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Why do so many players not buff themselves?


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To be honest, most of the time I play I'm just hanging around fleet crafting, and thus no reason to buff.

When I do go out adventuring, I *usually* remember to buff just after engaging the first mob.


Typically though, unless somebody reminds me, (When I go out adventuring, it's always duoing with my dad) we usually go some time before realizing that our buffs have expired. The difference between "on" and "off" just isn't that noticeable.


('course, either way we're facerolling through most of the content)

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Without all my four buffs I would feel naked /grin


I take pleasure from buffing everybody around me:) and yes I noticed that plenty of players do not have any buffs especially on low planets. Maybe seeing other buffs on them will make them more aware of it

Edited by Evensong
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I use my class buff. Yes. But to be honest do you really need them for ordinary questing? In the low and mid levels the 5% buff won't make such a difference. Take the trooper/ bounty hunter buff for example. How much bonus health does it grant on level 15 with only quest reward gear? How much does it grant at level 50 with a decently geared toon?


During "normal" play the buffs didn't make the difference. It was rather figuring out target priorities and which targets required CC. How to start a battle and have the companion focus the right targets. The latter is still a bit tricky if you want to avoid having the companion break CCs.


I'm not saying that one "needs" the buffs or they are completely powerless but why not use them? It would be like running around without ever using an ear piece or your two implant slots. Sure you don't "need" them but why not use them?

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They do steal them if you are fighting a group of linked mobs and you haven't done damage to one or more of them yet. (i.e the person attacks mobs you have not tagged yet)

You might argue that they aren't mine if I haven't damaged them yet, but if they are linked and I have them crowd controlled or they are attacking and damaging me and/or my companion (if you have CCd a mob or if a mob is attacking you then you have tagged these mobs), then I do consider them to be my claim. In any case, it's rude and uncalled for for someone to interfere with what I'm doing and potentially putting me in danger by breaking my stuns....


It sounds like you're being a tad paranoid TBH. In the first case if you haven't attacked something (tagged it) no reason why anyone else should not. If you have tagged a mob then its XP is yours and others can't steal it from you. I agree breaking one of your CCs is rude and puts you in danger but does this really happen to you that often?

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It sounds like you're being a tad paranoid TBH. In the first case if you haven't attacked something (tagged it) no reason why anyone else should not. If you have tagged a mob then its XP is yours and others can't steal it from you. I agree breaking one of your CCs is rude and puts you in danger but does this really happen to you that often?


I've attacked the *group* that the mobs all belong to. Oftentimes if there is a strong or an elite in the group, I will attack and kill the weaker mobs first and then kill the stronger one. There is no reason that I should have to cycle through each mob in the group and hit it so that someone won't come barreling through to kill it first. That leaves all three or four of them beating on me while I'm spending extra time doing it when I could have instead spent that time killing two of the weaker mobs. Why other players can't be respectful of this, I don't know, but it's annoying and yes, it happens a lot., and no, I don't consider the other mobs in the linked group I'm currently fighting to be free game for anyone else to come and take.

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I've attacked the *group* that the mobs all belong to. Oftentimes if there is a strong or an elite in the group, I will attack and kill the weaker mobs first and then kill the stronger one. There is no reason that I should have to cycle through each mob in the group and hit it so that someone won't come barreling through to kill it first. That leaves all three or four of them beating on me while I'm spending extra time doing it when I could have instead spent that time killing two of the weaker mobs. Why other players can't be respectful of this, I don't know, but it's annoying and yes, it happens a lot., and no, I don't consider the other mobs in the linked group I'm currently fighting to be free game for anyone else to come and take.


I only help when someone is dying. Usually, by that point, the NPC is gray and I won't interrupt them getting credit for it.

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Jesus. This is how it starts. When people think other people are just too bad at MMOs to grasp the simplest parts of it. If someone doesn't have their class buff it's probably because it has slipped their mind. Perhaps they came back from a long AFK and got right back to it. Or perhaps they've been at it a while and didn't notice when it fell off. It's not the end of the world and you should probably find better things to do than find the most mundane crap to worry about.
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Jesus. This is how it starts. When people think other people are just too bad at MMOs to grasp the simplest parts of it. If someone doesn't have their class buff it's probably because it has slipped their mind. Perhaps they came back from a long AFK and got right back to it. Or perhaps they've been at it a while and didn't notice when it fell off. It's not the end of the world and you should probably find better things to do than find the most mundane crap to worry about.

Well said... Get a life.

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Jesus. This is how it starts. When people think other people are just too bad at MMOs to grasp the simplest parts of it. If someone doesn't have their class buff it's probably because it has slipped their mind. Perhaps they came back from a long AFK and got right back to it. Or perhaps they've been at it a while and didn't notice when it fell off. It's not the end of the world and you should probably find better things to do than find the most mundane crap to worry about.


Yep, most of the time if I don't have my buffs on, it's for the already stated reasons (i.e. mind on something else, didn't notice it was off, etc.). I do buff others as I pass them, but only if they're unflagged (habit from my WoW days).

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Class buffs notwithstanding, most players who don't have a guild reservoir of crafters either have to make them themselves or buy them. Both can be expensive propositions without some help. We (me & those I play with) all carry extras and are ok with loaning out some of the lower level stims & adrenals. Not to be confused with free lunches, we'll hand some out after we wipe on a boss that was close enough to being down when we wiped to merit the additional oomph. I usually don't use anything but class buffs for questing or H2s. But H4s & FPs ... never leave home without 'em.


For class buffs, some came from raiding backgrounds and knew to look for those first thing. Not everyone comes from a raiding background however, which is where a kind word of wisdom and a simple reminder can go a long way in getting everyone into the program.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I usually only give myself the one buff. I am not al alt. whore at all so I probably will never benefit from all four of the class buffs to be honest. One is enough for me. If I am out strictly to do solo work (I.E., I am specifically not grouping for a reason) then I only run with basic buffs. Too many just makes things too easy to be honest. In other games (SWG, LOTRO) I used to try solo feats with bare minimum stuff, no gear, no buffs, etc., for the challenge. Usually when I'm out doing solo work in SW:TOR and someone fills my bar with buffs I'll just cancel them. If I wanted all the help then I would have either asked or grouped up.

That being said, I don't randomly throw buffs out willy nilly because I know there are other people out there like me. If someone sends me a message asking for my BH buff, sure, I'll toss it their way. Otherwise I see no need to.

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I'm not saying that one "needs" the buffs or they are completely powerless but why not use them? It would be like running around without ever using an ear piece or your two implant slots. Sure you don't "need" them but why not use them?


Some people just aren't in a hurry to gear their characters I guess. Maybe they do not have the credits, or they're holding off for the right piece of gear. Relics, for example, I don't think drop as loot under level 50. I could be wrong. But anyways, I've seen quite a few people that don't have anything in their relic slots. I've done Flashpoints with people without Relics and they've done perfectly fine. Others just like the challenge I guess. Try doing some of the content with lesser gear then you would normally have. It makes things quite a bit harder. Some people might like this.


If it is neither of those reasons than I have no idea what-so-ever. He he.

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Also are you the buff police your telling me you run around hutta probably and make sure everyone has a buff on if not you give a speech to the whole planet. Must be a fun life.


I've never said a word to anyone in this game or any other game about buffs. I was asking a question as to why so many players apparently don't buff themselves. I like how my quietly buffing other people as a kindness somehow offends you.

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Why do we even have these buffs again? If everyone gets them at level one, there are no restrictions on their use, the content is clearly either unaffected or tailored for them to be there, then why do we even have them?


Why are they not just permanent buffs that are added to your stats? Why not just eliminate them altogether? It's pretty clear that these are just added in to make you "feel" more powerful, when in thruth they actually do nothing than at best put you on par with the stats the devs are expecting.


The only use for them currently is the level 50 unlock that let's you have them all. But again, at 1 buff needed per hour why not just add them to your stats without the button push.


I kinda feel the same about the "recouperate/introspection/etc.." after battle button. Why not just make it automatic out of combat? Clearly has nothing to do with skill. I think GW2 is like this and it's nice.


Make combat challenging. Make content challenging. Drop the silly, pointless out of combat button presses.

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I too did not realise how the buff thing worked when i started, this being my first MMO. I would click the buff in every fight, which was actually just turning it off and on, like the saber stance thing, i didnt realise that was a perm thing.



Now I have the 4 buff and buff everyone i see in sight, although there was this one guy on hoth who hated me for buffing him. I buffed him, then he sent me angry whispers saying i should never do that and he plays without buffs, then proceeded to run to the nearest mob to kill himself to get rid of the buffs. I just buffed him again when he respawned lol, that made him even more mad, but then i left him alone.



I guess some people just dont like them

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Now I have the 4 buff and buff everyone i see in sight, although there was this one guy on hoth who hated me for buffing him. I buffed him, then he sent me angry whispers saying i should never do that and he plays without buffs, then proceeded to run to the nearest mob to kill himself to get rid of the buffs. I just buffed him again when he respawned lol, that made him even more mad, but then i left him alone.



I guess some people just dont like them


In lotro I was doing some parsing on some mobs to try out different traits and see the dps difference. A Captain came along and buffed me in the middle of one of my fights. This obviously through off my results and I could not continue.


There are real reasons why people do not want buffs. Just sayin'.

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I am a big ninja buffer. Especially in the low level zones I try and hit everyone I see with the 4 buff.


Me too. I feel better about myself when I do it. As for the OP's question, I do run into a lot of players that don't even have their own class buffs. I guess pressing the buff button is hard?


That's not counting the people that are probably just standing AFK of course...

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I have to say, i dont know where people are coming from about how "Buffs dont make a difference till higher levels anyway"


The reason i dont have buffs on my new jedi guardian is this.

When i started playing the game as a Inquis/Trooper i found the first few levels (Admittedly this was back in december) a tiny bit hard and having to team up to take down gold mobs.


Now that ive started a Guardian which has the only buff i didnt have (So i now get all 4) ive noticed a massive difference from start.

Literally, started, went to flesh raiders. Buffed, ran in. 1 hit kill, 1 hit kill, 1 hit kill...

Which i know isnt much different to what happens with no buffs but it was when i got to the point where i had to kill that dark side guy that pretends to be a sith etc.

I was level 4. He was a level 5 silver. 1 Hit kill. ***?


And this was with just basic gear id found from killing flesh raiders for 10 minutes.

5 minutes later i was level 5 vs a level 5 gold. 3 hit kill.


So now i dont buff.

It just makes the game more difficult.

Ive now reached Coruscant with my first companion and my buffs make it a walk in the park...

The only time i buff is when im in FPs and thats mainly to help new players/those without the buffs i can give.

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I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of BUFFS; skills I have acquired over a very long career. BUFFS that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will BUFF you.
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For those who seem to forget to buff themselves I have made a habit of buffing after every fight. Hope this helps.


Heh, I got in the habit of using it to dismount my speeder.


I buffed him, then he sent me angry whispers saying i should never do that and he plays without buffs, then proceeded to run to the nearest mob to kill himself to get rid of the buffs


This strikes me as particularly amusing, since in every MMO I've ever played, you can just right click buffs to cancel them, if you really want to. And last I checked it works that way in SWTOR too.

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Why do we even have these buffs again? If everyone gets them at level one, there are no restrictions on their use, the content is clearly either unaffected or tailored for them to be there, then why do we even have them?


Why are they not just permanent buffs that are added to your stats? Why not just eliminate them altogether? It's pretty clear that these are just added in to make you "feel" more powerful, when in thruth they actually do nothing than at best put you on par with the stats the devs are expecting.


The only use for them currently is the level 50 unlock that let's you have them all. But again, at 1 buff needed per hour why not just add them to your stats without the button push.


I kinda feel the same about the "recouperate/introspection/etc.." after battle button. Why not just make it automatic out of combat? Clearly has nothing to do with skill. I think GW2 is like this and it's nice.


Make combat challenging. Make content challenging. Drop the silly, pointless out of combat button presses.


Long term buffs are a design to make characters more powerful when grouped. Without the legacy perk, you only have your own buff, but when running around with other people, you are stronger. Sure, there are other ways to accomplish this, such as passive group auras, but buffs are commonly understood and have been around a long time.


The out-of-combat heal, while yes it could be automatic, still requires that you remain still and channel for a few moments so that you're not just instantly healed the moment combat ends. This avoids scenarios where, most notably in PvP where combat is not maintained by NPCs, a character could break combat by kiting and just passively heal to full very easily.

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