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Everything posted by TehManio

  1. The game has been having launcher issues since patch. The team is hard at work to fixing the issue. Remain patient, things will work out.
  2. 2 new playable races, Kel'Dor and Nautolan Open-World PVP. I wanna kill some Jedi scum at their temple; or anywhere besides just Warzones Add in new forms of Warzones; or even mini-games. Ewok Hunting! In the spirit of the previous Ewok suggestion, how about an Ewok companion for Jedi Consulars. Endor & Dagobah. I seriously can't be the only person who wants these in-game. Unless they already are; and I don't know that yet. Again, not too sure if this is in-game but Guild Halls. Huge "temple" like buildings where guild-mates can hang out. Empire guilds would be like some sort of Sith Academy; and Republic guild halls could be like the Jedi Temple. Apprentice & Master System: For those players who love to roleplay. Could tie it in with the Legacy system; and have it so someone could designate a player as their apprentice or something. Could be neat for Jedi & Sith characters. For example, an Apprentice could gain a slight exp bonus for aiding their Master on quests, flashpoints, etc. Tauntaun Mounts; as long as they aren't in game either. Everywhere I've read and checked have said they aren't. So, this would be cool. I'd much prefer cruising around on one of these bad-boys. Cut em open, and crawl inside of them if you're going to freeze to death. Can't do that with a Speeder Bike. Gambling Mini-Games: Players could go to a mini-casino at their capital city or fleet and gamble on slots, and other games you'd find in a casino. Could be a fun way to get some more income to buy things. Customizable Crystal Colors: This is probably a really dumb idea, but I've always wanted something like this in a Star Wars game. Players could define their own colors when crafting crystals for an extra sum of money by typing in the RGB values. This way, people could get some pretty cool color combinations; and have a unique lightsaber, etc. Endgame Content, anything would work! More unique lightsaber hilts. Stuff like Count Dooku's, etc. Better appealing armor for all classes. Ability to quest, and run flashpoints with cross-faction players. But only for aiding each other. An Empire character couldn't accept quests in a Republic planet, etc. Player owned houses where the player can hold social meetups with friends (cross faction would work here), decorate their homes, use mod benches, and access the Auction House and their class trainer. The Class Trainer, Decorating, Mod Benches and Auction House would all cost credits to be added into their home. Decorative items could also be dropped from enemies. Stuff like floor colors, wall colors, etc. Achievements. An armory via the website so we can look-up fellow players, see what they have equipped, etc
  3. What are the chances of us seeing new playable races? I for one would like to see something with the Kel'Dor, Nautolans, and yes even Wookie. The main reason I'm asking is most of the races look really humanoid, and kind of similar as it is. I'd like to see some Kel'Dor as a playable race. Gotta get some Plo Koon love going on.
  4. I just got around to fully upgrading my account, and I'm about to go to sleep before sinking in a ton of time tomorrow. Can anyone tell me what level I can get some robes that have a hood for my Sith character? He's a Warrior, and currently only Level 12. I'm pretty new to SWTOR The help would be appreciated.
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