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Official Q&A Thread for July 20th Blog Post

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As one harcore fan of Kotor I & II, I believe the community is feeling the need for a straighfoward reply about some features we, Kotor fans, expected to be on the game after, at least, two major patches. The storyline in Kotor always took our characters to competitions. We had gladiator competitions, pod competitions, pazzak...

About this so called minigames, that to my opinion made a lot of Kotor success, is there any clear answer we can get about plans for this is a very near future?!

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Damion: The codex will get a clean-up pass in the not-too-distant future, and at that time, we'll be either removing the entries that are no longer obtainable or re-enabling some those removed entries if it makes sense to do so.


Like for instance adding some of the titels which was removed before relish? Such as "Wrath" or "General"?


That would be awesome.

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When is 1.4 expected to hit the PTS?




Are there any plans to provide more orange gear to keep the revolution going? There are plrenty of recolors and armor models available in-game that don't have a customizable version.




Speaking as someone who not only has access but already obtained pieces of campaign gear I believe the greater playerbase (and my alts) would appreciate if Rakata armorings transfer the set bonus as well.




Are there new set boni planned for the next tier operation? This of course is a rather major project for any balancing team but can be quite rewarding when considering other games success with set boni




Last question really is on behalf of the friends I play with:

Any plans to introduce more challenging Flashpoints? Maybe even whip up the existing low level ones as more T2 (or T3 :> ) hard modes?

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What are your plans for adding more customization to the game? The Hue to Chest is alright, but being able to dye my armor so I don't look like fifty other Sith/Jedi would be even better. Also abilities..you should look into Everquest's Alternate Advancement stuff: I.E once you hit a certain level, you can split xp into levels, and earning points to go toward either new abilities, or augmenting old ones. One last question, when will you be allowing the benefits of having x amount of armor sets to be transferred over to custom armor sets for the PvP armors?
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I would like to know what the developers plan to do to compensate the players that selected a server transfer and lost their names. We were not informed that the name was taken until the transfer was complete. The customer service seems to not have anticipated the fact this would happen. How can we be punished more choosing to do something without being informed that we would lose our names (which we paid for by pre-ording early - as per your "Reserve your name now!!!' Advertisements in your emails/ banner ads
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When can we expect to see the group finder completed? that is to say have us returned to the spot we were when our group popped , hence making it viable while questing. Right now its nice but its a really pain when you keep getting sent back to the station especially at lower levels.
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Its been stated that infl shadows are meant to be a hit and run or a lone wolf spec, having high mobility and high burst yet checking a few of the individual server threads that have a 'records' keeping post, the majority of top spots are all held by non shadows/assassins. The lack of burst is also evident at the end of warzone matches by mousing over the damage done to see the highest hit. since the removal of on use relics and pots, the largest single hit i have seen personally is 5200 yet our guardian is consistently breaking 6k and thats on an AE ability. Infl shadows also have no gap closer. And before someone says sprint or force cloak, those dont meet the criteria of a gap closer. They are either not on short CDs or are not guaranteed. as a reference, force leap is a gap closer. So i challenge the statement that infl shadows are high mobility. Of course the statement about infl shadows being high burst high mobility is relative so my question is high burst high mobility compared to what melee class? infl shadows dont seem like a spec that some 'get' and some dont. It seems like a class thats been limited. Which I think is the reason we have seen a lot of knight rerolls. Its not that knights have all that much of a dps advantage but they have the defensive cds and the burst and the mobility that shadows lack. Sents for example can played in the 'toe-to-toe' role or the 'lone wolf' role. They can choose to go any number of ways with utility, self heals, single target dmg, or AE dmg. No matter which spec they choose, a few things remain consistent. They maintain high mobility, high sustain dmg, survivability, and though it varies by spec, burst. All of which significantly trump an infl shadow. Will knights and shadows be brought inline with each other as far as burst and mobility in the near future?
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Q: Why do the new customizable gear schematics for Boots, Gloves, Belts and Bracers have art that doesn't match the set? I know I can colour match, but that isn't the point. The Electrum Onslaught Boots for example are orange highlighted when the Helm, Chest and Greaves are all green camo.
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i was wondering if there were any plans for installing a ready check that ops leaders and assists can issue to see if everyone is ready to start combat. It would be very useful for world bosses and more to make sure someone isn't afk or anything else.
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What are the chances of us seeing new playable races? I for one would like to see something with the Kel'Dor, Nautolans, and yes even Wookie. The main reason I'm asking is most of the races look really humanoid, and kind of similar as it is.


I'd like to see some Kel'Dor as a playable race. Gotta get some Plo Koon love going on.

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Generic Token Drops for Gear - Still see EV HM runs dropping gear that doesn't help anyone. What about dropping a generic "Rakata XYZ" (Pants for example) token for use by ANY of those in the party. Keep the rest the same in drops. Don't get me wrong - I love Rakata gearing my companions, but I still see folks getting frustration over crazy drops.


This is slightly different than the complex player class drop setup today. The one that is still apparently having some issues. I heard HM was going to stop dropping tokens and gear directly. Go with generic tokens usable by any class like comms (just very specific).

Edited by dscount
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In your eyes what do you see DPS spec Sorcerers doing in PvP? As of right now we're one of the easiest classes to kill but our single target damage seems weak compared to other classes. Even with our "bubble" and heals if a powertech, marauder, or juggernaut is on you your "bubble" gets knocked off right away and you can't get a decent heal off to make a difference in the fight and as a result die within seconds. Is this how you intend for DPS Sorcerer to be in PvP?
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Some of us have characters on more then one server, and some of those are not going to be moved to the destination server that we desire with the server mergers. While some have more then 8 characters that are about to be forcibly moved to one destination server.


When will we be finding out more info on the more open server transfers, and more character slots?

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I used to play Starwars Galaxies and one of the best features was the space combat simulation, are you planning on bringing space combat simulation to the old republic and being able to buy new space ships?



Yes has there been any serious developments on making space a more entertaining asset to SWTOR , or will this be yet another one of lucas his attempts to delay space ones more in its mmo's by not making it as interresting as ground ?

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How is work progressing on QOL issues?


E.g.: more character slots (at least sixteen per server), hide companion head slot, hood toggle, companion colour unification, lower legacy costs, massively reduced costs of credit sinks (especially removing the mod costs or at least reducing them to a small fraction of what they are now), fixing the "big rear end" issue on most jedi robes with body type 2 characters, optimising the game engine, legacy/account-wide friends/ignore lists, cross-faction guilds etc. etc. etc.

Edited by llesna
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Have there been any efforts to address the "In combat" mechanics bugs while in warzones, more specifically when combat drops. For classes that rely on being out of combat to use critical abilities, this can cripple those classes when the mechanic does not work. Edited by Haystak
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