me as being a pigeon-holed class. If your not specced rage you don't get to play Rated warzones due to players trying to make optimum team composition.


2. I perceive my class as the 'standard' tank and 'standard' Jugg. Other than the 30m leap nothing I do is any different from other classes. I love the Veng tree but it requires you to chase your target for the same dps other classes acheive through crowd control or range. The juggernaut does not feel like he lives up to the awesome power you think of when you say his name.


The class is a blast to play. Something seems missing from it's core though.

Edited by Waterjunkie
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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?



Rage pvp jugg



1. 1trick poney not a real threat outside of hutball


2. in a good spot as far as pvp is concerned, i think rage has a high skill cap to put out a ton of damage. if played properly can top the dps charts and still provide protection with taunts and a guard if really needed. i feel i have to work alot but not to much. overall i like where rage is right now but whould like a bit more survivability. this all coming from a pvp perspective, i also dont like how our main dps move being smash can be completely negated by a couple other classes if not timed properly, but not that big of a deal just have to know who your fighting and when to drop it.

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1. I believe juggs are perceived as one of the weakest ACs and the weakest tanks.

2. I believe my class can perform well if you play it properly, but they could use a slight buff to DPS and a large buff to tank DPS and threat. I think that immortal needs a ton of work. Immortal is not a viable tree in its current form. It is poor design that you have to spec hybrid to be an effective tank/

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1.) It seems like people are like " /sigh anyone that is not a juggernaut want to tank for us? we really don't want a juggernaut?" a minute later "fine we'll take you..." that is how it feels like to be an immortal spec.


2.) I feel like I do hold aggro rather well because of the recent update to threat, but with that recent update it feels like crushing blow got hurt with its damage. Endure pain shouldn't have to take our 30% extra health if our max health allows it, our rakata medpacs add an extra 15% but doesn't take it back so why does endure pain? immortal should be able to have you put a point into not having enraged defense drop aggro, for the reason of it dropping aggro i simply not bought it because i thought "Why would a tank use this when it will make me lose what i'm tanking?" especially in boss fights that contain more than one boss (toth and zorn, jarg and sorno, firebrand and stormcaller). I don't know how juggernauts compare to the other two tanks defensively but we do noticeably have less HP when looking at similarly geared assassins/powertechs.

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Hi everyone,


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


Thank you!


1). Compared to the marauder, we are worthless.

2). The Vengeance/focus/immortal trees are horrible. Vengeance needs A LOT of help. Most of our dps is based entirely on luck.

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Only do PvE, as a tank


1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes? - Even with better gear I am apparently more squishy than a nerfed Assassin. No other complaints though, so is adequate.


2. How do you perceive your own spec? - Squishy. My health seems to go down quickly, and then I think I am getting spam healed so it stops. Threat is poor, even with the buff (I am blaming over eager dps). Main problem is positioning in a lot of fights. You nearly always need to move the boss in some way, and all threat moves are melee so it is touch and go to see if you are in range. Having to build rage at the start of fights, or waiting for throw saber/charge/the ability that gives you rage before you can attack is annoying.

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PvE DPS (Vengeance)



In general: Poor DPS, 2nd-class Marauder.

Guildmates: Squishy - requires a lot more healing than a Marauder with their self-heals and arguably better defensive CD's. Solid DPS (in particular when AoE is relevant, but that's once in a blue moon.)



Fun, but I do dislike the RNG dependancy. When Ravage chain-procs, it gets exciting, but when it does not, it's sort of dull. That's the only thing keeping it from being a solid rotation-spec, which could be spiced up by adding other procs.

I loathe the set bonuses. The 4-set bonus is decent - but with the high mobility demands and long CD, not all that useful - but could easily be implemented as a Skill. The 2-set bonus is a joke.


PvP DPS (Vengeance)


Melee without Marauder/Powertech burst, nor any fancy defensive cooldowns to outlive the threat priority being closest to a majority of the enemies gives you. Dangerous enough to be killed, and easy enough to do so in a short manner.



The dependancy of Sunder slows down damage and fluidity. I feel more like a CC disarmer when charging into the enemy, as my immunty will soak up a number of CC. Not enough burst, nor enough survability to last long in melee range. It's still entertaining, however.


That said, it's still an entertaining class.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

I too have seen people say in General chat: "Team looking for tank. Not Juggernaut." I think that pretty much says it all, don't you?


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Level 50 Immortal Juggernaut, plus several others at various levels. I also have a Trooper Vanguard and several Powertechs. I like to play tanks and have played them in a couple of MMOs.


Immortal Juggernauts feel like they're the least tough of all the tank classes in TOR. This was made worse by the recent increase in aggro holding ability because now even more incoming fire is directed at my Juggernaut but his ability to soak damage wasn't increased. This problem is especially noticeable with elemental and internal damage which bosses have in abundance. On top of that the Juggernaut's DPS was recently reduced, which would have been ok if their ability to soak damage had been increased in return. Obviously it wasn't.


Also, other than a few seconds after Force Leap is used, the Juggernaut is just as susceptible to stuns, holds and knockdowns as any other class. Having tanked in several other MMOs this seems odd to me. I've never before played an MMO where the main tank is just as vulnerable to mezes as the 'glass canon' DPS class is.


When specced for damage (Rage/Vengeance) the Juggernaut seems to come in last in damage output in comparison to other DPS classes/specs. Having so many situational powers contributes to this. I also have a Trooper Vanguard and several Powertechs, and with none of them do I have to pay so much attention to the type and status of my target to see if I can use a certain power or not. This makes both tanking and DPSing with the Juggernaut overly complex and often frustrating, something that would be offset if the Juggernaut had the ability to excel when played right, but it just doesn't.


TL;DR: Despite being one of the most difficult classes to play, the Juggernaut comes in dead last as either a tank or a damage dealer. Frankly if it weren't for Vette and Jaesa, I think this class would be even more unpopular than it already is.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

PVE: DPS > We have one viable dps tree (vengeance) and that is sub-par at best. Completely geared with best in slot I can only keep up with DPS on SOME fights. Marauders bring WAY more to the table with bloodthirst than I do with my armor debuff.

Tank > Threat generation was fixed a bit in 1.3 which was nice and I still feel we have better cooldowns than Sins...however our threat generation is not as good as Sin tanks (wither is essentially another AoE taunt) and the damage we do and long cool downs on our main threat generating abilities makes for a very boring rotation in my own opinion.


PVP: DPS > [Rage] Everyone thinks of rage as a faceroll spec, and it WAS what set us apart from Marauders. However with the changes to the rage tree in 1.2 moving our buff smash to the shared tree and removing the cooldown reducing talent on force abilities has made marauders yet again the FotM. I also feel any competent player can easily counter the predictable build up of a hard hitting smash.

[Veng] Vengeance is nice single target pressure, but with our two main abilities being white damage (ravage and impale) it makes it very easy for people to mitigate our damage as opposed to say, an operative who's abilities are all considered tech attacks.

[immortal] I can't say much as I have not played much pvp as a tank but I hear they are working well.

The one thing I will say that is nice about our class is the ability to taunt/guard on the fly, and leap 4 times in a row with everything up (force leap > force push > Force Leap > intercede > Obliterate, yup...I said it...Obliterate)

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

One consistent thing I've seen that I agree with is the class lacks identity. There really isn't anything SPECIAL we bring to the table that can't be done better, or just as well ALONG with something else by another class. I would like to see some changes to the talent tree to make our pvp specs AND pve specs unique from a marauders. Over all though I do enjoy my class (even though I'm leveling a marauder alt as we speak)




Prophecy of the Five


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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

Immortal Spec: Good damage reduction, but terrible single-target DPS (which is most important for PVE Operations). Last choice of tanks for PVE operations due to lack of DPS, lack of pull ability, and all PVE end-game content is tailored for range DPS/Tanks.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Fun to play, just doesn't perform as well as other DPS and Tank classes. SWTOR is setup for Range > Melee so why take melee with you?

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

Immortal Spec

  • I believe that we are viewed as decent single target tanks.
  • Our ability to hold initial aggro is poor until threat has built up to the point that taunt can work effectively. Often high DPS classes are told to hold off until we build up some aggro. Could be easily fixed by adding additional high aggro to force charge/saber throw when in Soresu Form.
  • AE threat generation is still very poor, especially early in the fight.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Immortal Spec

  • I feel the biggest issue with tanking is for all tank classes. Internal/Elemental damage cannot be mitigated by better gear. This means that its up to the healers and only the healers to heal through bosses that deal large amounts of these types of damage. This is also what makes tanking in PvP near worthless except for taunt/guard. Some CD's can help with this, but not when the almost all the bosses damage is elemental/internal. I would love to see gear upgrades make a difference in reducing this damage.
  • The changes to crushing blow only help when you have time to get 5 stacks and then trigger it. In order to get it to AE proc, you often have to ignore other targets to get the stacks up before you can use crushing blow. This often means that other mobs will be out of range and usually on the healer. I often find that I am better off holding aggro by AE taunting and spamming sweeping slash.
  • Our DPS while tanking is far below other similar geared tank classes, this leaves problems both in contributing to rage timers, or killing adds quickly for required mechanics. In addition, it makes maintaining threat hard without relying on taunt. Later in the fight this isn't a problem since threatis cumulative, but it can be critical early in a fight especially if tank swapping is required as taunt needs to be off the CD during the swap.

Edited by Zurrin
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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


I think people generally perceive my Rage specced jugg as a tank and always seem to expect a guard on their character. People would also seem to prefer the marauder advanced class over the jugg for dps simply because of the AoE helping moves a marauder can provide.




2. How do you perceive your own spec?


The rage spec is a lot of fun. I was told that the rage spec is better as a juggernaut, while I'm not sure if this is true, I still went the route. The control in pvp is awesome, as well as the AoE damage. I believe the reason why so many people expect Juggs only to be tanks is because unlike the marauder they can only help individuals (such as intercede), however I hardly use intercede at all in pve and use it in pvp to jump to a friendly, I don't use it to help them particularly. The one qualm I have with the rage spec is either due to latency or something other, that dependent on using smash is not always instant as it claims. That when someone uses a knock back my instant use of smash doesn't register. Makes it frustrating on a smash dependent build.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


I'm talking about PvP: Well, Juggernaut overall feels incredible weak compared to a Marauder, especially in low lvls. Vigilance is just plain awful: Less survivability, less damage, about the same Utility as a marauder. There is no reason to pick a DPS-Juggernaut over a Marauder. Yes, Taunt is good but Marauder brings a raid-speedbuff, a healing debuff and has way better survivability and better damage. Heavy armor also doesn't give enough defense. It seems that Heavy Armor is pretty weak in this game. Buff heavy armor and nerf tank-stances?


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I can (again) only talk from a PvP view: Vigilance is extremely weak. It needs a stun or a root to land Ravage. Also it needs more burst. Increase the cooldown and damage on Impale and lower the dot-damage on shatter but greatly increase the instant damage? Impale and Shatter also feel rather boring. How about a way to combine them for some CC? You could also combine this with an Eviscerate, Rampage and Draining Scream-buff. How about: Draining Scream: For 10 Seconds after using Enrage, your Impale will knock down the enemy for 3 seconds if it hits a target affected by Shatter. With this animation please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21g7B-Z6vMc (The first one)


Rage has good damage but it's way to squishy. Also Smash is sometimes extremely frustrating to land against laggy enemies. You can follow them and stand IN THEM and you won't hit it. Fix the lag or change the Smash-hitbox from a circle to something like this: http://i.imgur.com/dV73n.png



Yes, more than 2-3 sentence but Jugg has in PvP more than a few problems <.<

Edited by Fyda
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Immortal Juggernaut PVE


1. Reading the forums apparently we are the squishiest most useless tank ever, according to the people I play with it is rather neutral. A good player can overcome class problems.


2. I think after 1.3 we got a boost in area threat, but a hit in single target. That used to be our main strength, but because of having a damage reduction holding aggro can be a pain if you have over zealous dps. The worst for me is any time I have to kite, juggernauts just aren't mobile AT ALL. I can almost never main tank Karagga because kiting him around the room is stupid hard. Or if the other tank dies on Kephess and I have to take over, it can be a pain to tank and stay out of the purple circles.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


Can only comment on PVE tanking.


Cannot manage group threat or mobs. Allows mobs to swarm over rest of party while we work three times as hard to hold group threat. This is a constant, constant refrain from both guildmates and pugs.


Liability on bosses that do undefendable/unshieldable damage (Jarg, Stormcaller) because we have the lowest base hp (in fully augmented black hole, I am constantly asked why I don't have more hp) as compared to other tanks, and we have no meaningful abilities to help against internal/elemental damage except the underwhelming endure pain.


Very good single target tank.


Enrage timers come into play more often.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I completely love the aesthetics and mood of the class. I love the flexibility of stringing together combinations and using creative gameplay (particularly mobility tools) to manage group combat. The various stuns/mezzes/knockbacks and mobility are fantastic and exciting (of course, they are largely useless on boss fights, a recurring theme for this class's strong points).


Our dps and group aggro generating ability is beyond terrible. We now have the same 45 second aoe taunt as the other classes even though we have very limited aoe damage capabilities and cannot pull. It is insane how little damage we do, particularly aoe damage.


My level 15 powertech with flamethrower and death from above can output over half the damage that sweeping slash does and can do both from range and it is unshieldable tech damage. I just checked the numbers: at level 15, death from above on a 60 second cooldown is doing 750 damage and flamethrower about 500. I have no relics, no helmet, and am in mostly green. My level 50 juggernaut is in full augmented blackhole with the exception of my shield and my hilt. My sweeping slash costs three rage (THREE RAGE!!!) AND DOES 750-825ish in damage. Plus, it's a melee skill rather than ranged, plus it is white damage versus yellow. This state of affairs is beyond pathetic, it is broken and horrific. How is that even slightly balanced? Sweeping slash is so bad it should be free. Our only other aoe damage ability, smash, we have to spend skill points in to try to buff its damage and provide some defensive relief (quake), but it's nowhere near abilities such as Wither or Death from Above.


If I hadn't geared this class before I knew any better I would abandon it, as we have to work so damn hard to accomplish what other tanks do with ease. I do not understand why a melee class that gets bounced around like crazy does so little damage. These complaints have been around since beta. How are you not seeing this problem?


It isn't just damage issues, defensively, the entire upper immortal tree is awful. It consists of underwhelming mitigation fluff (five more seconds of endure pain? Wow. Great sixth tier ability), rage management tools (boring, should be combined into one useful ability) and three dps abilities IN A TANKING TREE ... that are useless against bosses and do only slightly more damage than standard attacks. Two points ... TWO POINTS ... for four percent shield!?!?!?! The Force Push cooldown reduction does not belong in a tanking tree. And it's the most useless/horrible/ridiculous skill in the game. And it's a fifth tier ability! Where's the endurance boost? A melee tank with almost no passive mitigation skills doesn't get an endurance skill, but powertechs do?


I am making do, but the lack of damage output, high number of abilities that need to be used to tank effectively, and the difficulty in holding group aggro is annoying. Death from Above accomplishes in the click of one button what I have to use three or four abilities to achieve (saber throw to one target, force leap to another, force smash, then sweeping slash and/or aoe taunt), and I don't do it as well. You can't kite with this class because we have a 4 m interrupt (the Assassin, at least, has an 8m interrupt) and if we back away more than a few feet we only have a few abilities, mostly weak ones, that can do damage.


Melee tanks should do the MOST damage and have the MOST health because we have to deal with all the problems of melee positioning and the ton of aoe damage that appear to be the boss mechanic du jour. We have the worst self-healing, the worst overall passive mitigation, an absolutely awful tanking tree (the powertech tanking tree makes me drool), and by FAR the worst damage ... particularly aoe damage. We have a ton of useless abilities. Thankfully, our cooldowns are fantastic. They're the saving grace to the class, as for short periods of time we absolutely shine like rock stars.

Edited by Powerrmongerr
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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


-DPS: Marauders can provide more DPS and group buffs, while Juggernauts bring less DPS and few group benefits; definitely subpar.

-Tank: Subpar, because while 1.3 changes helped with AOE threat, still lose aggro quickly in multi-target situations. Being in melee range is problematic because it's easy to be forced out of damaging range.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Juggernaut is the class i really want to play because of aesthetics (lightsaber, heavy armor, Force Choke) and playstyle. However, DPS spec feels distinctly inferior, and I have been not invited to groups in favor of a different type of tank. I would really like to feel like people wanted my class in a group.

Edited by Capella
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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

I think everyone see the Jugg tank immoral spec as any other tank from any other mmo. Decent amount of Defensive Cd's and is good for end game single tank fights. There isn't anything special or anything setting it apart from Warrior tanks of World of warcraft. Even with the leap ability.


2. How do you perceive your own spec? As of 1.3 Agro is still an issue with well geared Dps. Snap agro only last a few seconds even with staggering agro cool downs. Sustained Agro Gen is still low compared to the the amount dps is able to pull. On Single Tankable fights I have to use all threat gens even those meant for groups. I feel this aspect of this class is still unfinished. I'd like to see something like a Saber Boomerang manuever as a taunt with no set number of mobs hit. Not on the same global cool down as the other taunt cool down with a decent range. Also able to recognize Crowd Controled MoBs.

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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Playing immortal tank since the first day of early access.


1. The tank with the lowest dps; the reason why the raid group hits enrage all the time in Denova Hm; the tank that can't kite (LI first boss with melee dps, 4m!! range of interrupt.. why??); the tank that only tanks with its 2 defensive cooldowns and in between is at the mercy of the healer; the tank with the largest damage spikes.


2. Immortal is clearly a total copy of WoW warrior tank, because of this totally out of sync with the game, simply it doesn't fits like the 2 other tank classes

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Immortal Spec


1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

In PvE we seem to be seen as good single-target tanks, but a liability for enrage timers.

In PvP we are given respect for holding control points and guarding healers, but are of limited value in most other respects.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

The Spec *feels* strong in PvE, but seems very lacking in PvP. The top-tier talent does pitiful damage (in my parsing it does less than 1/2 of tooltip stated damage - even against light armor targets with low expertise). The worst part is that our shield does nothing to mitigate force/tech damage, and our armor does nothing to mitigate elemental/internal damage, so in PvP we aren't actually gaining the survivability to offset our low DPS that makes us what we are in PvE. So there's basically no reason to gear as a tank for PvP.

Edited by CKVamp
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1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?



Thank you!

im talkin PVP here

1. "Watch out here he comes" usally feels like im one of the main targets so its not bad i think =).. and im often wanted for both ranked premades and normal premades..

I play rage and I love the changes you did on SSM in 1.3. . Got not much to complain about but please change the tier 6 talent "trough passion" to something more useful cuz enraged defense is kinda useless in the rage tree due to its rage cost. Make the "defeaning defenses" talent from vengence a tier one skill in immortal (move battlecry to rage tree tier one) AND change so the threat reduction dosent apply in soresu form..

other than that i feel like vader when im crushing ppl in pvp and i love my class =)

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I play actively as an Immortal Juggernaut tank in progression-oriented PvE Operations. I have limited experience DPS'ing or PvP'ing.



1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


I think Juggernaut tanks are frequently considered the weakest tank class. They lack versatility, including limited range options and low AoE threat. Additionally they are well known as doing the lowest DPS in the game, which is a liability during tight-enrage fights. Without the benefit of a reputation of skill, Juggernauts are frequently passed over by PuGs for other tank classes.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I enjoy the play style of Immortal Juggernauts, but recognize they are one of the weaker classes/specs in the game. I feel like I have to make up for lack of appropriate tools for ranged and AoE agrro with skill and communication. I often find myself having to perform above and beyond to keep my spot from other tanking classes. I also find it frustrating while working on progression because when enrage timers are tight I do not feel like I am pulling my weight because Juggernaut DPS potential is so low compared to other tanking classes.

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