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make BM gear purchasable with credits or allow us to buy it pre 50


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Or, alternately, people can simply play PvP casually for two days per piece of BM gear, and take the same amount of time and effort any other person did before them.


...instead of throwing a tantrum on how they want their goodies RIGHT NOWWWW GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME


I thought we all passed that phase when we reached the age of 10 and beyond.


And right here we see the main problem to having PvP gear disparity. For this person and many like him it's all about the gear and has very little to do with competition which equals fun for well-adjusted people. Only miscreants enjoy beating people they severely outclass.


What has this lead to? We are starting to see teams win-trading to speed up the rate at which they can get gear. A friend of mine went into a normal 50 warzone and had their whole team go sit on their node at the start of ACW just to get their contribution and to hasten how fast the warzone ends. So, they can get their gear faster...


This is why gear disparity has no place in COMPETITIVE PvP. It brings out the RL suck in people.

Edited by Raggok
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I've got a different idea:


Increase the WZ cap. It's 2k right now but if it was more then everyone would be able to buy BM gear as soon as they hit 50 if they leveled via PvP. Leave the Recruit gear present as is for the people that leveled via PvE/space and want to start PvP at 50.


Also, people who had the WZ comms to buy full BM when they hit 50 would able to cash their Recruit token for 300k.


There, problem solved.

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Recruit gear shouldn't even exist. It's total garbage. It has worse stats than champion gear ever did, and BM was always far better than champion. Just make it so you can buy BM gear. What's the worst that could happen? Gear no longer defines PvP? Oh nooooooooooeeeeeeeeees. Fair play, anything but that.
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everyone that thinks giving bm gear to fresh 50s will improve anything just needs to **** seriously. F OFF.


new 50s need to get owned to learn what they are doing wrong. BM is more forgiving therefor wont teach them ****,


And the level of skill in pvp is allready fail as F so just ****


Yeah dude, they learned what they are doing wrong, it's called "wearing recruit gear".

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so the only people that disagree with me are the ones that like to use their gear as a crutch so they can win?


as someone said, most people that are fresh 50s now are alt toons. i never understood the "u must get stomped and pay ur dues by higher geared players before u can have ur gear" argument.


i dont want (and neither do alot of people) want to grind out 100s of hours of getting owned by WH + aug players just to be competitive on my alt. gear should never be above skill. i would love expertise to just be a flat 1100 or so for everyone in the game. make the gear a vanity for having a high rating, add titles for high ratings, add a leader board for the server of best players etc etc.


to the people that dont want pvp to be an equal playing field for all the players involved, then well, u arent a real pvper. skill should always win over gear.

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I really don't know what you're complaining about and don't care. Moddable recruit gear seems like a waste of time since no one should be using it for long even if they don't bother with pvp until 50. The pvp gear system is much much easier than it has been and it is easier than it is in other games. At this point I don't think you're ever going to be happy even if you get what you want. If you can't handle a pvp game where gear is a factor you should be looking at a different game format (not an mmo).


If you've got a 50 and want to gear your alt with full war hero you can without playing one level 50 game on your alt.


If you're running your first 50 you can either: have a wh mainhand + a couple BM pieces + recruit gear or you can have several bm pieces + recruit gear right after you ding. You'll be good enough to contribute, better than other new recruits and well on your way to high expertise.

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so the only people that disagree with me are the ones that like to use their gear as a crutch so they can win?


as someone said, most people that are fresh 50s now are alt toons. i never understood the "u must get stomped and pay ur dues by higher geared players before u can have ur gear" argument.


i dont want (and neither do alot of people) want to grind out 100s of hours of getting owned by WH + aug players just to be competitive on my alt. gear should never be above skill. i would love expertise to just be a flat 1100 or so for everyone in the game. make the gear a vanity for having a high rating, add titles for high ratings, add a leader board for the server of best players etc etc.


to the people that dont want pvp to be an equal playing field for all the players involved, then well, u arent a real pvper. skill should always win over gear.


Free gear for everyone isn't the answer, it just caters to the crowd that wants instant gratification.


1) You have to respect that many people spent a long time and put great effort into getting their gear. If you hand it out for free to fresh 50's, it diminishes their accomplishments. It's a slap in the face, if you will.

This is an MMO - that means people want to progress over time and want to continously build up their toons with better gear. If you want a purely skill-based PvP game, you will not find that in MMO's. Instead, you might want try something like LoL, HoN, or FPS type games.


2) True, my alts are not nearly as effective in warzones as my fully geared main. But I don't mind that at all - with time and patience, they will all get better. In the meantime, I learn how to survive with them and that's an important skill too!


3) Gear is only one factor in PVP and skill is another. But the elephant in the room (which most people tend to forget) is framerate and latency. Hardcore pvp'ers know that you cannot be top without the proper hardware - so by your logic, everyone should also get a fiberoptics internet, a high-end computer and a $1000 videocard - just to make it fair, of course. ;)


Point is, you cannot make PVP entirely fair.

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No, here is the thing guys. If you increase the commendation cap or allow people to purchase their endgame pvp early, you are only rewarding the more hardcore pvp'ers and just increasing the disparity between casuals and the more dedicated pvp'ers.


As others have suggested, it's a much better idea to make the gear sets more equal. I say make expertise equal across all the pvp gear sets, but have the main stats progress with the gear. This way it is still better to go for the better gear, but casual players won't get crushed by people who dinged 50 a while ago, or by the hardcore pvp'ers who pvp'ed their way to 50 just so they wouldn't have to deal with recruit gear.


In an MMO like this, what's good for the casuals is good for the game. If you're hardcore and good at pvp then it shouldn't matter what the other guys are wearing.

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You know guys and gals please stop asking for things to be gotten in this game more convienent. For me it was centurion/champion then had to build valor to get BM. I'm now WH and it was a grind. Work for the gear please. When I got to 50WZs I got hammered . Now I'm ok and don't die as much. B

If you dumb down the game we will go the way of NGE in SWG. So just put your head down and work for it. You will have a greater appreciation of your accomplishment when you get there.



Yoshimura of Po5

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ok let me say no one is asking to be "given free stuff'. making expertise normalized thru all the gear is not 'dumbing the game down" or "giving anyone free stuff'. its leveling the playing field, which me as a pvper, i thinks is awesome.


the comment of "people earned their gear so giving it to fresh 50s is a slap in the face', well i have a full WH gear toon and i will say this. I dont care whatsoever what the other guy is wearing. in fact i WANT him to be as geared as me. why? so when i win, it was because i outplayed him.


also its a MMO and changes happen all the time. when they add in a new tier of gear, all this "hardwork" u say these people "earn" will be null and void anyways.


also i would like to try and keep this thread professional and a polite discussion. if we could try and keep it as such, its best for everyone.

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Honestly someone who ended up buying 1000 WZ medpacks instead of being able to buy BM gear from 10-49 is going to have absolutely no problem grinding out another 10K WZ commendations to buy a full set of BM at level 50 unless he got bored with the game at 50, so the whole 'pay your dues' part is irrelevent because it's not like WZ commendations are harder to get at 50 compared to 10-49 unless your character is unbelievably weak so that he instantly dies the moment anything happens and thus have no chance to get medals.


The cost of the BM gear just isn't very much and the distinction seems wholely artificial. The only reason to do this is that because you know the game sucks at 50 so you need to keep people chasing some goals with the BM gear instead, even though anyone who could contemplate buying this stuff from 10-49 obviously has the playtime to get the BM gear in a week or less. Of course realistically most people just reroll another alt at 50 if they're the 'PvP sucks at 50 crowd' so you're not fooling anyone to begin with.

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You know guys and gals please stop asking for things to be gotten in this game more convienent. For me it was centurion/champion then had to build valor to get BM. I'm now WH and it was a grind. Work for the gear please. When I got to 50WZs I got hammered . Now I'm ok and don't die as much. B

If you dumb down the game we will go the way of NGE in SWG. So just put your head down and work for it. You will have a greater appreciation of your accomplishment when you get there.



Yoshimura of Po5


How is a pre-50 person not working for their gear? I don't get this garbage argument. It is actually harder to earn comms pre-50 than after, because the weekly is nonexistent and the daily gives you crap green items. I am at level 45 on one of my characters with 45 valor, capped ranked and regular comms. It's basically pointless for me to PvP on this character because the comms aren't worth anything. I'd like to keep "working for my gear", but I can't because of some silly artificial cap. You have the audacity to tell me I didn't earn these? Sounds a lot like the Bozo in the White House.

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Just say no to entitlement. lvl 50 WZs are substantially different than pre 50 and giving (or allowing you to buy it) BM gear isn't the answer. If you are new 50 with full BM I will still roflstomp you all over the WZ as you have ZERO idea how your class plays at 50. The current system is not the best, but is the best for this game.


There is a learning curve and one you canlt get by with gear. Go get your recruit gear and try to play as team and not focus on 1 v 1s focus on someone else's target. You do that and I will watch out for you.


As has been posted here you can gte 2 pcs BM the moment you hit 50, and if you are a pvper you can have full bm in as little as 3 or 4 days.


You don;t start working for BM gear until you hit 50 end of story. No game allows you to do that.

Edited by Foenixz
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no it takes a day or 2 of grinding to get full battlemasters, i remeber when it took a month

or two and u had to be valor rank 60. stop being lazy


false. completely false.


It takes about two weeks at 2-3 hours a night. Getting all the dailies and weeklies with ease.

I just finished it last week. About a 40% win rate.

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false. completely false.


It takes about two weeks at 2-3 hours a night. Getting all the dailies and weeklies with ease.

I just finished it last week. About a 40% win rate.


Gratz Man!!!! woot! Hey say hi to Dozer for me...

glad you guys both made it over to our new server :D


The BM grind isn't that bad... and honestly... I think folks get too caught up in the gear.

(ie the difference between a crit dispatch in BM vs all WH is like 10 or 20 damage out of 4k...)

doesn't matter as much as folks want to believe it does.


Of course Recruit vs WH... well ... that's just paying your due's.. we all did it... old toons like islander and myself did

it when you had to go uphill both ways and you weren't allowed to use the FORCE!!! Heck... I wasn't allowed to use a light saber, they handed me a mag light and a batman mask... some speedos... and oil based lubricant... I still can't get the smell out of my Luke Skywalker underoos. TMI... sure it is... but it builds character!

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Just make Recruit iLevel 136 and make it moddable.


Also, allow PvP mods\enhancements to be purchasable with WZ comms.


It will take less than a week to get full BM, ~10k comms. with dailys and the weekly is 1k comms and you can easily farm 1k comms in 2-3hours meaning its about 18-27hour. And thats assuming 0 comms when you ding.

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Just say no to entitlement. lvl 50 WZs are substantially different than pre 50 and giving (or allowing you to buy it) BM gear isn't the answer.


What utter garbage your post was.


My Sentinel (which is a test to see how they actually do in WZ since I had one sitting at 39) with recruit gear was played exactly the same as it was at 40 as it was at 50. People play a little different overall as some classes don't have all of their abiltiies but it's not substantially different.


Same goes for my Sorcerer healer. But he was brought up in a different time when I was level 20 and I still had to play against level 50s.


Having to progress through 1 set of gear instead of 2 is not entitlement, it's just common sense. Especially when there's a huge gap in between Recruit-BM and decent sized gap between BM-Aug'd WH.


Sorry I know the only players you kill in regular WZs are players with recruit, but get over it, there needs to be a change.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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