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The Gamer from Hell


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Playing on Dalborra server, I ran into a player that joined a group using group finder. They kept telling everyone in the group to hit the spacebar to speed things up. Then at the end of the flashpoint [Esseles Hard Mode], they called a member of the team a bloody ***** because they didn't play up to their "standard" and then hit the button to "ignore" them. The person sent me a whisper saying how it "spoiled their first experience." The good thing was this moron got nothing from the drops! How many of you have run into the gamer from Hell while playing Swtor...



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in this game only once (same tank with two of my 50s) but i mostly do hms with my guildies. in rift it was rather frequent.( actually rift was just craptastic at the beginning but was ok after the six month subs ran out and yes it was cross server). however in all the mmos i have played only this game and rift had a lfd. the player base demanded one since most were from wow clones and never developed the social skills needed to find a group. it is so sad.


the other mmos had a community where we made friends, talked to each other and got groups in channel. that way if the person you didn't like was looking for more you just didn't respond to him. it was easy to tell who these people were by how long it took them to get others.


sooner or later you will see people posting here on the forums how lfd isn't working. at least for them it isn't. when it is actually because they are ill mannered and are put on too many ignore lists. these are the people who want cross server lfd so they can continue being a jerk and still get groups. thank god this game doesnt work that way. i don't need to meet other servers' ill manner people. there are enough on the one we are on.

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True story - tried the group finder for the first time last night for a flashpoint I hadn't done before. I'm in a big guild, but I like meeting new people too, so it's nice to have a matchmaker with the LFD tool.


I'm heals, the BF is DPS, we join up with another DPS and a tank.


The tank needs on *every single item* "for his companion".


Me and the BF say "Sorry folks. It's not worth our very limited play time to group with someone who needs for everything. That's just not how we roll. We're going to bug out. You'll have more heals and DPS soon. Best of luck in all your future endeavours".


The other DPS says "well, we could kick the tank?"


To which we respond. "Oh, okay. Didn't know it was like that. Cool." Tank is kicked.


The tank then proceeds to call me crazy (among other things) and report me to the mods - for what I don't know. My response was "thank you, I'd be delighted to discuss this with any interested moderator." /ignore tankname


Then the name and guild of the tank goes on "The List" for my guild (The List = people to avoid).


The LFG tool is likely to expose people to some really poorly socialized players. All we can do is liberally use /ignore and remind ourselves and other like minded persons to steer clear of them.


i don't need to meet other servers' ill manner people. there are enough on the one we are on.






Edited by Scorpienne
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I've used the LFG tool a few times and through my experiences, the players I've been grouped with are not very social to begin with. I guess that was expected in this LFG tool, the only people using it are the solo players, like myself. However, i did recently disband from a rather big raiding guild where I learned the etiquette that goes with looting and time management for the other players I am grouped with. I respect that they are giving their time up so that I can experience things I could not have without them coming from a dead server, plus I do enjoy running with a team vs solo, but all the BS that goes with teaming sometimes just makes me say **** it and because of it, I mainly just PvP now.


Since the xfer, the guild disbanded....people have met other people who have a more concrete leader than the guild I was in etc etc. So I decided to break on all that and just roll a PvP oriented toon. I do enjoy the occasional FP but I do not enjoy the LFG tool because of the people I am paired with. The tool is great, however the one's using it....seem to be rather selfish, thus I have stopped using it. If I want to run something I'll just look up some people I've teamed with prior to the LFG tool or I won't run the FP at all, I have all but stopped caring. The sad reality is that this is common amongst many solo people like myself, however I guess I just inherently know the difference in what is right and what is wrong, I think we all do....just most don't care because of that 'anonymous' mentality!

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So far I've only had one bad experience in this game while part of a pug. It was on one of my alts. I joined the group in progress, they were on the last boss in Hammer Station. The tank was going on and on about noob this, and noob that, and how the last two dps were horrible. He was the first player I've put on ignore in this game.


Everyone else I've had the pleasure of grouping with, in the group finder, doing dailies, just running around, has been great. The Harbinger has some good people on it.

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I went in to a WZ the other night that was already in progress. The first thing said in ops chat is this guy calling everyone "tards". He whined back and forth a bit. He was in one of those PvP guilds that think they are hot stuff on an RP-PVE server.


The guy was whining but we won. Who knows why people do that.

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Playing on Dalborra server, I ran into a player that joined a group using group finder. They kept telling everyone in the group to hit the spacebar to speed things up. Then at the end of the flashpoint [Esseles Hard Mode], they called a member of the team a bloody ***** because they didn't play up to their "standard" and then hit the button to "ignore" them. The person sent me a whisper saying how it "spoiled their first experience." The good thing was this moron got nothing from the drops! How many of you have run into the gamer from Hell while playing Swtor...




Not so much on SWTOR, which frankly surprised me. On one hand, the Star Wars I know and love always had a pretty chill fan base (until someone brings up George Lucas), but on the other, this is an online game and online gamers are required by international law to act retarded.


Never had anyone truly give me crap, but I did drop a HM group when they kicked the healer just for getting up to answer the doorbell. I was the tank, so I imagine that stung a bit :D. My idea of the Gamer From Hell is the guy who completely sucks at what he's doing and gets offended when someone offers a tip. I'm all for letting people play the way they want to play, but when their bad playing starts killing the fun time I'm paying a subscription for, then I'm going to say something. Only had that happen twice in SWTOR, but in WoW it got to the point I'd immediately drop any random group that had a night elf hunter or a blood elf death knight in it.


Off topic: Racism is bad even on MMOs, don't be like me.

Edited by Malles
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I went in to a WZ the other night that was already in progress. The first thing said in ops chat is this guy calling everyone "tards". He whined back and forth a bit. He was in one of those PvP guilds that think they are hot stuff on an RP-PVE server.


The guy was whining but we won. Who knows why people do that.


A kid who gets picked on in school but thinks he's awesome online. Be kind of sad if they didn't insist on being my problem.

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The Gamer from Hell?




Myself as a freshly 50 vanguard tank, a sage healer, a commando and a sentinel. Taral V HM, so not all that long OR hard. Except...


Sentinel kept running ahead of us, aggroing everything. I mark a target and he AOEs after the cc goes in, then blames ME for not holding aggrro. We hit the captain boss, and he decids to pull aggro on the beast and the captain before I can taunt again. We wipe and of course it is MY fault.


Then he COMPLETELY ignores the strategy for the laser eye boss, gets 3 shotted and starts yelling at the healer of all people. And he wasn't done!


Final boss, I wanted to LOS him, pull him away from his turrets. Sensible, right? Not for this sentinel. As soon as I pull the boss he jumps in, gets slammed into the ground and almost insta-gibbed. My fault of course, as the tank, I should have done what HE wanted to do, even though standing in plain view for the turrets to chop me to pieces made no sense.


And his excuse? I was slow. The healer was slow. None of US knew how to play. None of US wanted to help HIM win. He proceeded to tell me -a founder who played the beta, and from launch- to L2P. MY response? /ignore.


The LFG tool is exactly what I feared it would be. A tool for angry anti-social people to abuse others. I use it every day with premade groups of guildies for BH comms and nothing else. Its just not worth the aggravation.

Edited by kalenath
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A player was on the Imperial Fleet, asking for a Black Talon run in general chat.


I joined, along with 2 other people.


He asked if we spacebar thru convos. Myself and another player said no, we enjoy the convos. Him and the other player said "that's cool".


So, while we're playing, the guy who asked about spacebar-ing, since two of us wanted to "slow down the group with convos", decided he was going to walk his toon thru the entire mission, making us all wait for him to catch up for convos or boss fights. He wanted to make a point about how people slow down groups with convos, so he decided to slow up the entire group.


Since I was the group leader, I waited, patiently.........


......until we reached the bridge of the Black Talon for the last time for mission hand-in, then booted his stupid butt from the group before we started the last convo.



Edited by CaptRavenous
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Nothing really bad that I can remember, though for the most part we run as three of the guild (usually picking up a DPS), but once we did pick up a random tank. That was... interesting. He wasn't bad per se, but he was a bit of a dick. Generally his mannerisms were dickish, everything he said had a dickish tone and he did not allow me to CC fleshies (Operative) in places where it could have been beneficial. However his guild is "known" to us, so for the most part if we see them in the LFG we know we're going to get a player who probably knows what they're doing with the shiny buttons but who also might be a bit of a dick.


We did get him to stop talking by giving out the wrongest tactics ever. Did you know HK-47 has a shark pit?

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For me, the gamer from hell is the RP/PvE types who come into PvP WZ's without the proper gear. And now, when Recruit is given out for free and the excuses of "it's too expensive" are gone, I get no reply back as to why most of the time they're under-geared or in PvE gear. Mind you, I usually ask via a whisper or sometimes in Ops chat without abusing them, yet they will pretend not to see the chat and proceed to get destroyed. I've had many players flat out reply with the most moronic answers as to why:


1. Recruit is ugly, this robe looks much better on me.


2. Expertise is overrated.


3. I'm just going to sit at a node.


This is the gamer from hell for me, as the gear is very important, and just generally can be a deal breaker. Typically, these players flat out do not care, as most of the time they die once or twice, then sit at a node and pretend to be Luke Skywalker. Unlike PvE where you can at least check someones gear before you start a FP/HM, WZ's are typically a crap shoot on whether you get someone who is properly geared.

Edited by Pistols
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I don't use /ignore much. It takes more than one iffy action to get put on my list because people make mistakes, sometimes they don't know better, and occasionally they're just having a bad moment. (I've had them, goodness knows.)


That said, there are a couple people who have managed to find a place on my sparsely populated /ignore list. So "Gamer From Hell" exhibit A is a dps who does not speak in group, insists on jumping into every group first, does not respond when asked to wait for the tank to aggro the group, breaks every cc laid down, does not respond when asked directly (multiple times) not to break the ccs, and loots every mob that drops before the fight is done (again after being asked not to do so).


Exhibit B is a stealth dps who I had the misfortune to run a BH heroic with. Again with the breaking ccs, not responding to requests not to do so, randomly doing a "brb" and then being gone for a good long while, but the really lovely part with this one was that since he was stealthed he ran ahead of the rest of the group and then sat at the final boss waiting for us to fight through the mobs "cause he usually solos this heroic." Really???


At any rate, moral of the story, communicate and don't be an *****hole.

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There are several that make my list.


- The afforementioned "PvP God" that thinks he's better than everyone else. If you whine while winning, you really do need serious help in a nice padded room.


- The Zerger Tank who thinks that everyone else needs to keep up with him. Seriously, if you can't wait for the Healer to recharge after a big fight, then you deserve to get pwned by the next group you run into. And if you blame the Healer, you also need to join the "PvP God" in a nice padded room. The game does not revolve around you.


- The KS accuser. There I was, killing mobs in a Belsavis vault on my Gunslinger, and this Shadow Says in chat: "You play like an Imperial. Stop being a ****head." I was like "What???" And he said "You're taking my kills." So I was like (since I had to turn around to see him behind me) "Dude, I had no idea you were even there. You were BEHIND ME. DUH!" then I placed him on /ignore with a quickness. :p


- And last but not least, the Ninja Looter. The guy who runs in and grabs the security chest while you're busy clearing it. If you want the loot, clear it yourself.

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I've had very good luck with the group finder. Nobody's been a jerk - even in a couple groups where one or more of the players were undergeared so bad they couldn't hack it and we wiped repeatedly before declaring failure.


The jerkiest thing I've seen was a Bounty Hunter that came along and killed the Republic NPCs I had dragged into my attempt at soloing the Force Ghost on Ilum with my healer scoundrel. Just wanted to do it for fun and to see if i could. If i did it I'd make a magenta crystal for Kira on my artifice Sentinel main. Big freaking deal, right?


No, this dude decided I was exploiting in HIS game and it was his duty to stop it. Nevermind that I was failing anyway - bad energy management at the start and I was behind on healing Corso. Really, it was a good grief/troll move, and I could laugh at it if it was. But no, he had to use all the rude emotes in the bag after I wiped and make his little declaration about me "exploiting" over say. Again, I thought it was a pretty good griefing/troll move... but when he says "there's a reason you're supposed to have a group for that" I had to laugh. By that logic soloing heroics with the use of stealth is "exploiting". To which he says "I solo heroics..." WHOOSH, right over his head.


It gets better. A few minutes later I get some whispers from another name saying I'm the "talk of the republic fleet" about how "i got owned". Well, no, griefed, really - and it didn't change the outcome; like I said, I was going down anyway. :rolleyes: Clearly this is his republic alt and his life is truly sad. After more inane ramblings from him he says he's going "back to Barrens chat" to tell the Imps of "my fail". Yeah, I'm sure everyone cares. :rolleyes:


I forgot to write down the name of the BH and/or add him to ignore before logging, but I got the alt. Then I found out SWTOR doesn't save a chat log locally. :mad: I think I remember and I'll just keep checking /who when I think of it to see if I'm right, then iggy.


The Imperial side, from what I've seen, is a lot jerkier than the Republic. Not sure I want to continue my alts over there or not just based on this incident and what I've seen in Imp general chat. Not to mention the only names I've ever reported came from the Imps on the Harbinger. :rolleyes:

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There are several that make my list.


- The afforementioned "PvP God" that thinks he's better than everyone else. If you whine while winning, you really do need serious help in a nice padded room.


- The Zerger Tank who thinks that everyone else needs to keep up with him. Seriously, if you can't wait for the Healer to recharge after a big fight, then you deserve to get pwned by the next group you run into. And if you blame the Healer, you also need to join the "PvP God" in a nice padded room. The game does not revolve around you.


- The KS accuser. There I was, killing mobs in a Belsavis vault on my Gunslinger, and this Shadow Says in chat: "You play like an Imperial. Stop being a ****head." I was like "What???" And he said "You're taking my kills." So I was like (since I had to turn around to see him behind me) "Dude, I had no idea you were even there. You were BEHIND ME. DUH!" then I placed him on /ignore with a quickness. :p


- And last but not least, the Ninja Looter. The guy who runs in and grabs the security chest while you're busy clearing it. If you want the loot, clear it yourself.


Hahahahahahaha I used to be that guy.


"*** THIS GUY IS A DOUCHE I WAS STANDING RIGHT HERE oh wait, I'm Stealthed. My bad."

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The Gamer from Hell?




Myself as a freshly 50 vanguard tank, a sage healer, a commando and a sentinel. Taral V HM, so not all that long OR hard. Except...


Sentinel kept running ahead of us, aggroing everything. I mark a target and he AOEs after the cc goes in, then blames ME for not holding aggrro. We hit the captain boss, and he decids to pull aggro on the beast and the captain before I can taunt again. We wipe and of course it is MY fault.


Then he COMPLETELY ignores the strategy for the laser eye boss, gets 3 shotted and starts yelling at the healer of all people. And he wasn't done!


Final boss, I wanted to LOS him, pull him away from his turrets. Sensible, right? Not for this sentinel. As soon as I pull the boss he jumps in, gets slammed into the ground and almost insta-gibbed. My fault of course, as the tank, I should have done what HE wanted to do, even though standing in plain view for the turrets to chop me to pieces made no sense.


And his excuse? I was slow. The healer was slow. None of US knew how to play. None of US wanted to help HIM win. He proceeded to tell me -a founder who played the beta, and from launch- to L2P. MY response? /ignore.


The LFG tool is exactly what I feared it would be. A tool for angry anti-social people to abuse others. I use it every day with premade groups of guildies for BH comms and nothing else. Its just not worth the aggravation.


If he was bothering you and the healer so much, why not just kick him? I think you only need one other vote, and frankly as DPS he's pretty powerless.


I'm a terribly polite person, and the only kicks I've seen since the LFG hit were for DC'd people, but there are no excuses for taking crap from people you don't need to take! I don't like kicking people, so I usually just leave group unless the offender is being really verbally abusive. But in ToR the rudest thing I've seen is "SPACEBAAAAR PLOX."


But mostly I've encountered people being very decent, even in the face of wipes and having to explain fights. Don't be afraid of LFD if your guildies aren't on! Rude people are a result of pugging in general, not necessarily this tool.

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I was a beta tester, so I've seen a pretty wide spectrum of players. Every time they sent out a new wave of invites, we'd get a massive influx of gamers from hell.


The one that annoyed me the most is when their playstyles didn't match their classes. Healers trying to DPS annoyed me so much that I started playing a healer myself, just so I wouldn't have to deal with other healers...

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I almost always have bad experiences with Sentinels/Maruaders, I dunno, but most of the ones I meet think they are unkillable machines capable of destroying anything that comes in ther way. So they will initiate before the tank, attack mobs that the group isn't attacking, etc. Just 'cause they have two sabers, I guess.


Eh, might just be my server.

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in groups, people don't usually like it when you 'need' for everything anyway. Just don't do it !! - from the story the OP explained, its really one of many. I was in one group for an heroic recently, where the guys I was in a group with, didn't understand how to operate as a team, and would not CC anything. Of course the healer died in seconds..


Experiences like that put me off wanting to group at all with anyone to be honest, its not just a matter of playing at a certain level, its understanding how to play the mission. If people don't know, or haven't done it before, really need to say before hand, so they can be walked through 'how to' do the mission.


I am not worried if some one is lesser geared, or has lesser experience, just that so the group know, so they can be helped on their first runs.


- And last but not least, the Ninja Looter. The guy who runs in and grabs the security chest while you're busy clearing it. If you want the loot, clear it yourself.


See this so many times ! - really NOT funny. Try Black Hole dailies.. yes you know who you are ;)

Edited by dronepilot
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Last night i got my third character to 50, and decided to queue for some normal FP's, did a red reaper that went really well, then got into Lost Island.


The tank was a bit of a rusher, but hey can live with that. He declares we're not going to do the bonus AFTER we pull the first bonus group, and i go down. He accuses me of being a ninja puller which is fair enough, i thought we were going for the bonus so i shot a mob. My bad. We then engage a pack and he taunts the first mob... only.


The healer gets aggro about three seconds later, and dies shortly after (Cue "OMG noob" spam from the tank who apparently has forgotten his taunt key). I spam probes like crazy to keep the tank alive while trying to DPS the pack down, we survive and move on.


We skip all the bonus groups and hit the first boss, everyones favourite droid. He runs in, and dance around a bit confused as to why the boss is not hostile.


This was the first real warning sign that we might be in trouble. I activate the console, boss kicks in, and away we go.

The tank literally MELTS. I mean the healer is going ballistic trying to keep him alive, and i'm throwing in probes between my DPS cycle just to try and keep this guy up. He backs himself into a corner and has to run through two charge fields to find space...

We wipe and respawn at the entrance to the FP. The tank immediately orders us to kick him, as we suck. I tell him to quit and take the timer, we're not giving up after one wipe, he then tells us he's going AFK for 30 minutes. So we drop the group and go our seperate ways, at which point he accuses me of being the worst healer he's ever teamed up with.


Well duh, i'm a gunnery spec commando... :rak_02:


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How the heck someone who comes form PVE?RP could actually KNOW what kind of GEAR he needs to have and what OTHERS expect him to wear??

What is it all actually about? Are there NO rules in the PVP world? Like: you do not hit the space bar during conversations, you WAIT for others, and you discuss the strategy BEFORE any action?


I guess i know why i am absolutely NOT interested in any MMO experience..

Seems like nightmare...

or just a bunch of teenagers who cannot put their attention to anything longer than 20 seconds..

Edited by Przemo_No
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I play on Red Eclipse EU and, as a dedicated solo player, I often use LFG tool for flashpoints and I can't say I've had any particularly negative experiences with other fellow PUGers.


Things I dislike are tanks who skip through bonus content (out of the way chests and bonus missions) - but I understand them as some people don't have time or a too high level and bored, and people who squabble about boss tactics

(for example, should we break locks on stasis chamber in Foundry during HK-47 encounter or not)


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How the heck someone who comes form PVE?RP could actually KNOW what kind of GEAR he needs to have and what OTHERS expect him to wear??


I love the fact that just because I roll on an RP server, people automagically think I'm supposed to be crap at this game. I have just as much Google access as the rest of you. I might enjoy having idle chit-chat in the cantina, but I like burning out content more.

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I play on Red Eclipse EU and, as a dedicated solo player, ..................


Well, I was "forced" to move there too and I am solo as well..and like you, I could occasionally group for FP or any heroics but that does not mean, I am MMO-er :)

I suppose most of the complainers above think everyone here is for gear and loots and more kills... and running like nuts, skipping any conversation/task/environment.


but some of us are there just for the S(W)TOR(Y) :)

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