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    Wall Street
  1. Good thing he's complaining about concealment, not medicine. Concealment is broken, there is just no point in playing it anymore: hidden strike is useless now - it just immobilizes target, shield probe can't absorb almost anything, exfiltrate can't help at all - it is useful to keep you safe if you already are, but if you are monkeying around in melee range (you know, like us concealments do) it is useless... I actually imagine someone at BW going: What is this? Someone is having fun being concealment? Nonsense, operatives will be only and exclusively only healers and if they refuse we will force them by nerfing concealement with every new patch until they do mwhahamwhaha... Hmmm, I'm imagining German accent for some reason.
  2. I play on Red Eclipse EU and, as a dedicated solo player, I often use LFG tool for flashpoints and I can't say I've had any particularly negative experiences with other fellow PUGers. Things I dislike are tanks who skip through bonus content (out of the way chests and bonus missions) - but I understand them as some people don't have time or a too high level and bored, and people who squabble about boss tactics
  3. On my server all green equipment no matter level is in 2000 credit range, orange >35 lvl up to 100000, and augmented 150000.
  4. Played last night with my 32 lvl Marauder, in period of three hours I found three groups (Cademimu and 2x Boarding party), this morning I did Athis with lvl 25 Guardian, only complaint I have is that flashpoints are too easy, not a single wipe or death.
  5. Judging by trailer it looks like Alderaan. I hate Alderaan.
  6. As an Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer and Imperial Agent/Operative I soloed all h2's up to Hoth, however, keep in mind that I don't play bonus series so I skipped all bonus series heroics. Generally, once you have ability to stun enemy for 60 seconds you can easily isolate and defeat whole groups (especially as operative as you get two 60-second stun abilities), just turn off your companion aoe powers. After that only diamond bosses with insane amount of health are problem, and first one you get is on Hoth...
  7. I like legacy system a lot, I haven't played game pre 1.2 so to be honest I can't imagine game without legacy. That said, legacy system can and should be improved, cost of buying things should be be lower, and some things (like mailbox) should be included on starships from beginning. Paying 500000 credits for mailbox is just wrong, other stuff (like emotes, perks that reduce fleet pass and emergency transport cooldown and droid that sells droid upgrades) are OK as they are, tho lower prices wouldn't hurt. Most important thing that should be included is cross-server legacy (or increased character slots per server.). With 8 character you just can't unlock everything even if you wanted as there are 9 playable races. Also game forces you to play as a human because after you finish you get 100 presence bonus, which is not a small thing, while with any other race you just get nothing relevant. Yeah, I get to play Chiss Jedi (and just on that server), whoop dee doo. Maybe unlocks like that should be in achievement codex category and not part of legacy at all, in that case I would see the point.
  8. How about droids? I would love to play with an astromech, no, honestly... As that is highly unlikely, maybe assassination unit like HK-47? Who wouldn't like to play crazed maniacal killer? Whole first chapter can be about him going around killing targets for his master.
  9. As a Chuck living in my mothers basement I find this ignorant. Why is it that Chuckority (Chuck minority) are so often ridiculed and name-called and everyone gets away with that? It is forbidden to ridicule religious people, gays and others, but Chucks? Go for it! I know no one cares, but name calling people based on their choice of lifestyle you just don't care to understand or give a second thought (or even just ignore/tolerate altogether) just makes you a bad person You know, you should vent your gender frustrations on someone else. /butthurtrant
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