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Stunned...full resolve...rooted...rooted...rooted...no resolve...stunned...


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Um, then why am I CC'd all the way thru my white bar?


U cant be CC'd while a white bar is active on you but a CC stun or mez that white bars you will still remain in effect meaning that the white bar can be active on you but you are still under the effect of a previous stun or mez. Once that stun or mez wears off you cannot by stunned or mezed until the white bar disappears.


Also roots and snares are not resolved counted so therefore still apply to you while a white bar is active as was stated very clearly in the guide i linked.

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You're not CCed through your white bar, you're rooted. Roots and snares do not effect your resolve and are not effected by it. You are still able to use abilities while rooted/snared, such as *gasp* passing the huttball.


As someone already said, whether or not roots/snares should effect resolve is an entirely different discussion. CC's (stuns and mezes), on the other hand, work with the resolve system exactly as intended.


-Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

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U cant be CC'd while a white bar is active on you but a CC stun or mez that white bars you will still remain in effect meaning that the white bar can be active on you but you are still under the effect of a previous stun or mez. Once that stun or mez wears off you cannot by stunned or mezed until the white bar disappears.


Also roots and snares are not resolved counted so therefore still apply to you while a white bar is active as was stated very clearly in the guide i linked.


I am constantly CC'd after my white bar becomes active. Not just a few seconds either....can be thru my whole white bar. I'm not the only one either. Btw, never had this happen on my Imps. Happens more when it's an Operative CC. Stuns and mezz's.

Edited by DarthNuke
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I am constantly CC'd after my white bar becomes active. Not just a few seconds either....can be thru my whole white bar. I'm not the only one either. Btw, never had this happen on my Imps. Happens more when it's an Operative CC. Stuns and mezz's.


There is no way to cc stun or mez someone while they are white barred PERIOD. I have done hundreds of warzones across 5 different servers and have NEVER experienced this, even against teams that employed hacks or cheats which i have seen a few but not as many as is reported or complained about on these threads.


You have to make sure you are not just being rooted which makes you unable to move but you can still act as intended.

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Right, because the rest of my team isn't attempting to stun, root, and kill their team, nor attempt to heal me. They were just watching me and eating popcorn.


For the record, I am a fully augmented war hero and I blew every cooldown, and the opposing team was a mixed battlemaster group. The fact still stands that cc is broken, and this is not an exception to that.


You mean your extra stats didn't help you against multiple people rooting and stunning you, generally locking you down?

Edited by vimm
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i agree that roots should respect a full resolve bar and grant immunity. but i dont think it should add to your resolve bar


until then though, imma abuse the crap out of the roots. especially in huttball


I don't agree at all. That would kill huttball, and inbalance melee.

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this is a major problem, especially in Huttball .They need to put Roots on Resolve. The Sniper Leg Shot and mirror ability for Gunslingers as well as the Force Leap from Jedis. These are not on resolve and this issue needs to be fixed. I'm fine with the Jedi still jumping at me but not with the 2 second root with a full bar. That's a major problem and tips the scales during PVP.



This. Nothing is more annoying than running with a full resolve bar and getting charged/stunned in the fire. I understand the root effect on leap is to give the warrior chance to stay on target but it's getting abused in huttball too much.

If you can't knock back with full resolve why roots should be any different?

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Someone needs to post a video about this, because my Guildies and I have encountered an occasional bug in Recolve, both giving and receiving. Resolve normally effects CC from what I've seen, but there are occasions where I am stunned while I've got a full white bar (particularly from Force Choke).


As far as the argument that Root's and snares be added to the Resolve-effected chart, I'd say if this was to be considered, it would change the functionality of Resolve. I'd imagine the bar would have to work more actively and CC effect the players resolve even more, as well as stuns and snares. Of course, your bar would drop faster, but would gain just as fast. This in turn would work very similar to diminishing returns. Think about it...

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I have seen this as well, Or they use two cc breakers back to back. There has been several times I have been fighting on my operative, Knock someone down with hidden strike, they use their cc breaker on it, I stun them, and then they use the same cc breaker again and get out of it.


Also, While on my gunslinger there has been several times I have been mezzed out of cover while Hunker Down is active.


Bioware needs to fix the resolve system, because not being able to control your character or move is just as bad as a team of operatives stunlocking George zoeller out of a job.


Ive been guilty of this. I just always thought first stun ended and b4 I hit my CC breaker Was stunned again.

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Someone needs to post a video about this, because my Guildies and I have encountered an occasional bug in Recolve, both giving and receiving. Resolve normally effects CC from what I've seen, but there are occasions where I am stunned while I've got a full white bar (particularly from Force Choke).


As far as the argument that Root's and snares be added to the Resolve-effected chart, I'd say if this was to be considered, it would change the functionality of Resolve. I'd imagine the bar would have to work more actively and CC effect the players resolve even more, as well as stuns and snares. Of course, your bar would drop faster, but would gain just as fast. This in turn would work very similar to diminishing returns. Think about it...


Here is the problem, Resolve definition from Bioware is a joke.


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I would like someone to note all the cc in the game, meaning knockbacks, stuns, snares, slows, and I can bet not all of them are on the list of "resolve cc immunity".


Bioware needs to address the issue of too many cc's, and needs to look at the list of cc's in the game to determine if this is what SWTOR should be, and what it is at moment is a cc mosh pit of impaired movement.

Edited by Caeliux
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You don't need to come on the forums to prove me wrong, you need to wonder if people like me are right. Calling the kettle black when in fact its orange don't make you any smarter, so please stop tooting your own horn and read what people say then dissing.


My point is this, Bioware has said,


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I am here to tell you its a lie.


Lets read this together shall we,




I have been force choked with full 1000 white bar, have been snared full 1000 white bar, have been slowed full 1000 white bar.


choke = cc, snare = cc, slows or impairing movements = cc, remember full white should dismiss cc.


Those that understand that some CC moves bypass resolve will say the same thing I am, my problem is people like yourself don't get it and Bioware won't say nothing on this matter, they never did during beta either.


Lets read it together again,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty."


If you can't find the contradiction of this then you are looking at the picture with glasses with black dirt on them, and is blinded by alot of SWTOR broken game mechanics.


you can break it down as much as you want. using the example 'i get snared and rooted with a full resolve bar' only shows you dont know what you're talking about. snares and roots have NEVER been effected by the resolve bar


*toot toot*


im saying what you think you may be seeing is not actually what is really happening. whether it's latency or a slow hard drive, slow video card or whatever else. it's just an illusion

Edited by FourTwent
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You don't need to come on the forums to prove me wrong, you need to wonder if people like me are right. Calling the kettle black when in fact its orange don't make you any smarter, so please stop tooting your own horn and read what people say then dissing.


My point is this, Bioware has said,


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I am here to tell you its a lie.


Lets read this together shall we,




I have been force choked with full 1000 white bar, have been snared full 1000 white bar, have been slowed full 1000 white bar.


choke = cc, snare = cc, slows or impairing movements = cc, remember full white should dismiss cc.


Those that understand that some CC moves bypass resolve will say the same thing I am, my problem is people like yourself don't get it and Bioware won't say nothing on this matter, they never did during beta either.


Lets read it together again,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty."


If you can't find the contradiction of this then you are looking at the picture with glasses with black dirt on them, and is blinded by alot of SWTOR broken game mechanics.


For those that believe that SWTOR devs have said nothing about this issue read this threat with a bioware response that was made a couple of days ago.




It states very clearly how resolve works and biowares position on the matter and the design choices involved.



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For those too lazy to follow the link in the post above me, here it is:


The most recent comment regarding roots and their relationship with resolve was in our most recent Q&A. Here's the text, just so everyone has the most recent from us about this topic. As always, your feedback is very helpful, so keep it coming!



"Taitsuo: Would you guys consider adding root effects to the Resolve bar? At the moment, 3 well-coordinated Gunslingers could permaroot someone (5secs duration, 15 secs cooldown). With ranked warzones, that could mean a lot…


Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game. This was a very deliberate measure taken to separate these two different aspects of control. I won't say that we won't limit the "chainability" of roots in the future, but given the amount of skills and abilities that break and cleanse roots and snares at the moment, it's not something we're very concerned about. Of course, we will be keeping an eye on how ranked warzone teams use the tools they have."


On a side note . If you kept the ball for a full minute w/o throwing a pass despite being focused then you are doing it wrong.

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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


Nerf coordination! Also, *** are your teammates doing during all this? Tell them to learn to cleanse.


edit - just saw that you play a commando. Learn2cleanse yourself. You can also keep healing/attacking while rooted.

Edited by Smashbrother
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1. Roots and snares are not and never were a part of resolve (as stated above)


2. Most roots and snares can be cleansed, so if you were perma rooted for prolonged amount of time, ask your team to cleanse you from time to time (or if you can, do it yourself)


3. You cant be stunned or mezzed (or choked for that matter) while having white resolve bar (I politely ask for video proof for that since 03.2012, no video posted yet), but CC that made your resolve white will last for a full duration - this encourages wise use of CC breaker.


4. Fact that you dont like how resolve works does not mean that it is not working or broken or anything like this.

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The problem might not be resolve not working but how fast players are face rolled in pvp especially sorcerers that heal with hots and have to be standing still to cast. Light armor + standing still in pvp = huge pvp fail. The mechanics in pvp for this game are broken. We all know it and the only people who want it to stay the way it is are dps players.


Being chain interrupted and cc'd in pvp does not create a fun or challenging pvp battle IMO. The only thing I liked and still miss about wow is the pvp. It was actually fun and you could play in a battle with more than 16 players.

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My thread = "Resolve and the issues by Caeliux" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=480190


I still have not fraps nothing yet due to lack of me playing enough, but don't fear I still will try my best to weigh in more as time comes.


I also notice the problems of resolve worse after 1.3, especially when your carrying the huttball. I find it kinda ironic that Bioware won't take a bite and least confirm that the problem with resolve and all the cc in the game is broken and needs fixed.


It don't take a mmo genius to notice that resolve is a system that either needs reworked, or completely gutted out.


Lets face it, its broken and has been since beta.


Are you from Pittsburgh?

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Asking for roots to respect resolve and saying that resolve is broken are two separate issues.


Please stop saying "roots" = cc in swtor. Currently "roots" does not equal cc. Until you get that fact of the game through your head you do not understand how the rules work in this game.


Now if you want to argue that roots should respect resolve, that is a separate argument and is totally a valid debate.


ps I have yet to see anyone document/prove that resolve is broken. Until you link a vid of it, resolve works.


There have been times where I swear my resolve bar was full...but knowing how many people tape their gameplay....and still no vid of borken resolve....speaks to how well it is working.

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Well BW said, it works as intended. And I agree. I had no problem with stuns or snares in this game and the fact that root or snares are not counted towards resolve bar is just another thing you need to remember when pvping, that's all.


Keeping someone rooted for longer period of time requires some cooperation which you can see basically only in RWZ where ppl wouldnt use it unless it's neccessary.


TL-DR - in my experience resolve bar and everything around it is alright since it's same for everyone.

Edited by johnyangelo
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For those that believe that SWTOR devs have said nothing about this issue read this threat with a bioware response that was made a couple of days ago.




It states very clearly how resolve works and biowares position on the matter and the design choices involved.




I kinda had to giggle when they said 3 gunslingers can lock down a target in rated

why would there be 3 gunslingers in rated

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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


No, it's great team work

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