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Everything posted by Kozo

  1. Straight to the point, how about we get some speeder racing through Nar Shaddaa and pvp areas through out the worlds with some benefits. Add some variety to this stagnant environment. Take it or leave it, Kozo
  2. Kozo


    I'm sure it has been said before, and I'm sure BW (hopefully) knows whats going on. Warzones are getting old, in my opinion. Figure something out for the pvp community that doesn't involve warzones......... I don't care what it is, but they are getting old really fast. From *****ty pugs, to premades, and other issues. Rage away!!!! Tear me a new one community.
  3. So whats next for swtor? Ranked Warzones are out, talk about new planets in the future. What do you have in store for the comming months? Thankz you.
  4. Kozo

    Swtor Ideas.

    Then I'm glad the ideas have been brought up before and the developers already know about this. Just making sure it's in the open. Hah.
  5. Okay, well Bioware and EA, SWTOR has come some ways in terms of improvement and player base, but nowhere in anyone’s eyes has it been an eye opening experience, if I may be so bold as to generalize. The fully voiced content is great, but it’s not what keeps a game alive. Jumping into it, you are segregating the player base of pve and pvp players. I don’t think this is what you want. Any great game would be allowed to co-exist with one another. The fact that there has to be a minimum of a couple weeks to months to grind your first gear set for say pvp, then you’d have to grind another set of gear for pve. Of course you can do the little pve shenanigans, but none of the exciting operations or flashpoints. Get your act together and provide the player base with a game that is not segregated. A single set of gear should be able to do the job. Screw the money games of grinding longer. That is what kills a game. Get rid of expertise. Something needs to be done with the warzone and world pvp ratio. Instead of infinite warzones, come out with an instanced area on a planet where a new battle between republic and empire(could also be an event), and have a base that offers stims, or some kind of reward that gives both pve and pvp players incentives to go there. Provide some npc help that sways the side with fewer players to boost inactivity levels, and there you go. You’ve done a good job with the maps, so I have no complaints there. Please don’t nerf relics to where you will have the relic last longer, but be on a longer timer. The short timers on relics allow for openings in battle that allow, how do I say, interesting outcomes. If the timers were longer, the excitement would be diminished and become less fun. Your less on your toes, if you will. Crafting needs to be more dynamic. Create the new armors that you will be coming out with, and make them so they need to be crafted by individuals and to get the economy flowing a bit more. Maybe bring out some schems that crafters can make through pve content that looks awesome. Or do some schems through pvp events. Maybe allow us the option to customize our ships interior and exterior. That’s all I’ll say on space… You’ll are on top of your game for pve content obviously. I don’t have any complaints so far from what I’ve been involved with. All of this information is speculation on what I’ve thought to be good MMO quality. Swtor is great and offers the Star Wars fan base a fantastic game. I do understand the game has been out for around five months, and ya’ll at Bioware and EA are scratching your heads with plans that you think have potential. I’m curious as to what the rest of the Swtor community has to say, and again I do realize that there have been conversations/trolling posts before, take this thread as you see it.
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